Cleaned up the GPS rescue interface.

This commit is contained in:
mikeller 2018-08-23 21:53:02 +12:00
parent ce925f863e
commit 8378a5cd96
2 changed files with 275 additions and 286 deletions

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@ -51,10 +51,69 @@
#include "gps_rescue.h"
typedef enum {
} gpsRescueSanity_e;
typedef enum {
} rescuePhase_e;
typedef enum {
} rescueFailureState_e;
typedef struct {
int32_t targetAltitudeCm;
int32_t targetGroundspeed;
uint8_t minAngleDeg;
uint8_t maxAngleDeg;
bool crosstrack;
} rescueIntent_s;
typedef struct {
int32_t maxAltitudeCm;
int32_t currentAltitudeCm;
uint16_t distanceToHomeM;
uint16_t maxDistanceToHomeM;
int16_t directionToHome;
uint16_t groundSpeed;
uint8_t numSat;
float zVelocity; // Up/down movement in cm/s
float zVelocityAvg; // Up/down average in cm/s
float accMagnitude;
float accMagnitudeAvg;
} rescueSensorData_s;
typedef struct {
bool bumpDetection;
bool convergenceDetection;
} rescueSanityFlags;
typedef struct {
rescuePhase_e phase;
rescueFailureState_e failure;
rescueSensorData_s sensor;
rescueIntent_s intent;
bool isFailsafe;
} rescueState_s;
#define GPS_RESCUE_MAX_YAW_RATE 360 // deg/sec max yaw rate
#define GPS_RESCUE_RATE_SCALE_DEGREES 45 // Scale the commanded yaw rate when the error is less then this angle
PG_REGISTER_WITH_RESET_TEMPLATE(gpsRescueConfig_t, gpsRescueConfig, PG_GPS_RESCUE, 0);
PG_REGISTER_WITH_RESET_TEMPLATE(gpsRescueConfig_t, gpsRescueConfig, PG_GPS_RESCUE, 1);
PG_RESET_TEMPLATE(gpsRescueConfig_t, gpsRescueConfig,
.angle = 32,
@ -100,6 +159,220 @@ void rescueNewGpsData(void)
newGPSData = true;
static void rescueStart()
rescueState.phase = RESCUE_INITIALIZE;
static void rescueStop()
rescueState.phase = RESCUE_IDLE;
// Things that need to run regardless of GPS rescue mode being enabled or not
static void idleTasks()
// Do not calculate any of the idle task values when we are not flying
// Don't update any rescue flight statistics if we haven't applied a proper altitude offset yet
if (!isAltitudeOffset()) {
gpsRescueAngle[AI_PITCH] = 0;
gpsRescueAngle[AI_ROLL] = 0;
// Store the max altitude we see not during RTH so we know our fly-back minimum alt
rescueState.sensor.maxAltitudeCm = MAX(rescueState.sensor.currentAltitudeCm, rescueState.sensor.maxAltitudeCm);
// Store the max distance to home during normal flight so we know if a flyaway is happening
rescueState.sensor.maxDistanceToHomeM = MAX(rescueState.sensor.distanceToHomeM, rescueState.sensor.maxDistanceToHomeM);
rescueThrottle = rcCommand[THROTTLE];
//to do: have a default value for hoverThrottle
// FIXME: GPS Rescue throttle handling should take into account min_check as the
// active throttle is from min_check through PWM_RANGE_MAX. Currently adjusting for this
// in gpsRescueGetThrottle() but it would be better handled here.
