import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { useSnackbar } from 'notistack'; import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button'; import { Account, PublicKey, SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY, SYSVAR_CLOCK_PUBKEY, } from '@solana/web3.js'; import { TokenInstructions } from '@project-serum/serum'; import { createTokenAccountInstrs } from '@project-serum/common'; import { useWallet } from '../../components/common/WalletProvider'; import * as notification from '../common/Notification'; import OwnedTokenAccountsSelect from '../common/OwnedTokenAccountsSelect'; import { RewardListItemViewModel } from './RewardsList'; import { ActionType } from '../../store/actions'; import { State as StoreState } from '../../store/reducer'; import { vendorSigner } from '../../utils/registry'; import { vestingSigner } from '../../utils/lockup'; type ClaimRewardButtonProps = { rli: RewardListItemViewModel; }; export default function ClaimRewardButton(props: ClaimRewardButtonProps) { const { registryClient, lockupClient } = useWallet(); const { member, registrar } = useSelector((state: StoreState) => { const registrar = { publicKey: state.registry.registrar, account: state.accounts[state.registry.registrar.toString()], }; const member = state.registry.member ? { publicKey: state.registry.member, account: state.accounts[state.registry.member.toString()], } : undefined; return { registrar, member, }; }); const { rli } = props; const dispatch = useDispatch(); const snack = useSnackbar(); const [token, setToken] = useState(null); // On click. const clickHandler = async (): Promise => { notification.withTx( snack, `Processing vendor reward ${rli!.vendor!.publicKey.toString()}`, 'Reward processed', async () => { const vendor = await registryClient.account.rewardVendor( rli.vendor!.publicKey, ); const _vendorSigner = await vendorSigner( registryClient.programId, registrar.publicKey, rli.vendor!.publicKey, ); if (rli!.reward.locked) { const vendoredVesting = new Account(); const vendoredVestingVault = new Account(); const vendoredVestingSigner = await vestingSigner( lockupClient.programId, vendoredVesting.publicKey, ); const remainingAccounts = lockupClient.instruction.createVesting .accounts({ vesting: vendoredVesting.publicKey, vault: vendoredVestingVault.publicKey, depositor: vendor.vault, depositorAuthority: _vendorSigner.publicKey, tokenProgram: TokenInstructions.TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, rent: SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY, clock: SYSVAR_CLOCK_PUBKEY, }) // Change the signer status on the vendor signer since it's signed by the program, not the // client. .map((meta: any) => meta.pubkey.equals(_vendorSigner.publicKey) ? { ...meta, isSigner: false } : meta, ); const tx = await registryClient.rpc.claimRewardLocked( vendoredVestingSigner.nonce, { accounts: { // @ts-ignore registry: await registryClient.state.address(), lockupProgram: lockupClient.programId, cmn: { registrar: registrar.publicKey, member: member!.publicKey, beneficiary: registryClient.provider.wallet.publicKey, balances: member!.account.balances, balancesLocked: member!.account.balancesLocked, vendor: rli.vendor!.publicKey, vault: rli.vendor!.account.vault, vendorSigner: _vendorSigner.publicKey, tokenProgram: TokenInstructions.TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, clock: SYSVAR_CLOCK_PUBKEY, }, }, remainingAccounts, signers: [vendoredVesting, vendoredVestingVault], instructions: [ await lockupClient.account.vesting.createInstruction( vendoredVesting, ), ...(await createTokenAccountInstrs( registryClient.provider, vendoredVestingVault.publicKey, rli.vendor!, vendoredVestingSigner.publicKey, )), ], }, ); // Refetch the vesting accounts to update the UI with the new reward. const vestingAccounts = await lockupClient.account.vesting.all( registryClient.provider.wallet.publicKey.toBuffer(), ); vestingAccounts.forEach(account => { dispatch({ type: ActionType.AccountAdd, item: { account, }, }); }); dispatch({ type: ActionType.LockupSetVestings, item: { vestingAccounts: => v.publicKey), }, }); return tx; } else { return await registryClient.rpc.claimReward({ accounts: { to: token, cmn: { registrar: registrar.publicKey, member: member!.publicKey, beneficiary: registryClient.provider.wallet.publicKey, balances: member!.account.balances, balancesLocked: member!.account.balancesLocked, vendor: rli.vendor!.publicKey, vault: vendor.vault, vendorSigner: _vendorSigner.publicKey, tokenProgram: TokenInstructions.TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, clock: SYSVAR_CLOCK_PUBKEY, }, }, }); } }, ); }; return ( <> {!rli.reward.locked && (
setToken(f)} />
); }