785 lines
30 KiB
Executable File
785 lines
30 KiB
Executable File
MultiWiiCopter by Alexandre Dubus
December 2011 V1.dev
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
any later version. see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
#include "config.h"
#include "def.h"
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#define VERSION 19
/*********** RC alias *****************/
#define ROLL 0
#define PITCH 1
#define YAW 2
#define THROTTLE 3
#define AUX1 4
#define AUX2 5
#define AUX3 6
#define AUX4 7
#define PIDALT 3
#define PIDVEL 4
#define PIDGPS 5
#define PIDLEVEL 6
#define PIDMAG 7
#define BOXACC 0
#define BOXBARO 1
#define BOXMAG 2
#define BOXCAMSTAB 3
#define BOXCAMTRIG 4
#define BOXARM 5
#define BOXGPSHOME 6
#define BOXGPSHOLD 7
#define BOXBEEPERON 10
#define PIDITEMS 8
static uint32_t currentTime = 0;
static uint16_t previousTime = 0;
static uint16_t cycleTime = 0; // this is the number in micro second to achieve a full loop, it can differ a little and is taken into account in the PID loop
static uint16_t calibratingA = 0; // the calibration is done is the main loop. Calibrating decreases at each cycle down to 0, then we enter in a normal mode.
static uint8_t calibratingM = 0;
static uint16_t calibratingG;
static uint8_t armed = 0;
static uint16_t acc_1G; // this is the 1G measured acceleration
static int16_t acc_25deg;
static uint8_t nunchuk = 0;
static uint8_t accMode = 0; // if level mode is a activated
static uint8_t magMode = 0; // if compass heading hold is a activated
static uint8_t baroMode = 0; // if altitude hold is activated
static uint8_t GPSModeHome = 0; // if GPS RTH is activated
static uint8_t GPSModeHold = 0; // if GPS PH is activated
static uint8_t headFreeMode = 0; // if head free mode is a activated
static uint8_t passThruMode = 0; // if passthrough mode is activated
static int16_t headFreeModeHold;
static int16_t gyroADC[3], accADC[3], accSmooth[3], magADC[3];
static int16_t accTrim[2] = { 0, 0 };
static int16_t heading, magHold;
static uint8_t calibratedACC = 0;
static uint8_t vbat; // battery voltage in 0.1V steps
static uint8_t okToArm = 0;
static uint8_t rcOptions1, rcOptions2;
static int32_t pressure;
static int16_t BaroAlt;
static int16_t EstAlt; // in cm
static int16_t zVelocity;
static uint8_t buzzerState = 0;
static int16_t debug1, debug2, debug3, debug4;
//for log
static uint16_t cycleTimeMax = 0; // highest ever cycle timen
static uint16_t cycleTimeMin = 65535; // lowest ever cycle timen
static uint16_t powerMax = 0; // highest ever current
static int16_t i2c_errors_count = 0;
static int16_t annex650_overrun_count = 0;
// **********************
//Automatic ACC Offset Calibration
// **********************
static uint16_t InflightcalibratingA = 0;
static int16_t AccInflightCalibrationArmed;
static uint16_t AccInflightCalibrationMeasurementDone = 0;
static uint16_t AccInflightCalibrationSavetoEEProm = 0;
// **********************
// power meter
// **********************
#define PMOTOR_SUM 8 // index into pMeter[] for sum
static uint32_t pMeter[PMOTOR_SUM + 1]; //we use [0:7] for eight motors,one extra for sum
static uint8_t pMeterV; // dummy to satisfy the paramStruct logic in ConfigurationLoop()