float ct = getCosTiltAngle();
if (ct > 0.5 && ct < 0.96 && throttleSamples < 1E6 && rescueThrottle > 1070) { //5 to 45 degrees tilt
//TO DO: only sample when acceleration is low
uint16_t adjustedThrottle = 1000 + (rescueThrottle - PWM_RANGE_MIN) * ct;
if (throttleSamples == 0) {
averageThrottle = adjustedThrottle;
} else {
averageThrottle += (adjustedThrottle - averageThrottle) / (throttleSamples + 1);
hoverThrottle = lrintf(averageThrottle);
// Very similar to maghold function on betaflight/cleanflight
static void setBearing(int16_t desiredHeading)
float errorAngle = (attitude.values.yaw / 10.0f) - desiredHeading;
// Determine the most efficient direction to rotate
if (errorAngle <= -180) {
errorAngle += 360;
} else if (errorAngle > 180) {
errorAngle -= 360;
errorAngle *= -GET_DIRECTION(rcControlsConfig()->yaw_control_reversed);
// Calculate a desired yaw rate based on a maximum limit beyond
// an error window and then scale the requested rate down inside
// the window as error approaches 0.
static void rescueAttainPosition()
// Point to home if that is in our intent
if (rescueState.intent.crosstrack) {
if (!newGPSData) {
Speed controller
static float previousSpeedError = 0;
static int16_t speedIntegral = 0;
const int16_t speedError = (rescueState.intent.targetGroundspeed - rescueState.sensor.groundSpeed) / 100;
const int16_t speedDerivative = speedError - previousSpeedError;
speedIntegral = constrain(speedIntegral + speedError, -100, 100);
previousSpeedError = speedError;
int16_t angleAdjustment = gpsRescueConfig()->velP * speedError + (gpsRescueConfig()->velI * speedIntegral) / 100 + gpsRescueConfig()->velD * speedDerivative;
gpsRescueAngle[AI_PITCH] = constrain(gpsRescueAngle[AI_PITCH] + MIN(angleAdjustment, 80), rescueState.intent.minAngleDeg * 100, rescueState.intent.maxAngleDeg * 100);
float ct = cos(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(gpsRescueAngle[AI_PITCH] / 10));
Altitude controller
static float previousAltitudeError = 0;
static int16_t altitudeIntegral = 0;
const int16_t altitudeError = (rescueState.intent.targetAltitudeCm - rescueState.sensor.currentAltitudeCm) / 100; // Error in meters
const int16_t altitudeDerivative = altitudeError - previousAltitudeError;
// Only allow integral windup within +-15m absolute altitude error
if (ABS(altitudeError) < 25) {
altitudeIntegral = constrain(altitudeIntegral + altitudeError, -250, 250);
} else {
altitudeIntegral = 0;
previousAltitudeError = altitudeError;
int16_t altitudeAdjustment = (gpsRescueConfig()->throttleP * altitudeError + (gpsRescueConfig()->throttleI * altitudeIntegral) / 10 * + gpsRescueConfig()->throttleD * altitudeDerivative) / ct / 20;
int16_t hoverAdjustment = (hoverThrottle - 1000) / ct;
rescueThrottle = constrain(1000 + altitudeAdjustment + hoverAdjustment, gpsRescueConfig()->throttleMin, gpsRescueConfig()->throttleMax);
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_RTH, 0, rescueThrottle);
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_RTH, 1, gpsRescueAngle[AI_PITCH]);
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_RTH, 2, altitudeAdjustment);
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_RTH, 3, rescueState.failure);
static void performSanityChecks()
if (rescueState.phase == RESCUE_IDLE) {
rescueState.failure = RESCUE_HEALTHY;
// Do not abort until each of these items is fully tested
if (rescueState.failure != RESCUE_HEALTHY) {
if (gpsRescueConfig()->sanityChecks == RESCUE_SANITY_ON
|| (gpsRescueConfig()->sanityChecks == RESCUE_SANITY_FS_ONLY && rescueState.isFailsafe == true)) {
rescueState.phase = RESCUE_ABORT;
// Check if crash recovery mode is active, disarm if so.
