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ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,
2011,2012 Giovanni Di Sirio.
This file is part of ChibiOS/RT.
ChibiOS/RT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ChibiOS/RT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @file stm32_otg.h
* @brief STM32 OTG registers layout header.
* @addtogroup USB
* @{
#ifndef _STM32_OTG_H_
#define _STM32_OTG_H_
* @brief number of the implemented endpoints.
* @details This value does not include the endpoint 0 that is always present.
* @brief Host channel registers group.
typedef struct {
volatile uint32_t HCCHAR; /**< @brief Host channel characteristics
register. */
volatile uint32_t resvd8;
volatile uint32_t HCINT; /**< @brief Host channel interrupt register.*/
volatile uint32_t HCINTMSK; /**< @brief Host channel interrupt mask
register. */
volatile uint32_t HCTSIZ; /**< @brief Host channel transfer size
register. */
volatile uint32_t resvd14;
volatile uint32_t resvd18;
volatile uint32_t resvd1c;
} stm32_otg_host_chn_t;
* @brief Device Input endpoint registers group.
typedef struct {
volatile uint32_t DIEPCTL; /**< @brief Device control IN endpoint control
register. */
volatile uint32_t resvd4;
volatile uint32_t DIEPINT; /**< @brief Device IN endpoint interrupt
register. */
volatile uint32_t resvdC;
volatile uint32_t DIEPTSIZ; /**< @brief Device IN endpoint transfer size
register. */
volatile uint32_t resvd14;
volatile uint32_t DTXFSTS; /**< @brief Device IN endpoint transmit FIFO
status register. */
volatile uint32_t resvd1C;
} stm32_otg_in_ep_t;
* @brief Device Output endpoint registers group.
typedef struct {
volatile uint32_t DOEPCTL; /**< @brief Device control OUT endpoint control
register. */
volatile uint32_t resvd4;
volatile uint32_t DOEPINT; /**< @brief Device OUT endpoint interrupt
register. */
volatile uint32_t resvdC;
volatile uint32_t DOEPTSIZ; /**< @brief Device OUT endpoint transfer size
register. */
volatile uint32_t resvd14;
volatile uint32_t resvd18;
volatile uint32_t resvd1C;
} stm32_t_out_ep_t;
* @brief USB registers memory map.
typedef struct {
volatile uint32_t GOTGCTL; /**< @brief OTG control and status register.*/
volatile uint32_t GOTGINT; /**< @brief OTG interrupt register. */
volatile uint32_t GAHBCFG; /**< @brief AHB configuration register. */
volatile uint32_t GUSBCFG; /**< @brief USB configuration register. */
volatile uint32_t GRSTCTL; /**< @brief Reset register size. */
volatile uint32_t GINTSTS; /**< @brief Interrupt register. */
volatile uint32_t GINTMSK; /**< @brief Interrupt mask register. */
volatile uint32_t GRXSTSR; /**< @brief Receive status debug read
register. */
volatile uint32_t GRXSTSP; /**< @brief Receive status read/pop
register. */
volatile uint32_t GRXFSIZ; /**< @brief Receive FIFO size register. */
volatile uint32_t DIEPTXF0; /**< @brief Endpoint 0 transmit FIFO size
register. */
volatile uint32_t HNPTXSTS; /**< @brief Non-periodic transmit FIFO/queue
status register. */
volatile uint32_t resvd30;
volatile uint32_t resvd34;
volatile uint32_t GCCFG; /**< @brief General core configuration. */
volatile uint32_t CID; /**< @brief Core ID register. */
volatile uint32_t resvd58[48];
volatile uint32_t HPTXFSIZ; /**< @brief Host periodic transmit FIFO size
register. */
volatile uint32_t DIEPTXF[15];/**< @brief Ddevice IN endpoint transmit FIFO
size registers. */
volatile uint32_t resvd140[176];
volatile uint32_t HCFG; /**< @brief Host configuration register. */
volatile uint32_t HFIR; /**< @brief Host frame interval register. */
volatile uint32_t HFNUM; /**< @brief Host frame number/frame time
Remaining register. */
volatile uint32_t resvd40C;
volatile uint32_t HPTXSTS; /**< @brief Host periodic transmit FIFO/queue
status register. */
volatile uint32_t HAINT; /**< @brief Host all channels interrupt
register. */
volatile uint32_t HAINTMSK; /**< @brief Host all channels interrupt mask
register. */
volatile uint32_t resvd41C[9];
volatile uint32_t HPRT; /**< @brief Host port control and status
register. */
volatile uint32_t resvd444[47];
stm32_otg_host_chn_t hc[16]; /**< @brief Host channels array. */
volatile uint32_t resvd700[64];
volatile uint32_t DCFG; /**< @brief Device configuration register. */
volatile uint32_t DCTL; /**< @brief Device control register. */
volatile uint32_t DSTS; /**< @brief Device status register. */
volatile uint32_t resvd80C;
volatile uint32_t DIEPMSK; /**< @brief Device IN endpoint common interrupt
mask register. */
volatile uint32_t DOEPMSK; /**< @brief Device OUT endpoint common interrupt
mask register. */
volatile uint32_t DAINT; /**< @brief Device all endpoints interrupt
register. */
volatile uint32_t DAINTMSK; /**< @brief Device all endpoints interrupt mask
register. */
volatile uint32_t resvd820;
volatile uint32_t resvd824;
volatile uint32_t DVBUSDIS; /**< @brief Device VBUS Discharge time
register. */
volatile uint32_t DVBUSPULSE; /**< @brief Device VBUS Pulsing time
register. */
volatile uint32_t resvd830;
volatile uint32_t DIEPEMPMSK; /**< @brief Device IN endpoint FIFO empty
interrupt mask register. */
volatile uint32_t resvd838;
volatile uint32_t resvd83C;
volatile uint32_t resvd840[16];
volatile uint32_t resvd880[16];
volatile uint32_t resvd8C0[16];
stm32_otg_in_ep_t ie[16]; /**< @brief Input endpoints. */
stm32_t_out_ep_t oe[16]; /**< @brief Output endpoints. */
volatile uint32_t resvdD00[64];
volatile uint32_t PCGCCTL; /**< @brief Power and clock gating control
register. */
volatile uint32_t resvdE04[127];
} stm32_otg_t;
* GOTGCTL register bit definitions.