static uint32_t pAlarm; // we scale the eeprom value from [0:255] to this value we can directly compare to the sum in pMeter[6]
static uint8_t powerTrigger1 = 0; // trigger for alarm based on power consumption
static uint16_t powerValue = 0; // last known current
static uint16_t intPowerMeterSum, intPowerTrigger1;
// **********************
// telemetry
// **********************
static uint8_t telemetry = 0;
static uint8_t telemetry_auto = 0;
// ******************
// rc functions
// ******************
#define MINCHECK 1100
#define MAXCHECK 1900
volatile int16_t failsafeCnt = 0;
static int16_t failsafeEvents = 0;
static int16_t rcData[8]; // interval [1000;2000]
static int16_t rcCommand[4]; // interval [1000;2000] for THROTTLE and [-500;+500] for ROLL/PITCH/YAW
static uint8_t rcRate8;
static uint8_t rcExpo8;
static int16_t lookupRX[7]; // lookup table for expo & RC rate
volatile uint8_t rcFrameComplete; //for serial rc receiver Spektrum
// **************
// gyro+acc IMU
// **************
static int16_t gyroData[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
static int16_t gyroZero[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
static int16_t accZero[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
static int16_t magZero[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
static int16_t angle[2] = { 0, 0 }; // absolute angle inclination in multiple of 0.1 degree 180 deg = 1800
static int8_t smallAngle25 = 1;
// *************************
// motor and servo functions
// *************************
static int16_t axisPID[3];
static int16_t motor[8];
static int16_t servo[8] = { 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 };
static uint16_t wing_left_mid = WING_LEFT_MID;
static uint16_t wing_right_mid = WING_RIGHT_MID;
static uint16_t tri_yaw_middle = TRI_YAW_MIDDLE;
// **********************
// EEPROM & LCD functions
// **********************
static uint8_t P8[8], I8[8], D8[8]; //8 bits is much faster and the code is much shorter
static uint8_t dynP8[3], dynI8[3], dynD8[3];
static uint8_t rollPitchRate;
static uint8_t yawRate;
static uint8_t dynThrPID;
static uint8_t activate1[CHECKBOXITEMS];
static uint8_t activate2[CHECKBOXITEMS];
// **********************
// GPS
// **********************
static int32_t GPS_latitude, GPS_longitude;
static int32_t GPS_latitude_home, GPS_longitude_home;
static uint8_t GPS_fix, GPS_fix_home = 0;
static uint8_t GPS_numSat;
static uint16_t GPS_distanceToHome; // in meters
static int16_t GPS_directionToHome = 0; // in degrees
static uint8_t GPS_update = 0; // it's a binary toogle to distinct a GPS position update
static int16_t GPS_angle[2]; // it's the angles that must be applied for GPS correction
void blinkLED(uint8_t num, uint8_t wait, uint8_t repeat)
uint8_t i, r;
for (r = 0; r < repeat; r++) {
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
LEDPIN_TOGGLE; //switch LEDPIN state
void annexCode()
{ //this code is excetuted at each loop and won't interfere with control loop if it lasts less than 650 microseconds
static uint32_t buzzerTime, calibratedAccTime;
#if defined(LCD_TELEMETRY)
static uint16_t telemetryTimer = 0, telemetryAutoTimer = 0, psensorTimer = 0;
#if defined(LCD_TELEMETRY)