if (crashRecoveryModeActive()) {
rescueState.failure = RESCUE_CRASH_DETECTED;
// Things that should run at a low refresh rate (such as flyaway detection, etc)
// This runs at ~1hz
static uint32_t previousTimeUs;
const uint32_t currentTimeUs = micros();
const uint32_t dTime = currentTimeUs - previousTimeUs;
if (dTime < 1000000) { //1hz
previousTimeUs = currentTimeUs;
// Stalled movement detection
static int8_t gsI = 0;
gsI = constrain(gsI + (rescueState.sensor.groundSpeed < 150) ? 1 : -1, -10, 10);
if (gsI == 10) {
rescueState.failure = RESCUE_CRASH_DETECTED;
// Minimum sat detection
static int8_t msI = 0;
msI = constrain(msI + (rescueState.sensor.numSat < gpsRescueConfig()->minSats) ? 1 : -1, -5, 5);
if (msI == 5) {
rescueState.failure = RESCUE_FLYAWAY;
static void sensorUpdate()
rescueState.sensor.currentAltitudeCm = getEstimatedAltitudeCm();
// Calculate altitude velocity
static uint32_t previousTimeUs;
static int32_t previousAltitudeCm;
const uint32_t currentTimeUs = micros();
const float dTime = currentTimeUs - previousTimeUs;
if (newGPSData) { // Calculate velocity at lowest common denominator
rescueState.sensor.distanceToHomeM = GPS_distanceToHome;
rescueState.sensor.directionToHome = GPS_directionToHome;
rescueState.sensor.numSat = gpsSol.numSat;
rescueState.sensor.groundSpeed = gpsSol.groundSpeed;
rescueState.sensor.zVelocity = (rescueState.sensor.currentAltitudeCm - previousAltitudeCm) * 1000000.0f / dTime;
rescueState.sensor.zVelocityAvg = 0.8f * rescueState.sensor.zVelocityAvg + rescueState.sensor.zVelocity * 0.2f;
rescueState.sensor.accMagnitude = (float) sqrtf(sq(acc.accADC[Z]) + sq(acc.accADC[X]) + sq(acc.accADC[Y])) *;
rescueState.sensor.accMagnitudeAvg = (rescueState.sensor.accMagnitudeAvg * 0.8f) + (rescueState.sensor.accMagnitude * 0.2f);
previousAltitudeCm = rescueState.sensor.currentAltitudeCm;
previousTimeUs = currentTimeUs;
Determine what phase we are in, determine if all criteria are met to move to the next phase
@ -218,222 +491,6 @@ void updateGPSRescueState(void)
newGPSData = false;
void sensorUpdate()
rescueState.sensor.currentAltitudeCm = getEstimatedAltitudeCm();
// Calculate altitude velocity
static uint32_t previousTimeUs;
static int32_t previousAltitudeCm;
const uint32_t currentTimeUs = micros();
const float dTime = currentTimeUs - previousTimeUs;
if (newGPSData) { // Calculate velocity at lowest common denominator
rescueState.sensor.distanceToHomeM = GPS_distanceToHome;
rescueState.sensor.directionToHome = GPS_directionToHome;
rescueState.sensor.numSat = gpsSol.numSat;
rescueState.sensor.groundSpeed = gpsSol.groundSpeed;
rescueState.sensor.zVelocity = (rescueState.sensor.currentAltitudeCm - previousAltitudeCm) * 1000000.0f / dTime;
rescueState.sensor.zVelocityAvg = 0.8f * rescueState.sensor.zVelocityAvg + rescueState.sensor.zVelocity * 0.2f;
rescueState.sensor.accMagnitude = (float) sqrtf(sq(acc.accADC[Z]) + sq(acc.accADC[X]) + sq(acc.accADC[Y])) *;
rescueState.sensor.accMagnitudeAvg = (rescueState.sensor.accMagnitudeAvg * 0.8f) + (rescueState.sensor.accMagnitude * 0.2f);
previousAltitudeCm = rescueState.sensor.currentAltitudeCm;
previousTimeUs = currentTimeUs;
void performSanityChecks()
if (rescueState.phase == RESCUE_IDLE) {
rescueState.failure = RESCUE_HEALTHY;
// Do not abort until each of these items is fully tested
if (rescueState.failure != RESCUE_HEALTHY) {
if (gpsRescueConfig()->sanityChecks == RESCUE_SANITY_ON
|| (gpsRescueConfig()->sanityChecks == RESCUE_SANITY_FS_ONLY && rescueState.isFailsafe == true)) {
rescueState.phase = RESCUE_ABORT;
// Check if crash recovery mode is active, disarm if so.
