
553 lines
15 KiB

import * as fs from "fs/promises";
import path from "path";
import { execSync, spawnSync } from "child_process";
/** Version that is used in bench data file */
export type Version = "unreleased" | (`${number}.${number}.${number}` & {});
/** Persistent benchmark data(mapping of `Version -> Data`) */
type Bench = {
[key: string]: {
* Storing Solana version used in the release to:
* - Be able to build older versions
* - Adjust for the changes in platform-tools
solanaVersion: Version;
/** Benchmark results for a version */
result: BenchResult;
/** Benchmark result per version */
export type BenchResult = {
/** Benchmark result for program binary size */
binarySize: BinarySize;
/** Benchmark result for compute units consumed */
computeUnits: ComputeUnits;
/** Benchmark result for stack memory usage */
stackMemory: StackMemory;
/** `program name -> binary size` */
export type BinarySize = { [programName: string]: number };
/** `instruction name -> compute units consumed` */
export type ComputeUnits = { [ixName: string]: number };
/** `instruction name -> stack memory used` */
export type StackMemory = { [ixName: string]: number };
* How much of a percentage difference between the current and the previous data
* should be significant. Any difference above this number should be noted in
* the benchmark file.
export const THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE = 1;
/** Path to the benchmark Markdown files */
export const BENCH_DIR_PATH = path.join("..", "..", "bench");
/** Command line argument for Anchor version */
export const ANCHOR_VERSION_ARG = "--anchor-version";
/** Utility class to handle benchmark data related operations */
export class BenchData {
/** Benchmark data filepath */
static #PATH = "bench.json";
/** Benchmark data */
#data: Bench;
constructor(data: Bench) {
this.#data = data;
/** Open the benchmark data file. */
static async open() {
let bench: Bench;
try {
const benchFile = await fs.readFile(BenchData.#PATH, {
encoding: "utf8",
bench = JSON.parse(benchFile);
} catch {
bench = {};
return new BenchData(bench);
/** Save the benchmark data file. */
async save() {
await fs.writeFile(BenchData.#PATH, JSON.stringify(this.#data, null, 2));
/** Get the stored results based on version. */
get(version: Version) {
return this.#data[version];
/** Get all versions. */
getVersions() {
return Object.keys(this.#data) as Version[];
/** Compare benchmark changes. */
compare<K extends keyof BenchResult>({
treshold = 0,
}: {
/** New bench result */
newResult: BenchResult[K];
/** Old bench result */
oldResult: BenchResult[K];
/** Callback to run when there is a change(considering `threshold`) */
changeCb: (args: {
name: string;
newValue: number | null;
oldValue: number | null;
}) => void;
/** Callback to run when there is no change(considering `threshold`) */
noChangeCb?: (args: { name: string; value: number }) => void;
/** Change threshold percentage(maximum allowed difference between results) */
treshold?: number;
}) {
let needsUpdate = false;
const executeChangeCb = (...args: Parameters<typeof changeCb>) => {
needsUpdate = true;
const compare = (
compareFrom: BenchResult[K],
compareTo: BenchResult[K],
cb: (name: string, value: number) => void
) => {
for (const name in compareFrom) {
if (compareTo[name] === undefined) {
cb(name, compareFrom[name]);
// New key
compare(newResult, oldResult, (name, value) => {
console.log(`New key '${name}'`);
newValue: value,
oldValue: null,
// Deleted key
compare(oldResult, newResult, (name, value) => {
console.log(`Deleted key '${name}'`);
newValue: null,
oldValue: value,
// Compare compute units changes
for (const name in newResult) {
const oldValue = oldResult[name];
const newValue = newResult[name];
const percentage = treshold / 100;
const oldMaximumAllowedDelta = oldValue * percentage;
const newMaximumAllowedDelta = newValue * percentage;
const delta = newValue - oldValue;
const absDelta = Math.abs(delta);
if (
absDelta > oldMaximumAllowedDelta ||
absDelta > newMaximumAllowedDelta
) {
// Throw in CI
if (process.env.CI) {
throw new Error(
`Key '${name}' has changed more than ${treshold}% but is not saved.`,
"Run `anchor test --skip-lint` in tests/bench and commit the changes.",
].join(" ")
console.log(`'${name}' (${oldValue} -> ${newValue})`);
} else {
noChangeCb?.({ name, value: newValue });
return { needsUpdate };
/** Compare and update benchmark changes. */
async update(result: Partial<BenchResult>) {
const resultType = Object.keys(result)[0] as keyof typeof result;
const newResult = result[resultType]!;
// Compare and update benchmark changes
const version = getVersionFromArgs();
const oldResult = this.get(version).result[resultType];
const { needsUpdate } ={
changeCb: ({ name, newValue }) => {
if (newValue === null) delete oldResult[name];
else oldResult[name] = newValue;
if (needsUpdate) {
console.log("Updating benchmark files...");
// Save bench data file
// (needs to happen before running the `sync-markdown` script)
// Only update markdown files on `unreleased` version
if (version === "unreleased") {
spawn("anchor", ["run", "sync-markdown"]);
/** Bump benchmark data version to the given version. */
bumpVersion(newVersion: string) {
if (this.#data[newVersion]) {
throw new Error(`Version '${newVersion}' already exists!`);
const versions = this.getVersions();
const unreleasedVersion = versions[versions.length - 1];
// Add the new version
this.#data[newVersion] = this.get(unreleasedVersion);
// Delete the unreleased version
delete this.#data[unreleasedVersion];
// Add the new unreleased version
this.#data[unreleasedVersion] = this.#data[newVersion];
* Loop through all of the markdown files and run the given callback before
* saving the file.