static uint8_t telemetryAutoIndex = 0;
static char telemetryAutoSequence[] = LCD_TELEMETRY_AUTO;
#ifdef VBAT
static uint8_t vbatTimer = 0;
static uint8_t buzzerFreq; //delay between buzzer ring
uint8_t axis, prop1, prop2;
#if defined(POWERMETER_HARD)
uint16_t pMeterRaw; //used for current reading
//PITCH & ROLL only dynamic PID adjustemnt, depending on throttle value
if (rcData[THROTTLE] < 1500) {
prop2 = 100;
} else if (rcData[THROTTLE] < 2000) {
prop2 = 100 - (uint16_t) dynThrPID *(rcData[THROTTLE] - 1500) / 500;
} else {
prop2 = 100 - dynThrPID;
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
uint16_t tmp = min(abs(rcData[axis] - MIDRC), 500);
#if defined(DEADBAND)
if (tmp > DEADBAND) {
tmp -= DEADBAND;
} else {
tmp = 0;
if (axis != 2) { //ROLL & PITCH
uint16_t tmp2 = tmp / 100;
rcCommand[axis] = lookupRX[tmp2] + (tmp - tmp2 * 100) * (lookupRX[tmp2 + 1] - lookupRX[tmp2]) / 100;
prop1 = 100 - (uint16_t) rollPitchRate *tmp / 500;
prop1 = (uint16_t) prop1 *prop2 / 100;
} else { //YAW
rcCommand[axis] = tmp;
prop1 = 100 - (uint16_t) yawRate *tmp / 500;
dynP8[axis] = (uint16_t) P8[axis] * prop1 / 100;
dynD8[axis] = (uint16_t) D8[axis] * prop1 / 100;
if (rcData[axis] < MIDRC)
rcCommand[axis] = -rcCommand[axis];
if (headFreeMode) {
float radDiff = (heading - headFreeModeHold) * 0.0174533f; // where PI/180 ~= 0.0174533
float cosDiff = cos(radDiff);
float sinDiff = sin(radDiff);
int16_t rcCommand_PITCH = rcCommand[PITCH] * cosDiff + rcCommand[ROLL] * sinDiff;
rcCommand[ROLL] = rcCommand[ROLL] * cosDiff - rcCommand[PITCH] * sinDiff;
rcCommand[PITCH] = rcCommand_PITCH;
#if defined(POWERMETER_HARD)
if (!(++psensorTimer % PSENSORFREQ)) {
pMeterRaw = analogRead(PSENSORPIN);
powerValue = (PSENSORNULL > pMeterRaw ? PSENSORNULL - pMeterRaw : pMeterRaw - PSENSORNULL); // do not use abs(), it would induce implicit cast to uint and overrun
if (powerValue < 333) { // only accept reasonable values. 333 is empirical
if (powerValue > powerMax)
powerMax = powerValue;
} else {
powerValue = 333;
pMeter[PMOTOR_SUM] += (uint32_t) powerValue;
#if defined(VBAT)
static uint8_t ind = 0;
uint16_t vbatRaw = 0;
static uint16_t vbatRawArray[8];
if (!(++vbatTimer % VBATFREQ)) {
ADCSRA &= ~_BV(ADPS0); //this speeds up analogRead without loosing too much resolution: http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1208715493/11
vbatRawArray[(ind++) % 8] = analogRead(V_BATPIN);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
vbatRaw += vbatRawArray[i];
vbat = vbatRaw / (VBATSCALE / 2); // result is Vbatt in 0.1V steps
if ((rcOptions1 & activate1[BOXBEEPERON]) || (rcOptions2 & activate2[BOXBEEPERON])) { // unconditional beeper on via AUXn switch
buzzerFreq = 7;
} else if (((vbat > VBATLEVEL1_3S)
#if defined(POWERMETER)
&& ((pMeter[PMOTOR_SUM] < pAlarm) || (pAlarm == 0))
) || (NO_VBAT > vbat)) // ToLuSe
{ //VBAT ok AND powermeter ok, buzzer off
buzzerFreq = 0;
buzzerState = 0;
#if defined(POWERMETER)
} else if (pMeter[PMOTOR_SUM] > pAlarm) { // sound alarm for powermeter
buzzerFreq = 4;
} else if (vbat > VBATLEVEL2_3S)
buzzerFreq = 1;
else if (vbat > VBATLEVEL3_3S)
buzzerFreq = 2;
buzzerFreq = 4;
if (buzzerFreq) {
if (buzzerState && (currentTime > buzzerTime + 250000)) {
buzzerState = 0;
