# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : # All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure # configures the configuration version (we support older styles for # backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what # you're doing. Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| # The most common configuration options are documented and commented below. # For a complete reference, please see the online documentation at # https://docs.vagrantup.com. # Every Vagrant development environment requires a box. You can search for # boxes at https://atlas.hashicorp.com/search. config.vm.box = "ubuntu/trusty64" # Enable provisioning with a shell script. Additional provisioners such as # Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Salt, and Docker are also available. Please see the # documentation for more information about their specific syntax and use. config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL apt-get remove -y binutils-arm-none-eabi gcc-arm-none-eabi add-apt-repository ppa:team-gcc-arm-embedded/ppa apt-get update apt-get install -y git ccache gcc-arm-embedded=5-2016q3-1~trusty1 SHELL end # Usage # On windows start a command shell in the project root directory, where the "Vagrantfile" exists. # "vagrant up" to start the VM. First time it takes a while..... # "vagrant ssh" to log into your VM. # "cd /vagrant" Here are the windows project directory mounted with all your files. # "make all" Start working, building all targets for example. # "exit" when done # vagrant halt to stop your VM # vagrant --help for more....