#define GOTGCTL_BSesVld (1<<19) /**< B-Session Valid. */
#define GOTGCTL_ASesVld (1<<18) /**< A-Session Valid. */
#define GOTGCTL_Dbnctime (1<<17) /**< Long/Short Debounce time. */
#define GOTGCTL_ConIDSts (1<<16) /**< Connector ID status. */
#define GOTGCTL_DevHNPEn (1<<11) /**< Device HNP Enabled. */
#define GOTGCTL_HstSetHNPEn (1<<10) /**< Host Set HNP Enable. */
#define GOTGCTL_HNPReq (1<<9) /**< HNP Request. */
#define GOTGCTL_HstNegScs (1<<8) /**< Host Negotiation Success. */
#define GOTGCTL_SesReq (1<<1) /**< Session Request. */
#define GOTGCTL_SesReqScs (1<<0) /**< Session Request Success. */
* GOTGINT register bit definitions.
#define GOTGINT_DbnceDone (1<<19) /**< Debounce Done. */
#define GOTGINT_ADevTOUTChg (1<<18) /**< A-Device timeout Change. */
#define GOTGINT_HstNegDet (1<<17) /**< Host Negotiation Detected. */
#define GOTGINT_HstNegSucStsChng (1<<9) /**< Host Negotiation Success status
Change. */
#define GOTGINT_SesReqSucStsChng (1<<8) /**< Session Request Success status
Change. */
#define GOTGINT_SesEndDet (1<<2) /**< Session End Detected. */
* GAHBCFG register bit definitions.
#define GAHBCFG_PTxFEmpLvl (1<<8) /**< periodic TxFIFO Empty Level. */
#define GAHBCFG_NPTxFEmpLvl (1<<7) /**< Non-periodic TxFIFO Empty
Level. */
#define GAHBCFG_GlblIntrMsk (1<<0) /**< Global interrupt mask. */
* GUSBCFG register bit definitions.
#define GUSBCFG_ForceDevMode (1<<30) /**< Force Device Mode. */
#define GUSBCFG_ForceHstMode (1<<29) /**< Force Host Mode. */
#define GUSBCFG_TxEndDelay (1<<28) /**< Tx End Delay. */
#define GUSBCFG_USBTrdTim_MASK (15<<10)/**< USB Turnaround time field mask.*/
#define GUSBCFG_USBTrdTim(n) ((n)<<10)/**< USB Turnaround time field
value. */
#define GUSBCFG_HNPCap (1<<9) /**< HNP-Capable. */
#define GUSBCFG_SRPCap (1<<8) /**< SRP-Capable. */
#define GUSBCFG_PHYSel (1<<6) /**< USB 2.0 High-Speed PHY or USB
1.1 Full-Speed Serial
Transceiver Select. */
#define GUSBCFG_TOutCal_MASK (7<<0) /**< HS/FS timeout Calibration field
mask. */
#define GUSBCFG_TOutCal_(n) ((n)<<0)/**< HS/FS timeout Calibration field
value. */
* GRSTCTL register bit definitions.
#define GRSTCTL_AHBIdle (1u<<31)/**< AHB Master Idle. */
#define GRSTCTL_DMAReq (1<<30) /**< DMA Request Signal. */
#define GRSTCTL_TxFNum_MASK (31<<6) /**< TxFIFO number field mask. */
#define GRSTCTL_TxFNum(n) ((n)<<6)/**< TxFIFO number field value. */
#define GRSTCTL_TxFFlsh (1<<5) /**< TxFIFO Flush. */
#define GRSTCTL_RxFFlsh (1<<4) /**< RxFIFO Flush. */
#define GRSTCTL_INTknQFlsh (1<<3) /**< IN Token Sequence Learning
queue Flush. */
#define GRSTCTL_FrmCntrRst (1<<2) /**< Host frame Counter Reset. */
#define GRSTCTL_HSftRst (1<<1) /**< HClk Soft Reset. */
#define GRSTCTL_CSftRst (1<<0) /**< Core Soft Reset. */
* GINTSTS register bit definitions.