buzzerTime = currentTime;
} else if (!buzzerState && (currentTime > (buzzerTime + (2000000 >> buzzerFreq)))) {
buzzerState = 1;
buzzerTime = currentTime;
if ((calibratingA > 0 && (ACC || nunchuk)) || (calibratingG > 0)) { // Calibration phasis
} else {
if (calibratedACC == 1) {
if (armed) {
#if defined(LED_RING)
static uint32_t LEDTime;
if (currentTime > LEDTime) {
LEDTime = currentTime + 50000;
if (currentTime > calibratedAccTime) {
if (smallAngle25 == 0) {
calibratedACC = 0; //the multi uses ACC and is not calibrated or is too much inclinated
calibratedAccTime = currentTime + 500000;
} else
calibratedACC = 1;
#if defined(POWERMETER)
intPowerMeterSum = (pMeter[PMOTOR_SUM] / PLEVELDIV);
intPowerTrigger1 = powerTrigger1 * PLEVELSCALE;
if ((telemetry_auto)
&& (!(++telemetryAutoTimer % LCD_TELEMETRY_AUTO_FREQ))) {
telemetry = telemetryAutoSequence[++telemetryAutoIndex % strlen(telemetryAutoSequence)];
LCDclear(); // make sure to clear away remnants
if (!(++telemetryTimer % LCD_TELEMETRY_FREQ)) {
if (telemetry)
#if defined(GPS)
static uint32_t GPSLEDTime;
if (currentTime > GPSLEDTime && (GPS_fix_home == 1)) {
GPSLEDTime = currentTime + 150000;
void setup()
SerialOpen(0, 115200);
previousTime = micros();
#if defined(GIMBAL)
calibratingA = 400;
calibratingG = 400;
#if defined(POWERMETER)
for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= PMOTOR_SUM; i++)
pMeter[i] = 0;
#if defined(GPS)
#if defined(LCD_ETPP)
#elif defined(LCD_LCD03)
telemetry_auto = 1;
// ******** Main Loop *********
void loop()
static uint8_t rcDelayCommand; // this indicates the number of time (multiple of RC measurement at 50Hz) the sticks must be maintained to run or switch off motors
uint8_t axis, i;
int16_t error, errorAngle;
int16_t delta, deltaSum;
int16_t PTerm, ITerm, DTerm;
static int16_t lastGyro[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
static int16_t delta1[3], delta2[3];
static int16_t errorGyroI[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
static int16_t errorAngleI[2] = { 0, 0 };
static uint32_t rcTime = 0;
static int16_t initialThrottleHold;
static int16_t errorAltitudeI = 0;
int16_t AltPID = 0;
static int16_t AltHold;
#if defined(SPEKTRUM)
if (rcFrameComplete)
if (currentTime > rcTime) { // 50Hz
rcTime = currentTime + 20000;
#if !(defined(SPEKTRUM) ||defined(BTSERIAL))
// Failsafe routine - added by MIS
#if defined(FAILSAFE)
if (failsafeCnt > (5 * FAILSAVE_DELAY) && armed == 1) { // Stabilize, and set Throttle to specified level
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
rcData[i] = MIDRC; // after specified guard time after RC signal is lost (in 0.1sec)
if (failsafeCnt > 5 * (FAILSAVE_DELAY + FAILSAVE_OFF_DELAY)) { // Turn OFF motors after specified Time (in 0.1sec)
armed = 0; //This will prevent the copter to automatically rearm if failsafe shuts it down and prevents
okToArm = 0; //to restart accidentely by just reconnect to the tx - you will have to switch off first to rearm
// end of failsave routine - next change is made with RcOptions setting
if (rcData[THROTTLE] < MINCHECK) {
errorGyroI[ROLL] = 0;
errorGyroI[PITCH] = 0;
errorGyroI[YAW] = 0;
errorAngleI[ROLL] = 0;
errorAngleI[PITCH] = 0;
if (rcData[YAW] < MINCHECK && rcData[PITCH] < MINCHECK && armed == 0) {
