
107 lines
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// <stdlib.h> Copyright (C) Codemist 2007
// Portions Copyright (c) Code Red Technologies Ltd., 2008-13
// Portions Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2013-14
#include <sys/redlib_version.h>
#ifndef __CODEMIST
#define __CODEMIST
#include <sys/libconfig.h>
typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void *)0)
typedef struct div_t { int quot, rem; } div_t;
/* type of the value returned by the div function. */
typedef struct ldiv_t { long int quot, rem; } ldiv_t;
/* type of the value returned by the ldiv function. */
typedef struct lldiv_t { long long int quot, rem; } lldiv_t;
/* type of the value returned by the lldiv function. */
#define RAND_MAX 0x7fffffff
* an integral constant expression, the value of which is the maximum value
* returned by the rand function.
#define MB_CUR_MAX 1
* a positive integer expression whose value is the maximum number of bytes
* in a multibyte character for the extended character set specified by the
* current locale (category LC_CTYPE), and whose value is never greater
* than MB_LEN_MAX.
extern double atof(const char *nptr);
extern int atoi(const char *nptr);
extern long int atol(const char *nptr);
extern double strtod(const char * restrict nptr,
char ** restrict endptr);
extern float strtof(const char * restrict nptr,
char ** restrict endptr);
extern long int strtol(const char * restrict nptr,
char ** restrict endptr, int base);
extern unsigned long int strtoul(const char * restrict nptr,
char ** restrict endptr, int base);
extern int rand(void);
extern void srand(unsigned int seed);
extern void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size);
extern void free(void *ptr);
extern void *malloc(size_t size);
extern void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
extern void abort(void);
extern int atexit(void (*func)(void));
extern void exit(int status);
extern char *getenv(const char *name);
extern int system(const char *string);
extern void *bsearch(const void *key, const void *base,
size_t nmemb, size_t size,
int (*compar)(const void *, const void *));
extern void qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
int (*compar)(const void *, const void *));
extern int abs(int j);
extern long int labs(long int j);
extern div_t div(int numer, int denom);
extern ldiv_t ldiv(long int numer, long int denom);
extern int mblen(const char *s, size_t n);
extern int mbtowc(wchar_t * restrict pwc,
const char * restrict s, size_t n);
extern int wctomb(char *s, wchar_t wchar);
extern size_t mbstowcs(wchar_t * restrict pwcs,
const char * restrict s, size_t n);
extern size_t wcstombs(char * restrict s,
const wchar_t * restrict pwcs, size_t n);
// Implementation of the non-standard 'itoa' and 'uitoa' functions,
// which support bases between 2 and 16 (2=binary, 10=decimal,
// 16=hexadecimal).
extern char * uitoa(unsigned int value, char *vstring, unsigned int base);
extern char * itoa(int value, char *vstring, unsigned int base);
#endif /* __STDLIB_H_INCLUDED */
/* end of <stdlib.h> */