#define GINTSTS_WkUpInt (1u<<31)/**< Resume/Remote Wakeup Detected
interrupt. */
#define GINTSTS_SessReqInt (1<<30) /**< Session Request/New Session
Detected interrupt. */
#define GINTSTS_DisconnInt (1<<29) /**< Disconnect Detected interrupt. */
#define GINTSTS_ConIDStsChng (1<<28) /**< Connector ID status Change. */
#define GINTSTS_LPM_Int (1<<27) /**< LPM Transaction Received
interrupt. */
#define GINTSTS_PTxFEmp (1<<26) /**< periodic TxFIFO Empty. */
#define GINTSTS_HChInt (1<<25) /**< Host channels interrupt. */
#define GINTSTS_PrtInt (1<<24) /**< Host port interrupt. */
#define GINTSTS_ResetDet (1<<23) /**< Reset Detected interrupt. */
#define GINTSTS_FetSusp (1<<22) /**< Data Fetch Suspended. */
#define GINTSTS_incomplP (1<<21) /**< Incomplete periodic transfer. */
#define GINTSTS_incompISOOUT (1<<21) /**< Incomplete Isochronous OUT
transfer. */
#define GINTSTS_incompISOIN (1<<20) /**< Incomplete Isochronous IN
transfer. */
#define GINTSTS_OEPInt (1<<19) /**< OUT endpoints interrupt. */
#define GINTSTS_IEPInt (1<<18) /**< IN endpoints interrupt. */
#define GINTSTS_EPMis (1<<17) /**< endpoint Mismatch interrupt. */
#define GINTSTS_EOPF (1<<15) /**< End of periodic frame
interrupt. */
#define GINTSTS_ISOOutDrop (1<<14) /**< Isochronous OUT Packet Dropped
interrupt. */
#define GINTSTS_EnumDone (1<<13) /**< Enumeration Done. */
#define GINTSTS_USBRst (1<<12) /**< USB Reset. */
#define GINTSTS_USBSusp (1<<11) /**< USB Suspend. */
#define GINTSTS_ErlySusp (1<<10) /**< Early Suspend. */
#define GINTSTS_GOUTNakEff (1<<7) /**< Global OUT NAK Effective. */
#define GINTSTS_GINNakEff (1<<6) /**< Global IN Non-periodic NAK
Effective. */
#define GINTSTS_NPTxFEmp (1<<5) /**< Non-periodic TxFIFO Empty. */
#define GINTSTS_RxFLvl (1<<4) /**< RxFIFO Non-Empty. */
#define GINTSTS_Sof (1<<3) /**< Start of (micro)frame. */
#define GINTSTS_OTGInt (1<<2) /**< OTG interrupt. */
#define GINTSTS_ModeMis (1<<1) /**< Mode Mismatch interrupt. */
#define GINTSTS_CurMod (1<<0) /**< Current Mode of Operation. */
* GINTMSK register bit definitions.
#define GINTMSK_WkUpIntMsk (1u<<31)/**< Resume/Remote Wakeup Detected
interrupt mask. */
#define GINTMSK_SessReqIntMsk (1<<30) /**< Session Request/New Session
Detected interrupt mask. */
#define GINTMSK_DisconnIntMsk (1<<29) /**< Disconnect Detected interrupt
mask. */
#define GINTMSK_ConIDStsChngMsk (1<<28) /**< Connector ID status Change
mask. */
#define GINTMSK_LPM_IntMsk (1<<27) /**< LPM Transaction Received
interrupt mask. */
#define GINTMSK_PTxFEmpMsk (1<<26) /**< periodic TxFIFO Empty mask. */
#define GINTMSK_HChIntMsk (1<<25) /**< Host channels interrupt mask. */
#define GINTMSK_PrtIntMsk (1<<24) /**< Host port interrupt mask. */
#define GINTMSK_ResetDetMsk (1<<23) /**< Reset Detected interrupt mask. */
#define GINTMSK_FetSuspMsk (1<<22) /**< Data Fetch Suspended mask. */
#define GINTMSK_incomplPMsk (1<<21) /**< Incomplete periodic transfer
mask. */
#define GINTMSK_incompISOOUTMsk (1<<21) /**< Incomplete Isochronous OUT
transfer mask. */
#define GINTMSK_incompISOINMsk (1<<20) /**< Incomplete Isochronous IN
transfer mask. */
#define GINTMSK_OEPIntMsk (1<<19) /**< OUT endpoints interrupt mask. */
#define GINTMSK_IEPIntMsk (1<<18) /**< IN endpoints interrupt mask. */
#define GINTMSK_EPMisMsk (1<<17) /**< endpoint Mismatch interrupt
mask. */
#define GINTMSK_EOPFMsk (1<<15) /**< End of periodic frame interrupt
mask. */
#define GINTMSK_ISOOutDropMsk (1<<14) /**< Isochronous OUT Packet Dropped
interrupt mask. */
#define GINTMSK_EnumDoneMsk (1<<13) /**< Enumeration Done mask. */
#define GINTMSK_USBRstMsk (1<<12) /**< USB Reset mask. */
#define GINTMSK_USBSuspMsk (1<<11) /**< USB Suspend mask. */
#define GINTMSK_ErlySuspMsk (1<<10) /**< Early Suspend mask. */
#define GINTMSK_GOUTNakEffMsk (1<<7) /**< Global OUT NAK Effective mask. */
#define GINTMSK_GINNakEffMsk (1<<6) /**< Global Non-periodic IN NAK
Effective mask. */
#define GINTMSK_NPTxFEmpMsk (1<<5) /**< Non-periodic TxFIFO Empty mask.*/
#define GINTMSK_RxFLvlMsk (1<<4) /**< Receive FIFO Non-Empty mask. */
#define GINTMSK_SofMsk (1<<3) /**< Start of (micro)frame mask. */
#define GINTMSK_OTGIntMsk (1<<2) /**< OTG interrupt mask. */
#define GINTMSK_ModeMisMsk (1<<1) /**< Mode Mismatch interrupt mask. */
* GRXSTSR register bit definitions.
#define GRXSTSR_PktSts_MASK (15<<17) /**< Packet status mask. */
#define GRXSTSR_PktSts(n) ((n)<<17) /**< Packet status value. */
#define GRXSTSR_DPID_MASK (3<<15) /**< Data PID mask. */
#define GRXSTSR_DPID(n) ((n)<<15) /**< Data PID value. */
#define GRXSTSR_BCnt_MASK (0x7FF<<4) /**< Byte Count mask. */
#define GRXSTSR_BCnt_OFF 4 /**< Byte Count offset. */
#define GRXSTSR_BCnt(n) ((n)<<5) /**< Byte Count value. */
#define GRXSTSR_ChNum_MASK (15<<0) /**< channel number mask. */
#define GRXSTSR_ChNum(n) ((n)<<0) /**< channel number value. */
#define GRXSTSR_EPNum_MASK (15<<0) /**< endpoint number mask. */
#define GRXSTSR_EPNum(n) ((n)<<0) /**< endpoint number value. */
* GRXSTSP register bit definitions.
