download the Setup*.exe from
![Cygwin Installation](assets/001.cygwin_dl.png)
Execute the download Setup and step through the installation wizard (no need to customize the settings here). Stop at the "Select Packages" Screen and select the following Packages
versions do matter, 4.8-2014-q2 is known to work well. Download this version from htps:// - preferrebly as a ZIP-File.
Extract the contents of this archive to any folder of your choice, for instance ```C:\dev\gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2014q2```.
![GNU ARM Toolchain Setup](assets/008.toolchain.png)
add the "bin" subdirectory to the PATH Windows environment variable: ```%PATH%;C:\dev\gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2014q2\bin```
![GNU ARM Toolchain Setup](assets/009.toolchain_path.png)
![GNU ARM Toolchain Setup](assets/010.toolchain_path.png)
## Checkout and compile Cleanflight
Head over to the Cleanflight Github page and grab the URL of the GIT Repository: ""
Open the Cygwin-Terminal, navigate to your development folder and use the git commandline to checkout the repository:
To compile your Cleanflight binaries, enter the cleanflight directory and build the project using the make command. You can append TARGET=[HARDWARE] if you want to build anything other than the default NAZE target: