import React, { useContext, useState, useEffect } from "react"; import * as assert from "assert"; import { useAsync } from "react-async-hook"; import { Provider, BN } from "@project-serum/anchor"; import { PublicKey, Account } from "@solana/web3.js"; import { MintInfo, AccountInfo as TokenAccount, Token, TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, } from "@solana/spl-token"; import { getOwnedAssociatedTokenAccounts, parseTokenAccountData, } from "../utils/tokens"; import { SOL_MINT } from "../utils/pubkeys"; export type TokenContext = { provider: Provider; }; const _TokenContext = React.createContext(null); export function TokenContextProvider(props: any) { const provider = props.provider; const [, setRefresh] = useState(0); // Fetch all the owned token accounts for the wallet. useEffect(() => { if (!provider.wallet.publicKey) { _OWNED_TOKEN_ACCOUNTS_CACHE.length = 0; setRefresh((r) => r + 1); return; } // Fetch SPL tokens. getOwnedAssociatedTokenAccounts( provider.connection, provider.wallet.publicKey ).then((accs) => { if (accs) { // @ts-ignore _OWNED_TOKEN_ACCOUNTS_CACHE.push(...accs); setRefresh((r) => r + 1); } }); // Fetch SOL balance. provider.connection .getAccountInfo(provider.wallet.publicKey) .then((acc: { lamports: number }) => { if (acc) { _OWNED_TOKEN_ACCOUNTS_CACHE.push({ publicKey: provider.wallet.publicKey, // @ts-ignore account: { amount: new BN(acc.lamports), mint: SOL_MINT, }, }); setRefresh((r) => r + 1); } }); }, [provider.wallet.publicKey, provider.connection]); return ( <_TokenContext.Provider value={{ provider, }} > {props.children} ); } function useTokenContext() { const ctx = useContext(_TokenContext); if (ctx === null) { throw new Error("Context not available"); } return ctx; } // Null => none exists. // Undefined => loading. export function useOwnedTokenAccount( mint?: PublicKey ): { publicKey: PublicKey; account: TokenAccount } | null | undefined { const { provider } = useTokenContext(); const [, setRefresh] = useState(0); const tokenAccounts = _OWNED_TOKEN_ACCOUNTS_CACHE.filter( (account) => mint && ); // Take the account with the most tokens in it. tokenAccounts.sort((a, b) => a.account.amount > b.account.amount ? -1 : a.account.amount < b.account.amount ? 1 : 0 ); let tokenAccount = tokenAccounts[0]; const isSol = mint?.equals(SOL_MINT); // Stream updates when the balance changes. useEffect(() => { let listener: number; // SOL is special cased since it's not an SPL token. if (tokenAccount && isSol) { listener = provider.connection.onAccountChange( provider.wallet.publicKey, (info: { lamports: number }) => { const token = { amount: new BN(info.lamports), mint: SOL_MINT, } as TokenAccount; if (token.amount !== tokenAccount.account.amount) { const index = _OWNED_TOKEN_ACCOUNTS_CACHE.indexOf(tokenAccount); assert.ok(index >= 0); _OWNED_TOKEN_ACCOUNTS_CACHE[index].account = token; setRefresh((r) => r + 1); } } ); } // SPL tokens. else if (tokenAccount) { listener = provider.connection.onAccountChange( tokenAccount.publicKey, (info) => { if ( !== 0) { try { const token = parseTokenAccountData(; if (token.amount !== tokenAccount.account.amount) { const index = _OWNED_TOKEN_ACCOUNTS_CACHE.indexOf(tokenAccount); assert.ok(index >= 0); _OWNED_TOKEN_ACCOUNTS_CACHE[index].account = token; setRefresh((r) => r + 1); } } catch (error) { console.log("Failed to decode token AccountInfo"); } } } ); } return () => { if (listener) { provider.connection.removeAccountChangeListener(listener); } }; }, [provider.connection, tokenAccount]); if (mint === undefined) { return undefined; } if (!isSol && tokenAccounts.length === 0) { return null; } return tokenAccount; } export function useMint(mint?: PublicKey): MintInfo | undefined | null { const { provider } = useTokenContext(); // Lazy load the mint account if needeed. const asyncMintInfo = useAsync(async () => { if (!mint) { return undefined; } if (_MINT_CACHE.get(mint.toString())) { return _MINT_CACHE.get(mint.toString()); } const mintClient = new Token( provider.connection, mint, TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, new Account() ); const mintInfo = mintClient.getMintInfo(); _MINT_CACHE.set(mint.toString(), mintInfo); return mintInfo; }, [provider.connection, mint]); if (asyncMintInfo.result) { return asyncMintInfo.result; } return undefined; } export function setMintCache(pk: PublicKey, account: MintInfo) { _MINT_CACHE.set(pk.toString(), new Promise((resolve) => resolve(account))); } // Cache storing all token accounts for the connected wallet provider. const _OWNED_TOKEN_ACCOUNTS_CACHE: Array<{ publicKey: PublicKey; account: TokenAccount; }> = []; // Cache storing all previously fetched mint infos. // @ts-ignore const _MINT_CACHE = new Map>([ [SOL_MINT.toString(), { decimals: 9 }], ]);