#define GRXSTSP_PktSts_MASK (15<<17) /**< Packet status mask. */
#define GRXSTSP_PktSts(n) ((n)<<17) /**< Packet status value. */
#define GRXSTSP_DPID_MASK (3<<15) /**< Data PID mask. */
#define GRXSTSP_DPID(n) ((n)<<15) /**< Data PID value. */
#define GRXSTSP_BCnt_MASK (0x7FF<<4) /**< Byte Count mask. */
#define GRXSTSP_BCnt_OFF 4 /**< Byte Count offset. */
#define GRXSTSP_BCnt(n) ((n)<<5) /**< Byte Count value. */
#define GRXSTSP_ChNum_MASK (15<<0) /**< channel number mask. */
#define GRXSTSP_ChNum_OFF 0 /**< channel number mask. */
#define GRXSTSP_ChNum(n) ((n)<<0) /**< channel number value. */
#define GRXSTSP_EPNum_MASK (15<<0) /**< endpoint number mask. */
#define GRXSTSP_EPNum_OFF 0 /**< endpoint number offset.*/
#define GRXSTSP_EPNum(n) ((n)<<0) /**< endpoint number value. */
* GRXFSIZ register bit definitions.
#define GRXFSIZ_RxFDep_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< RxFIFO Depth mask. */
#define GRXFSIZ_RxFDep(n) ((n)<<0) /**< RxFIFO Depth value. */
* GNPTXFSIZ register bit definitions.
#define GNPTXFSIZ_NPTxFDep_MASK (0xFFFFu<<16)/**< Non-periodic TxFIFO Depth
mask. */
#define GNPTXFSIZ_NPTxFDep(n) ((n)<<16) /**< Non-periodic TxFIFO Depth
value. */
#define GNPTXFSIZ_NPTxFStAddr_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< Non-periodic transmit RAM
Start Address mask. */
#define GNPTXFSIZ_NPTxFStAddr(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Non-periodic transmit RAM
Start Address value. */
* GNPTXSTS register bit definitions.
#define GNPTXSTS_NPTxQTop_MASK (0x7F<<24) /**< Top of the Non-periodic
transmit Request queue
mask. */
#define GNPTXSTS_NPTxQTop(n) ((n)<<24) /**< Top of the Non-periodic
transmit Request queue
value. */
#define GNPTXSTS_NPTxQSpcAvail_MASK (0xFF<<16) /**< Non-periodic transmit
Request queue Space
Available mask. */
#define GNPTXSTS_NPTxQSpcAvail(n) ((n)<<16) /**< Non-periodic transmit
Request queue Space
Available value. */
#define GNPTXSTS_NPTxFSpcAvail_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< Non-periodic TxFIFO
Space Available mask. */
#define GNPTXSTS_NPTxFSpcAvail(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Non-periodic TxFIFO
Space Available value. */
* HPTXFSIZ register bit definitions.
#define HPTXFSIZ_PTxFsize_MASK (0xFFFF<<16)/**< Host periodic TxFIFO
Depth mask. */
#define HPTXFSIZ_PTxFsize(n) ((n)<<16) /**< Host periodic TxFIFO
Depth value. */
#define HPTXFSIZ_PTxFStAddr_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< Host periodic TxFIFO
Start Address mask. */
#define HPTXFSIZ_PTxFStAddr(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Host periodic TxFIFO
Start Address value. */
* DPTXFSIZ register bit definitions.
#define DPTXFSIZ_DPTxFsize_MASK (0xFFFF<<16 /**< Device periodic TxFIFO
size mask. */
#define DPTXFSIZ_DPTxFsize(n) ((n)<<16) /**< Device periodic TxFIFO
size value. */
#define DPTXFSIZ_DPTxFStAddr_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< Device periodic TxFIFO
RAM Start Address mask.*/
#define DPTXFSIZ_DPTxFStAddr(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Device periodic TxFIFO
RAM Start Address
value. */
* HCFG register bit definitions.
#define HCFG_ResValid_MASK (0xFF<<8) /**< Resume Validation
Period mask. */
#define HCFG_ResValid(n) ((n)<<8) /**< Resume Validation
Period value. */
#define HCFG_Ena32KHzS (1<<7) /**< Enable 32-KHz Suspend
Mode. */
#define HCFG_FSLSSupp (1<<2) /**< FS- and LS-Only
Support. */
#define HCFG_FSLSPclkSel_MASK (3<<0) /**< FS/LS PHY Clock Select
mask. */
#define HCFG_FSLSPclkSel_30_60 (0<<0) /**< PHY clock is running at
30/60 MHz. */
#define HCFG_FSLSPclkSel_48 (1<<0) /**< PHY clock is running at
48 MHz. */
* HFIR register bit definitions.
#define HFIR_FrInt_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< frame interval mask. */
#define HFIR_FrInt(n) ((n)<<0) /**< frame interval value. */
* HFNUM register bit definitions.
#define HFNUM_FrRem_MASK (0xFFFF<<16)/**< frame time Remaining
mask. */
#define HFNUM_FrRem(n) ((n)<<16) /**< frame time Remaining
value. */
#define HFNUM_FrNum_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< frame number mask. */
#define HFNUM_FrNum(n) ((n)<<0) /**< frame number value. */
* HPTXSTS register bit definitions.
#define HPTXSTS_PTxQTop_MASK (0xFF<<24) /**< Top of the periodic
transmit Request queue
mask. */
#define HPTXSTS_PTxQTop(n) ((n)<<24) /**< Top of the periodic
transmit Request queue
value. */
#define HPTXSTS_PTxQSpcAvail_MASK (0xFF<<16) /**< periodic transmit Request
queue Space Available
mask. */
#define HPTXSTS_PTxQSpcAvail(n) ((n)<<16) /**< periodic transmit Request
queue Space Available
value. */
#define HPTXSTS_PTxFSpcAvail_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< periodic transmit Data
FIFO Space Available
mask. */
#define HPTXSTS_PTxFSpcAvail(n) ((n)<<0) /**< periodic transmit Data
FIFO Space Available
value. */
* HAINT register bit definitions.
