Improvements to the concepts article.

git-svn-id: svn:// 35acf78f-673a-0410-8e92-d51de3d6d3f4
This commit is contained in:
gdisirio 2010-09-18 10:08:34 +00:00
parent 6c3bddd257
commit fd9d0b74ca
1 changed files with 181 additions and 65 deletions

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
* @a Mtx, @a Cond, @a Evt, @a Msg, @a SequentialStream, @a IO, @a IQ, @a OQ,
* @a Dbg, @a Core, @a Heap, @a Pool.
* @section api_suffixes API Names Suffixes
* @section api_suffixes API Name Suffixes
* The suffix can be one of the following:
* - <b>None</b>, APIs without any suffix can be invoked only from the user
* code in the <b>Normal</b> state unless differently specified. See
@ -112,58 +112,104 @@
* real associated machine state on some architectures. The following diagram
* shows the possible transitions between the states:
* @dot
digraph example {
node [shape=circle, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8, fixedsize="true", width="0.75", height="0.75"];
edge [fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
init [label="Init", style="bold"];
norm [label="Normal", shape=doublecircle];
susp [label="Suspended"];
disab [label="Disabled"];
slock [label="S-Locked"];
ilock [label="I-Locked"];
slock [label="S-Locked"];
sleep [label="Sleep"];
sri [label="SRI"];
init -> norm [label="chSysInit()"];
norm -> slock [label="chSysLock()", constraint=false];
slock -> norm [label="chSysUnlock()"];
norm -> susp [label="chSysSuspend()"];
susp -> disab [label="chSysDisable()"];
norm -> disab [label="chSysDisable()"];
susp -> norm [label="chSysEnable()"];
disab -> norm [label="chSysEnable()"];
slock -> ilock [label="Context Switch", dir="both"];
norm -> sri [label="Regular IRQ", style="dotted"];
sri -> norm [label="Regular IRQ return", fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
sri -> ilock [label="chSysLockFromIsr()", constraint=false];
ilock -> sri [label="chSysUnlockFromIsr()", fontsize=8];
norm -> sleep [label="Idle Thread"];
sleep -> sri [label="Regular IRQ", style="dotted"];
size="5, 7";
node [shape=circle, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8, fixedsize="true", width="0.75", height="0.75"];
edge [fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
init [label="Init", style="bold"];
norm [label="Normal", shape=doublecircle];
susp [label="Suspended"];
disab [label="Disabled"];
slock [label="S-Locked"];
ilock [label="I-Locked"];
slock [label="S-Locked"];
sleep [label="Sleep"];
sri [label="SRI"];
init -> norm [label="chSysInit()"];
norm -> slock [label="chSysLock()", constraint=false];
slock -> norm [label="chSysUnlock()"];
norm -> susp [label="chSysSuspend()"];
susp -> disab [label="chSysDisable()"];
norm -> disab [label="chSysDisable()"];
susp -> norm [label="chSysEnable()"];
disab -> norm [label="chSysEnable()"];
disab -> susp [label="chSysSuspend()"];
slock -> ilock [label="Context Switch", dir="both"];
norm -> sri [label="Regular IRQ", style="dotted"];
sri -> norm [label="Regular IRQ return", fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
sri -> ilock [label="chSysLockFromIsr()", constraint=false];
ilock -> sri [label="chSysUnlockFromIsr()", fontsize=8];
norm -> sleep [label="Idle Thread"];
sleep -> sri [label="Regular IRQ", style="dotted"];
* @enddot
* @else
* @dot
digraph example {
node [shape=circle, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8, fixedsize="true", width="0.75", height="0.75"];
edge [fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
init [label="Init", style="bold"];
norm [label="Normal", shape=doublecircle];
susp [label="Suspended"];
disab [label="Disabled"];
slock [label="S-Locked"];
ilock [label="I-Locked"];
slock [label="S-Locked"];
sleep [label="Sleep"];
sri [label="SRI"];
init -> norm [label="chSysInit()"];
norm -> slock [label="chSysLock()", constraint=false];
slock -> norm [label="chSysUnlock()"];
norm -> susp [label="chSysSuspend()"];
susp -> disab [label="chSysDisable()"];
