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ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2015 Giovanni Di Sirio.
This file is part of ChibiOS.
ChibiOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ChibiOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @defgroup IO HAL
* @brief Hardware Abstraction Layer.
* @details Under ChibiOS the set of the various device driver interfaces
* is called the HAL subsystem: Hardware Abstraction Layer. The HAL is the
* abstract interface between ChibiOS applications and hardware.
* @section hal_device_driver_arch HAL Device Drivers Architecture
* The HAL contains several kind of modules:
* - Normal Device Drivers
* - Complex Device Drivers
* - Interfaces
* - Inner Code
* .
* @section hal_normal_device_drivers HAL Normal Device Drivers
* Normal device are meant to interface the application to the underlying
* hardware through an high level API. Normal Device Drivers are split in two
* layers:
* - High Level Device Driver (<b>HLD</b>). This layer contains the definitions
* of the driver's APIs and the platform independent part of the driver.<br>
* An HLD is composed by two files:
* - @p @<driver@>.c, the HLD implementation file. This file must be
* included in the Makefile in order to use the driver.
* - @p @<driver@>.h, the HLD header file. This file is implicitly
* included by the HAL header file @p hal.h.
* .
* - Low Level Device Driver (<b>LLD</b>). This layer contains the platform
* dependent part of the driver.<br>
* A LLD is composed by two files:
* - @p @<driver@>_lld.c, the LLD implementation file. This file must be
* included in the Makefile in order to use the driver.
* - @p @<driver@>_lld.h, the LLD header file. This file is implicitly
* included by the HLD header file.
* .
* .
* @subsection hal_device_driver_diagram Diagram
* @dot
digraph example {
graph [size="5, 7", pad="1.5, 0"];
node [shape=rectangle, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8,
fixedsize="true", width="2.0", height="0.4"];
edge [fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
app [label="Application"];
hld [label="High Level Driver"];
lld [label="Low Level Driver"];
hw [label="Microcontroller Hardware"];
hal_lld [label="HAL shared low level code"];
lld-> hw;
* @enddot
* @section hal_complex_device_drivers HAL Complex Device Drivers
* It is a class of device drivers that offer an high level API but do not
* use the hardware directly. Complex device drivers use other drivers for
* accessing the machine resources.
* @section hal_interfaces HAL Interfaces
* An interface is a binary structure allowing the access to a service
* using virtual functions. This allows to create drivers that can be
* accessed using a common interface.
* The concept of interface is commonly found in object-oriented languages
* like Java or C++, their meaning in ChibiOS/HAL is exactly the same.
* @section hal_inner_code HAL Inner Code
* Some modules are shared among multiple device drivers and are not
* necessarily meant to be used by the application layer.
* @defgroup HAL_CONF Configuration
* @brief HAL Configuration.
* @details The file @p halconf.h contains the high level settings for all
* the drivers supported by the HAL. The low level, platform dependent,
* settings are contained in the @p mcuconf.h file instead and are describe
* in the various platforms reference manuals.
* @ingroup IO
* @defgroup HAL_NORMAL_DRIVERS Normal Drivers
* @brief HAL Normal Drivers.
* @ingroup IO
* @defgroup HAL_COMPLEX_DRIVERS Complex Drivers
* @brief HAL Complex Drivers.
* @ingroup IO
* @defgroup HAL_INTERFACES Interfaces
* @brief HAL Interfaces.
* @ingroup IO
* @defgroup HAL_INNER_CODE Inner Code
* @brief HAL Inner Code.
* @ingroup IO
* @defgroup OSAL OSAL
* @brief Operating System Abstraction Layer.
* @details <h2>The OSAL</h2>
* The OSAL is the link between ChibiOS/HAL and services
* provided by operating systems like:
* - Critical Zones handling.
* - Interrupts handling.
* - Runtime Errors management.
* - Inter-task synchronization.
* - Task-ISR synchronization.
* - Time management.
* - Events.
* .
* ChibiOS/HAL is designed to tightly integrate with the underlying
* RTOS in order to provide the best experience to developers and
* minimize integration issues.<br>
* This section describes the API that OSALs are expected to expose
* to the HAL.
* <h2>RTOS Requirements</h2>
* The OSAL API closely resembles the ChibiOS/RT API, for obvious
* reasons, however an OSAL module can be implemented for any
* reasonably complete RTOS or even a RTOS-less bare metal
* machine, if required.<br>
* In order to be able to support an HAL an RTOS should support the
* following minimal set of features:
* - Task-level critical zones API.
* - ISR-level critical zones API, only required on those CPU
* architectures supporting preemptable ISRs like Cortex-Mx
* cores.
* - Ability to invoke API functions from inside a task critical
* zone. Functions that are required to support this feature are
* marked with an "I" or "S" letter at the end of the name.
* - Ability to invoke API functions from inside an ISR critical
* zone. Functions that are required to support this feature are
* marked with an "I" letter at the end of the name.
* - Tasks Queues or Counting Semaphores with Timeout capability.
* - Ability to suspend a task and wakeup it from ISR with Timeout
* capability.
* - Event flags, the mechanism can be simulated using callbacks in
* case the RTOS does not support it.
* - Mutual Exclusion mechanism like Semaphores or Mutexes.
* .
* All the above requirements can be satisfied even on naked HW with
* a very think SW layer. In case that the HAL is required to work
* without an RTOS.
* <h2>Supported RTOSes</h2>
* The RTOSes supported out of the box are:
* - ChibiOS/RT
* - ChibiOS/NIL
* .
* Implementations have also been successfully created on RTOSes not
* belonging to the ChibiOS products family but are not supported
* as a core feature of ChibiOS/HAL.
* @ingroup IO