#define HAINT_HAINT_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< channel interrupts
mask. */
#define HAINT_HAINT(n) ((n)<<0) /**< channel interrupts
value. */
* HAINTMSK register bit definitions.
#define HAINTMSK_HAINTMsk_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< channel interrupt mask
mask. */
#define HAINTMSK_HAINTMsk(n) ((n)<<0) /**< channel interrupt mask
value. */
* HPRT register bit definitions.
#define HPRT_PrtSpd_MASK (3<<17) /**< port Speed mask. */
#define HPRT_PrtSpd_HS (0<<17) /**< High Speed value. */
#define HPRT_PrtSpd_FS (1<<17) /**< Full Speed value. */
#define HPRT_PrtSpd_LS (2<<17) /**< Low Speed value. */
#define HPRT_PrtTstCtl_MASK (15<<13) /**< port Test control mask.*/
#define HPRT_PrtTstCtl(n) ((n)<<13) /**< port Test control
value. */
#define HPRT_PrtPwr (1<<12) /**< port Power. */
#define HPRT_PrtLnSts_MASK (3<<11) /**< port Line status mask. */
#define HPRT_PrtLnSts_DM (1<<11) /**< Logic level of D-. */
#define HPRT_PrtLnSts_DP (1<<10) /**< Logic level of D+. */
#define HPRT_PrtRst (1<<8) /**< port Reset. */
#define HPRT_PrtSusp (1<<7) /**< port Suspend. */
#define HPRT_PrtRes (1<<6) /**< port Resume. */
#define HPRT_PrtOvrCurrChng (1<<5) /**< port Overcurrent
Change. */
#define HPRT_PrtOvrCurrAct (1<<4) /**< port Overcurrent
Active. */
#define HPRT_PrtEnChng (1<<3) /**< port Enable/Disable
Change. */
#define HPRT_PrtEna (1<<2) /**< port Enable. */
#define HPRT_PrtConnDet (1<<1) /**< port Connect Detected. */
#define HPRT_PrtConnSts (1<<0) /**< .*/
* HCCHAR register bit definitions.
#define HCCHAR_ChEna (1u<<31) /**< channel Enable. */
#define HCCHAR_ChDis (1<<30) /**< channel Disable. */
#define HCCHAR_OddFrm (1<<29) /**< Odd frame. */
#define HCCHAR_DevAddr_MASK (0x7F<<22) /**< Device Address mask. */
#define HCCHAR_DevAddr(n) ((n)<<22) /**< Device Address value. */
#define HCCHAR_MC_EC_MASK (3<<20) /**< Multi Count (MC) / Error
Count mask. */
#define HCCHAR_MC_EC(n) ((n)<<20) /**< Multi Count (MC) / Error
Count value. */
#define HCCHAR_EPType_MASK (3<<18) /**< .*/
#define HCCHAR_EPType(n) ((n)<<18) /**< endpoint Type mask. */
#define HCCHAR_EPType_control (0<<18) /**< control endpoint value.*/
#define HCCHAR_EPType_Isochronous (1<<18) /**< Isochronous endpoint
value. */
#define HCCHAR_EPType_Bulk (2<<18) /**< Bulk endpoint value. */
#define HCCHAR_EPType_interrupt (3<<18) /**< interrupt endpoint
value. */
#define HCCHAR_LSpdDev (1<<17) /**< Low-Speed Device. */
#define HCCHAR_EPDir (1<<15) /**< endpoint Direction. */
#define HCCHAR_EPNum_MASK (15<<11) /**< endpoint number mask. */
#define HCCHAR_EPNum(n) ((n)<<11) /**< endpoint number value. */
#define HCCHAR_MPS_MASK (11<<0) /**< Maximum Packet size
mask. */
#define HCCHAR_MPS(n) (11<<0) /**< Maximum Packet size
value. */
* HCSPLT register bit definitions.
#define HCSPLT_SpltEna (1u<<31) /**< Split Enable. */
#define HCSPLT_CompSplt (1<<16) /**< Do Complete Split. */
#define HCSPLT_XactPos_MASK (3<<14) /**< Transaction Position. */
#define HCSPLT_XactPos_Mid (0<<14) /**< Middle. */
#define HCSPLT_XactPos_End (1<<14) /**< End. */
#define HCSPLT_XactPos_Begin (2<<14) /**< Begin. */
#define HCSPLT_XactPos_all (3<<14) /**< all. */
#define HCSPLT_HubAddr_MASK (0x7F<<6) /**< Hub Address mask. */
#define HCSPLT_HubAddr(n) ((n)<<n) /**< Hub Address value. */
#define HCSPLT_PrtAddr_MASK (0x7F<<0) /**< port Address mask. */
#define HCSPLT_PrtAddr(n) ((n)<<0) /**< port Address value. */
* HCINT register bit definitions.
#define HCINT_DataTglErr (1<<10) /**< Data Toggle Error. */
#define HCINT_FrmOvrun (1<<9) /**< frame Overrun. */
#define HCINT_BblErr (1<<8) /**< Babble Error. */
#define HCINT_XactErr (1<<7) /**< Transaction Error. */
#define HCINT_NYET (1<<6) /**< NYET Response Received
interrupt. */
#define HCINT_ACK (1<<5) /**< ACK Response
interrupt. */
#define HCINT_NAK (1<<4) /**< NAK Response Received
interrupt. */
#define HCINT_STALL (1<<3) /**< STALL Response Received
interrupt. */
#define HCINT_ChHltd (1<<1) /**< channel Halted. */
#define HCINT_XferCompl (1<<0) /**< transfer Completed. */
* HCINTMSK register bit definitions.
