#include #include // Connections: // MCP | BOARD // INT | Not used, can connect to Pin 9 // SCK | SCK // SI | MO // SO | MI // CS | Pin 7 // GND | GND // VCC | 3.3V const int CS_PIN = 7; const int IRQ_PIN = 9; const long QUARTZ_CLOCK_FREQUENCY = 16 * 1E6; // 16 MHz. const uint32_t SPI_FREQUENCY = 10 * 1E6; // 10 MHz. const long BAUD_RATE = 500 * 1E3; // 500k. bool isCanBusReaderActive = false; long lastCanMessageReceivedMs; // We use RaceChronoPidMap to keep track of stuff for each PID. // In this implementation, we're going to ignore "update intervals" requested by // RaceChrono, and instead send every Nth CAN message we receive, per PID, where // N is different for different PIDs. const uint8_t DEFAULT_UPDATE_RATE_DIVIDER = 10; struct PidExtra { // Only send one out of |updateRateDivider| packets per PID. uint8_t updateRateDivider = DEFAULT_UPDATE_RATE_DIVIDER; // Varies between 0 and |updateRateDivider - 1|. uint8_t skippedUpdates = 0; }; RaceChronoPidMap pidMap; uint32_t loop_iteration = 0; uint32_t last_time_num_can_bus_timeouts_sent_ms = 0; uint16_t num_can_bus_timeouts = 0; // Forward declarations to help put code in a natural reading order. void waitForConnection(); void bufferNewPacket(uint32_t pid, uint8_t *data, uint8_t data_length); void handleOneBufferedPacket(); void flushBufferedPackets(); void sendNumCanBusTimeouts(); void resetSkippedUpdatesCounters(); void dumpMapToSerial() { Serial.println("Current state of the PID map:"); uint16_t updateIntervalForAllEntries; bool areAllPidsAllowed = pidMap.areAllPidsAllowed(&updateIntervalForAllEntries); if (areAllPidsAllowed) { Serial.println(" All PIDs are allowed."); } if (pidMap.isEmpty()) { if (areAllPidsAllowed) { Serial.println(" Map is empty."); Serial.println(""); } else { Serial.println(" No PIDs are allowed."); Serial.println(""); } return; } struct { void operator() (void *entry) { uint32_t pid = pidMap.getPid(entry); const PidExtra *extra = pidMap.getExtra(entry); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(pid); Serial.print(" (0x"); Serial.print(pid, HEX); Serial.print("), sending 1 out of "); Serial.print(extra->updateRateDivider); Serial.println(" messages."); } } dumpEntry; pidMap.forEach(dumpEntry); Serial.println(""); } class UpdateMapOnRaceChronoCommands : public RaceChronoBleCanHandler { public: void allowAllPids(uint16_t updateIntervalMs) { Serial.print("Command: ALLOW ALL PIDS, update interval: "); Serial.print(updateIntervalMs); Serial.println(" ms."); pidMap.allowAllPids(updateIntervalMs); dumpMapToSerial(); } void denyAllPids() { Serial.println("Command: DENY ALL PIDS."); pidMap.reset(); dumpMapToSerial(); } void allowPid(uint32_t pid, uint16_t updateIntervalMs) { Serial.print("Command: ALLOW PID "); Serial.print(pid); Serial.print(" (0x"); Serial.print(pid, HEX); Serial.print("), requested update interval: "); Serial.print(updateIntervalMs); Serial.println(" ms."); if (!pidMap.allowOnePid(pid, updateIntervalMs)) { Serial.println("WARNING: unable to handle this request!"); } void *entry = pidMap.getEntryId(pid); if (entry != nullptr) { PidExtra *pidExtra = pidMap.getExtra(entry); pidExtra->skippedUpdates = 0; // Customizations for Subaru BRZ / Toyota 86 / Scion FR-S: switch (pid) { // These are sent over the CAN bus 100 times per second, we want 25. case 0x18: case 0x140: case 0x141: case 0x142: pidExtra->updateRateDivider = 4; break; // This is sent over the CAN bus 50 times per second and includes brake // system pressure. It's useful to have this at the highest update rate // possible, as braking can be very short, e.g. at autocross. case 0xD1: pidExtra->updateRateDivider = 1; break; // These are sent over