if (rcDelayCommand == 20)
calibratingG = 400;
} else if (rcData[YAW] > MAXCHECK && rcData[PITCH] > MAXCHECK && armed == 0) {
if (rcDelayCommand == 20) {
servo[0] = 1500; //we center the yaw gyro in conf mode
#if defined(LCD_CONF)
configurationLoop(); //beginning LCD configuration
previousTime = micros();
#if defined(InflightAccCalibration)
else if (armed == 0 && rcData[YAW] < MINCHECK && rcData[PITCH] > MAXCHECK && rcData[ROLL] > MAXCHECK) {
if (rcDelayCommand == 20) {
if (AccInflightCalibrationMeasurementDone) { //trigger saving into eeprom after landing
AccInflightCalibrationMeasurementDone = 0;
AccInflightCalibrationSavetoEEProm = 1;
} else {
AccInflightCalibrationArmed = !AccInflightCalibrationArmed;
if (AccInflightCalibrationArmed) {
blinkLED(10, 1, 2);
} else {
blinkLED(10, 10, 3);
else if ((activate1[BOXARM] > 0) || (activate2[BOXARM] > 0)) {
if (((rcOptions1 & activate1[BOXARM])
|| (rcOptions2 & activate2[BOXARM])) && okToArm) {
armed = 1;
headFreeModeHold = heading;
} else if (armed)
armed = 0;
rcDelayCommand = 0;
} else if ((rcData[YAW] < MINCHECK || rcData[ROLL] < MINCHECK)
&& armed == 1) {
if (rcDelayCommand == 20)
armed = 0; // rcDelayCommand = 20 => 20x20ms = 0.4s = time to wait for a specific RC command to be acknowledged
} else if ((rcData[YAW] > MAXCHECK || rcData[ROLL] > MAXCHECK)
&& rcData[PITCH] < MAXCHECK && armed == 0 && calibratingG == 0 && calibratedACC == 1) {
if (rcDelayCommand == 20) {
armed = 1;
headFreeModeHold = heading;
} else if (rcData[ROLL] < MINCHECK && rcData[PITCH] > MAXCHECK && armed == 0) {
if (rcDelayCommand == 20) {
if (telemetry_auto) {
telemetry_auto = 0;
telemetry = 0;
} else
telemetry_auto = 1;
} else
rcDelayCommand = 0;
} else if (rcData[THROTTLE] > MAXCHECK && armed == 0) {
if (rcData[YAW] < MINCHECK && rcData[PITCH] < MINCHECK) { //throttle=max, yaw=left, pitch=min
if (rcDelayCommand == 20)
calibratingA = 400;
} else if (rcData[YAW] > MAXCHECK && rcData[PITCH] < MINCHECK) { //throttle=max, yaw=right, pitch=min
if (rcDelayCommand == 20)
calibratingM = 1; // MAG calibration request
} else if (rcData[PITCH] > MAXCHECK) {
accTrim[PITCH] += 2;
#if defined(LED_RING)
} else if (rcData[PITCH] < MINCHECK) {
accTrim[PITCH] -= 2;
#if defined(LED_RING)
} else if (rcData[ROLL] > MAXCHECK) {
accTrim[ROLL] += 2;
#if defined(LED_RING)
} else if (rcData[ROLL] < MINCHECK) {
accTrim[ROLL] -= 2;
#if defined(LED_RING)
} else {
rcDelayCommand = 0;
if (cycleTime > cycleTimeMax)
cycleTimeMax = cycleTime; // remember highscore
if (cycleTime < cycleTimeMin)
cycleTimeMin = cycleTime; // remember lowscore
#if defined(InflightAccCalibration)
if (AccInflightCalibrationArmed && armed == 1 && rcData[THROTTLE] > MINCHECK && !((rcOptions1 & activate1[BOXARM]) || (rcOptions2 & activate2[BOXARM]))) { // Copter is airborne and you are turning it off via boxarm : start measurement
InflightcalibratingA = 50;
AccInflightCalibrationArmed = 0;
if ((rcOptions1 & activate1[BOXPASSTHRU]) || (rcOptions2 & activate2[BOXPASSTHRU])) { //Use the Passthru Option to activate : Passthru = TRUE Meausrement started, Land and passtrhu = 0 measurement stored
if (!AccInflightCalibrationArmed) {
AccInflightCalibrationArmed = 1;
InflightcalibratingA = 50;
