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Copyright 2016 - 2022 Benjamin Vedder
Copyright 2022 Marcos Chaparro
Copyright 2022 Jakub Tomczak
Copyright 2022 Marshall Scholz
This file is part of the VESC firmware.
The VESC firmware is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
The VESC firmware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Encoder driver for TLE5012
#include "enc_mt6816.h"
#include "ch.h"
#include "hal.h"
#include "stm32f4xx_conf.h"
#include "hw.h"
#include "mc_interface.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "spi_bb.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
// Bitmasks for several read and write functions
#define TLE5012_SYSTEM_ERROR_MASK 0x4000 //!< System error masks for safety words
#define TLE5012_INTERFACE_ERROR_MASK 0x2000 //!< Interface error masks for safety words
#define TLE5012_INV_ANGLE_ERROR_MASK 0x1000 //!< Angle error masks for safety words
#define TLE5012_CRC_POLYNOMIAL 0x1D //!< values used for calculating the CRC
#define TLE5012_CRC_SEED 0xFF
enum tle5012_registers {
REG_STAT = 0, //!< STAT status register
REG_ACSTAT = 1, //!< ACSTAT activation status register
REG_AVAL = 2, //!< AVAL angle value register
REG_ASPD = 3, //!< ASPD angle speed register
REG_AREV = 4, //!< AREV angle revolution register
REG_FSYNC = 5, //!< FSYNC frame synchronization register
REG_MOD_1 = 6, //!< MOD_1 interface mode1 register
REG_SIL = 7, //!< SIL register
REG_MOD_2 = 8, //!< MOD_2 interface mode2 register
REG_MOD_3 = 9, //!< MOD_3 interface mode3 register
REG_OFFX = 10, //!< OFFX offset x
REG_OFFY = 11, //!< OFFY offset y
REG_SYNCH = 12, //!< SYNCH synchronicity
REG_IFAB = 13, //!< IFAB register
REG_MOD_4 = 14, //!< MOD_4 interface mode4 register
REG_TCO_Y = 15, //!< TCO_Y temperature coefficient register
REG_ADC_X = 16, //!< ADC_X ADC X-raw value
REG_ADC_Y = 17, //!< ADC_Y ADC Y-raw value
REG_D_MAG = 18, //!< D_MAG angle vector magnitude
REG_T_RAW = 19, //!< T_RAW temperature sensor raw-value
REG_IIF_CNT = 20, //!< IIF_CNT IIF counter value
REG_T25O = 21, //!< T25O temperature 25°c offset value
typedef enum ssc_direction {
SSC_READ = true,
SSC_WRITE = false
} ssc_direction;
bool enc_tle5012_setup(TLE5012_config_t *cfg);
tle5012_errortypes enc_tle5012_transfer(TLE5012_config_t *cfg, uint8_t address, uint16_t *data, ssc_direction read, bool safe);
uint8_t crc8(uint8_t *data, uint8_t length);
tle5012_errortypes checkSafety(uint16_t command, uint16_t safetyword, const uint16_t *readreg, uint16_t length);
bool enc_tle5012_init_sw_ssc(TLE5012_config_t *cfg) {
// software ssc
memset(&cfg->state, 0, sizeof(TLE5012_state));
cfg->state.last_status_error = 0;
cfg->state.spi_error_rate = 0.0;
cfg->state.encoder_no_magnet_error_rate = 0.0;
return enc_tle5012_setup(cfg);
bool enc_tle5012_init_hw_ssc(TLE5012_config_t *cfg) {
// software ssc for now using hw spi pins
memset(&cfg->state, 0, sizeof(TLE5012_state));
cfg->state.last_status_error = 0;
cfg->state.spi_error_rate = 0.0;
cfg->state.encoder_no_magnet_error_rate = 0.0;
return enc_tle5012_setup(cfg);
void enc_tle5012_deinit(TLE5012_config_t *cfg) {
// sw spi
cfg->state.last_enc_angle = 0.0;
cfg->state.spi_error_rate = 0.0;
// set writable registers to known state and check communication.
bool enc_tle5012_setup(TLE5012_config_t *cfg) {
// TLE5012B E1000 (IIF) configuration:
IIF-type: E1000
The TLE5012B E1000 is preconfigured for Incremental Interface and fast angle update rate (42.7 μs).
