import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import Vedder.vesc.commands 1.0 import Vedder.vesc.configparams 1.0 import Vedder.vesc.utility 1.0 Item { id: container anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 10 property Commands mCommands: VescIf.commands() property ConfigParams mMcConf: VescIf.mcConfig() property ConfigParams mAppConf: VescIf.appConfig() property var canDevs: [] property bool readSettingsDone: false property var er_msg: [] property var er_set: [] property var er_io: [] Component.onCompleted: { er_msg.ER_MSG_SET_MODE_PARAMS = 0 er_msg.ER_MSG_GET_MODE_PARAMS = 1 er_msg.ER_MSG_GET_IO = 2 er_msg.ER_MSG_RESTORE_SETTINGS = 3 er_msg.ER_MSG_SET_MOTORS_ENABLED = 4 er_msg.ER_MSG_SET_PEDAL_TEST_MODE = 5 er_set.p_throttle_hyst = 0.04 er_set.p_pedal_current = 20.0 er_set.p_start_gain = 4.0 er_set.p_start_gain_end_speed = 15.0 er_set.p_output_power = 1.0 er_set.p_top_speed_erpm = 2000 er_set.p_brake_current_front = 0.5 er_set.p_brake_current_rear = 0.5 er_set.p_brake_current_both = 1.0 er_io.mode_btn = false er_io.brake_front = false er_io.brake_rear = false er_io.kill_sw = false er_io.led_eco_on = false er_io.led_sport_on = false er_io.led_low_batt_on = false er_io.led_fault_on = false er_io.stand = false } Timer { repeat: true interval: 200 running: true onTriggered: { readIo() } } Connections { target: mCommands onCustomAppDataReceived: { var dv = new DataView(data, 0) var ind = 0 var cmd = dv.getUint8(ind++) if (cmd == er_msg.ER_MSG_SET_MODE_PARAMS) { VescIf.emitStatusMessage("ER Params Set OK", true) } else if (cmd == er_msg.ER_MSG_GET_MODE_PARAMS) { er_set.p_throttle_hyst = dv.getFloat32(ind); ind += 4 er_set.p_pedal_current = dv.getFloat32(ind); ind += 4 er_set.p_start_gain = dv.getFloat32(ind); ind += 4 er_set.p_start_gain_end_speed = dv.getFloat32(ind); ind += 4 er_set.p_output_power = dv.getFloat32(ind); ind += 4 er_set.p_top_speed_erpm = dv.getFloat32(ind); ind += 4 er_set.p_brake_current_front = dv.getFloat32(ind); ind += 4 er_set.p_brake_current_rear = dv.getFloat32(ind); ind += 4 er_set.p_brake_current_both = dv.getFloat32(ind); ind += 4 readSettingsDone = true updateSliders() } else if (cmd == er_msg.ER_MSG_GET_IO) { er_io.mode_btn = dv.getUint8(ind); ind += 1 er_io.brake_front = dv.getUint8(ind); ind += 1 er_io.brake_rear = dv.getUint8(ind); ind += 1 er_io.kill_sw = dv.getUint8(ind); ind += 1 er_io.led_eco_on = dv.getUint8(ind); ind += 1 er_io.led_sport_on = dv.getUint8(ind); ind += 1 er_io.led_low_batt_on = dv.getUint8(ind); ind += 1 er_io.led_fault_on = dv.getUint8(ind); ind += 1 er_io.stand = dv.getUint8(ind); ind += 1 updateIoStatus() } else if (cmd == er_msg.ER_MSG_SET_MOTORS_ENABLED) { if (dv.getUint8(ind++)) { VescIf.emitStatusMessage("ER Motors Enabled", true) } else { VescIf.emitStatusMessage("ER Motors Disabled", true) } } else if (cmd == er_msg.ER_MSG_SET_PEDAL_TEST_MODE) { if (dv.getUint8(ind++)) { VescIf.emitStatusMessage("Pedal Test Enabled", true) } else { VescIf.emitStatusMessage("Pedal Test Disabled", true) } } } } function readSettings() { var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(1) var dv = new DataView(buffer) var ind = 0 dv.setUint8(ind++, er_msg.ER_MSG_GET_MODE_PARAMS) mCommands.sendCustomAppData(buffer) } function writeSettings() { if (!readSettingsDone) { return } var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(37) var dv = new DataView(buffer) var ind = 0 dv.setUint8(ind, er_msg.ER_MSG_SET_MODE_PARAMS); ind += 1 dv.setFloat32(ind, er_set.p_throttle_hyst); ind += 4 dv.setFloat32(ind, er_set.p_pedal_current); ind += 4 dv.setFloat32(ind, er_set.p_start_gain); ind += 4 dv.setFloat32(ind, er_set.p_start_gain_end_speed); ind += 4 dv.setFloat32(ind, er_set.p_output_power); ind += 4 