#define HCINTMSK_DataTglErrMsk (1<<10) /**< Data Toggle Error mask.*/
#define HCINTMSK_FrmOvrunMsk (1<<9) /**< frame Overrun mask. */
#define HCINTMSK_BblErrMsk (1<<8) /**< Babble Error mask. */
#define HCINTMSK_XactErrMsk (1<<7) /**< Transaction Error mask.*/
#define HCINTMSK_NyetMsk (1<<6) /**< NYET Response Received
interrupt mask. */
#define HCINTMSK_AckMsk (1<<5) /**< ACK Response
interrupt mask. */
#define HCINTMSK_NakMsk (1<<4) /**< NAK Response Received
interrupt mask. */
#define HCINTMSK_StallMsk (1<<3) /**< STALL Response Received
interrupt mask. */
#define HCINTMSK_ChHltdMsk (1<<1) /**< channel Halted mask. */
#define HCINTMSK_XferComplMsk (1<<0) /**< transfer Completed
* HCTSIZ register bit definitions.
#define HCTSIZ_DoPng (1<<31) /**< Do Ping. */
#define HCTSIZ_Pid_MASK (3<<29) /**< PID mask. */
#define HCTSIZ_Pid_DATA0 (0<<29) /**< DATA0. */
#define HCTSIZ_Pid_DATA2 (1<<29) /**< DATA2. */
#define HCTSIZ_Pid_DATA1 (2<<29) /**< DATA1. */
#define HCTSIZ_Pid_MDATA (3<<29) /**< MDATA. */
#define HCTSIZ_Xfersize_MASK (0x7FFFF<<0)/**< transfer size mask. */
#define HCTSIZ_Xfersize(n) ((n)<<0) /**< transfer size value. */
* DCFG register bit definitions.
#define DCFG_ResValid_MASK (0x3F<<26) /**< Resume Validation Period
mask. */
#define DCFG_ResValid(n) ((n)<<26) /**< Resume Validation Period
value. */
#define DCFG_EPMisCnt_MASK (0x1F<<18) /**< IN endpoint Mismatch
Count mask. */
#define DCFG_EPMisCnt(n) ((n)<<18) /**< IN endpoint Mismatch
Count value. */
#define DCFG_PerFrInt_MASK (3<<11) /**< periodic frame interval
mask. */
#define DCFG_PerFrInt(n) ((n)<<11) /**< periodic frame interval
value. */
#define DCFG_DevAddr_MASK (0x7F<<4) /**< Device Address mask. */
#define DCFG_DevAddr(n) ((n)<<4) /**< Device Address value. */
#define DCFG_Ena32KHzS (1<<3) /**< Enable 32-KHz Suspend
Mode. */
#define DCFG_NZStsOUTHShk (1<<2) /**< Non-Zero-Length status
OUT Handshake. */
#define DCFG_DevSpd_MASK (3<<0) /**< Device Speed mask. */
#define DCFG_DevSpd_HS20 (0<<0) /**< High speed (USB 2.0 PHY
clock is 30 MHz or 60
MHz). */
#define DCFG_DevSpd_FS20 (1<<0) /**< Full speed (USB 2.0 PHY
clock is 30 MHz or 60
MHz). */
#define DCFG_DevSpd_Reserved (2<<0) /**< Reserved. */
#define DCFG_DevSpd_FS11 (3<<0) /**< Full speed (USB 1.1
transceiver clock is 48
MHz). */
* DCTL register bit definitions.
#define DCTL_NakOnBble (1<<16) /**< Set NAK automatically on
babble. */
#define DCTL_PWROnPrgDone (1<<11) /**< Power-On Programming
Done. */
#define DCTL_CGOUTNak (1<<10) /**< Clear Global OUT NAK. */
#define DCTL_SGOUTNak (1<<9) /**< Set Global OUT NAK. */
#define DCTL_CGNPInNak (1<<8) /**< Clear Global Non-periodic
IN NAK. */
#define DCTL_SGNPInNak (1<<7) /**< Set Global Non-periodic
IN NAK. */
#define DCTL_TstCtl_MASK (7<<4) /**< Test control mask. */
#define DCTL_TstCtl(n) ((n)<<4) /**< Test control value. */
#define DCTL_GOUTNakSts (1<<3) /**< Global OUT NAK status. */
#define DCTL_GNPINNakSts (1<<2) /**< Global Non-periodic IN
NAK status. */
#define DCTL_SftDiscon (1<<1) /**< Soft Disconnect. */
#define DCTL_RmtWkUpSig (1<<0) /**< Remote Wakeup
Signaling. */
* DSTS register bit definitions.
#define DSTS_SOFFN_MASK (0x3FFF<<8) /**< frame or Microframe
number of the Received
SOF mask. */
#define DSTS_SOFFN(n) ((n)<<8) /**< frame or Microframe
number of the Received
SOF value. */
#define DSTS_ErrticErr (1<<3) /**< Erratic Error. */
#define DSTS_EnumSpd_MASK (3<<1) /**< Enumerated Speed mask. */
#define DSTS_EnumSpd_HS_30_60 (0<<1) /**< High speed (PHY clock is
running at 30 or 60
MHz). */
#define DSTS_EnumSpd_FS_30_60 (1<<1) /**< Full speed (PHY clock is
running at 30 or 60
MHz). */
#define DSTS_EnumSpd_LS_48_6 (2<<1) /**< Low speed (PHY clock is
running at 48 MHz,
internal phy_clk at 6
MHz). */
#define DSTS_EnumSpd_FS_48 (3<<1) /**< Full speed (PHY clock is
running at 48 MHz). */
#define DSTS_SuspSts (1<<0) /**< Suspend status. */
* DIEPMSK register bit definitions.