It is most suitable for BLDC motor commutation.
Incremental Interface A/B mode.
12bit mode, one count per 0.088° angle step.
Absolute count enabled.
Autocalibration mode 1 enabled.
Prediction disabled.
Hysteresis set to 0.703°.
IFA/IFB/IFC pins set to push-pull output.
SSC interfaces DATA pin set to push-pull output.
IFA/IFB/IFC pins set to strong driver, DATA pin set to strong driver, fast edge.
Voltage spike filter on input pads disabled.
- Interface Mode1 Register
fir_md = 0b01 // Update Rate Setting (Filter Decimation), 42.7 μs (minimum)
clk_sel = 0 // Clock Source Select, internal
dspu_hold = 0 // DSPU in normal schedule operation, no watchdog reset
iif_mod = 0b01 // Incremental Interface Mode, A/B operation with Index on IFC pin
Offset = 0x06
mask = 0b11 00000000 1 0 1 11 // reserved unset only
word = 0b01 00000000 0 0 0 01
- Interface Mode2 Register
predict: 0 // prediction disabled
autocal = 0b01 //auto-cal. mode 1: update every angle update cycle
// change autocal to 0b00? (no auto-calibration)
Offset = 0x08
mask = 0b0 1111111111 1 1 11
word = 0b0 1111111111 0 0 01
- Interface Mode3 Register
spikef = 0 // Analog Spike Filter of Input Pads, disabled
ssc_od = 0 // SSC-Interface Data Pin Output Mode, Push-Pull
PAD_drv = 00 // Configuration of Pad-Driver,
// IFA/IFB/IFC: strong driver, DATA: strong driver, fast edge
Offset = 0x09
mask = 0b00000000000 1 1 11 // can overwrite ang base to 0?
word = 0b00000000000 0 0 00
- TCO_Y // nothing derivate-specific
sbist = 1// built in self test on startup
crc = crc of parameters if autocalibrate not set.
- IFAB Register
fir_udr = 1 // FIR Update Rate, FIR_MD = 01 (42.7 μs)
ifab_od = 0 // IFA,IFB,IFC Output Mode, Push-Pull
ifab_hyst = 0b11 // HSM and IIF Mode: Hysteresis, 0.70° (max)
mask = 0b00000000000 1 1 11
word = 0b00000000000 1 0 11
- Interface Mode4 Register
hsm_plp = 0b0001 // Incremental Interface Mode: Absolute Count, absolute count enabled
ifab_res = 0b00 // Incremental Interface Mode: IIF resolution, 12bit, 0.088° step
if_md = 0b00 // Interface Mode on IFA,IFB,IFC, IIF
mask = 0b0000000 1111 11 11
word = 0b0000000 0001 00 00
// set up control registers to be identical across tle5012 variants using above settings
tle5012_errortypes errorCheck = 0;
uint16_t tleregister;
// Interface Mode1
errorCheck = errorCheck && enc_tle5012_transfer(cfg, 0x06, &tleregister, SSC_READ, true);
tleregister = tleregister & ~0b110000000010111; // mask (1 = cleared)
tleregister = tleregister | 0b010000000000001; // set bits
errorCheck = errorCheck && enc_tle5012_transfer(cfg, 0x06, &tleregister, SSC_WRITE, true);
// Interface Mode2
errorCheck = errorCheck && enc_tle5012_transfer(cfg, 0x08, &tleregister, SSC_READ, true);
tleregister = tleregister & ~0b011111111111111;
tleregister = tleregister | 0b011111111110001;
errorCheck = errorCheck && enc_tle5012_transfer(cfg, 0x08, &tleregister, SSC_WRITE, true);
// Interface Mode3
errorCheck = errorCheck && enc_tle5012_transfer(cfg, 0x09, &tleregister, SSC_READ, true);
tleregister = tleregister & ~0b000000000001111;
tleregister = tleregister | 0b000000000000000;
errorCheck = errorCheck && enc_tle5012_transfer(cfg, 0x09, &tleregister, SSC_WRITE, true);
// IFAB Register
errorCheck = errorCheck && enc_tle5012_transfer(cfg, 0x0D, &tleregister, SSC_READ, true);
tleregister = tleregister & ~0b000000000001111;
tleregister = tleregister | 0b000000000001011;
errorCheck = errorCheck && enc_tle5012_transfer(cfg, 0x0D, &tleregister, SSC_WRITE, true);
// Interface Mode4
errorCheck = errorCheck && enc_tle5012_transfer(cfg, 0x0E, &tleregister, SSC_READ, true);
tleregister = tleregister & ~0b000000011111111;
tleregister = tleregister | 0b000000000010000;
errorCheck = errorCheck && enc_tle5012_transfer(cfg, 0x0E, &tleregister, SSC_WRITE, true);
cfg->state.last_status_error = errorCheck;
// setup will not succeed unless we can talk to sensor and magnet detected
if (errorCheck != NO_ERROR){
return false;
return true;
void enc_tle5012_routine(TLE5012_config_t *cfg) {
float timestep = timer_seconds_elapsed_since(cfg->state.last_update_time);
if (timestep > 1.0) {
timestep = 1.0;
cfg->state.last_update_time = timer_time_now();
uint16_t rx_data;
uint8_t tle_status = enc_tle5012_transfer(cfg, REG_AVAL, &rx_data, SSC_READ, true); // define register names values?