the CAN bus 50 times per second, we want 25. case 0xD0: case 0xD2: case 0xD3: case 0xD4: case 0x144: case 0x152: case 0x156: case 0x280: pidExtra->updateRateDivider = 2; break; // 0x360 is sent over the CAN bus 20 times per second, we want 1. case 0x360: pidExtra->updateRateDivider = 20; break; default: pidExtra->updateRateDivider = DEFAULT_UPDATE_RATE_DIVIDER; } } dumpMapToSerial(); } void handleDisconnect() { Serial.println("Resetting the map."); pidMap.reset(); dumpMapToSerial(); } } raceChronoHandler; void setup() { uint32_t startTimeMs = millis(); Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial && millis() - startTimeMs < 5000) { } Serial.println("Setting up BLE..."); RaceChronoBle.setUp("BLE CAN device demo", &raceChronoHandler); RaceChronoBle.startAdvertising(); Serial.println("BLE is set up, waiting for an incoming connection."); waitForConnection(); } void waitForConnection() { uint32_t iteration = 0; bool lastPrintHadNewline = false; while (!RaceChronoBle.waitForConnection(1000)) { Serial.print("."); if ((++iteration) % 10 == 0) { lastPrintHadNewline = true; Serial.println(); } else { lastPrintHadNewline = false; } } if (!lastPrintHadNewline) { Serial.println(); } Serial.println("Connected."); } bool startCanBusReader() { Serial.println("Connecting to the CAN bus..."); CAN.setClockFrequency(QUARTZ_CLOCK_FREQUENCY); CAN.setSPIFrequency(SPI_FREQUENCY); CAN.setPins(CS_PIN, IRQ_PIN); boolean result = CAN.begin(BAUD_RATE, /* stayInConfigurationMode= */ true); if (!result) { Serial.println("ERROR: Unable to start the CAN bus listener."); return false; } Serial.println("Success!"); // These values are customized for Subaru BRZ / Toyota 86 / Scion FR-S. // TODO: generalize this? Figure out a good way to build this from the list of // requested PIDs? Or perhaps filtering is no longer needed after the recent // stability improvements? if (!CAN.setFilterRegisters( /* mask0= */ 0b11111111111 /* full match only */, /* filter0= */ 0xD1, /* filter1= */ 0x140, /* mask1= */ 0b11111111111 /* full match only */, /* filter2= */ 0xD0, /* filter3= */ 0xD4, /* filter4= */ 0x360, /* filter5= */ 0x360, // Repeated filters don't matter. /* allowRollover= */ false)) { Serial.println("WARNING: Unable to set filter registers."); Serial.println("Trying to continue without filtering..."); if (!CAN.switchToNormalMode()) { Serial.println("WARNING: Unable to switch to normal mode!"); return false; } } isCanBusReaderActive = true; return true; } void stopCanBusReader() { CAN.end(); isCanBusReaderActive = false; } void loop() { loop_iteration++; // First, verify that we have both Bluetooth and CAN up and running. // Not clear how heavy is the Bluefruit.connected() call. Only check the // connectivity every 100 iterations to avoid stalling the CAN bus loop. if ((loop_iteration % 100) == 0 && !Bluefruit.connected()) { Serial.println("RaceChrono disconnected!"); raceChronoHandler.handleDisconnect(); stopCanBusReader(); Serial.println("Waiting for a new connection."); waitForConnection(); sendNumCanBusTimeouts(); } while (!isCanBusReaderActive) { if (startCanBusReader()) { flushBufferedPackets(); resetSkippedUpdatesCounters(); lastCanMessageReceivedMs = millis(); break; } delay(1000); } uint32_t timeNowMs = millis(); // I've observed that MCP2515 has a tendency to just stop responding for some // weird reason. Just kill it if we don't have any data for 100 ms. The // timeout might need to be tweaked for some cars. if (timeNowMs - lastCanMessageReceivedMs > 100) { Serial.println("ERROR: CAN bus timeout, aborting."); num_can_bus_timeouts++; sendNumCanBusTimeouts(); stopCanBusReader(); return; } // Sending data over Bluetooth