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ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2016 Giovanni Di Sirio
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* @defgroup NOR_FLASH Abstract NOR Flash Class
* @brief Generic NOR Flash interface.
* @details This module implements a generic class for NOR Flash devices.
* @section flash_1 Driver State Machine
* The flash driver implements a state machine internally, not all the driver
* functionalities can be used in any moment, any transition not explicitly
* shown in the following diagram has to be considered an error and shall
* be captured by an assertion (if enabled).
* @dot
digraph example {
node [shape=circle, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8, fixedsize="true", width="0.9", height="0.9"];
edge [fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
stop [label="FLS_STOP\nLow Power"];
uninit [label="FLS_UNINIT", style="bold"];
ready [label="FLS_READY\nClock Enabled"];
read [label="FLS_READ\nReading"];
program [label="FLS_PGM\nProgramming"];
erasea [label="FLS_ERASEA\nErasing All"];
erases [label="FLS_ERASES\nErasing Sector"];
uninit -> stop [label=" flashInit()", constraint=false];
stop -> stop [label=" flashStop()"];
stop -> ready [label=" flashStart()"];
ready -> stop [label=" flashStop()"];
ready -> read [label=" flashRead()\nflashVerifyErase()"];
read -> ready [label=" return"];
ready -> program [label=" flashProgram()"];
program -> ready [label=" return"];
ready -> erasea [label=" flashEraseAll)"];
erasea -> ready [label=" flashQueryErase()\nFLASH_NO_ERROR\nFLASH_ERROR_*"];
erasea -> erasea [label=" flashQueryErase()\nflashProgram()\nflashRead()\nFLASH_BUSY_ERASE"];
ready -> erases [label=" flashEraseSector()"];
erases -> ready [label=" flashQueryErase()\nFLASH_NO_ERROR\nFLASH_ERROR_*"];
erases -> erases [label=" flashQueryErase()\nflashProgram()\nflashRead()\nFLASH_BUSY_ERASE"];
* @enddot
* @section flash_2 Flash Operations.
* This driver abstracts a generic PWM timer composed of:
* - A clock prescaler.
* - A main up counter.
* - A comparator register that resets the main counter to zero when the limit
* is reached. An optional callback can be generated when this happens.
* - An array of @p PWM_CHANNELS PWM channels, each channel has an output,
* a comparator and is able to invoke an optional callback when a comparator
* match with the main counter happens.
* .
* A PWM channel output can be in two different states:
* - <b>IDLE</b>, when the channel is disabled or after a match occurred.
* - <b>ACTIVE</b>, when the channel is enabled and a match didn't occur yet
* in the current PWM cycle.
* .
* Note that the two states can be associated to both logical zero or one in
* the @p PWMChannelConfig structure.