# Board - Sparky The Sparky is a very low cost and very powerful board. * 3 hardware serial ports. * Built-in serial port inverters which allows SBUS receivers to be used without external inverters. * USB (can be used at the same time as the serial ports). * 10 PWM outputs. * Dedicated PPM/SerialRX input pin. * MPU9150 I2C Acc/Gyro/Mag * Baro # Status Flyable! Tested with revision 1 board. ## TODO * Baro - detection works but getting bad readings, disabled for now. * Led Strip * ADC * Sonar * Display (via Flex port) * Softserial - though having 3 hardware serial ports makes it a little redundant. * Airplane PWM mappings. # Flashing ## Via USART1 Short the bootloader pads and flash using configurator or the st flashloader tool via USART1. Unshort bootloader pads after flashing. ## Via SWD On the bottom of the board there is an SWD header socket onto switch a JST-SH connector can be soldered. Once you have SWD connected you can use the st-link or j-link tools to flash a binary. See Sparky schematic for CONN2 pinouts. ## TauLabs bootloader Flashing cleanflight will erase the TauLabs bootloader, this is not a problem and can easily be restored using the st flashloader tool. # Serial Ports | Value | Identifier | RX | TX | Notes | | ----- | ------------ | --------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1 | USB VCP | RX (USB) | TX (USB) | | | 2 | USART1 | RX / PB7 | TX / PB6 | Conn1 / Flexi Port. | | 3 | USART2 | RX / PA3 | PWM6 / PA2 | On RX is on INPUT header. Best port for Serial RX input | | 4 | USART3 | RX / PB11 | TX / PB10 | RX/TX is on one end of the 6-pin header about the PWM outputs. | USB VCP *can* be used at the same time as other serial ports (unlike Naze32). All USART ports all support automatic hardware inversion which allows direct connection of serial rx receivers like the FrSky X4RSB - no external inverter needed.