takes time, and MCP2515 only has two buffers // for received messages. Once a buffer is full, further messages are dropped. // Instead of relying on the MCP2515 buffering, we aggressively read messages // from the MCP2515 and put them into our memory. // // TODO: It might be more efficient to use interrupts to read data from // MCP2515 as soon as it's available instead of polling all the time. The // interrupts don't work out of the box with nRF52 Adafruit boards though, and // need to be handled carefully wrt synchronization between the interrupt // handling and processing of received data. int packetSize; while ((packetSize = CAN.parsePacket()) > 0) { if (CAN.packetRtr()) { // Ignore RTRs as they don't contain any data. continue; } uint32_t pid = CAN.packetId(); uint8_t data[8]; int data_length = 0; while (data_length < packetSize && data_length < sizeof(data)) { int byte_read = CAN.read(); if (byte_read == -1) { break; } data[data_length++] = byte_read; } if (data_length == 0) { // Nothing to send here. Can this even happen? continue; } bufferNewPacket(pid, data, data_length); lastCanMessageReceivedMs = millis(); } handleOneBufferedPacket(); if (millis() - last_time_num_can_bus_timeouts_sent_ms > 2000) { sendNumCanBusTimeouts(); } } struct BufferedMessage { uint32_t pid; uint8_t data[8]; uint8_t length; }; // Circular buffer to put received messages, used to buffer messages in memory // (which is relatively abundant) instead of relying on the very limited // buffering ability of the MCP2515. const uint8_t NUM_BUFFERS = 16; // Must be a power of 2, but less than 256. BufferedMessage buffers[NUM_BUFFERS]; uint8_t bufferToWriteTo = 0; uint8_t bufferToReadFrom = 0; void bufferNewPacket(uint32_t pid, uint8_t *data, uint8_t data_length) { if (bufferToWriteTo - bufferToReadFrom == NUM_BUFFERS) { Serial.println("WARNING: Receive buffer overflow, dropping one message."); // In case of a buffer overflow, drop the oldest message in the buffer, as // it's likely less useful than the newest one. bufferToReadFrom++; } BufferedMessage *message = &buffers[bufferToWriteTo % NUM_BUFFERS]; message->pid = pid; memcpy(message->data, data, data_length); message->length = data_length; bufferToWriteTo++; } void handleOneBufferedPacket() { if (bufferToReadFrom == bufferToWriteTo) { // No buffered messages. return; } BufferedMessage *message = &buffers[bufferToReadFrom % NUM_BUFFERS]; uint32_t pid = message->pid; void *entry = pidMap.getEntryId(pid); if (entry != nullptr) { // TODO: we could do something smart here. For example, if there are more // messages pending with the same PID, we could count them towards // |skippedUpdates| in a way that we only send the latest one, but maintain // roughly the desired rate. PidExtra *extra = pidMap.getExtra(entry); if (extra->skippedUpdates == 0) { RaceChronoBle.sendCanData(pid, message->data, message->length); } extra->skippedUpdates++; if (extra->skippedUpdates >= extra->updateRateDivider) { // The next message with this PID will be sent. extra->skippedUpdates = 0; } } bufferToReadFrom++; } void flushBufferedPackets() { bufferToWriteTo = 0; bufferToReadFrom = 0; } void sendNumCanBusTimeouts() { // Send the count of timeouts to RaceChrono in a "fake" PID=0x777 message. uint8_t data[2]; data[0] = num_can_bus_timeouts & 0xff; data[1] = num_can_bus_timeouts >> 8; RaceChronoBle.sendCanData(0x777, data, 2); last_time_num_can_bus_timeouts_sent_ms = millis(); } void resetSkippedUpdatesCounters() { struct { void operator() (void *entry) { PidExtra *extra = pidMap.getExtra(entry); extra->skippedUpdates = 0; } } resetSkippedUpdatesCounter; pidMap.forEach(resetSkippedUpdatesCounter); }