import "@fontsource/roboto"; import { useState, useEffect, useMemo } from "react"; import { SnackbarProvider, useSnackbar } from "notistack"; import { Button, Grid, makeStyles } from "@material-ui/core"; import { Provider } from "@project-serum/anchor"; // @ts-ignore import Wallet from "@project-serum/sol-wallet-adapter"; import { Signer, ConfirmOptions, Connection, Transaction, TransactionSignature, } from "@solana/web3.js"; import { TokenListContainer, TokenListProvider, } from "@solana/spl-token-registry"; import Swap from "@project-serum/swap-ui"; import "./App.css"; // App illustrating the use of the Swap component. // // One needs to just provide an Anchor `Provider` and a `TokenListContainer` // to the `Swap` component, and then everything else is taken care of. function App() { return ( ); } const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({ root: { minHeight: "100vh", paddingLeft: theme.spacing(1), paddingRight: theme.spacing(1), }, })); function AppInner() { const styles = useStyles(); const { enqueueSnackbar } = useSnackbar(); const [isConnected, setIsConnected] = useState(false); const [tokenList, setTokenList] = useState(null); const [provider, wallet] = useMemo(() => { const opts: ConfirmOptions = { preflightCommitment: "recent", commitment: "recent", }; const network = ""; const wallet = new Wallet("", network); const connection = new Connection(network, opts.preflightCommitment); const provider = new NotifyingProvider( connection, wallet, opts, (tx, err) => { if (err) { enqueueSnackbar(`Error: ${err.toString()}`, { variant: "error", }); } else { enqueueSnackbar("Transaction sent", { variant: "success", action: ( ), }); } } ); return [provider, wallet]; }, [enqueueSnackbar]); useEffect(() => { new TokenListProvider().resolve().then(setTokenList); }, [setTokenList]); // Connect to the wallet. useEffect(() => { wallet.on("connect", () => { enqueueSnackbar("Wallet connected", { variant: "success" }); setIsConnected(true); }); wallet.on("disconnect", () => { enqueueSnackbar("Wallet disconnected", { variant: "info" }); setIsConnected(false); }); }, [wallet, enqueueSnackbar]); return ( {tokenList && } ); } // Custom provider to display notifications whenever a transaction is sent. // // Note that this is an Anchor wallet/network provider--not a React provider, // so all transactions will be flowing through here, which allows us to // hook in to display all transactions sent from the `Swap` component // as notifications in the parent app. class NotifyingProvider extends Provider { // Function to call whenever the provider sends a transaction; private onTransaction: ( tx: TransactionSignature | undefined, err?: Error ) => void; constructor( connection: Connection, wallet: Wallet, opts: ConfirmOptions, onTransaction: (tx: TransactionSignature | undefined, err?: Error) => void ) { super(connection, wallet, opts); this.onTransaction = onTransaction; } async send( tx: Transaction, signers?: Array, opts?: ConfirmOptions ): Promise { try { const txSig = await super.send(tx, signers, opts); this.onTransaction(txSig); return txSig; } catch (err) { this.onTransaction(undefined, err); return ""; } } async sendAll( txs: Array<{ tx: Transaction; signers: Array }>, opts?: ConfirmOptions ): Promise> { try { const txSigs = await super.sendAll(txs, opts); txSigs.forEach((sig) => { this.onTransaction(sig); }); return txSigs; } catch (err) { this.onTransaction(undefined, err); return []; } } } export default App;