norm -> disab [label="chSysDisable()"];
susp -> norm [label="chSysEnable()"];
disab -> norm [label="chSysEnable()"];
disab -> susp [label="chSysSuspend()"];
slock -> ilock [label="Context Switch", dir="both"];
norm -> sri [label="Regular IRQ", style="dotted"];
sri -> norm [label="Regular IRQ return", fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
sri -> ilock [label="chSysLockFromIsr()", constraint=false];
ilock -> sri [label="chSysUnlockFromIsr()", fontsize=8];
norm -> sleep [label="Idle Thread"];
sleep -> sri [label="Regular IRQ", style="dotted"];
* @enddot
* @endif
* Note, the <b>SFI</b>, <b>Halted</b> and <b>SNMI</b> states were not shown
* because those are reachable from most states:
* @dot
digraph example {
node [shape=circle, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8, fixedsize="true", width="0.75", height="0.75"];
edge [fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
any1 [label="Any State\nexcept *"];
any2 [label="Any State"];
sfi [label="SFI"];
halt [label="Halted"];
SNMI [label="SNMI"];
any1 -> sfi [style="dotted", label="Fast IRQ"];
sfi -> any1 [label="Fast IRQ return"];
any2 -> halt [label="chSysHalt()"];
any2 -> SNMI [label="Synchronous NMI"];
any2 -> SNMI [label="Asynchronous NMI", style="dotted"];
SNMI -> any2 [label="NMI return"];
halt -> SNMI [label="Asynchronous NMI", style="dotted"];
SNMI -> halt [label="NMI return"];
size="5, 7";
node [shape=circle, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8, fixedsize="true", width="0.75", height="0.75"];
edge [fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
any1 [label="Any State\nexcept *"];
sfi [label="SFI"];
any1 -> sfi [style="dotted", label="Fast IRQ"];
sfi -> any1 [label="Fast IRQ return"];
* @enddot
* @dot
digraph example {
size="5, 7";
node [shape=circle, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8, fixedsize="true", width="0.75", height="0.75"];
edge [fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
any2 [label="Any State"];
halt [label="Halted"];
SNMI [label="SNMI"];
any2 -> halt [label="chSysHalt()"];
any2 -> SNMI [label="Synchronous NMI"];
any2 -> SNMI [label="Asynchronous NMI", style="dotted"];
SNMI -> any2 [label="NMI return"];
halt -> SNMI [label="Asynchronous NMI", style="dotted"];
SNMI -> halt [label="NMI return"];
* @enddot
* @attention * except: <b>Init</b>, <b>Halt</b>, <b>SNMI</b>, <b>Disabled</b>.
@ -174,6 +220,44 @@
* eligible for execution then they are executed in a round-robin way, the
* CPU time slice constant is configurable. The ready list is a double linked
* list of threads ordered by priority.<br><br>
* @dot
digraph example {
size="5, 7";
node [shape=square, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8,
fixedsize="true", width="0.6", height="0.5"];
edge [fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
subgraph cluster_running {
node [shape=square, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8,
fixedsize="true", width="0.6", height="0.5"];
currp [label="'currp'\npointer", style="bold"];
T4 [label="Tuser(4)\nprio=100"];
label = "Currently Running Thread";
penwidth = 0;
subgraph cluster_rlist {
node [shape=square, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8,
fixedsize="true", width="0.6", height="0.5"];
rh [label="ready list\nheader\nprio=0", style="bold"];
Ti [label="Tidle\nprio=1"];
Tm [label="Tmain\nprio=64"];
T1 [label="Tuser(1)\nprio=32"];
T2 [label="Tuser(2)\nprio=32"];
T3 [label="Tuser(3)\nprio=80"];
label = "Threads Ready for Execution";
penwidth = 0;
currp -> T4
rh -> Ti -> T1 -> T2 -> Tm -> T3 -> rh [label="p_next"];
rh -> T3 -> Tm -> T2 -> T1 -> Ti -> rh [label="p_prev"];
* @enddot
* @else
* @dot
digraph example {
@ -209,35 +293,63 @@
rh -> T3 -> Tm -> T2 -> T1 -> Ti -> rh [label="p_prev"];
* @enddot
* @endif
* <br>
* Note that the currently running thread is not in the ready list, the list
* only contains the threads ready to be executed but still actually waiting.
