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// Copyright 2018 Chia Network Inc and POA Networks Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use num_traits::{One, Zero};
use std::ops::{Mul, MulAssign, Rem, ShlAssign};
pub mod gmp;
pub mod gmp_classgroup;
pub use self::gmp_classgroup::{
ffi::{export_obj, import_obj},
pub trait BigNum:
+ One
+ Clone
+ PartialOrd
+ std::fmt::Debug
+ Rem
+ ShlAssign<usize>
+ for<'a> MulAssign<&'a Self>
+ std::ops::Sub<u64, Output = Self>
+ std::ops::Add<u64, Output = Self>
+ std::convert::From<u64>
+ for<'a> std::convert::From<&'a [u8]>
+ std::ops::Shl<usize, Output = Self>
+ std::ops::Shr<usize, Output = Self>
+ std::ops::Neg<Output = Self>
+ std::str::FromStr
+ for<'a> std::ops::Div<&'a Self, Output = Self>
+ Eq
+ std::hash::Hash
fn probab_prime(&self, iterations: u32) -> bool;
fn setbit(&mut self, offset: usize);
fn mod_powm(&mut self, base: &Self, exponent: &Self, modulus: &Self);
pub trait BigNumExt: BigNum {
fn frem_u32(&self, modulus: u32) -> u32;
fn crem_u16(&mut self, modulus: u16) -> u16;
pub trait ClassGroup:
Sized + Clone + for<'a> MulAssign<&'a Self> + for<'a> Mul<&'a Self> + PartialEq + std::fmt::Debug
type BigNum: BigNum;
/// Produces a `Self` from `a`, `b`, and a discriminant.
fn from_ab_discriminant(a: Self::BigNum, b: Self::BigNum, discriminant: Self::BigNum) -> Self;
/// Unmarshals a `Self` from a byte array and discriminant.
/// The byte array will be in the format of two big-endian byte sequences
/// concatenated together.
fn from_bytes(bytearray: &[u8], discriminant: Self::BigNum) -> Self;
/// Computes the identity element of `Self` for a given discriminant.
/// If the discriminant is not valid, the result is unspecified.
/// # Panics
/// This may panic (but is not required to) if the discriminant is not
/// valid. If this function does not panic, the results of future
/// operations are unspecified: they will not invoke undefined behavior,
/// but may panic, loop forever, or just compute garbage.
/// In debug builds, this will always panic if the discriminant is invalid.
fn identity_for_discriminant(discriminant: Self::BigNum) -> Self {
Self::from_ab_discriminant(Self::BigNum::one(), Self::BigNum::one(), discriminant)
/// Serializes `self` to a byte array. Returns `Err(s)` if there
/// is not enough space in the buffer.
/// The data must be serialized in twos-complement, big-endian format.
fn serialize(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::result::Result<(), usize>;
/// Deserializes a bignum from raw bytes. The bytes **must** be interpreted
/// as a big-endian unsigned integer.
fn unsigned_deserialize_bignum(_: &[u8]) -> Self::BigNum;
/// Reduce `self` in-place.
fn reduce(&mut self);
/// Squares `self`, modifying it in-place.
/// A default implementation is provided, but implementations are suggested
/// to override it for performance reasons.
fn square(&mut self) {
let s = self.clone();
/// Normalize `self`.
fn normalize(&mut self);
/// The length of `num` in **bits**
fn size_in_bits(num: &Self::BigNum) -> usize;
/// Gets the discriminant of `self`.
fn discriminant(&self) -> &Self::BigNum;
/// Computes the identity element of a `ClassGroup`.
fn identity(&self) -> Self {
/// Generates a *generator* for the class group of `Self`, given a
/// discriminant.
/// If the discriminant is not valid, the result is unspecified.
/// # Relation to `Self::identity_for_discriminant`
/// This is *not* the same as `Self::identity_for_discriminant`: the
/// identity element is *never* a generator for *any* group. This follows
/// from their definitions: the identity element, when multiplied by another
/// element, always gives that other element, whereas *every* element in the
/// group is some power of a generator.
/// # Panics
/// This may panic (but is not required to) if the discriminant is not
/// valid. If this function does not panic, the results of future
/// operations are unspecified: they will not invoke undefined behavior,
/// but may panic, loop forever, or just compute garbage.
/// If the global allocator panics on running out of memory, then this
/// function may panic in the same situation, but it may also just abort the
/// program instead.
/// In debug builds, this will always panic if the discriminant is invalid.
fn generator_for_discriminant(discriminant: Self::BigNum) -> Self {
Self::from_ab_discriminant(2.into(), One::one(), discriminant)
/// Replaces `*self` with its inverse.
fn inverse(&mut self);
/// Squares `self` repeatedly in-place.
/// Implementors of this trait are encouraged to override this
/// with a more efficient implementation, if one exists.
fn repeated_square(&mut self, iterations: u64) {
for _ in 0..iterations {
/// Exponentiation
fn pow(&mut self, exponent: Self::BigNum);
/// Deserialization
fn deserialize(buf: &[u8], discriminant: Self::BigNum) -> Self;
mod test {
use std::{
io::{BufRead, BufReader},
use super::{gmp_classgroup::GmpClassGroup, ClassGroup};
use super::gmp::mpz::Mpz;
fn split_into_three_pieces(line: &str, c: char) -> [&str; 3] {
let mut iter = line.split(c);
let fst = iter.next().expect("bad test file");
let snd = iter.next().expect("bad test file");
let thd = iter.next().expect("bad test file");
assert!(iter.next().is_none(), "bad test file");
[fst, snd, thd]
fn multiplication_is_correct() {
let manifest_path =
std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").expect("cargo should have set this");
let mut path = PathBuf::from(&manifest_path);
let mut f = BufReader::new(File::open(path).expect("test file missing or unreadable"));
let mut buffer = String::new();
loop {
let bytes_read = f
.read_line(&mut buffer)
.expect("could not read from test file");
assert!(bytes_read == buffer.len());
if bytes_read == 0 {
if buffer.ends_with('\n') {
if buffer.ends_with('\r') {
let mut current_discriminant: Option<Mpz> = None;
let q: Vec<_> = split_into_three_pieces(&buffer, '|')
.map(|i| {
let k = split_into_three_pieces(i, ',');
let a = Mpz::from_str_radix(k[0], 10).expect("bad test file");
let b = Mpz::from_str_radix(k[1], 10).expect("bad test file");
let c = Mpz::from_str_radix(k[2], 10).expect("bad test file");
let mut discriminant: Mpz = &b * &b;
let mut minuand: Mpz = (4u64).into();
minuand *= &a * &c;
discriminant -= &minuand;
assert!(discriminant < Mpz::zero());
// takes waaaay too long
// assert!(discriminant.probab_prime(20) !=
// gmp::mpz::ProbabPrimeResult::NotPrime);
if let Some(ref q) = current_discriminant {
assert_eq!(q, &discriminant, "mismatching discriminant in test files");
} else {
current_discriminant = Some(discriminant.clone());
GmpClassGroup::from_ab_discriminant(a, b, discriminant)
assert_eq!(q.len(), 3);
if q[0] == q[1] {
let mut i = q[0].clone();
assert_eq!(i, q[2]);
assert_eq!(&q[1] * &q[0], q[2], "multiplication not valid");
assert_eq!(&q[0] * &q[1], q[2], "multiplication not valid");