import React, { useContext, useState, useEffect } from "react"; import * as assert from "assert"; import { useAsync } from "react-async-hook"; import { TokenInfo } from "@solana/spl-token-registry"; import { MintLayout } from "@solana/spl-token"; import { Connection, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js"; import * as anchor from "@project-serum/anchor"; import { Swap as SwapClient } from "@project-serum/swap"; import { Market, OpenOrders, Orderbook as OrderbookSide, } from "@project-serum/serum"; import { DEX_PID, USDC_MINT, USDT_MINT, SOL_MINT, WRAPPED_SOL_MINT, WORM_USDC_MINT, WORM_USDT_MINT, WORM_USDC_MARKET, WORM_USDT_MARKET, WORM_MARKET_BASE, } from "../utils/pubkeys"; import { useTokenMap, useTokenListContext } from "./TokenList"; import { fetchSolletInfo, requestWormholeSwapMarketIfNeeded } from "./Sollet"; import { setMintCache } from "./Token"; const BASE_TAKER_FEE_BPS = 0.0022; export const FEE_MULTIPLIER = 1 - BASE_TAKER_FEE_BPS; type DexContext = { // Maps market address to open orders accounts. openOrders: Map>; closeOpenOrders: (openOrder: OpenOrders) => void; swapClient: SwapClient; }; const _DexContext = React.createContext(null); export function DexContextProvider(props: any) { const [ooAccounts, setOoAccounts] = useState>>( new Map() ); const swapClient = props.swapClient; // Removes the given open orders from the context. const closeOpenOrders = async (openOrder: OpenOrders) => { const newOoAccounts = new Map(ooAccounts); const openOrders = newOoAccounts .get( ?.filter((oo: OpenOrders) => !oo.address.equals(openOrder.address)); if (openOrders && openOrders.length > 0) { newOoAccounts.set(, openOrders); } else { newOoAccounts.delete(; } setOoAccounts(newOoAccounts); }; // Three operations: // // 1. Fetch all open orders accounts for the connected wallet. // 2. Batch fetch all market accounts for those open orders. // 3. Batch fetch all mints associated with the markets. useEffect(() => { if (!swapClient.program.provider.wallet.publicKey) { setOoAccounts(new Map()); return; } OpenOrders.findForOwner( swapClient.program.provider.connection, swapClient.program.provider.wallet.publicKey, DEX_PID ).then(async (openOrders) => { const newOoAccounts = new Map(); let markets = new Set(); openOrders.forEach((oo) => { markets.add(; if (newOoAccounts.get( { newOoAccounts.get(; } else { newOoAccounts.set(, [oo]); } }); if (markets.size > 100) { // Punt request chunking until there's user demand. throw new Error( "Too many markets. Please file an issue to update this" ); } const multipleMarkets = await anchor.utils.rpc.getMultipleAccounts( swapClient.program.provider.connection, Array.from(markets.values()).map((m) => new PublicKey(m)) ); const marketClients = => { return { publicKey: programAccount?.publicKey, account: new Market( Market.getLayout(DEX_PID).decode(programAccount?, -1, // Set below so that we can batch fetch mints. -1, // Set below so that we can batch fetch mints. swapClient.program.provider.opts, DEX_PID ), }; }); setOoAccounts(newOoAccounts); // Batch fetch all the mints, since we know we'll need them at some // point. const mintPubkeys = Array.from( new Set( marketClients .map((m) => [ m.account.baseMintAddress.toString(), m.account.quoteMintAddress.toString(), ]) .flat() ).values() ).map((pk) => new PublicKey(pk)); if (mintPubkeys.length > 100) { // Punt request chunking until there's user demand. throw new Error("Too many mints. Please file an issue to update this"); } const mints = await anchor.utils.rpc.getMultipleAccounts( swapClient.program.provider.connection, mintPubkeys ); const mintInfos = => { const mintInfo = MintLayout.decode(mint!; setMintCache(mint!.publicKey, mintInfo); return { publicKey: mint!.publicKey, mintInfo }; }); marketClients.forEach((m) => { const baseMintInfo = mintInfos.filter((mint) => mint.publicKey.equals(m.account.baseMintAddress) )[0]; const quoteMintInfo = mintInfos.filter((mint) => mint.publicKey.equals(m.account.quoteMintAddress) )[0]; assert.ok(baseMintInfo && quoteMintInfo); // @ts-ignore m.account._baseSplTokenDecimals = baseMintInfo.mintInfo.decimals; // @ts-ignore m.account._quoteSplTokenDecimals = quoteMintInfo.mintInfo.decimals; _MARKET_CACHE.set( m.publicKey!.toString(), new Promise((resolve) => resolve(m.account)) ); }); }); }, [ swapClient.program.provider.connection, swapClient.program.provider.wallet.publicKey, swapClient.program.provider.opts, ]); return ( <_DexContext.Provider value={{ openOrders: ooAccounts, closeOpenOrders, swapClient, }} > {props.children} ); } export function useDexContext(): DexContext { const ctx = useContext(_DexContext); if (ctx === null) { throw new Error("Context not available"); } return ctx; } export function useOpenOrders(): Map> { const ctx = useDexContext(); return ctx.openOrders; } // Lazy load a given market. export function useMarket(market?: PublicKey): Market | undefined { const { swapClient } = useDexContext(); const asyncMarket = useAsync(async () => { if (!market) { return undefined; } if (_MARKET_CACHE.get(market.toString())) { return _MARKET_CACHE.get(market.toString()); } const marketClient = new Promise(async (resolve) => { // TODO: if we already have the mints, then pass them through to the // market client here to save a network request. const marketClient = await Market.load( swapClient.program.provider.connection, market, swapClient.program.provider.opts, DEX_PID ); resolve(marketClient); }); _MARKET_CACHE.set(market.toString(), marketClient); return marketClient; }, [swapClient.program.provider.connection, market]); if (asyncMarket.result) { return asyncMarket.result; } return undefined; } // Lazy load the orderbook for a given market. export function useOrderbook(market?: PublicKey): Orderbook | undefined { const { swapClient } = useDexContext(); const marketClient = useMarket(market); const [refresh, setRefresh] = useState(0); const asyncOrderbook = useAsync(async () => { if (!market || !marketClient) { return undefined; } if (_ORDERBOOK_CACHE.get(market.toString())) { return _ORDERBOOK_CACHE.get(market.toString()); } const orderbook = new Promise(async (resolve) => { const [bids, asks] = await Promise.all([ marketClient.loadBids(swapClient.program.provider.connection), marketClient.loadAsks(swapClient.program.provider.connection), ]); resolve({ bids, asks, }); }); _ORDERBOOK_CACHE.set(market.toString(), orderbook); return orderbook; }, [refresh, swapClient.program.provider.connection, market, marketClient]); // Stream in bids updates. useEffect(() => { let listener: number | undefined; if (marketClient?.bidsAddress) { listener = swapClient.program.provider.connection.onAccountChange( marketClient?.bidsAddress, async (info) => { const bids = OrderbookSide.decode(marketClient,; const orderbook = await _ORDERBOOK_CACHE.get( marketClient.address.toString() ); const oldBestBid = orderbook?.bids.items(true).next().value; const newBestBid = bids.items(true).next().value; if ( orderbook && oldBestBid && newBestBid && oldBestBid.price !== newBestBid.price ) { orderbook.bids = bids; setRefresh((r) => r + 1); } } ); } return () => { if (listener) { swapClient.program.provider.connection.removeAccountChangeListener( listener ); } }; }, [ marketClient, marketClient?.bidsAddress, swapClient.program.provider.connection, ]); // Stream in asks updates. useEffect(() => { let listener: number | undefined; if (marketClient?.asksAddress) { listener = swapClient.program.provider.connection.onAccountChange( marketClient?.asksAddress, async (info) => { const asks = OrderbookSide.decode(marketClient,; const orderbook = await _ORDERBOOK_CACHE.get( marketClient.address.toString() ); const oldBestOffer = orderbook?.asks.items(false).next().value; const newBestOffer = asks.items(false).next().value; if ( orderbook && oldBestOffer && newBestOffer && oldBestOffer.price !