Squashed 'lispBM/lispBM/' changes from 980d17d9..3c0b033d

3c0b033d ch1 first draft
61b29454 chapter 1 first draft

git-subtree-dir: lispBM/lispBM
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Benjamin Vedder 2022-04-12 23:27:41 +02:00
parent a78c13526b
commit 600a9a1658
1 changed files with 101 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ also shows that there are no "Variable"-bindings currently.
These "Variables" are a different kind of global variable supported by LBM.
A variable is created whenever you define a symbol starting with the character
`#`, and the value is stored in a way that is more efficient to look up.
There is a limited number of these variables (specifyable by the programmer
There is a limited number of these variables (specifiable by the programmer
that integrates LBM into a system) so use them only where performance matter
the most.
@ -922,6 +922,27 @@ Variables, `#`-symbols cannot be bound locally using `let`. Evaluating a
### Values and types
LBM is a dynamically typed language which means that type information
is carried along with the values at runtime of the program and that
"variables" or bindings are essentially untyped.
To check what type something is in LBM, you can apply the function
`type-of` to the value you are interested in.
# (type-of 365)
loading: (type-of 365)
started ctx: 155
<< Context 155 finished with value type-i >>
stack max: 11
stack size: 256
stack sp: 0
In the example above we see that the value `365` has the type `type-i`
for integer.
Below is a list of LBM types:
| Type | Description | Example/syntax |
| --- | --- | --- |
@ -935,11 +956,52 @@ Variables, `#`-symbols cannot be bound locally using `let`. Evaluating a
| type-u64 | 64bit unsigned integer. | `1u64`, `0xFFu64` |
| type-float | Single precision floating point value. | `3.14`, `-6.28` |
| type-double | Double precision floating point value. | `3.14f64`, `-6.28f64` |
| type-list | LBM linked list. | `(list 1 2 3)` |
| type-symbol | Symbol | `monkey`, `define` |
| type-array | LBM array as created using `array-create` or a string. | `"Hello world"` |
Because LBM associates types with runtime values, this type
information has to be stored somewhere. In LBM the type information is
stored as part of the value word in in the case of `type-char`,
`type-i`, `type-u`, `type-list` and `type-symbol`. This is the reason
why a `type-i` value is a 28bit (56 on 64 bit architecture) quantity,
the rest of the bits are used for type information. The larger numerical
types line `type-i32` (on a 32bit platform) is stored in a kind
of encoded pointer/reference to a 32bit value, all of this happens
behind the scenes but it may be important to realize that there is an
extra indirection when operating on such, so-called, boxed values.
### Sequences of operations
### Pattern matching
LBM has a `progn` special form for evaluation of zero or more expressions
in sequence. This is needed when one wants to execute some operations
for their side-effects, before finally resulting in a value.
Look at the `if` form for example. Here, `condition`, `then-expr` and
`else-expr` each should be a single expression not a sequence of
operations as expected in, for example, a language like C. So if we
want to do more than a single thing, like print a string, redefine a
value, and compute a result, you need to use `progn`
``` lisp
(if condition then-expr else-expr)
A `progn` expression has the form `(progn expr1 ... exprN)`
and it can be used anywhere where it is ok to use an expression.
Below is an example that defines a value and prints in the same expression.
# (progn (define ape 'monkey) (print ape))
loading: (progn (define ape 'monkey) (print ape))
started ctx: 155
monkey<< Context 155 finished with value t >>
stack max: 14
stack size: 256
stack sp: 0
# The special forms (or keywords) of LispBM
The special forms of LBM are a bit like the set of keywords you find
@ -949,47 +1011,43 @@ want to apply a special form, that special form symbol will be first
in a list. The special part of a special form is that an application
of a special form does **not** need to follow the same behavior as a
function application (where all arguments are evaluated before the
application). Why this is needed will become clear as we go through
whats special about each of the LBM special forms below. There aren't
many of them, only 12, so fortunately not a lot of "special" behavior
to memorize.
## define
`define` takes two arguments, a symbol and a value. `define`
does not evaluate the first argument, because if it did that could
potentially result in something that is not a symbol anymore. Also,
if we imagine that define did evaluate the first argument, the result
would be that it ends up being impossible to associate any value with
any symbol!
Imagine for a second that in the expression `(define a 10)`, the a
would be evaluated. Evaluating a symbol should result in a value if
there is a value associated with the symbol (symbols are also values,
so it could be another symbol) say the value is 5. Defining 5 to be 10
doesn't make sense. The other option is that there is no value associated
with the symbol `a`, in that case we get an error because `a` could not
be evaluated.
The second argument to `define` is evaluated so if you write
`(define a (+ 1 2))`, `a` will be associated with the value 3,
not the expression `(+ 1 2)`.
## quote
Quote is a special form precisely because it should result in the argument
`'a` is syntax for `(quote a)` and is expanded to the `(quote a)` form
by the parser.
## progn
The `progn` special form
application). There aren't that many special forms, so fortunately not
a lot of "special" behavior to memorize.
| Special form | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `if` | For expressing conditionals. |
| `lambda` | Creates an anonymous function. |
| `let` | Creating local bindings. Support mutually recursive bindings. |
| `define` | Create a global binding. |
| `progn` | Execute a sequence of operations. |
| `read` | Parse a string into LBM code or data. |
| `match` | Pattern matching. |
| `macro` | Create an anonymous macro. |
| `and` | Boolean and. |
| `or` | Boolean or. |
| `call-cc` | This will be a chapter of its own some time in the future. |
| `recv` | Receive a message. |
If we look at `(if cond-expr then-expr else-expr)` and `(define a 10)`
they look very similar to a function application `(f a b)`. In a
function application the arguments `a` and `b` will be evaluated
before the function is applied. This behavior would be very strange
in the case of `if` where it would mean that the `then-expr` and
`else-expr` are both evaluated. In a definition it would be strange to
evaluate the symbol `a` before creating the binding.
`and` and `or` are special forms to make the short-circuiting behavior
possible. This is that they will execute only as far as needed to
decide what the output result will be.
# Concluding Chapter 1
This was a quick walk-through of LBM syntax. Just enough to get
started. In the next Chapter we look at some list-processing (lisp -
LISt Processing).