# Board - Sparky The Sparky is a very low cost and very powerful board. * 3 hardware serial ports. * USB (can be used at the same time as the serial ports). * 10 PWM outputs. * Dedicated PPM/SerialRX input pin. * MPU9150 I2C Acc/Gyro/Mag * Baro # Status Flyable! Tested with revision 1 board. ## TODO * Mag * Baro * Led Strip * ADC * Display * Softserial - though having 3 hardware serial ports makes it a little redundant. # Flashing ## Via USART1 Short the bootloader pads and flash using configurator or the st flashloader tool via USART1. Unshort bootloader pads after flashing. ## Via SWD On the bottom of the board there is an SWD header socket onto switch a JST-SH connector can be soldered. Once you have SWD connected you can use the st-link or j-link tools to flash a binary. See Sparky schematic for CONN2 pinouts. ## TauLabs bootloader Flashing cleanflight will erase the TauLabs bootloader, this is not a problem and can easily be restored using the st flashloader tool. # Serial Ports | Value | Identifier | RX | TX | Notes | | ----- | ------------ | --------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1 | USB VCP | RX (USB) | TX (USB) | | | 2 | USART1 | RX / PB7 | TX / PB6 | Conn1 / Flexi Port | | 3 | USART2 | RX / PA3 | PWM6 / PA2 | On RX is on INPUT header. Best port for Serial RX input. | | 4 | USART3 | RX / PB11 | TX / PB10 | RX/TX is on one end of the 6-pin header about the PWM outputs. | USB VSP *can* be used at the same time as other serial ports (unlike Naze32).