cfg->state.last_status_error = tle_status;
if (tle_status == NO_ERROR ){
uint16_t pos = rx_data & 0x7FFF;
cfg->state.last_enc_angle = (float) pos * (360.0 / 32768.0); // 2^15 = 32768.0
UTILS_LP_FAST(cfg->state.spi_error_rate, 0.0, timestep);
if (tle_status != CRC_ERROR ) { // if not just a crc error
// read/clear error reg
uint16_t status_reg_dat;
enc_tle5012_transfer(cfg, REG_STAT, &status_reg_dat, SSC_READ, true);
UTILS_LP_FAST(cfg->state.spi_error_rate, 1.0, timestep);
// get tle5012 temp in celsius.
tle5012_errortypes enc_tle5012_get_temperature(TLE5012_config_t *cfg, double *temperature) {
uint16_t rawTemp = 0;
uint8_t tle_status_err = enc_tle5012_transfer(cfg, REG_FSYNC, &rawTemp, SSC_READ, true);
// extract 9 temp bits
rawTemp = (rawTemp & (0x01FF));
//check if the value received is positive or negative
if (rawTemp & 0x0100) {
rawTemp = rawTemp - 0x0200; // 9 bit compliment
// temperature = (rawTemp + TEMP_OFFSET) / (TEMP_DIV);
*temperature = ((((int16_t) rawTemp) + 152.0) / (2.776));
return (tle_status_err);
// may not be working properly. inconsistant values.
// Unsigned Angle Vector Magnitude after X, Y error compensation (due to temperature).
tle5012_errortypes enc_tle5012_get_magnet_magnitude(TLE5012_config_t *cfg, uint16_t *magnitude) {
uint16_t rawMag = 0;
uint8_t tle_status_err = enc_tle5012_transfer(cfg, REG_D_MAG, &rawMag, SSC_READ, true);
// extract 10 mag bits
rawMag = (rawMag && (0x03FF));
// MAG = (SQRT(X*X+Y*Y))/64; X,Y = raw gmr adc values
*magnitude = (uint16_t) rawMag;
return (tle_status_err);
tle5012_errortypes enc_tle5012_transfer(TLE5012_config_t *cfg, uint8_t address, uint16_t *data, ssc_direction read, bool safety) {
// command word:
// [15] = rw, 1=read <- first bit transmitted
// [14..11] = lock, 0000 (don't need this if not writing)
// [10] = Update-Register Access, 0: Access to current values, 1: values in buffer
// [9..4] = address, status=0x00, angle=0x02, speed=0x03
// [3..0] = 4-bit Number of Data Words (if bits set to 0000B, no safety word is provided)
const uint8_t upd = 0b0;
uint16_t safety_word;
uint16_t safeword;
if (safety) {
safeword = 0b001 << 0; // SAFE_0, just safety word
} else {
safeword = 0b000 << 0; // SAFE_0, no safety word
uint16_t command_word = (read << 15) | (upd << 10) | (address << 4)| (safeword << 0);
ssc_bb_transfer_16(&(cfg->sw_spi), &safety_word, &command_word, 1, 1); // send command
ssc_bb_transfer_16(&(cfg->sw_spi), data, data, 1, !read); // read register
if (safety) {
ssc_bb_transfer_16(&(cfg->sw_spi), &safety_word, 0, 1, false); // read safety word
tle5012_errortypes status = checkSafety(command_word, safety_word, data, 1);
return status;
* Function for calculation the CRC.
