In general all CLI commands use underscore characters to separate words for consistency. In baseflight the format of CLI commands is somewhat haphazard.
### gps_baudrate
reason: simplify
Cleanflight uses normal baud rate values for gps baudrate, baseflight uses an index.
If an unsupported baud rate value is used the gps code will select 115200 baud.
example: `set gps_baudrate = 115200`
### gps_type
reason: renamed to `gps_provider` for consistency
### serialrx_type
reason: renamed to `serialrx_provider` for consistency
### rssi_aux_channel
reason: improved functionality
Cleanflight supports using any RX channel for rssi. Baseflight only supports AUX1 to 4.
In Cleanflight a value of 0 disables the feature, a higher value indicates the channel number to read RSSI information from.
Example: to use RSSI on AUX1 in Cleanflight use `set rssi_aux_channel = 5`, since 5 is the first AUX channel.
### failsafe_detect_threshold
reason: improved functionality
See `failsafe_min_usec` and `failsafe_max_usec` in Failsafe documentation.
### emfavoidance
reason: renamed to `emf_avoidance` for consistency