import { Connection, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js"; import { Dex, FileKeypair } from "../src"; process.on("beforeExit", () => console.log("Parent process exiting...")); const main = async () => { console.log("Process: ",; const connection = new Connection("http://localhost:8899", "confirmed"); const owner = FileKeypair.loadOrGenerate("./examples/keys/owner.json"); console.log("Owner: ", owner.keypair.publicKey.toString()); const airdropSig = await connection.requestAirdrop( owner.keypair.publicKey, 10 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, ); await connection.confirmTransaction(airdropSig); const dexAddress = new PublicKey( "7zo7HCQAZPRb4pYiQQ6fLjC8ssN3E8LkavVs8JUA5NMn", ); const dex = new Dex(dexAddress, connection); const baseCoin = await dex.createCoin( "SAYA", 9, owner.keypair, owner.keypair, owner.keypair, ); const quoteCoin = await dex.createCoin( "SRM", 9, owner.keypair, owner.keypair, owner.keypair, ); const market = await dex.initDexMarket(owner.keypair, baseCoin, quoteCoin, { lotSize: 1e-3, tickSize: 1e-2, }); console.log( `Created ${market.marketSymbol} market @ ${market.address.toString()}`, ); await baseCoin.fundAccount(1000000, owner.keypair, connection); await quoteCoin.fundAccount(2000000, owner.keypair, connection); console.log(`Funded owner with ${baseCoin.symbol} and ${quoteCoin.symbol}`); dex.runMarketMaker(market, owner, { durationInSecs: 30, orderCount: 3, initialBidSize: 1000, baseGeckoSymbol: "solana", quoteGeckoSymbol: "usd", verbose: true, }); dex.runCrank(market, owner, { durationInSecs: 20, verbose: true, }); }; const runMain = async () => { try { await main(); process.exit(0); } catch (err) { console.error(err); process.exit(1); } }; runMain();