* @param data byte long data for CRC check
* @param length length of data
* @return returns 8bit CRC
uint8_t crc8(uint8_t *data, uint8_t length)
uint32_t crc;
int16_t i, bit;
crc = TLE5012_CRC_SEED;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
crc ^= data[i];
for (bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
if ((crc & 0x80) != 0)
crc <<= 1;
crc <<= 1;
return ((~crc) & TLE5012_CRC_SEED);
// check crc and safety word
tle5012_errortypes checkSafety(uint16_t command, uint16_t safetyword, const uint16_t *readreg, uint16_t length){
safety word:
[15]:Indication of chip reset or watchdog overflow (resets after readout) via SSC
[14]: System error
[13]: Interface access error
[12]: Invalid angle value (produce vesc fault if 1)
[11..8]: Sensor number response indicator
[7..0]: crc
tle5012_errortypes errorCheck;
if (!((safetyword) & TLE5012_SYSTEM_ERROR_MASK)) {
errorCheck = SYSTEM_ERROR;
// resetSafety();
} else if (!((safetyword) & TLE5012_INTERFACE_ERROR_MASK)) {
} else if (!((safetyword) & TLE5012_INV_ANGLE_ERROR_MASK)) {
} else {
uint16_t lengthOfTemp = length * 2 + 2;
uint8_t temp[lengthOfTemp];
temp[0] = (uint8_t) (command >> 8);
temp[1] = (uint8_t) (command);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
temp[2 + 2 * i] = (uint8_t) (readreg[i] >> 8);
temp[2 + 2 * i + 1] = (uint8_t) (readreg[i]);
volatile uint8_t crcReceivedFinal = (uint8_t) safetyword;
volatile uint8_t crc = crc8(temp, lengthOfTemp);
if (crc == crcReceivedFinal) {
errorCheck = NO_ERROR;
} else {
errorCheck = CRC_ERROR;
// resetSafety();
return errorCheck;
// const Reg::BitField_t Reg::bitFields[] =
// {
// {REG_ACCESS_RU, REG_STAT, 0x2, 1, 0x00, 0}, //!< 00 bits 0:0 SRST status watch dog
// {REG_ACCESS_R, REG_STAT, 0x2, 1, 0x00, 0}, //!< 01 bits 1:1 SWD status watch dog
// {REG_ACCESS_R, REG_STAT, 0x4, 2, 0x00, 0}, //!< 02 bits 2:2 SVR status voltage regulator
// {REG_ACCESS_R, REG_STAT, 0x8, 3, 0x00, 0}, //!< 03 bits 3:3 SFUSE status fuses
// {REG_ACCESS_R, REG_STAT, 0x10, 4, 0x00, 0}, //!< 04 bits 4:4 SDSPU status digital signal processing unit
// {REG_ACCESS_RU, REG_STAT, 0x20, 5, 0x00, 0}, //!< 05 bits 5:5 SOV status overflow
// {REG_ACCESS_RU, REG_STAT, 0x40, 6, 0x00, 0}, //!< 06 bits 6:6 SXYOL status X/Y data out limit
// {REG_ACCESS_RU, REG_STAT, 0x80, 7, 0x00, 0}, //!< 07 bits 7:7 SMAGOL status magnitude out limit
// {REG_ACCESS_RES, REG_STAT, 0x100, 8, 0x00, 0}, //!< 08 bits 8:8 reserved
// {REG_ACCESS_R, REG_STAT, 0x200, 9, 0x00, 0}, //!< 09 bits 9:9 SADCT status ADC test
// {REG_ACCESS_R, REG_STAT, 0x400, 10, 0x00, 0}, //!< 10 bits 10:10 SROM status ROM
// {REG_ACCESS_RU, REG_STAT, 0x800, 11, 0x00, 0}, //!< 11 bits 11:11 NOGMRXY no valid GMR XY Values
// {REG_ACCESS_RU, REG_STAT, 0x1000, 12, 0x00, 0}, //!< 12 bits 12:12 NOGMRA no valid GMR Angle Value
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_STAT, 0x6000, 13, 0x00, 0}, //!< 13 bits 14:13 SNR slave number
// {REG_ACCESS_RU, REG_STAT, 0x8000, 15, 0x00, 0}, //!< 14 bits 15:15 RDST read status