static async forEachMarkdown(
cb: (markdown: Markdown, fileName: string) => void
) {
const fileNames = await fs.readdir(BENCH_DIR_PATH);
const markdownFileNames = fileNames.filter((n) => n.endsWith(".md"));
for (const fileName of markdownFileNames) {
const markdown = await, fileName));
cb(markdown, fileName);
// Format
spawn("yarn", [
path.join(BENCH_DIR_PATH, "*.md"),
/** Utility class to handle markdown related operations */
export class Markdown {
/** Unreleased version string */
static #UNRELEASED_VERSION = "[Unreleased]";
/** Markdown filepath */
#path: string;
/** Markdown text */
#text: string;
constructor(path: string, text: string) {
this.#path = path;
this.#text = text;
/** Open the markdown file. */
static async open(path: string) {
const text = await fs.readFile(path, { encoding: "utf8" });
return new Markdown(path, text);
/** Create a markdown table. */
static createTable(...args: string[]) {
return new MarkdownTable([args]);
/** Save the markdown file. */
async save() {
await fs.writeFile(this.#path, this.#text);
/** Change the version's content with the given `solanaVersion` and `table`. */
updateVersion(params: {
version: Version;
solanaVersion: string;
table: MarkdownTable;
}) {
const md = this.#text;
const title = `[${params.version}]`;
let titleStartIndex = md.indexOf(title);
if (titleStartIndex === -1) {
titleStartIndex = md.indexOf(Markdown.#UNRELEASED_VERSION);
const titleContentStartIndex = titleStartIndex + title.length + 1;
const tableStartIndex =
titleStartIndex + md.slice(titleStartIndex).indexOf("|");
const tableRowStartIndex =
tableStartIndex + md.slice(tableStartIndex).indexOf("\n");
const tableEndIndex =
tableStartIndex + md.slice(tableStartIndex).indexOf("\n\n");
this.#text =
md.slice(0, titleContentStartIndex) +
`Solana version: ${params.solanaVersion}\n\n` +
md.slice(tableStartIndex, tableRowStartIndex - 1) +
params.table.toString() +
md.slice(tableEndIndex + 1);
/** Bump the version to the given version. */
bumpVersion(newVersion: string) {
newVersion = `[${newVersion}]`;
if (this.#text.includes(newVersion)) {
throw new Error(`Version '${newVersion}' already exists!`);
const startIndex = this.#text.indexOf(`## ${Markdown.#UNRELEASED_VERSION}`);
const endIndex =
startIndex + this.#text.slice(startIndex).indexOf("\n---") + 4;
let unreleasedSection = this.#text.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
// Update unreleased version to `newVersion`
const newSection = unreleasedSection.replace(
// Reset unreleased version changes
unreleasedSection = unreleasedSection
.map((line, i) => {
// First 4 lines don't change
if ([0, 1, 2, 3].includes(i)) return line;
const regex = /\|.*\|.*\|(.*)\|/;
const result = regex.exec(line);
const changeStr = result?.[1];
if (!changeStr) {
if (line.startsWith("#")) return line;
else if (line.startsWith("---")) return line + "\n";
else return "";
return line.replace(changeStr, "-");
// Update the text
this.#text =
this.#text.slice(0, startIndex) +
unreleasedSection +
newSection +
/** Utility class to handle markdown table related operations */
class MarkdownTable {
/** Markdown rows stored as array of arrays */
#rows: string[][];
constructor(rows: string[][]) {
this.#rows = rows;
this.insert("-", "-", "-");
/** Insert a new row to the markdown table. */
insert(...args: string[]) {
/** Convert the stored rows to a markdown table. */
toString() {
return this.#rows.reduce(
(acc, row) =>
acc + row.reduce((acc, cur) => `${acc} ${cur} |`, "|") + "\n",