== newBestOffer.price ) { orderbook.asks = asks; setRefresh((r) => r + 1); } } ); } return () => { if (listener) { swapClient.program.provider.connection.removeAccountChangeListener( listener ); } }; }, [ marketClient, marketClient?.bidsAddress, swapClient.program.provider.connection, ]); if (asyncOrderbook.result) { return asyncOrderbook.result; } return undefined; } export function useMarketName(market: PublicKey): string | null { const tokenMap = useTokenMap(); const marketClient = useMarket(market); if (!marketClient) { return null; } const baseTicker = marketClient ? tokenMap.get(marketClient?.baseMintAddress.toString())?.symbol : "-"; const quoteTicker = marketClient ? tokenMap.get(marketClient?.quoteMintAddress.toString())?.symbol : "-"; const name = `${baseTicker} / ${quoteTicker}`; return name; } // Fair price for a given market, as defined by the mid. export function useBbo(market?: PublicKey): Bbo | undefined { const orderbook = useOrderbook(market); if (orderbook === undefined) { return undefined; } const bestBid = orderbook.bids.items(true).next().value; const bestOffer = orderbook.asks.items(false).next().value; if (!bestBid && !bestOffer) { return {}; } if (!bestBid) { return { bestOffer: bestOffer.price }; } if (!bestOffer) { return { bestBid: bestBid.price }; } const mid = (bestBid.price + bestOffer.price) / 2.0; return { bestBid: bestBid.price, bestOffer: bestOffer.price, mid }; } // Fair price for a theoretical toMint/fromMint market. I.e., the number // of `fromMint` tokens to purchase a single `toMint` token. Aggregates // across a trade route, if needed. export function useFairRoute( fromMint: PublicKey, toMint: PublicKey ): number | undefined { const route = useRoute(fromMint, toMint); const fromBbo = useBbo(route ? route[0] : undefined); const fromMarket = useMarket(route ? route[0] : undefined); const toBbo = useBbo(route ? route[1] : undefined); if (route === null) { return undefined; } if (route.length === 1 && fromBbo !== undefined) { if (fromMarket === undefined) { return undefined; } if ( fromMarket?.baseMintAddress.equals(fromMint) || (fromMarket?.baseMintAddress.equals(WRAPPED_SOL_MINT) && fromMint.equals(SOL_MINT)) ) { return fromBbo.bestBid && 1.0 / fromBbo.bestBid; } else { return fromBbo.bestOffer && fromBbo.bestOffer; } } if ( fromBbo === undefined || fromBbo.bestBid === undefined || toBbo === undefined || toBbo.bestOffer === undefined ) { return undefined; } return toBbo.bestOffer / fromBbo.bestBid; } export function useRoute( fromMint: PublicKey, toMint: PublicKey ): Array | null { const route = useRouteVerbose(fromMint, toMint); if (route === null) { return null; } return; } // Types of routes. // // 1. Direct trades on USDC quoted markets. // 2. Transitive trades across two USDC qutoed markets. // 3. Wormhole <-> Sollet one-to-one swap markets. // 4. Wormhole <-> Native one-to-one swap markets. // export function useRouteVerbose( fromMint: PublicKey, toMint: PublicKey ): { markets: Array; kind: RouteKind } | null { const { swapClient } = useDexContext(); const { wormholeMap, solletMap } = useTokenListContext(); const asyncRoute = useAsync(async () => { const swapMarket = await wormholeSwapMarket( swapClient.program.provider.connection, fromMint, toMint, wormholeMap, solletMap ); if (swapMarket !