#define DIEPMSK_NAKMsk (1<<13) /**< NAK interrupt mask. */
#define DIEPMSK_BNAInIntrMsk (1<<9) /**< BNA interrupt mask. */
#define DIEPMSK_TxfifoUndrnMsk (1<<8) /**< Fifo Underrun mask. */
#define DIEPMSK_INEPNakEffMsk (1<<6) /**< IN endpoint NAK Effective
mask. */
#define DIEPMSK_INTknEPMisMsk (1<<5) /**< IN Token received with
EP Mismatch mask. */
#define DIEPMSK_INTknTXFEmpMsk (1<<4) /**< IN Token Received When
TxFIFO Empty mask. */
#define DIEPMSK_timeOUTMsk (1<<3) /**< timeout Condition mask.*/
#define DIEPMSK_AHBErrMsk (1<<2) /**< AHB Error mask. */
#define DIEPMSK_EPDisbldMsk (1<<1) /**< endpoint Disabled
interrupt mask. */
#define DIEPMSK_XferComplMsk (1<<0) /**< transfer Completed
interrupt mask. */
* DOEPMSK register bit definitions.
#define DOEPMSK_NYETMsk (1<<14) /**< NYET interrupt mask. */
#define DOEPMSK_NAKMsk (1<<13) /**< NAK interrupt mask. */
#define DOEPMSK_BbleErrMsk (1<<12) /**< Babble interrupt mask. */
#define DOEPMSK_BnaOutIntrMsk (1<<9) /**< BNA interrupt mask. */
#define DOEPMSK_OutPktErrMsk (1<<8) /**< OUT Packet Error mask. */
#define DOEPMSK_Back2BackSETup (1<<6) /**< Back-to-Back SETUP
Packets Received mask. */
#define DOEPMSK_OUTTknEPdisMsk (1<<4) /**< OUT Token Received when
endpoint Disabled mask.*/
#define DOEPMSK_SetUPMsk (1<<3) /**< SETUP Phase Done mask. */
#define DOEPMSK_AHBErrMsk (1<<2) /**< AHB Error. */
#define DOEPMSK_EPDisbldMsk (1<<1) /**< endpoint Disabled
interrupt mask. */
#define DOEPMSK_XferComplMsk (1<<0) /**< transfer Completed
interrupt mask. */
* DAINT register bit definitions.
#define DAINT_OutEPInt_MASK (0xFFFF<<16)/**< OUT endpoint interrupt
Bits mask. */
#define DAINT_OutEPInt(n) ((n)<<16) /**< OUT endpoint interrupt
Bits value. */
#define DAINT_InEpInt_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< IN endpoint interrupt
Bits mask. */
#define DAINT_InEpInt(n) ((n)<<0) /**< IN endpoint interrupt
Bits value. */
* DAINTMSK register bit definitions.
#define DAINTMSK_OutEpMsk_MASK (0xFFFF<<16)/**< OUT EP interrupt mask
Bits mask. */
#define DAINTMSK_OutEpMsk(n) (1<<(16+(n)))/**< OUT EP interrupt mask
Bits value. */
#define DAINTMSK_InEpMsk_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< IN EP interrupt mask
Bits mask. */
#define DAINTMSK_InEpMsk(n) (1<<(n)) /**< IN EP interrupt mask
Bits value. */
* DVBUSDIS register bit definitions.
#define DVBUSDIS_DVBUSDis_MASK (0xFFFF<<0) /**< Device VBUS Discharge
time mask. */
#define DVBUSDIS_DVBUSDis(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Device VBUS Discharge
time value. */
* DVBUSPULSE register bit definitions.
#define DVBUSPULSE_DVBUSPulse_MASK (0xFFF<<0) /**< Device VBUS Pulsing time
mask. */
#define DVBUSPULSE_DVBUSPulse(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Device VBUS Pulsing time
value. */
* DIEPCTL register bit definitions.
#define DIEPCTL_EPEna (1u<<31) /**< endpoint Enable. */
#define DIEPCTL_EPDis (1<<30) /**< endpoint Disable. */
#define DIEPCTL_SetD1PID (1<<29) /**< Set DATA1 PID. */
#define DIEPCTL_SetD0PID (1<<28) /**< Set DATA0 PID. */
#define DIEPCTL_SNAK (1<<27) /**< Set NAK. */
#define DIEPCTL_CNAK (1<<26) /**< Clear NAK. */
#define DIEPCTL_TxFNum_MASK (15<<22) /**< TxFIFO number mask. */
#define DIEPCTL_TxFNum(n) ((n)<<22) /**< TxFIFO number value. */
#define DIEPCTL_Stall (1<<21) /**< STALL Handshake. */
#define DIEPCTL_Snp (1<<20) /**< Snoop Mode. */
#define DIEPCTL_EPType_MASK (3<<18) /**< endpoint Type mask. */
#define DIEPCTL_EPType_control (0<<18) /**< control. */
#define DIEPCTL_EPType_Isochronous (1<<18) /**< Isochronous. */
#define DIEPCTL_EPType_Bulk (2<<18) /**< Bulk. */
#define DIEPCTL_EPType_interrupt (3<<18) /**< interrupt. */
#define DIEPCTL_NAKSts (1<<17) /**< NAK status. */
#define DIEPCTL_DPID (1<<16) /**< endpoint Data PID. */
#define DIEPCTL_USBActEP (1<<15) /**< USB Active endpoint. */
#define DIEPCTL_NextEp_MASK (15<<11) /**< Next endpoint mask. */
#define DIEPCTL_NextEp(n) ((n)<<11) /**< Next endpoint value. */
#define DIEPCTL_MPS_MASK (0x3FF<<0) /**< Maximum Packet size
mask. */
#define DIEPCTL_MPS(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Maximum Packet size
value. */
* DIEPINT register bit definitions.
