# Receivers (RX) ## Parallel PWM 8 channel support, 1 channel per input pin. On some platforms using parallel input will disable the use of serial ports and softserial making it hard to use telemetry or gps features. ## PPM (PPM SUM) 12 channels via a single input pin, not as accurate or jitter free as methods that use serial communications. ## MultiWii serial protocol (MSP) Allows you to use MSP commands as the RC input. Only 8 channel support to maintain compatibility with MSP. ## Spektrum 12 channels via serial currently supported. ## SBUS 16 channels via serial currently supported. ## XBus The firmware currently supports the MODE B version of the XBus protocol. Make sure to set your TX to use "MODE B" for XBUS in the TX menus! See here for info on JR's XBus protocol: http://www.jrpropo.com/english/propo/XBus/ Tested hardware: JR XG14 + RG731BX with NAZE32 (rev4) With the current CLI configuration: `set serialrx_provider=5` `set serial_port_2_scenario=3` `feature RX_SERIAL` This will set the FW to use serial RX, with XBUS_MODE_B as provider and finally the scenario to be used for serial port 2. Please note that your config may vary depending on hw used. ### OpenTX configuration If using OpenTX set the transmitter module to D16 mode and select CH1-16 on the transmitter before binding to allow reception of 16 channels. OpenTX 2.09, which is shipped on some Taranis X9D Plus transmitters, has a bug - [issue:1701](https://github.com/opentx/opentx/issues/1701). The bug prevents use of all 16 channels. Upgrade to the latest OpenTX version to allow correct reception of all 16 channels, without the fix you are limited to 8 channels regardless of the CH1-16/D16 settings. ## SUMD 16 channels via serial currently supported. ## SUMH 8 channels via serial currently supported. ### Configuration See the Configuration document some some RX configuration examples. For Serial RX enable `RX_SERIAL` and set the `serialrx_provider` cli setting as follows. | Serial RX Provider | Value | | ------------------ | ----- | | SPEKTRUM1024 | 0 | | SPEKTRUM2048 | 1 | | SBUS | 2 | | SUMD | 3 | | SUMH | 4 | | XBUS_MODE_B | 5 | #### PPM/PWM input filtering. Hardware input filtering can be enabled if you are experiencing interference on the signal sent via your PWM/PPM RX. Use the `input_filtering_mode` cli setting to select a mode. | Value | Meaning | | ----- | --------- | | 0 | Disabled | | 1 | Enabled |