dv.setFloat32(ind, er_set.p_top_speed_erpm); ind += 4 dv.setFloat32(ind, er_set.p_brake_current_front); ind += 4 dv.setFloat32(ind, er_set.p_brake_current_rear); ind += 4 dv.setFloat32(ind, er_set.p_brake_current_both); ind += 4 mCommands.sendCustomAppData(buffer) } function restoreSettings() { var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(1) var dv = new DataView(buffer) var ind = 0 dv.setUint8(ind++, er_msg.ER_MSG_RESTORE_SETTINGS) mCommands.sendCustomAppData(buffer) } function readIo() { var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(1) var dv = new DataView(buffer) var ind = 0 dv.setUint8(ind++, er_msg.ER_MSG_GET_IO) mCommands.sendCustomAppData(buffer) } function setMotorsEnabled(enabled) { var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(2) var dv = new DataView(buffer) var ind = 0 dv.setUint8(ind++, er_msg.ER_MSG_SET_MOTORS_ENABLED) dv.setUint8(ind++, enabled) mCommands.sendCustomAppData(buffer) } function setPedalTestMode(enabled) { var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(2) var dv = new DataView(buffer) var ind = 0 dv.setUint8(ind++, er_msg.ER_MSG_SET_PEDAL_TEST_MODE) dv.setUint8(ind++, enabled) mCommands.sendCustomAppData(buffer) } function updateSliders() { repSliders.itemAt(0).value = er_set.p_pedal_current repSliders.itemAt(1).value = er_set.p_start_gain repSliders.itemAt(2).value = er_set.p_start_gain_end_speed repSliders.itemAt(3).value = er_set.p_output_power repSliders.itemAt(4).value = er_set.p_top_speed_erpm repSliders.itemAt(5).value = er_set.p_brake_current_front repSliders.itemAt(6).value = er_set.p_brake_current_rear repSliders.itemAt(7).value = er_set.p_brake_current_both } function updateIoStatus() { ioRepeater.itemAt(0).color = (er_io.mode_btn ? "green": "darkGray") ioRepeater.itemAt(1).color = (er_io.brake_front ? "green" : "darkGray") ioRepeater.itemAt(2).color = (er_io.brake_rear ? "green" : "darkGray") ioRepeater.itemAt(3).color = (er_io.kill_sw ? "green" : "darkGray") ioRepeater.itemAt(4).color = (er_io.led_eco_on ? "green" : "darkGray") ioRepeater.itemAt(5).color = (er_io.led_sport_on ? "green" : "darkGray") ioRepeater.itemAt(6).color = (er_io.led_low_batt_on ? "green" : "darkGray") ioRepeater.itemAt(7).color = (er_io.led_fault_on ? "green" : "darkGray") ioRepeater.itemAt(8).color = (er_io.stand ? "green" : "darkGray") var title_new = "" if (er_io.led_eco_on) { title_new = "Eco Settings" } else if (er_io.led_sport_on) { title_new = "Sport Settings" } else { title_new = "Normal Settings" } if (settingsBox.title != title_new) { readSettings() } settingsBox.title = title_new } function getCanIds() { if (canDevs.length == 0) { disableDialog() canDevs = Utility.scanCanVescOnly(VescIf) enableDialog() } } function selectRearMotor() { var res = true if (mCommands.getSendCan()) { VescIf.canTmpOverride(false, 0) } else { getCanIds() if (canDevs.length != 0) { VescIf.canTmpOverride(true, canDevs[0]) } else { res = false } } if (!res) { VescIf.emitMessageDialog("Select Rear Motor", "Could not select rear motor. Make sure that the CAN-bus is plugged in.", false, false) } return res } function unselectRearMotor() { VescIf.canTmpOverrideEnd() mCommands.getMcconf() if (!Utility.waitSignal(mMcConf, "2updated()", 4000)) { VescIf.emitMessageDialog("Read Configuration", "Could not read motor configuration.", false, false) } } ScrollView { anchors.fill: parent clip: true contentWidth: availableWidth ColumnLayout { id: mainColumn anchors.fill: parent Text { Layout.fillWidth: true color: "White" horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter font.pointSize: 20 text: "Erockit Console" } GroupBox { id: wizardBox title: qsTr("Quick Setup") Layout.fillWidth: true GridLayout { anchors.topMargin: -5 