} else if (AccInflightCalibrationMeasurementDone && armed == 0) {
AccInflightCalibrationArmed = 0;
AccInflightCalibrationMeasurementDone = 0;
AccInflightCalibrationSavetoEEProm = 1;
rcOptions1 = (rcData[AUX1] < 1300) + (1300 < rcData[AUX1]
&& rcData[AUX1] < 1700) * 2 + (rcData[AUX1] > 1700) * 4 + (rcData[AUX2] < 1300) * 8 + (1300 < rcData[AUX2]
&& rcData[AUX2] < 1700) * 16 + (rcData[AUX2] > 1700) * 32;
rcOptions2 = (rcData[AUX3] < 1300) + (1300 < rcData[AUX3]
&& rcData[AUX3] < 1700) * 2 + (rcData[AUX3] > 1700) * 4 + (rcData[AUX4] < 1300) * 8 + (1300 < rcData[AUX4]
&& rcData[AUX4] < 1700) * 16 + (rcData[AUX4] > 1700) * 32;
//note: if FAILSAFE is disable, failsafeCnt > 5*FAILSAVE_DELAY is always false
if (((rcOptions1 & activate1[BOXACC])
|| (rcOptions2 & activate2[BOXACC])
|| (failsafeCnt > 5 * FAILSAVE_DELAY)) && (ACC || nunchuk)) {
// bumpless transfer to Level mode
if (!accMode) {
errorAngleI[ROLL] = 0;
errorAngleI[PITCH] = 0;
accMode = 1;
} else
accMode = 0; // modified by MIS for failsave support
if ((rcOptions1 & activate1[BOXARM]) == 0 || (rcOptions2 & activate2[BOXARM]) == 0)
okToArm = 1;
if (accMode == 1)
if (BARO) {
if ((rcOptions1 & activate1[BOXBARO])
|| (rcOptions2 & activate2[BOXBARO])) {
if (baroMode == 0) {
baroMode = 1;
AltHold = EstAlt;
initialThrottleHold = rcCommand[THROTTLE];
errorAltitudeI = 0;
} else
baroMode = 0;
if (MAG) {
if ((rcOptions1 & activate1[BOXMAG])
|| (rcOptions2 & activate2[BOXMAG])) {
if (magMode == 0) {
magMode = 1;
magHold = heading;
} else
magMode = 0;
if ((rcOptions1 & activate1[BOXHEADFREE])
|| (rcOptions2 & activate2[BOXHEADFREE])) {
if (headFreeMode == 0) {
headFreeMode = 1;
} else
headFreeMode = 0;
#if defined(GPS)
if ((rcOptions1 & activate1[BOXGPSHOME])
|| (rcOptions2 & activate2[BOXGPSHOME])) {
GPSModeHome = 1;
} else
GPSModeHome = 0;
if ((rcOptions1 & activate1[BOXGPSHOLD])
|| (rcOptions2 & activate2[BOXGPSHOLD])) {
GPSModeHold = 1;
} else
GPSModeHold = 0;
if ((rcOptions1 & activate1[BOXPASSTHRU])
|| (rcOptions2 & activate2[BOXPASSTHRU])) {
passThruMode = 1;
} else
passThruMode = 0;
// Measure loop rate just afer reading the sensors
currentTime = micros();
cycleTime = currentTime - previousTime;
previousTime = currentTime;
if (MAG) {
if (abs(rcCommand[YAW]) < 70 && magMode) {
int16_t dif = heading - magHold;
if (dif <= -180)
dif += 360;
if (dif >= +180)
dif -= 360;
if (smallAngle25)
rcCommand[YAW] -= dif * P8[PIDMAG] / 30; //18 deg
} else
magHold = heading;
if (BARO) {
if (baroMode) {
if (abs(rcCommand[THROTTLE] - initialThrottleHold) > 20) {
AltHold = EstAlt;
initialThrottleHold = rcCommand[THROTTLE];
errorAltitudeI = 0;
//**** Alt. Set Point stabilization PID ****
error = constrain(AltHold - EstAlt, -100, 100); // +/-10m, 1 decimeter accuracy
errorAltitudeI += error;
errorAltitudeI = constrain(errorAltitudeI, -5000, 5000);
PTerm = P8[PIDALT] * error / 10; // 16 bits is ok here
if (abs(error) > 5) // under 50cm error, we neutralize Iterm
ITerm = (int32_t) I8[PIDALT] * errorAltitudeI / 4000;
ITerm = 0;
AltPID = PTerm + ITerm;
//AltPID is reduced, depending of the zVelocity magnitude
AltPID = AltPID * (D8[PIDALT] - min(abs(zVelocity), D8[PIDALT] * 4 / 5)) / (D8[PIDALT] + 1);
debug3 = AltPID;
