- Add "Building_RomRaider.txt" to consolidate necessary information with the code to which it pertains.
- Add ant build file
- Add version.properties. There is hard-coded version information in the java source, so this currently is used only for the packaging.
- Add templates for installer and launcher generation
- Remove obsolete "bin" directory. All generated files should now go to "build" or the appropriate subdirectory thereof.
- Remove obsolete IxPack installation. This is superseded by the one in 3rdparty
- Remove obsolete scripts for generation of installer. The batch files have been replaced with ant automation and the XML scripts are now generated from templates
- Remove obsolete launch4j XML scripts. These are now generated from templates.
git-svn-id: https://svn2.assembla.com/svn/romraider/trunk@43 38686702-15cf-42e4-a595-3071df8bf5ea