anchors.bottomMargin: -5 anchors.fill: parent columns: 2 columnSpacing: 5 rowSpacing: 0 ImageButton { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredWidth: 500 Layout.preferredHeight: 80 buttonText: "Setup\nRear\nMotor" imageSrc: "qrc:/res/icons/motor.png" onClicked: { } } ImageButton { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredWidth: 500 Layout.preferredHeight: 80 buttonText: "Setup\nFront\nMotor" imageSrc: "qrc:/res/icons/motor.png" onClicked: { } } ImageButton { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredWidth: 500 Layout.preferredHeight: 80 buttonText: "Restore\nPedal\nSettings" imageSrc: "qrc:/res/icons/Restart-96.png" onClicked: { restoreSettings() readSettings() } } CheckBox { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredWidth: 500 Layout.preferredHeight: 80 text: "Pedal Test" onToggled: { setPedalTestMode(checked) } } } } GroupBox { title: qsTr("IO Status") Layout.fillWidth: true GridLayout { anchors.fill: parent columns: 2 Repeater { id: ioRepeater model: ["mode_btn", "brake_front", "brake_rear", "kill_sw", "led_eco_on", "led_sport_on", "led_low_batt_on", "led_fault_on", "stand"] Rectangle { Layout.fillWidth: true radius: 5 height: 30 color: "darkGray" Text { anchors.centerIn: parent text: modelData color: "white" } } } } } GroupBox { id: settingsBox title: qsTr("Settings for selected mode") Layout.fillWidth: true GridLayout { id: sliderGrid anchors.fill: parent columns: 3 rows: repSliders.count flow: GridLayout.TopToBottom // Name, min, max, val, unitFactor, decimals, unit, propertyName property var repModel: [ ["Pedal\nCurrent", 1.5, 50, 15, 1, 1, " A", "p_pedal_current"], ["Start Gain", 1, 10, 4, 1, 1, "", "p_start_gain"], ["Start Gain\nEnd Speed", 1, 100, 15, 1, 1, "\nkm/h", "p_start_gain_end_speed"], ["Power", 0, 1, 0.8, 100, 0, " %", "p_output_power"], ["Max Power\nERPM", 210, 5000, 2000, 1, 0, "", "p_top_speed_erpm"], ["Front\nBrake", 0, 1, 0.5, 100, 0, " %", "p_brake_current_front"], ["Rear\nBrake", 0, 1, 0.5, 100, 0, " %", "p_brake_current_rear"], ["Both\nBrakes", 0, 1, 1, 100, 0, " %", "p_brake_current_both"], ] Repeater { model: sliderGrid.repModel Text { color: "white" text: modelData[0] } } Repeater { id: repSliders model: sliderGrid.repModel Slider { Layout.fillWidth: true from: modelData[1]; to: modelData[2]; value: modelData[3] onValueChanged: { repUnit.itemAt(index).text = parseFloat(value * modelData[4]).toFixed(modelData[5]) + modelData[6] } onPressedChanged: { if (!pressed) { er_set[modelData[7]] = value writeSettings() } } } } Repeater { id: repUnit model: sliderGrid.repModel Text { color: "white" text: parseFloat(repSliders.itemAt(index).value * modelData[4]).toFixed(modelData[5]) + modelData[6] } } } } Item { Layout.fillHeight: true } } } function disableDialog() { mainColumn.enabled = false setMotorsEnabled(false) } function enableDialog() { commDialog.close() mainColumn.enabled = true setMotorsEnabled(true) } Dialog { id: commDialog title: "Processing..." closePolicy: Popup.NoAutoClose modal: true focus: true width: parent.width - 20 x: 10 y: parent.height / 2 - height / 2 parent: container ProgressBar { anchors.fill: parent indeterminate: visible } } Dialog { id: setupRearDialog standardButtons: Dialog.Ok | Dialog.Cancel modal: true focus: true rightMargin: 10 leftMargin: 10 closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape title: "Setup Rear Motor Parameters" parent: container property var canDevs: [] y: parent.y + parent.height / 2 - height / 2 ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent Text { Layout.fillWidth: true color: "#ffffff" verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter wrapMode: Text.WordWrap text: "This is going to spin up the rear motor. Make " + "sure