atbetaflight/obj 509e349e69 Whitespace/compiler warnings cleanups by Dominic Clifton;
Slight tweak of new althold defaults
NOT-flight-tested .hex committing so people can commence with althold testing.

git-svn-id: 7c89a4a9-59b9-e629-4cfe-3a2d53b20e61
2013-08-31 01:40:13 +00:00
baseflight.hex Whitespace/compiler warnings cleanups by Dominic Clifton; 2013-08-31 01:40:13 +00:00
baseflight_fy90q.hex synced with mwc 2.1. it's suprising how many "new" things in 2.1 didn't actually matter on a real platform. 2012-07-20 14:53:15 +00:00