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_ACSTAT, 0x1, 0, 0x00, 1}, //!< 15 bits 0:0 ASRST Activation of Hardware Reset
// {REG_ACCESS_RWU, REG_ACSTAT, 0x2, 1, 0x00, 1}, //!< 16 bits 1:1 ASWD Enable DSPU Watch dog
// {REG_ACCESS_RWU, REG_ACSTAT, 0x4, 2, 0x00, 1}, //!< 17 bits 2:2 ASVR Enable Voltage regulator Check
// {REG_ACCESS_RWU, REG_ACSTAT, 0x8, 3, 0x00, 1}, //!< 18 bits 3:3 ASFUSE Activation Fuse CRC
// {REG_ACCESS_RWU, REG_ACSTAT, 0x10, 4, 0x00, 1}, //!< 19 bits 4:4 ASDSPU Activation DSPU BIST
// {REG_ACCESS_RWU, REG_ACSTAT, 0x20, 5, 0x00, 1}, //!< 20 bits 5:5 ASOV Enable of DSPU Overflow Check
// {REG_ACCESS_RWU, REG_ACSTAT, 0x40, 6, 0x00, 1}, //!< 21 bits 6:6 ASVECXY Activation of X,Y Out of Limit-Check
// {REG_ACCESS_RWU, REG_ACSTAT, 0x80, 7, 0x00, 1}, //!< 22 bits 7:7 ASVEGMAG Activation of Magnitude Check
// {REG_ACCESS_RES, REG_ACSTAT, 0x100, 8, 0x00, 1}, //!< 23 bits 8:8 Reserved
// {REG_ACCESS_RWU, REG_ACSTAT, 0x200, 9, 0x00, 1}, //!< 24 bits 9:9 ASADCT Enable ADC Test vector Check
// {REG_ACCESS_RWU, REG_ACSTAT, 0x400, 10, 0x00, 1}, //!< 25 bits 10:10 ASFRST Activation of Firmware Reset
// {REG_ACCESS_RES, REG_ACSTAT, 0xF800, 11, 0x00, 1}, //!< 26 bits 15:11 Reserved
// {REG_ACCESS_RU, REG_AVAL, 0x7FFF, 0, 0x00, 2}, //!< 27 bits 14:0 ANGVAL Calculated Angle Value (signed 15-bit)
// {REG_ACCESS_R, REG_AVAL, 0x8000, 15, 0x00, 2}, //!< 28 bits 15:15 RDAV Read Status, Angle Value
// {REG_ACCESS_RU, REG_ASPD, 0x7FFF, 0, 0x00, 3}, //!< 29 bits 14:0 ANGSPD Signed value, where the sign bit [14] indicates the direction of the rotation
// {REG_ACCESS_R, REG_ASPD, 0x8000, 15, 0x00, 3}, //!< 30 bits 15:15 RDAS Read Status, Angle Speed
// {REG_ACCESS_RU, REG_AREV, 0xFF, 0, 0x00, 4}, //!< 31 bits 8:0 REVOL Revolution counter. Increments for every full rotation in counter-clockwise direction
// {REG_ACCESS_RWU, REG_AREV, 0x7E00, 9, 0x00, 4}, //!< 32 bits 14:9 FCNT Internal frame counter. Increments every update period
// {REG_ACCESS_R, REG_AREV, 0x8000, 15, 0x00, 4}, //!< 33 its 15:15 RDREV Read Status, Revolution
// {REG_ACCESS_RWU, REG_FSYNC, 0xFF, 0, 0x00, 5}, //!< 34 bits 8:0 TEMPR Signed offset compensated temperature value
// {REG_ACCESS_RU, REG_FSYNC, 0xFE00, 9, 0x00, 5}, //!< 35 bits 15:9 FSYNC Frame Synchronization Counter Value
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_MOD_1, 0x3, 0, 0x00, 6}, //!< 36 bits 1:0 IIFMOD Incremental Interface Mode
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_MOD_1, 0x4, 2, 0x00, 6}, //!< 37 bits 2:2 DSPUHOLD if DSPU is on hold, no watch dog reset is performed by DSPU
// {REG_ACCESS_RES, REG_MOD_1, 0x8, 3, 0x00, 6}, //!< 38 bits 3:3 Reserved1
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_MOD_1, 0x10, 4, 0x00, 6}, //!< 39 bits 4:4 CLKSEL switch to external clock at start-up only
// {REG_ACCESS_RES, REG_MOD_1, 0x3FE0, 5, 0x00, 6}, //!< 40 bits 13:5 Reserved2
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_MOD_1, 0x6000, 13, 0x00, 6}, //!< 41 bits 15:14 FIRMD Update Rate Setting
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_SIL, 0x7, 0, 0x00, 7}, //!< 42 bits 2:0 ADCTVX Test vector X
