Remove Auto Looptime Config

This commit is contained in:
borisbstyle 2016-07-17 01:22:20 +02:00
parent 50da1cfa1d
commit f80fe9ba5e
1 changed files with 1 additions and 72 deletions

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@ -104,74 +104,6 @@ extern uint16_t cycleTime; // FIXME dependency on mw.c
extern uint16_t rssi; // FIXME dependency on mw.c
extern void resetPidProfile(pidProfile_t *pidProfile);
void setGyroSamplingSpeed(uint16_t looptime) {
uint16_t gyroSampleRate = 1000;
uint8_t maxDivider = 1;
if (looptime != gyro.targetLooptime || looptime == 0) {
if (looptime == 0) looptime = gyro.targetLooptime; // needed for pid controller changes
#ifdef STM32F303xC
if (looptime < 1000) {
masterConfig.gyro_lpf = 0;
gyroSampleRate = 125;
maxDivider = 8;
masterConfig.pid_process_denom = 1;
masterConfig.acc_hardware = ACC_DEFAULT;
masterConfig.baro_hardware = BARO_DEFAULT;
masterConfig.mag_hardware = MAG_DEFAULT;
if (looptime < 250) {
masterConfig.acc_hardware = ACC_NONE;
masterConfig.baro_hardware = BARO_NONE;
masterConfig.mag_hardware = MAG_NONE;
masterConfig.pid_process_denom = 2;
} else if (looptime < 375) {
masterConfig.acc_hardware = CONFIG_FASTLOOP_PREFERRED_ACC;
masterConfig.baro_hardware = BARO_NONE;
masterConfig.mag_hardware = MAG_NONE;
masterConfig.pid_process_denom = 2;
masterConfig.gyro_sync_denom = constrain(looptime / gyroSampleRate, 1, maxDivider);
} else {
masterConfig.gyro_lpf = 0;
masterConfig.gyro_sync_denom = 8;
masterConfig.acc_hardware = ACC_DEFAULT;
masterConfig.baro_hardware = BARO_DEFAULT;
masterConfig.mag_hardware = MAG_DEFAULT;
if (looptime < 1000) {
masterConfig.gyro_lpf = 0;
masterConfig.acc_hardware = ACC_NONE;
masterConfig.baro_hardware = BARO_NONE;
masterConfig.mag_hardware = MAG_NONE;
gyroSampleRate = 125;
maxDivider = 8;
masterConfig.pid_process_denom = 1;
if (currentProfile->pidProfile.pidController == PID_CONTROLLER_FLOAT) {
masterConfig.pid_process_denom = 2;
if (looptime < 250) {
masterConfig.pid_process_denom = 4;
} else if (looptime < 375) {
if (currentProfile->pidProfile.pidController == PID_CONTROLLER_FLOAT) {
masterConfig.pid_process_denom = 3;
} else {
masterConfig.pid_process_denom = 2;
masterConfig.gyro_sync_denom = constrain(looptime / gyroSampleRate, 1, maxDivider);
} else {
masterConfig.gyro_lpf = 0;
masterConfig.gyro_sync_denom = 8;
masterConfig.acc_hardware = ACC_DEFAULT;
masterConfig.baro_hardware = BARO_DEFAULT;
masterConfig.mag_hardware = MAG_DEFAULT;
masterConfig.pid_process_denom = 1;
void useRcControlsConfig(modeActivationCondition_t *modeActivationConditions, escAndServoConfig_t *escAndServoConfigToUse, pidProfile_t *pidProfileToUse);
const char * const flightControllerIdentifier = BETAFLIGHT_IDENTIFIER; // 4 UPPER CASE alpha numeric characters that identify the flight controller.
@ -1311,7 +1243,6 @@ static bool processInCommand(void)
uint32_t i;
uint16_t tmp;
uint8_t rate;
uint8_t oldPid;
#ifdef GPS
uint8_t wp_no;
int32_t lat = 0, lon = 0, alt = 0;
@ -1358,13 +1289,11 @@ static bool processInCommand(void)
masterConfig.disarm_kill_switch = read8();
oldPid = currentProfile->pidProfile.pidController;
currentProfile->pidProfile.pidController = constrain(read8(), 1, 2);
if (oldPid != currentProfile->pidProfile.pidController) setGyroSamplingSpeed(0); // recalculate looptimes for new PID
for (i = 0; i < PID_ITEM_COUNT; i++) {