/** Utility class to handle TOML related operations */
export class Toml {
/** TOML filepath */
#path: string;
/** TOML text */
#text: string;
constructor(path: string, text: string) {
this.#path = path;
this.#text = text;
/** Open the TOML file. */
static async open(tomlPath: string) {
tomlPath = path.join(__dirname, tomlPath);
const text = await fs.readFile(tomlPath, {
encoding: "utf8",
return new Toml(tomlPath, text);
/** Save the TOML file. */
async save() {
await fs.writeFile(this.#path, this.#text);
/** Replace the value for the given key. */
key: string,
cb: (previous: string) => string,
opts?: { insideQuotes: boolean }
) {
this.#text = this.#text.replace(
new RegExp(`${key}\\s*=\\s*${opts?.insideQuotes ? `"(.*)"` : "(.*)"}`),
(line, value) => line.replace(value, cb(value))
/** Utility class to handle Cargo.lock file related operations */
export class LockFile {
/** Cargo lock file name */
static #CARGO_LOCK = "Cargo.lock";
/** Replace the Cargo.lock with the given version's cached lock file. */
static async replace(version: Version) {
// Remove Cargo.lock
try {
await fs.rm(this.#CARGO_LOCK);
} catch {}
// `unreleased` version shouldn't have a cached lock file
if (version !== "unreleased") {
const lockFile = await fs.readFile(this.#getLockPath(version));
await fs.writeFile(this.#CARGO_LOCK, lockFile);
/** Cache the current Cargo.lock in `./locks`. */
static async cache(version: Version) {
try {
await fs.rename(this.#CARGO_LOCK, this.#getLockPath(version));
} catch {
// Lock file doesn't exist
// Run the tests to create the lock file
const result = runAnchorTest();
// Check failure
if (result.status !== 0) {
throw new Error(`Failed to create ${this.#CARGO_LOCK}`);
await this.cache(version);
/** Get the lock file path from the given version. */
static #getLockPath(version: Version) {
return path.join("locks", `${version}.lock`);
/** Utility class to manage versions */
export class VersionManager {
/** Set the active Solana version with `solana-install init` command. */
static setSolanaVersion(version: Version) {
const activeVersion = this.#getSolanaVersion();
if (activeVersion === version) return;
spawn("solana-install", ["init", version], {
logOutput: true,
throwOnError: { msg: `Failed to set Solana version to ${version}` },
/** Get the active Solana version. */
static #getSolanaVersion() {
// `solana-cli 1.14.16 (src:0fb2ffda; feat:3488713414)\n`
const result = execSync("solana --version");
const output = Buffer.from(result.buffer).toString();
const solanaVersion = /(\d\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/.exec(output)![1].trim();
return solanaVersion as Version;
* Get Anchor version from the passed arguments.
* Defaults to `unreleased`.
export const getVersionFromArgs = () => {
const args = process.argv;
const anchorVersionArgIndex = args.indexOf(ANCHOR_VERSION_ARG);
return anchorVersionArgIndex === -1
? "unreleased"
: (args[anchorVersionArgIndex + 1] as Version);
/** Spawn a blocking process. */
export const spawn = (
cmd: string,
args: string[],
opts?: { logOutput?: boolean; throwOnError?: { msg: string } }
) => {
const result = spawnSync(cmd, args);
if (opts?.logOutput) {
if (opts?.throwOnError && result.status !== 0) {
throw new Error(opts.throwOnError.msg);
return result;
/** Run `anchor test` command. */
export const runAnchorTest = () => spawn("anchor", ["test", "--skip-lint"]);
/** Format number with `en-US` locale. */
export const formatNumber = (number: number) => number.toLocaleString("en-US");