* @section thread_states Threads States
* @section thread_states Thread States
* The image shows how threads can change their state in ChibiOS/RT.<br>
* @dot
digraph example {
node [shape=circle, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8, fixedsize="true", width="0.75", height="0.75"];
edge [fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
start [label="Start", style="bold"];
run [label="Running"];
ready [label="Ready"];
suspend [label="Suspended"];
sleep [label="Sleeping"];
stop [label="Stop", style="bold"];
start -> suspend [label="chThdInit()", constraint=false];
start -> run [label="chThdCreate()"];
start -> ready [label="chThdCreate()"];
run -> ready [label="Reschedule", dir="both"];
suspend -> run [label="chThdResume()"];
suspend -> ready [label="chThdResume()"];
run -> sleep [label="chSchGoSleepS()"];
sleep -> run [label="chSchWakepS()"];
sleep -> ready [label="chSchWakepS()"];
run -> stop [label="chThdExit()"];
size="5, 7";
node [shape=circle, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8, fixedsize="true", width="0.75", height="0.75"];
edge [fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
start [label="Start", style="bold"];
run [label="Running"];
ready [label="Ready"];
suspend [label="Suspended"];
sleep [label="Sleeping"];
stop [label="Stop", style="bold"];
start -> suspend [label="chThdInit()", constraint=false];
start -> run [label="chThdCreate()"];
start -> ready [label="chThdCreate()"];
run -> ready [label="Reschedule", dir="both"];
suspend -> run [label="chThdResume()"];
suspend -> ready [label="chThdResume()"];
run -> sleep [label="chSchGoSleepS()"];
sleep -> run [label="chSchWakepuS()"];
sleep -> ready [label="chSchWakepuS()"];
run -> stop [label="chThdExit()"];
* @enddot
* @else
* @dot
digraph example {
node [shape=circle, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8, fixedsize="true", width="0.75", height="0.75"];
edge [fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
start [label="Start", style="bold"];
run [label="Running"];
ready [label="Ready"];
suspend [label="Suspended"];
sleep [label="Sleeping"];
stop [label="Stop", style="bold"];
start -> suspend [label="chThdInit()", constraint=false];
start -> run [label="chThdCreate()"];
start -> ready [label="chThdCreate()"];
run -> ready [label="Reschedule", dir="both"];
suspend -> run [label="chThdResume()"];
suspend -> ready [label="chThdResume()"];
run -> sleep [label="chSchGoSleepS()"];
sleep -> run [label="chSchWakepuS()"];
sleep -> ready [label="chSchWakepuS()"];
run -> stop [label="chThdExit()"];
* @enddot
* @endif
* @section priority Priority Levels
* Priorities in ChibiOS/RT are a contiguous numerical range but the initial
@ -261,13 +373,17 @@
* (inclusive) are reserved. This is the highest numerical value of the
* priorities space.
* .
* @section warea Threads Working Area
* @section warea Thread Working Area
* Each thread has its own stack, a Thread structure and some preemption
* areas. All the structures are allocated into a "Thread Working Area",
* a thread private heap, usually statically declared in your code.
* Threads do not use any memory outside the allocated working area
* except when accessing static shared data.<br><br>
* @image latex workspace.eps
* @else
* @image html workspace.png
* @endif
* <br>
* Note that the preemption area is only present when the thread is not
* running (switched out), the context switching is done by pushing the