#define DIEPINT_NYETIntrpt (1<<14) /**< NYET interrupt. */
#define DIEPINT_NAKIntrpt (1<<13) /**< NAK interrupt. */
#define DIEPINT_BbleErrIntrpt (1<<12) /**< BbleErr (Babble Error)
interrupt. */
#define DIEPINT_TxFEmp (1<<7) /**< transmit FIFO Empty. */
#define DIEPINT_INEPNakEff (1<<6) /**< IN endpoint NAK
Effective. */
#define DIEPINT_INTknEPMis (1<<5) /**< IN Token Received with
EP Mismatch. */
#define DIEPINT_INTknTXFEmp (1<<4) /**< IN Token Received When
TxFIFO is Empty. */
#define DIEPINT_timeOUT (1<<3) /**< timeout Condition. */
#define DIEPINT_AHBErr (1<<2) /**< AHB Error. */
#define DIEPINT_EPDisbld (1<<1) /**< endpoint Disabled
interrupt. */
#define DIEPINT_XferCompl (1<<0) /**< transfer Completed */
* DIEPTSIZ register bit definitions.
#define DIEPTSIZ_MC_MASK (3<<29) /**< Multi Count mask. */
#define DIEPTSIZ_MC(n) ((n)<<29) /**< Multi Count value. */
#define DIEPTSIZ_PktCnt_MASK (0x3FF<<19) /**< Packet Count mask. */
#define DIEPTSIZ_PktCnt(n) ((n)<<19) /**< Packet Count value. */
#define DIEPTSIZ_Xfersize_MASK (0x7FFFF<<0)/**< transfer size mask. */
#define DIEPTSIZ_Xfersize(n) ((n)<<0) /**< transfer size value. */
* DOEPCTL register bit definitions.
#define DOEPCTL_EPEna (1u<<31) /**< endpoint Enable. */
#define DOEPCTL_EPDis (1<<30) /**< endpoint Disable. */
#define DOEPCTL_SetOddFr (1<<29) /**< Set Odd (micro)frame. */
#define DOEPCTL_SetEvenFr (1<<28) /**< Set Even (micro)frame. */
#define DOEPCTL_SNAK (1<<27) /**< Set NAK. */
#define DOEPCTL_CNAK (1<<26) /**< Clear NAK. */
#define DOEPCTL_Stall (1<<21) /**< STALL Handshake. */
#define DOEPCTL_Snp (1<<20) /**< Snoop Mode. */
#define DOEPCTL_EPType_MASK (3<<18) /**< endpoint Type mask. */
#define DOEPCTL_EPType_control (0<<18) /**< control. */
#define DOEPCTL_EPType_Isochronous (1<<18) /**< Isochronous. */
#define DOEPCTL_EPType_Bulk (2<<18) /**< Bulk. */
#define DOEPCTL_EPType_interrupt (3<<18) /**< interrupt. */
#define DOEPCTL_NAKSts (1<<17) /**< NAK status. */
#define DOEPCTL_EO_FrNum (1<<16) /**< Even/Odd (Micro)frame. */
#define DOEPCTL_USBActEP (1<<15) /**< USB Active endpoint. */
#define DOEPCTL_NextEp_MASK (15<<11) /**< Next endpoint mask. */
#define DOEPCTL_NextEp(n) ((n)<<11) /**< Next endpoint value. */
#define DOEPCTL_MPS_MASK (0x3FF<<0) /**< Maximum Packet size
mask. */
#define DOEPCTL_MPS(n) ((n)<<0) /**< Maximum Packet size
value. */
* DOEPINT register bit definitions.
#define DOEPINT_NYETIntrpt (1<<14) /**< NYET interrupt. */
#define DOEPINT_NAKIntrpt (1<<13) /**< NAK interrupt. */
#define DOEPINT_BbleErrIntrpt (1<<12) /**< BbleErr (Babble Error)
interrupt. */
#define DOEPINT_Back2BackSETup (1<<6) /**< Back-to-Back SETUP
Packets Received. */
#define DOEPINT_OUTTknEPdis (1<<4) /**< OUT Token Received When
endpoint Disabled. */
#define DOEPINT_SetUp (1<<3) /**< SETUP Phase Done. */
#define DOEPINT_AHBErr (1<<2) /**< AHB Error. */
#define DOEPINT_EPDisbld (1<<1) /**< endpoint Disabled
interrupt. */
#define DOEPINT_XferCompl (1<<0) /**< transfer Completed
interrupt. */
* DOEPTSIZ register bit definitions.
#define DOEPTSIZ_SUPCnt_MASK (3<<29) /**< SETUP Packet Cnt mask. */
#define DOEPTSIZ_SUPCnt(n) ((n)<<29) /**< SETUP Packet Cnt value.*/
#define DOEPTSIZ_PktCnt_MASK (0x3FF<<19) /**< Packet Count mask. */
#define DOEPTSIZ_PktCnt(n) ((n)<<19) /**< Packet Count value. */
#define DOEPTSIZ_Xfersize_MASK (0x7FFFF<<0)/**< transfer size mask. */
#define DOEPTSIZ_Xfersize(n) ((n)<<0) /**< transfer size value. */
* PCGCCTL register bit definitions.
#define PCGCCTL_ResetAfterSusp (1<<8) /**< Reset After Suspend. */
#define PCGCCTL_L1Suspended (1<<7) /**< Deep Sleep. */
#define PCGCCTL_PhySleep (1<<6) /**< PHY in Sleep. */
#define PCGCCTL_Enbl_L1Gating (1<<5) /**< Enable Sleep Clock
Gating. */
#define PCGCCTL_RstPdwnModule (1<<3) /**< Reset Power-Down
Modules. */
#define PCGCCTL_PwrClmp (1<<2) /**< Power Clamp. */
#define PCGCCTL_GateHclk (1<<1) /**< Gate Hclk. */
#define PCGCCTL_StopPclk (1<<0) /**< Stop Pclk. */
* @brief OTG registers block memory address.
#define OTG_ADDR 0x50000000
* @brief Accesses to the OTG registers block.
#define OTG ((stm32_otg_t *)OTG_ADDR)
* @brief Returns a FIFO address.
#define OTG_FIFO(n) ((volatile uint32_t *)(OTG_ADDR + \
0x1000 +
(0x1000 * (n))))
#endif /* _STM32_OTG_H_ */
/** @} */