import React, { useEffect, useMemo } from 'react'; import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux'; import { useSnackbar } from 'notistack'; import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography'; import Paper from '@material-ui/core/Paper'; import Card from '@material-ui/core/Card'; import CardContent from '@material-ui/core/CardContent'; import * as anchor from '@project-serum/anchor'; import { useWallet } from '../../components/common/WalletProvider'; import { State as StoreState } from '../../store/reducer'; import { ActionType } from '../../store/actions'; import RewardsList, { RewardListItemViewModel } from './RewardsList'; import DropRewardButton from './DropRewardButton'; import ClaimRewardButton from './ClaimRewardButton'; import { rewardEvents } from '../../utils/registry'; export default function Rewards() { const { registryClient } = useWallet(); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const snack = useSnackbar(); const ctx = useSelector((state: StoreState) => { const registrar = state.accounts[state.registry.registrar.toString()]; const rewardEventQueue = { publicKey: registrar.rewardEventQ, account: state.accounts[registrar.rewardEventQ.toString()], }; return { accounts: state.accounts, rewardEventQueue, member: state.registry.member ? { publicKey: state.registry.member, account: state.accounts[state.registry.member.toString()], } : undefined, network:, }; }); const { rewardEventQueue } = ctx; const events = useMemo(() => rewardEvents(rewardEventQueue.account), [ rewardEventQueue.account, ]); useEffect(() => { (async () => { // TODO: need to chop up the calls here, for reward vendors > 100 entires. const accounts = await anchor.utils.getMultipleAccounts( registryClient.provider.connection, => m.vendor), ); accounts.forEach(a => { if (a === null) { snack.enqueueSnackbar(`RPC node returned invalid vendor account`, { variant: 'error', }); return; } const account = registryClient.coder.accounts.decode( 'RewardVendor',, ); dispatch({ type: ActionType.AccountAdd, item: { account: { publicKey: a.publicKey, account }, }, }); }); })(); }, [ events, dispatch, snack, registryClient.coder.accounts, registryClient.provider.connection, ]); // All rewards to display. const rewards = events .map((m: any) => RewardListItemViewModel.fromMessage(ctx, m)) .reverse(); // Next reward to claim. let nextReward = null; if (rewards.filter(r => r === null).length === 0) { nextReward = rewards .filter(r => r!.needsClaim) .sort((a, b) => a!.cursor < b!.cursor ? -1 : a!.cursor > b!.cursor ? 1 : 0, ) .shift(); } return (
{nextReward && ( You were staked during a previous reward. To prove eligibility, click the "Process" button until you've processed all{' '} eligible rewards. For unlocked rewards, don't forget to select the address you wish to send your stake reward to. )}
Reward History
{nextReward && } {localStorage.getItem('private') && }
When rewards are dropped, one must prove one was staked during the time of drop. This means sending a transaction to the staking program to process the reward. For unlocked rewards, select the token address to transfer the reward to. For locked rewards, a locked vesting account will be created and realized to the staker upon unstaking. See the Lockup tab.
); }