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_SIL, 0x38, 3, 0x00, 7}, //!< 43 bits 5:3 ADCTVY Test vector Y
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_SIL, 0x40, 6, 0x00, 7}, //!< 44 bits 6:6 ADCTVEN Sensor elements are internally disconnected and test voltages are connected to ADCs
// {REG_ACCESS_RES, REG_SIL, 0x380, 7, 0x00, 7}, //!< 45 bits 9:7 Reserved1
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_SIL, 0x400, 10, 0x00, 7}, //!< 46 bits 10:10 FUSEREL Triggers reload of default values from laser fuses into configuration registers
// {REG_ACCESS_RES, REG_SIL, 0x3800, 11, 0x00, 7}, //!< 47 bits 13:11 Reserved2
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_SIL, 0x4000, 14, 0x00, 7}, //!< 48 bits 14:14 FILTINV the X- and Y-signals are inverted. The angle output is then shifted by 180°
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_SIL, 0x8000, 15, 0x00, 7}, //!< 49 bits 15:15 FILTPAR the raw X-signal is routed also to the raw Y-signal input of the filter so SIN and COS signal should be identical
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_MOD_2, 0x3, 0, 0x00, 8}, //!< 50 bits 1:0 AUTOCAL Automatic calibration of offset and amplitude synchronicity for applications with full-turn
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_MOD_2, 0x4, 2, 0x00, 8}, //!< 51 bits 2:2 PREDICT Prediction of angle value based on current angle speed
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_MOD_2, 0x8, 3, 0x00, 8}, //!< 52 bits 3:3 ANGDIR Inverts angle and angle speed values and revolution counter behavior
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_MOD_2, 0x7FF0, 4, 0x00, 8}, //!< 53 bits 14:4 ANGRANGE Changes the representation of the angle output by multiplying the output with a factor ANG_RANGE/128
// {REG_ACCESS_RES, REG_MOD_2, 0x8000, 15, 0x00, 8}, //!< 54 bits 15:15 Reserved1
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_MOD_3, 0x3, 0, 0x00, 9}, //!< 55 bits 1:0 PADDRV Configuration of Pad-Driver
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_MOD_3, 0x4, 2, 0x00, 9}, //!< 56 bits 2:2 SSCOD SSC-Interface Data Pin Output Mode
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_MOD_3, 0x8, 3, 0x00, 9}, //!< 57 bits 3:3 SPIKEF Filters voltage spikes on input pads (IFC, SCK and CSQ)
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_MOD_3, 0xFFF0, 4, 0x00, 9}, //!< 58 bits 15:4 ANG_BASE Sets the 0° angle position (12 bit value). Angle base is factory-calibrated to make the 0° direction parallel to the edge of the chip
// {REG_ACCESS_RES, REG_OFFX, 0xF, 0, 0x00, 10}, //!< 59 bits 3:0 Reserved1
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_OFFX, 0xFFF0, 4, 0x00, 10}, //!< 60 bits 15:4 XOFFSET 12-bit signed integer value of raw X-signal offset correction at 25°C
// {REG_ACCESS_RES, REG_OFFY, 0xF, 0, 0x00, 11}, //!< 61 bits 3:0 Reserved1
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_OFFY, 0xFFF0, 4, 0x00, 11}, //!< 62 bits 15:4 YOFFSET 12-bit signed integer value of raw Y-signal offset correction at 25°C
