
280 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable File

#include "board.h"
#include "mw.h"
uint8_t calibratedACC = 0;
uint16_t calibratingA = 0; // the calibration is done is the main loop. Calibrating decreases at each cycle down to 0, then we enter in a normal mode.
uint16_t calibratingG = 0;
uint8_t calibratingM = 0;
uint16_t acc_1G = 256; // this is the 1G measured acceleration
int16_t accTrim[2] = { 0, 0 };
int16_t heading, magHold;
void sensorsAutodetect(void)
if (!adxl345Detect())
if (!bmp085Init())
if (!hmc5883lDetect())
static void ACC_Common(void)
static int32_t a[3];
uint8_t axis;
if (calibratingA > 0) {
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
// Reset a[axis] at start of calibration
if (calibratingA == 400)
a[axis] = 0;
// Sum up 400 readings
a[axis] += accADC[axis];
// Clear global variables for next reading
accADC[axis] = 0;
accZero[axis] = 0;
// Calculate average, shift Z down by acc_1G and store values in EEPROM at end of calibration
if (calibratingA == 1) {
accZero[ROLL] = a[ROLL] / 400;
accZero[PITCH] = a[PITCH] / 400;
accZero[YAW] = a[YAW] / 400 - acc_1G; // for nunchuk 200=1G
accTrim[ROLL] = 0;
accTrim[PITCH] = 0;
writeParams(); // write accZero in EEPROM
#if defined(InflightAccCalibration)
static int32_t b[3];
static int16_t accZero_saved[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
static int16_t accTrim_saved[2] = { 0, 0 };
//Saving old zeropoints before measurement
if (InflightcalibratingA == 50) {
accZero_saved[ROLL] = accZero[ROLL];
accZero_saved[PITCH] = accZero[PITCH];
accZero_saved[YAW] = accZero[YAW];
accTrim_saved[ROLL] = accTrim[ROLL];
accTrim_saved[PITCH] = accTrim[PITCH];
if (InflightcalibratingA > 0) {
for (uint8_t axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
// Reset a[axis] at start of calibration
if (InflightcalibratingA == 50)
b[axis] = 0;
// Sum up 50 readings
b[axis] += accADC[axis];
// Clear global variables for next reading
accADC[axis] = 0;
accZero[axis] = 0;
//all values are measured
if (InflightcalibratingA == 1) {
AccInflightCalibrationActive = 0;
AccInflightCalibrationMeasurementDone = 1;
blinkLED(10, 10, 2); //buzzer for indicatiing the start inflight
// recover saved values to maintain current flight behavior until new values are transferred
accZero[ROLL] = accZero_saved[ROLL];
accZero[PITCH] = accZero_saved[PITCH];
accZero[YAW] = accZero_saved[YAW];
accTrim[ROLL] = accTrim_saved[ROLL];
accTrim[PITCH] = accTrim_saved[PITCH];
// Calculate average, shift Z down by acc_1G and store values in EEPROM at end of calibration
if (AccInflightCalibrationSavetoEEProm == 1) { //the copter is landed, disarmed and the combo has been done again
AccInflightCalibrationSavetoEEProm = 0;
accZero[ROLL] = b[ROLL] / 50;
accZero[PITCH] = b[PITCH] / 50;
accZero[YAW] = b[YAW] / 50 - acc_1G; // for nunchuk 200=1G
accTrim[ROLL] = 0;
accTrim[PITCH] = 0;
writeParams(); // write accZero in EEPROM
accADC[ROLL] -= accZero[ROLL];
accADC[PITCH] -= accZero[PITCH];
accADC[YAW] -= accZero[YAW];
void ACC_getADC(void)
int16_t rawADC[3];
ACC_ORIENTATION(-(rawADC[1]), (rawADC[0]), (rawADC[2]));
static uint32_t baroDeadline = 0;
static uint8_t baroState = 0;
static uint16_t baroUT = 0;
static uint32_t baroUP = 0;
static int16_t baroTemp = 0;
void Baro_update(void)
if (currentTime < baroDeadline)