== null) { const [wormholeMarket, kind] = swapMarket; return { markets: [wormholeMarket], kind }; } const markets = swapClient.route( fromMint.equals(SOL_MINT) ? WRAPPED_SOL_MINT : fromMint, toMint.equals(SOL_MINT) ? WRAPPED_SOL_MINT : toMint ); if (markets === null) { return null; } const kind: RouteKind = "usdx"; return { markets, kind }; }, [fromMint, toMint, swapClient]); if (asyncRoute.result) { return asyncRoute.result; } return null; } type Orderbook = { bids: OrderbookSide; asks: OrderbookSide; }; // Wormhole utils. type RouteKind = "wormhole-native" | "wormhole-sollet" | "usdx"; // Maps fromMint || toMint (in sort order) to swap market public key. // All markets for wormhole<->native tokens should be here, e.g. // USDC <-> wUSDC. const WORMHOLE_NATIVE_MAP = new Map([ [wormKey(WORM_USDC_MINT, USDC_MINT), WORM_USDC_MARKET], [wormKey(WORM_USDT_MINT, USDT_MINT), WORM_USDT_MARKET], ]); function wormKey(fromMint: PublicKey, toMint: PublicKey): string { const [first, second] = fromMint < toMint ? [fromMint, toMint] : [toMint, fromMint]; return first.toString() + second.toString(); } async function wormholeSwapMarket( conn: Connection, fromMint: PublicKey, toMint: PublicKey, wormholeMap: Map, solletMap: Map ): Promise<[PublicKey, RouteKind] | null> { let market = wormholeNativeMarket(fromMint, toMint); if (market !== null) { return [market, "wormhole-native"]; } market = await wormholeSolletMarket( conn, fromMint, toMint, wormholeMap, solletMap ); if (market === null) { return null; } return [market, "wormhole-sollet"]; } function wormholeNativeMarket( fromMint: PublicKey, toMint: PublicKey ): PublicKey | null { return WORMHOLE_NATIVE_MAP.get(wormKey(fromMint, toMint)) ?? null; } // Returns the market address of the 1-1 sollet<->wormhole swap market if it // exists. Otherwise, returns null. async function wormholeSolletMarket( conn: Connection, fromMint: PublicKey, toMint: PublicKey, wormholeMap: Map, solletMap: Map ): Promise { const fromWormhole = wormholeMap.get(fromMint.toString()); const isFromWormhole = fromWormhole !== undefined; const toWormhole = wormholeMap.get(toMint.toString()); const isToWormhole = toWormhole !== undefined; const fromSollet = solletMap.get(fromMint.toString()); const isFromSollet = fromSollet !== undefined; const toSollet = solletMap.get(toMint.toString()); const isToSollet = toSollet !== undefined; if ((isFromWormhole || isToWormhole) && isFromWormhole !== isToWormhole) { if ((isFromSollet || isToSollet) && isFromSollet !== isToSollet) { const base = isFromSollet ? fromMint : toMint; const [quote, wormholeInfo] = isFromWormhole ? [fromMint, fromWormhole] : [toMint, toWormhole]; const solletInfo = await fetchSolletInfo(base); if (solletInfo.erc20Contract !== wormholeInfo!.extensions?.address) { return null; } const market = await deriveWormholeMarket(base, quote); if (market === null) { return null; } const marketExists = await requestWormholeSwapMarketIfNeeded( conn, base, quote, market, solletInfo ); if (!marketExists) { return null; } return market; } } return null; } // Calculates the deterministic address for the sollet<->wormhole 1-1 swap // market. async function deriveWormholeMarket( baseMint: PublicKey, quoteMint: PublicKey, version = 0 ): Promise { if (version > 99) { console.log("Swap market version cannot be greater than 99"); return null; } if (version < 0) { console.log("Version cannot be less than zero"); return null; } const padToTwo = (n: number) => (n <= 99 ? `0${n}`.slice(-2) : n); const seed = baseMint.toString().slice(0, 15) + quoteMint.toString().slice(0, 15) + padToTwo(version); return await PublicKey.createWithSeed(WORM_MARKET_BASE, seed, DEX_PID); } type Bbo = { bestBid?: number; bestOffer?: number; mid?: number; }; const _ORDERBOOK_CACHE = new Map>(); const _MARKET_CACHE = new Map>();