that nothing is in the way." } } onAccepted: { if (!selectRearMotor()) { return } disableDialog() mCommands.getMcconf() if (!Utility.waitSignal(mMcConf, "2updated()", 4000)) { VescIf.emitMessageDialog("Read Configuration", "Could not read motor configuration.", false, false) unselectRearMotor() enableDialog() return } mMcConf.updateParamDouble("si_gear_ratio", 112 / 18, null) mMcConf.updateParamInt("si_motor_poles", 8, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("si_wheel_diameter", 0.58, null) mMcConf.updateParamEnum("si_battery_type", 0, null) mMcConf.updateParamInt("si_battery_cells", 14, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("si_battery_ah", 120, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("l_current_max", 380, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("l_current_min", -120, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("l_in_current_max", 300, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("l_in_current_min", -100, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("l_abs_current_max", 480, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("l_min_vin", 20, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("l_max_vin", 70, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("l_battery_cut_start", 47.6, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("l_battery_cut_end", 42, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("l_temp_motor_start", 125, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("l_temp_motor_end", 135, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("l_temp_accel_dec", 0, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_f_zv", 30000, null) mMcConf.updateParamEnum("foc_sensor_mode", 2, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_openloop_rpm", 350, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_sl_erpm", 6000, null) mMcConf.updateParamBool("foc_sample_high_current", 1, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_phase_filter_max_erpm", 1600, null) // Field Weakening mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_fw_current_max", 40, null) mMcConf.updateParamEnum("m_motor_temp_sens_type", 4, null) mMcConf.updateParamInt("m_hall_extra_samples", 4, null) mCommands.setMcconf(false) if (!Utility.waitSignal(mCommands, "2ackReceived(QString)", 4000)) { VescIf.emitMessageDialog("Write Configuration", "Could not write motor configuration.", false, false) unselectRearMotor() enableDialog() return } // Resistance and inductance var rl = Utility.measureRLBlocking(VescIf) if (rl.length == 0 || rl[0] < 1e-10) { VescIf.emitMessageDialog("Measure RL", "Could not measure resistance and inductance", false, false) unselectRearMotor() enableDialog() return } rl[1] = rl[1] * 1e-6 mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_motor_r", rl[0], null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_motor_l", rl[1] * 0.9, null) // Flux linkage var linkage = Utility.measureLinkageOpenloopBlocking(VescIf, 100, 2000, 0.3, rl[0], rl[1]) if (linkage <= 1e-10) { VescIf.emitMessageDialog("Measure Flux Linkage", "Could not measure flux linkage", false, false) unselectRearMotor() enableDialog() return } Utility.waitMotorStop(VescIf, 50, 6000) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_motor_flux_linkage", linkage, null) // Calculate current controller and observer gains mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_observer_gain", (1.0e-3 / (linkage * linkage)) * 1e6, null) var tc = 200e-6 var bw = 1.0 / tc mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_current_kp", rl[1] * bw, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_current_ki", rl[0] * bw, null) // Temperature var t_motor = Utility.getMcValuesBlocking(VescIf).temp_motor