Added target config for ELINF722 target. Also added list of manufacturer ids.

This commit is contained in:
mikeller 2019-02-17 13:27:19 +13:00
parent fefa2a83e4
commit d2c306f941
2 changed files with 87 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# Betaflight / STM32F7X2 (S7X2) 4.0.0 Feb 17 2019 / 12:47:46 (fefa2a83e) MSP API: 1.41
board_name ELINF722
manufacturer_id DRCL
# resources
resource BEEPER 1 B04
resource MOTOR 1 B00
resource MOTOR 2 B01
resource MOTOR 3 A03
resource MOTOR 4 A02
resource MOTOR 5 A08
resource MOTOR 6 C09
resource LED_STRIP 1 B06
resource SERIAL_TX 1 A09
resource SERIAL_TX 3 B10
resource SERIAL_TX 4 A00
resource SERIAL_TX 6 C06
resource SERIAL_RX 1 A10
resource SERIAL_RX 3 B11
resource SERIAL_RX 4 A01
resource SERIAL_RX 6 C07
resource I2C_SCL 1 B08
resource I2C_SDA 1 B09
resource LED 1 B05
resource SPI_SCK 1 A05
resource SPI_SCK 2 B13
resource SPI_SCK 3 C10
resource SPI_MISO 1 A06
resource SPI_MISO 2 B14
resource SPI_MISO 3 C11
resource SPI_MOSI 1 A07
resource SPI_MOSI 2 B15
resource SPI_MOSI 3 C12
resource ESCSERIAL 1 C06
resource ADC_BATT 1 C02
resource ADC_CURR 1 C01
resource PINIO 1 C13
resource PINIO 2 C14
resource FLASH_CS 1 B03
resource OSD_CS 1 C08
resource GYRO_EXTI 1 C04
resource GYRO_CS 1 A04
# timer list
timer B09 1
timer B00 2
timer B01 2
# dmaopt
dmaopt ADC 1 1 # DMA2 Stream 4 Channel 0
# feature
feature RX_SERIAL
feature OSD
# serial
serial 0 64 115200 57600 0 115200
# master
set serialrx_provider = SBUS
set serialrx_halfduplex = ON
set dshot_burst = ON
set motor_pwm_protocol = ONESHOT125
set current_meter = ADC
set battery_meter = ADC
set system_hse_mhz = 8
set max7456_spi_bus = 2
set dashboard_i2c_bus = 1
set pinio_box = 40,41,255,255
set flash_spi_bus = 3
set gyro_1_bustype = SPI
set gyro_1_spibus = 1
set gyro_1_sensor_align = CW0
set gyro_2_spibus = 1

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Last updated: 17/02/2019
|Manufacturer Id|Name|Contact|
|CUST|'Custom', to be used for homebrew targets||
|AFNG|AlienFlight NG||
|BKMN|Jason Blackman||
|FFPV|Furious FPV||
This is the official list of manufacturer ids (`manufacturer_id` in the target config) that will be supported for loading onto unified targets by Betaflight configurator.