if (crashRecoveryModeActive()) {
rescueState.failure = RESCUE_CRASH_DETECTED;
// Things that should run at a low refresh rate (such as flyaway detection, etc)
// This runs at ~1hz
static uint32_t previousTimeUs;
const uint32_t currentTimeUs = micros();
const uint32_t dTime = currentTimeUs - previousTimeUs;
if (dTime < 1000000) { //1hz
previousTimeUs = currentTimeUs;
// Stalled movement detection
static int8_t gsI = 0;
gsI = constrain(gsI + (rescueState.sensor.groundSpeed < 150) ? 1 : -1, -10, 10);
if (gsI == 10) {
rescueState.failure = RESCUE_CRASH_DETECTED;
// Minimum sat detection
static int8_t msI = 0;
msI = constrain(msI + (rescueState.sensor.numSat < gpsRescueConfig()->minSats) ? 1 : -1, -5, 5);
if (msI == 5) {
rescueState.failure = RESCUE_FLYAWAY;
void rescueStart()
rescueState.phase = RESCUE_INITIALIZE;
void rescueStop()
rescueState.phase = RESCUE_IDLE;
// Things that need to run regardless of GPS rescue mode being enabled or not
void idleTasks()
// Do not calculate any of the idle task values when we are not flying
// Don't update any rescue flight statistics if we haven't applied a proper altitude offset yet
if (!isAltitudeOffset()) {
gpsRescueAngle[AI_PITCH] = 0;
gpsRescueAngle[AI_ROLL] = 0;
// Store the max altitude we see not during RTH so we know our fly-back minimum alt
rescueState.sensor.maxAltitudeCm = MAX(rescueState.sensor.currentAltitudeCm, rescueState.sensor.maxAltitudeCm);
// Store the max distance to home during normal flight so we know if a flyaway is happening
rescueState.sensor.maxDistanceToHomeM = MAX(rescueState.sensor.distanceToHomeM, rescueState.sensor.maxDistanceToHomeM);
rescueThrottle = rcCommand[THROTTLE];
//to do: have a default value for hoverThrottle
// FIXME: GPS Rescue throttle handling should take into account min_check as the
// active throttle is from min_check through PWM_RANGE_MAX. Currently adjusting for this
// in gpsRescueGetThrottle() but it would be better handled here.
float ct = getCosTiltAngle();
if (ct > 0.5 && ct < 0.96 && throttleSamples < 1E6 && rescueThrottle > 1070) { //5 to 45 degrees tilt
//TO DO: only sample when acceleration is low
uint16_t adjustedThrottle = 1000 + (rescueThrottle - PWM_RANGE_MIN) * ct;
if (throttleSamples == 0) {
averageThrottle = adjustedThrottle;
} else {
averageThrottle += (adjustedThrottle - averageThrottle) / (throttleSamples + 1);
hoverThrottle = lrintf(averageThrottle);
void rescueAttainPosition()
// Point to home if that is in our intent
if (rescueState.intent.crosstrack) {
if (!newGPSData) {
Speed controller
static float previousSpeedError = 0;
static int16_t speedIntegral = 0;
const int16_t speedError = (rescueState.intent.targetGroundspeed - rescueState.sensor.groundSpeed) / 100;
const int16_t speedDerivative = speedError - previousSpeedError;
speedIntegral = constrain(speedIntegral + speedError, -100, 100);
previousSpeedError = speedError;
int16_t angleAdjustment = gpsRescueConfig()->velP * speedError + (gpsRescueConfig()->velI * speedIntegral) / 100 + gpsRescueConfig()->velD * speedDerivative;
gpsRescueAngle[AI_PITCH] = constrain(gpsRescueAngle[AI_PITCH] + MIN(angleAdjustment, 80), rescueState.intent.minAngleDeg * 100, rescueState.intent.maxAngleDeg * 100);
float ct = cos(DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(gpsRescueAngle[AI_PITCH] / 10));
Altitude controller
static float previousAltitudeError = 0;
static int16_t altitudeIntegral = 0;
const int16_t altitudeError = (rescueState.intent.targetAltitudeCm - rescueState.sensor.currentAltitudeCm) / 100; // Error in meters
const int16_t altitudeDerivative = altitudeError - previousAltitudeError;
// Only allow integral windup within +-15m absolute altitude error
if (ABS(altitudeError) < 25) {
altitudeIntegral = constrain(altitudeIntegral + altitudeError, -250, 250);
} else {
altitudeIntegral = 0;
previousAltitudeError = altitudeError;
int16_t altitudeAdjustment = (gpsRescueConfig()->throttleP * altitudeError + (gpsRescueConfig()->throttleI * altitudeIntegral) / 10 * + gpsRescueConfig()->throttleD * altitudeDerivative) / ct / 20;
int16_t hoverAdjustment = (hoverThrottle - 1000) / ct;
rescueThrottle = constrain(1000 + altitudeAdjustment + hoverAdjustment, gpsRescueConfig()->throttleMin, gpsRescueConfig()->throttleMax);
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_RTH, 0, rescueThrottle);
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_RTH, 1, gpsRescueAngle[AI_PITCH]);
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_RTH, 2, altitudeAdjustment);
DEBUG_SET(DEBUG_RTH, 3, rescueState.failure);
// Very similar to maghold function on betaflight/cleanflight
void setBearing(int16_t desiredHeading)
float errorAngle = (attitude.values.yaw / 10.0f) - desiredHeading;
// Determine the most efficient direction to rotate
if (errorAngle <= -180) {
errorAngle += 360;
} else if (errorAngle > 180) {
errorAngle -= 360;
errorAngle *= -GET_DIRECTION(rcControlsConfig()->yaw_control_reversed);
// Calculate a desired yaw rate based on a maximum limit beyond
// an error window and then scale the requested rate down inside
// the window as error approaches 0.
float gpsRescueGetYawRate(void)
return rescueYaw;

View File

@ -19,12 +19,6 @@
#include "pg/pg.h"
typedef enum {
} gpsRescueSanity_e;
typedef struct gpsRescue_s {
uint16_t angle; //degrees
uint16_t initialAltitudeM; //meters
@ -38,77 +32,15 @@ typedef struct gpsRescue_s {
uint16_t velP, velI, velD;
uint8_t minSats;
uint16_t minRescueDth; //meters
gpsRescueSanity_e sanityChecks;
uint8_t sanityChecks;
} gpsRescueConfig_t;
PG_DECLARE(gpsRescueConfig_t, gpsRescueConfig);
typedef enum {
} rescuePhase_e;
typedef enum {
} rescueFailureState_e;
typedef struct {
int32_t targetAltitudeCm;
int32_t targetGroundspeed;
uint8_t minAngleDeg;
uint8_t maxAngleDeg;
bool crosstrack;
} rescueIntent_s;
typedef struct {
int32_t maxAltitudeCm;
int32_t currentAltitudeCm;
uint16_t distanceToHomeM;
uint16_t maxDistanceToHomeM;
int16_t directionToHome;
uint16_t groundSpeed;
uint8_t numSat;
float zVelocity; // Up/down movement in cm/s
float zVelocityAvg; // Up/down average in cm/s
float accMagnitude;
float accMagnitudeAvg;
} rescueSensorData_s;
typedef struct {
bool bumpDetection;
bool convergenceDetection;
} rescueSanityFlags;
typedef struct {
rescuePhase_e phase;
rescueFailureState_e failure;
rescueSensorData_s sensor;
rescueIntent_s intent;
bool isFailsafe;
} rescueState_s;
extern rescueState_s rescueState;
void updateGPSRescueState(void);
void rescueNewGpsData(void);
void idleTasks(void);
void rescueStop(void);
void rescueStart(void);
void setBearing(int16_t deg);
void performSanityChecks(void);
void sensorUpdate(void);
void rescueAttainPosition(void);
float gpsRescueGetYawRate(void);
float gpsRescueGetThrottle(void);