mMcConf.updateParamBool("foc_temp_comp", 1, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_temp_comp_base_temp", t_motor, null) // Hall table var hall = Utility.measureHallFocBlocking(VescIf, 150) if (hall[0] != 0) { VescIf.emitMessageDialog("Measure Hall Sensors", "Could not measure hall sensors", false, false) unselectRearMotor() enableDialog() return } mMcConf.updateParamInt("foc_hall_table__0", hall[1], null) mMcConf.updateParamInt("foc_hall_table__1", hall[2], null) mMcConf.updateParamInt("foc_hall_table__2", hall[3], null) mMcConf.updateParamInt("foc_hall_table__3", hall[4], null) mMcConf.updateParamInt("foc_hall_table__4", hall[5], null) mMcConf.updateParamInt("foc_hall_table__5", hall[6], null) mMcConf.updateParamInt("foc_hall_table__6", hall[7], null) mMcConf.updateParamInt("foc_hall_table__7", hall[8], null) mCommands.setMcconf(false) if (!Utility.waitSignal(mCommands, "2ackReceived(QString)", 4000)) { VescIf.emitMessageDialog("Write Configuration", "Could not write motor configuration.", false, false) unselectRearMotor() enableDialog() return } unselectRearMotor() enableDialog() VescIf.emitMessageDialog("Setup Rear Motor", "Done!", true, false) } } Dialog { id: setupFrontDialog standardButtons: Dialog.Ok | Dialog.Cancel modal: true focus: true rightMargin: 10 leftMargin: 10 closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape title: "Setup Front Motor Parameters" parent: container property var canDevs: [] y: parent.y + parent.height / 2 - height / 2 ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent Text { Layout.fillWidth: true color: "#ffffff" verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter wrapMode: Text.WordWrap text: "This is going to spin up the front motor. Make " + "sure that nothing is in the way." } } onAccepted: { disableDialog() mCommands.getMcconf() if (!Utility.waitSignal(mMcConf, "2updated()", 4000)) { VescIf.emitMessageDialog("Read Configuration", "Could not read motor configuration.", false, false) enableDialog() return } mMcConf.updateParamBool("m_invert_direction", 1, null) // Resistance and inductance var rl = Utility.measureRLBlocking(VescIf) if (rl.length == 0 || rl[0] < 1e-10) { VescIf.emitMessageDialog("Measure RL", "Could not measure resistance and inductance", false, false) enableDialog() return } rl[1] = rl[1] * 1e-6 mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_motor_r", rl[0], null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_motor_l", rl[1], null) // Flux linkage var linkage = Utility.measureLinkageOpenloopBlocking(VescIf, 20, 2000, 0.2, rl[0], rl[1]) if (linkage <= 1e-10) { VescIf.emitMessageDialog("Measure Flux Linkage", "Could not measure flux linkage", false, false) enableDialog() return } mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_motor_flux_linkage", linkage, null) Utility.waitMotorStop(VescIf, 50, 5000) // Calculate current controller and observer gains mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_observer_gain", (1.0e-3 / (linkage * linkage)) * 1e6, null) var tc = 600e-6 var bw = 1.0 / tc mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_current_kp", rl[1] * bw, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_current_ki", rl[0] * bw, null) // Temperature var t_motor = Utility.getMcValuesBlocking(VescIf).temp_motor mMcConf.updateParamBool("foc_temp_comp", 1, null) mMcConf.updateParamDouble("foc_temp_comp_base_temp", t_motor, null) mCommands.setMcconf(false) if (!Utility.waitSignal(mCommands, "2ackReceived(QString)", 4000)) { VescIf.emitMessageDialog("Write Configuration", "Could not write motor configuration.", false, false) enableDialog() return } enableDialog() VescIf.emitMessageDialog("Setup Front Motor", "Done!", true, false) } } }