rcCommand[THROTTLE] = initialThrottleHold + constrain(AltPID, -100, +100);
#if defined(GPS)
if ((GPSModeHome == 1)) {
float radDiff = (GPS_directionToHome - heading) * 0.0174533f;
GPS_angle[ROLL] = constrain(P8[PIDGPS] * sin(radDiff) * GPS_distanceToHome / 10, -D8[PIDGPS] * 10, +D8[PIDGPS] * 10); // with P=5, 1 meter = 0.5deg inclination
GPS_angle[PITCH] = constrain(P8[PIDGPS] * cos(radDiff) * GPS_distanceToHome / 10, -D8[PIDGPS] * 10, +D8[PIDGPS] * 10); // max inclination = D deg
} else {
GPS_angle[ROLL] = 0;
GPS_angle[PITCH] = 0;
//**** PITCH & ROLL & YAW PID ****
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
if (accMode == 1 && axis < 2) { //LEVEL MODE
// 50 degrees max inclination
errorAngle = constrain(2 * rcCommand[axis] - GPS_angle[axis], -500, +500) - angle[axis] + accTrim[axis]; //16 bits is ok here
#ifdef LEVEL_PDF
PTerm = -(int32_t) angle[axis] * P8[PIDLEVEL] / 100;
PTerm = (int32_t) errorAngle *P8[PIDLEVEL] / 100; //32 bits is needed for calculation: errorAngle*P8[PIDLEVEL] could exceed 32768 16 bits is ok for result
PTerm = constrain(PTerm, -D8[PIDLEVEL], +D8[PIDLEVEL]);
errorAngleI[axis] = constrain(errorAngleI[axis] + errorAngle, -10000, +10000); //WindUp //16 bits is ok here
ITerm = ((int32_t) errorAngleI[axis] * I8[PIDLEVEL]) >> 12; //32 bits is needed for calculation:10000*I8 could exceed 32768 16 bits is ok for result
} else { //ACRO MODE or YAW axis
if (abs(rcCommand[axis]) < 350)
error = rcCommand[axis] * 10 * 8 / P8[axis]; //16 bits is needed for calculation: 350*10*8 = 28000 16 bits is ok for result if P8>2 (P>0.2)
error = (int32_t) rcCommand[axis] * 10 * 8 / P8[axis]; //32 bits is needed for calculation: 500*5*10*8 = 200000 16 bits is ok for result if P8>2 (P>0.2)
error -= gyroData[axis];
PTerm = rcCommand[axis];
errorGyroI[axis] = constrain(errorGyroI[axis] + error, -16000, +16000); //WindUp //16 bits is ok here
if (abs(gyroData[axis]) > 640)
errorGyroI[axis] = 0;
ITerm = (errorGyroI[axis] / 125 * I8[axis]) >> 6; //16 bits is ok here 16000/125 = 128 ; 128*250 = 32000
if (abs(gyroData[axis]) < 160)
PTerm -= gyroData[axis] * dynP8[axis] / 10 / 8; //16 bits is needed for calculation 160*200 = 32000 16 bits is ok for result
PTerm -= (int32_t) gyroData[axis] * dynP8[axis] / 10 / 8; //32 bits is needed for calculation
delta = gyroData[axis] - lastGyro[axis]; //16 bits is ok here, the dif between 2 consecutive gyro reads is limited to 800
lastGyro[axis] = gyroData[axis];
deltaSum = delta1[axis] + delta2[axis] + delta;
delta2[axis] = delta1[axis];
delta1[axis] = delta;
if (abs(deltaSum) < 640)
DTerm = (deltaSum * dynD8[axis]) >> 5; //16 bits is needed for calculation 640*50 = 32000 16 bits is ok for result
DTerm = ((int32_t) deltaSum * dynD8[axis]) >> 5; //32 bits is needed for calculation
axisPID[axis] = PTerm + ITerm - DTerm;
#if defined(GPS)
while (SerialAvailable(GPS_SERIAL)) {
if (GPS_newFrame(SerialRead(GPS_SERIAL))) {
if (GPS_update == 1)
GPS_update = 0;
GPS_update = 1;
if (GPS_fix == 1 && GPS_numSat == 4) {
if (GPS_fix_home == 0) {
GPS_fix_home = 1;
GPS_latitude_home = GPS_latitude;
GPS_longitude_home = GPS_longitude;
GPS_distance(GPS_latitude_home, GPS_longitude_home, GPS_latitude, GPS_longitude, &GPS_distanceToHome, &GPS_directionToHome);