
178 lines
6.6 KiB

extern crate rand;
extern crate threshold_crypto;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use threshold_crypto::{
Ciphertext, DecryptionShare, PublicKey, PublicKeySet, PublicKeyShare, SecretKeySet,
// In this example scenario, the `SecretSociety` is the "trusted key dealer". The trusted dealer is
// responsible for key generation. The society creates a master public-key, which anyone can use to
// encrypt a message to the society's members; the society is also responsible for giving each
// actor their respective share of the secret-key.
struct SecretSociety {
actors: Vec<Actor>,
pk_set: PublicKeySet,
impl SecretSociety {
// Creates a new `SecretSociety`.
// # Arguments
// `n_actors` - the number of actors (members) in the secret society.
// `threshold` - the number of actors that must collaborate to successfully
// decrypt a message must exceed this `threshold`.
fn new(n_actors: usize, threshold: usize) -> Self {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let sk_set = SecretKeySet::random(threshold, &mut rng);
let pk_set = sk_set.public_keys();
let actors = (0..n_actors)
.map(|id| {
let sk_share = sk_set.secret_key_share(id);
let pk_share = pk_set.public_key_share(id);
Actor::new(id, sk_share, pk_share)
SecretSociety { actors, pk_set }
// The secret society publishes its public-key to a publicly accessible key server.
fn publish_public_key(&self) -> PublicKey {
fn get_actor(&mut self, id: usize) -> &mut Actor {
.expect("No `Actor` exists with that ID")
// Starts a new meeting of the secret society. Each time the set of actors receive an encrypted
// message, at least 2 of them (i.e. 1 more than the threshold) must work together to decrypt
// the ciphertext.
fn start_decryption_meeting(&self) -> DecryptionMeeting {
DecryptionMeeting {
pk_set: self.pk_set.clone(),
ciphertext: None,
dec_shares: BTreeMap::new(),
// A member of the secret society.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Actor {
id: usize,
sk_share: SecretKeyShare,
pk_share: PublicKeyShare,
msg_inbox: Option<Ciphertext>,
impl Actor {
fn new(id: usize, sk_share: SecretKeyShare, pk_share: PublicKeyShare) -> Self {
Actor {
msg_inbox: None,
// Sends an encrypted message to an `Actor`.
fn send_msg(actor: &mut Actor, enc_msg: Ciphertext) {
actor.msg_inbox = Some(enc_msg);
// A meeting of the secret society. At this meeting, actors collaborate to decrypt a shared
// ciphertext.
struct DecryptionMeeting {
pk_set: PublicKeySet,
ciphertext: Option<Ciphertext>,
dec_shares: BTreeMap<usize, DecryptionShare>,
impl DecryptionMeeting {
// An actor contributes their decryption share to the decryption process.
fn accept_decryption_share(&mut self, actor: &mut Actor) {
let ciphertext = actor.msg_inbox.take().unwrap();
// Check that the actor's ciphertext is the same ciphertext decrypted at the meeting.
// The first actor to arrive at the decryption meeting sets the meeting's ciphertext.
if let Some(ref meeting_ciphertext) = self.ciphertext {
if ciphertext != *meeting_ciphertext {
} else {
self.ciphertext = Some(ciphertext.clone());
let dec_share = actor.sk_share.decrypt_share(&ciphertext).unwrap();
let dec_share_is_valid = actor
.verify_decryption_share(&dec_share, &ciphertext);
self.dec_shares.insert(, dec_share);
// Tries to decrypt the shared ciphertext using the decryption shares.
fn decrypt_message(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, ()> {
let ciphertext = self.ciphertext.clone().unwrap();
.decrypt(&self.dec_shares, &ciphertext)
.map_err(|_| ())
fn main() {
// Create a `SecretSociety` with 3 actors. Any message encrypted with the society's public-key
// will require 2 or more actors working together to decrypt (i.e. the decryption threshold is
// 1). Once the secret society has created its master keys, it "deals" a secret-key share and
// public-key share to each of its actors. The secret society then publishes its public key
// to a publicly accessible key-server.
let mut society = SecretSociety::new(3, 1);
let pk = society.publish_public_key();
// Create a named alias for each actor in the secret society.
let alice = society.get_actor(0).id;
let bob = society.get_actor(1).id;
let clara = society.get_actor(2).id;
// I, the society's benevolent hacker, want to send an important message to each of my
// comrades. I encrypt my message with the society's public-key. I then send the ciphertext to
// each of the society's actors.
let msg = b"let's get pizza";
let ciphertext = pk.encrypt(msg);
send_msg(society.get_actor(alice), ciphertext.clone());
send_msg(society.get_actor(bob), ciphertext.clone());
send_msg(society.get_actor(clara), ciphertext.clone());
// We start a meeting of the secret society. At the meeting, each actor contributes their
// share of the decryption process to decrypt the ciphertext that they each received.
let mut meeting = society.start_decryption_meeting();
// Alice is the first actor to arrive at the meeting, she provides her decryption share. One
// actor alone cannot decrypt the ciphertext, decryption fails.
// Bob joins the meeting and provides his decryption share. Alice and Bob are now collaborating
// to decrypt the ciphertext, they succeed because the society requires two or more actors for
// decryption.
let mut res = meeting.decrypt_message();
assert_eq!(msg, res.unwrap().as_slice());
// Clara joins the meeting and provides her decryption share. We already are able to decrypt
// the ciphertext with 2 actors, but let's show that we can with 3 actors as well.
res = meeting.decrypt_message();
assert_eq!(msg, res.unwrap().as_slice());