baroDeadline = currentTime;
switch (baroState) {
case 0:
baroDeadline += 4600;
case 1:
baroUT = bmp085_get_ut();
case 2:
baroDeadline += 14000;
case 3:
baroUP = bmp085_get_up();
baroTemp = bmp085_get_temperature(baroUT);
pressure = bmp085_get_pressure(baroUP);
BaroAlt = (1.0f - pow(pressure / 101325.0f, 0.190295f)) * 4433000.0f; // centimeter
baroState = 0;
baroDeadline += 5000;
static void GYRO_Common(void)
static int16_t previousGyroADC[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
static int32_t g[3];
uint8_t axis;
if (calibratingG > 0) {
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
// Reset g[axis] at start of calibration
if (calibratingG == 400)
g[axis] = 0;
// Sum up 400 readings
g[axis] += gyroADC[axis];
// Clear global variables for next reading
gyroADC[axis] = 0;
gyroZero[axis] = 0;
if (calibratingG == 1) {
gyroZero[axis] = g[axis] / 400;
blinkLED(10, 15, 1);
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
gyroADC[axis] -= gyroZero[axis];
//anti gyro glitch, limit the variation between two consecutive readings
gyroADC[axis] = constrain(gyroADC[axis], previousGyroADC[axis] - 800, previousGyroADC[axis] + 800);
previousGyroADC[axis] = gyroADC[axis];
void Gyro_getADC(void)
int16_t rawADC[3];
// range: +/- 8192; +/- 2000 deg/sec
GYRO_ORIENTATION(+((rawADC[1]) / 4), -((rawADC[0]) / 4), -((rawADC[2]) / 4));
gyroADC[ROLL] = rawADC[0] / 4;
gyroADC[PITCH] = rawADC[1] / 4;
gyroADC[YAW] = -rawADC[2] / 4;
static float magCal[3] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }; // gain for each axis, populated at sensor init
static uint8_t magInit = 0;
static void Mag_getRawADC(void)
static int16_t rawADC[3];
// Hearty FUCK-YOU goes to all teh breakout sensor faggots who make a new orientation for each shitty board they make
// sensor order: X Z Y
magADC[ROLL] = rawADC[0]; // X or negative? who knows mag stuff in multiwii is broken hardcore
magADC[PITCH] = rawADC[2]; // Y
magADC[YAW] = rawADC[1]; // Z
void Mag_init(void)
// initial calibration
magCal[ROLL] = 1000.0 / abs(magADC[ROLL]);
magCal[PITCH] = 1000.0 / abs(magADC[PITCH]);
magCal[YAW] = 1000.0 / abs(magADC[YAW]);
magInit = 1;
void Mag_getADC(void)
static uint32_t t, tCal = 0;
static int16_t magZeroTempMin[3];
static int16_t magZeroTempMax[3];
uint8_t axis;
if (currentTime < t)
return; //each read is spaced by 100ms
t = currentTime + 100000;
// Read mag sensor
if (calibratingM == 1) {
tCal = t;
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
magZero[axis] = 0;
magZeroTempMin[axis] = 0;
magZeroTempMax[axis] = 0;
calibratingM = 0;
magADC[ROLL] = magADC[ROLL] * magCal[ROLL];
magADC[PITCH] = magADC[PITCH] * magCal[PITCH];
magADC[YAW] = magADC[YAW] * magCal[YAW];
if (magInit) { // we apply offset only once mag calibration is done
magADC[ROLL] -= magZero[ROLL];
magADC[PITCH] -= magZero[PITCH];
magADC[YAW] -= magZero[YAW];
if (tCal != 0) {
if ((t - tCal) < 30000000) { // 30s: you have 30s to turn the multi in all directions
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
if (magADC[axis] < magZeroTempMin[axis])
magZeroTempMin[axis] = magADC[axis];
if (magADC[axis] > magZeroTempMax[axis])
magZeroTempMax[axis] = magADC[axis];
} else {
tCal = 0;
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
magZero[axis] = (magZeroTempMin[axis] + magZeroTempMax[axis]) / 2;