# Profiles A profile is a set of configuration settings. Current 3 profiles are supported, The default profile is profile `0`. ## Changing profiles Profiles can be slected using a GUI or the following stick combinations | Profile | Throttle | Yaw | Pitch | Roll | | ------- | -------- | ----- | ------ | ------ | | 0 | Down | Left | Middle | Left | | 1 | Down | Left | Up | Middle | | 2 | Down | Left | Middle | Right | The cli `profile` command can also be used: ``` profile ``` # Rate Profiles Cleanflight supports rate profiles in addition to regular profiles. Rate profiles contain settings that adjust how your craft behaves based on control input. 3 rate profiles are supported. Rate profiles can be selected while flying using the inflight adjustments feature. Each normal profile has a setting called 'default_rate_profile`. When a profile is activated the corresponding rate profile is also activated. Profile 0 has a default rate profile of 0. Profile 1 has a default rate profile of 1. Profile 2 has a default rate profile of 2. The defaults are set this way so that it's simple to configure a profile and a rate profile at the same. The current rate profile can be shown or set using the CLI `rateprofile` command: ``` rateprofile ``` The values contained within a rate profile can be seen by using the CLI `dump rates` command. e.g ``` # dump rates # rateprofile rateprofile 0 set rc_rate = 90 set rc_expo = 65 set thr_mid = 50 set thr_expo = 0 set roll_pitch_rate = 0 set yaw_rate = 0 set tpa_rate = 0 set tpa_breakpoint = 1500 ```