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use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use serum_common::client::rpc;
use serum_common::pack::Pack;
2020-12-01 09:48:26 -08:00
use serum_lockup::accounts::Safe;
use serum_lockup_client::*;
use solana_client_gen::prelude::*;
use solana_client_gen::solana_sdk::signature::{Keypair, Signer};
2020-12-01 09:48:26 -08:00
use spl_token::state::Account as TokenAccount;
fn lifecycle() {
2020-12-01 09:48:26 -08:00
// Given.
let serum_common_tests::Genesis {
2020-12-01 09:48:26 -08:00
god: depositor,
god_balance_before: depositor_balance_before,
} = serum_common_tests::genesis::<Client>();
// When.
// I create the safe account and initialize it.
let safe_authority = Keypair::generate(&mut OsRng);
let InitializeResponse {
safe: safe_acc,
2020-12-01 09:48:26 -08:00
} = client
.initialize(InitializeRequest {
authority: safe_authority.pubkey(),
// Then.
// The Safe should be setup.
let account = client
.get_account_with_commitment(&safe_acc, CommitmentConfig::recent())
let safe = Safe::unpack(&;
assert_eq!(&account.owner, client.program());
assert_eq!(, Safe::default().size().unwrap() as usize);
assert_eq!(safe.authority, safe_authority.pubkey());
assert_eq!(safe.initialized, true);
assert_eq!(safe.whitelist, whitelist);
// CreateVesting.
2020-12-01 09:48:26 -08:00
let (vesting, vesting_acc, expected_beneficiary) = {
let vesting_acc_beneficiary = Keypair::generate(&mut OsRng);
2020-12-01 09:48:26 -08:00
let current_ts = client
let end_ts = {
let end_ts_offset = 100;
end_ts_offset + current_ts
let period_count = 10;
let deposit_amount = 100;
// When.
// A depositor performs the vesting account deposit.
2020-12-01 09:48:26 -08:00
let CreateVestingResponse { tx: _, vesting } = client
.create_vesting(CreateVestingRequest {
depositor: depositor.pubkey(),
depositor_owner: client.payer(),
safe: safe_acc,
beneficiary: vesting_acc_beneficiary.pubkey(),
2020-12-01 09:48:26 -08:00
// Then.
// The vesting account is setup properly.
let vesting_acc = client.vesting(&vesting).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, safe_acc);
assert_eq!(vesting_acc.beneficiary, vesting_acc_beneficiary.pubkey());
assert_eq!(vesting_acc.initialized, true);
2020-12-01 09:48:26 -08:00
assert_eq!(vesting_acc.end_ts, end_ts);
assert_eq!(vesting_acc.period_count, period_count);
assert_eq!(vesting_acc.whitelist_owned, 0);
// Then.
// The depositor's SPL token account has funds reduced.
let depositor_spl_acc: spl_token::state::Account =
rpc::account_token_unpacked(client.rpc(), &depositor.pubkey());
let expected_balance = depositor_balance_before - deposit_amount;
assert_eq!(depositor_spl_acc.amount, expected_balance);
// Then.
// The program-owned SPL token vault has funds increased.
2020-12-01 09:48:26 -08:00
let vault = client.vault_for(&vesting).unwrap();
assert_eq!(vault.amount, deposit_amount);
// Sanity check the owner of the vault account.
2020-12-01 09:48:26 -08:00
.vault_authority(safe_acc, vesting, vesting_acc_beneficiary.pubkey())
(vesting, vesting_acc, vesting_acc_beneficiary)
// Wait for a vesting period to lapse.
2020-12-01 09:48:26 -08:00
let wait_ts = vesting_acc.start_ts + 10;
pass_time(client.rpc(), wait_ts);
2020-12-01 10:34:50 -08:00
// Withdraw 10 SRM.
// Current state:
// * original-deposit-amount 100
// * balance: 97
// * stake-amount/whitelist_owned: 3
2020-12-01 09:48:26 -08:00
// * vested-amount: ~10 (depends on variance in ts time as tests run, this
// is a lower bound.)
let bene_tok_acc = rpc::create_token_account(
2020-12-01 10:34:50 -08:00
let withdraw_amount = 10;
let _ = client
2020-12-01 10:34:50 -08:00
.withdraw(WithdrawRequest {
beneficiary: &expected_beneficiary,
token_account: bene_tok_acc.pubkey(),
safe: safe_acc,
2020-12-01 10:34:50 -08:00
amount: withdraw_amount,
// The SRM account should be increased.
let bene_tok =
rpc::account_token_unpacked::<TokenAccount>(client.rpc(), &bene_tok_acc.pubkey());
2020-12-01 10:34:50 -08:00
assert_eq!(bene_tok.amount, withdraw_amount);
2020-12-01 09:48:26 -08:00
pub fn pass_time(client: &RpcClient, slot_num: i64) {
loop {
let current_slot = client.get_block_time(client.get_slot().unwrap()).unwrap();
if current_slot >= slot_num {