// {REG_ACCESS_RES, REG_SYNCH, 0xF, 0, 0x00, 12}, //!< 63 bits 3:0 Reserved1
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_SYNCH, 0xFFF0, 4, 0x00, 12}, //!< 64 bits 15:4 SYNCH 12-bit signed integer value of amplitude synchronicity
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_IFAB, 0x3, 0, 0x00, 13}, //!< 65 bits 1:0 IFADHYST Hysteresis (multi-purpose)
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_IFAB, 0x4, 2, 0x00, 13}, //!< 66 bits 2:2 IFABOD IFA,IFB,IFC Output Mode
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_IFAB, 0x8, 3, 0x00, 13}, //!< 67 bits 3:3 FIRUDR Initial filter update rate (FIR)
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_IFAB, 0xFFF0, 4, 0x00, 13}, //!< 68 bits 15:4 ORTHO Orthogonality Correction of X and Y Components
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_MOD_4, 0x3, 0, 0x00, 14}, //!< 69 bits 1:0 IFMD Interface Mode on IFA,IFB,IFC
// {REG_ACCESS_RES, REG_MOD_4, 0x4, 2, 0x00, 14}, //!< 70 bits 2:2 Reserved1
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_MOD_4, 0x18, 3, 0x00, 14}, //!< 71 bits 4:3 IFABRES IIF resolution (multi-purpose)
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_MOD_4, 0x1E0, 5, 0x00, 14}, //!< 72 bits 8:5 HSMPLP Hall Switch mode (multi-purpose)
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_MOD_4, 0x7E00, 9, 0x00, 14}, //!< 73 bits 15:9 TCOXT 7-bit signed integer value of X-offset temperature coefficient
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_TCO_Y, 0x7F, 0, 0x00, 15}, //!< 74 bits 7:0 CRCPAR CRC of Parameters
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_TCO_Y, 0x80, 8, 0x00, 15}, //!< 75 bits 8:8 SBIST Startup-BIST
// {REG_ACCESS_RW, REG_TCO_Y, 0x7E00, 9, 0x00, 15}, //!< 76 bits 15:9 TCOYT 7-bit signed integer value of Y-offset temperature coefficient
// {REG_ACCESS_R, REG_ADC_X, 0xFFFF, 0, 0x00, 16}, //!< 77 bits 15:0 ADCX ADC value of X-GMR
// {REG_ACCESS_R, REG_ADC_Y, 0xFFFF, 0, 0x00, 17}, //!< 78 bits 15:0 ADCY ADC value of Y-GMR
// {REG_ACCESS_RU, REG_D_MAG, 0x3FF, 0, 0x00, 18}, //!< 79 bits 9:0 MAG Unsigned Angle Vector Magnitude after X, Y error compensation (due to temperature)
// {REG_ACCESS_RES, REG_D_MAG, 0xFC00, 10, 0x00, 18}, //!< 80 bits 15:10 Reserved1
// {REG_ACCESS_RU, REG_T_RAW, 0x3FF, 0, 0x00, 19}, //!< 81 bits 9:0 TRAW Temperature Sensor Raw-Value at ADC without offset
// {REG_ACCESS_RES, REG_T_RAW, 0xFC00, 10, 0x00, 19}, //!< 82 bits 14:10 Reserved1
// {REG_ACCESS_RU, REG_T_RAW, 0x8000, 15, 0x00, 19}, //!< 83 bits 15:15 TTGL Temperature Sensor Raw-Value Toggle toggles after every new temperature value
// {REG_ACCESS_RU, REG_IIF_CNT, 0x7FFF, 0, 0x00, 20}, //!< 84 bits 14:0 IIFCNT 14 bit counter value of IIF increments
// {REG_ACCESS_RES, REG_IIF_CNT, 0x8000, 15, 0x00, 20}, //!< 85 bits 15:14 Reserved1
// {REG_ACCESS_R, REG_T25O, 0x1FFF, 0, 0x00, 21}, //!< 86 bit 8:0 T250 Signed offset value at 25°C temperature; 1dig=0.36°C
// {REG_ACCESS_RES, REG_T25O, 0xFE00, 9, 0x00, 21}, //!< 87 bits 15:9 Reserved1
// };