# Board - Colibri RACE The Colibri RACE is a STM32F3 based flight control designed specifically to work with the TBS POWERCUBE multi rotor stack. ## Hardware Features: * STM32F303 based chipset for ultimate performance * PPM, SBUS, DSM, DSMX input (5V and 3.3V provided over internal BUS). No inverters or hacks needed. * 6 PWM ESC output channels (autoconnect, internal BUS) * RGB LED strip support incl. power management * Extension port for GPS / external compass / pressure sensor * UART port for peripherals (Blackbox, FrSky telemetry etc.) * Choose between plug & play sockets or solder pads for R/C and buzzer * 5V buzzer output * MPU6500 new generation accelerometer/gyro * 3x status LED (DCDC pwr/ 3.3V pwr/ status) * Battery monitoring for 12V, 5V and VBat supply * Size: 36mmx36mm (30.5mm standard raster) * Weight: 4.4g For more details please visit: http://www.team-blacksheep.com/powercube ## Serial Ports | Value | Identifier | Board Markings | Notes | | ----- | ------------ | -------------- | ------------------------------------------| | 1 | VCP | USB PORT | Main Port For MSP | | 2 | USART1 | FREE PORT | PC4 and PC5(Tx and Rx respectively) | | 3 | USART2 | PPM Serial | PA15 | | 4 | USART3 | GPS PORT | PB10 and PB11(Tx and Rx respectively) | ## Pinouts Full pinout details are available in the manual, here: http://www.team-blacksheep.com/colibri_race ### SWD - ICSP | Pin | Function | Notes | | --- | -------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | 1 | VCC_IN | 3.3 Volt | | 2 | SWDIO | | | 3 | nRESET | | | 4 | SWCLK | | | 5 | Ground | | | 6 | SWO/TDO | | ### Internal Bus | Pin | Function | Notes | | --- | -------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | 1 | PWM1 | MOTOR 1 | | 2 | PWM2 | MOTOR 2 | | 3 | PWM3 | MOTOR 3 | | 4 | PWM4 | MOTOR 4 | | 5 | PWM5 | MOTOR 5 (For Y6 or Hex X) | | 6 | PWM6 | MOTOR 6 (For Y6 or Hex X) | | 7 | BST SDA | Use For TBS CorePro Control Device | | 8 | BST SCL | Use For TBS CorePro Control Device | | 9 | PWM7 | Can be a normal GPIO (PA2) or PWM | | 10 | PWM8 | Can be a normal GPIO (PA2) or PWM | | 11 | 12.2V DCDC | If 12v is detected, the Blue LED will turn on| | 12 | 5.1V DCDC | Voltage for MCU | ### Servo | Pin | Function | Notes | | --- | -------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | 1 | Ground | | | 2 | VCC_OUT | 5.1 Volt output to LCD Strip | | 3 | PWM Servo | PB14 - PWM10 | ### IO_1 - LED Strip | Pin | Function | Notes | | --- | ----------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | 1 | LED_STRIP | Enable `feature LED_STRIP` | | 2 | VCC_OUT | 5.1 Volt output to LCD Strip | | 3 | Ground | | ### IO_2 - Sensor Interface | Pin | Function | Notes | | --- | ----------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | 1 | VCC_OUT | 4.7 Volt output to the device | | 2 | Ground | | | 3 | UART3 TX | GPS | | 4 | UART3 RX | GPS | | 5 | SDA | mag, pressure, or other i2c device | | 6 | SCL | mag, pressure, or other i2c device | ### IO_3 - RC input IO_3 is used for RX_PPM/RX_SERIAL. Under the `PORT` tab, set RX_SERIAL to UART2 when using RX_SERIAL. | Pin | Function | Notes | | --- | ----------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | 1 | PPM/Serial | Can PPM or Serial input | | 2 | VCC_OUT | 3.3 Volt output to the device | | 3 | Ground | | | 4 | VCC_OUT | 5.1 Volt output to the device | ### IO_4 - Buzzer | Pin | Function | Notes | | --- | ----------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | 1 | BUZZER | Normal high (5.1v) | | 2 | VCC_OUT | 5.1 Volt output to the device | ### IO_5 - Free UART | Pin | Function | Notes | | --- | ----------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | 1 | UART1 TX | Free UART | | 2 | UART1 RX | Free UART | | 3 | Ground | | | 4 | VCC_OUT | 4.7 Volt output to the device | ### IO_6 - IR TX (extension) | Pin | Function | Notes | | --- | ----------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | 1 | IR TX | | | 2 | Ground | |