/* Copyright 2016 Benjamin Vedder benjamin@vedder.se This file is part of the VESC firmware. The VESC firmware is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The VESC firmware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef MCPWM_H_ #define MCPWM_H_ #include "conf_general.h" // Functions void mcpwm_init(volatile mc_configuration *configuration); void mcpwm_deinit(void); bool mcpwm_init_done(void); void mcpwm_set_configuration(volatile mc_configuration *configuration); void mcpwm_init_hall_table(int8_t *table); void mcpwm_set_duty(float dutyCycle); void mcpwm_set_duty_noramp(float dutyCycle); void mcpwm_set_pid_speed(float rpm); void mcpwm_set_pid_pos(float pos); void mcpwm_set_current(float current); void mcpwm_set_brake_current(float current); void mcpwm_brake_now(void); void mcpwm_release_motor(void); int mcpwm_get_comm_step(void); float mcpwm_get_duty_cycle_set(void); float mcpwm_get_duty_cycle_now(void); float mcpwm_get_switching_frequency_now(void); float mcpwm_get_rpm(void); mc_state mcpwm_get_state(void); float mcpwm_get_kv(void); float mcpwm_get_kv_filtered(void); int mcpwm_get_tachometer_value(bool reset); int mcpwm_get_tachometer_abs_value(bool reset); void mcpwm_stop_pwm(void); float mcpwm_get_tot_current(void); float mcpwm_get_tot_current_filtered(void); float mcpwm_get_tot_current_directional(void); float mcpwm_get_tot_current_directional_filtered(void); float mcpwm_get_tot_current_in(void); float mcpwm_get_tot_current_in_filtered(void); void mcpwm_set_detect(void); float mcpwm_get_detect_pos(void); void mcpwm_reset_hall_detect_table(void); int mcpwm_get_hall_detect_result(int8_t *table); int mcpwm_read_hall_phase(void); float mcpwm_read_reset_avg_cycle_integrator(void); void mcpwm_set_comm_mode(mc_comm_mode mode); mc_comm_mode mcpwm_get_comm_mode(void); float mcpwm_get_last_adc_isr_duration(void); float mcpwm_get_last_inj_adc_isr_duration(void); mc_rpm_dep_struct mcpwm_get_rpm_dep(void); bool mcpwm_is_dccal_done(void); void mcpwm_switch_comm_mode(mc_comm_mode next); // Interrupt handlers void mcpwm_adc_inj_int_handler(void); void mcpwm_adc_int_handler(void *p, uint32_t flags); // External variables extern volatile float mcpwm_detect_currents[]; extern volatile float mcpwm_detect_voltages[]; extern volatile float mcpwm_detect_currents_diff[]; extern volatile int mcpwm_vzero; /* * Fixed parameters */ #define MCPWM_RPM_TIMER_FREQ 1000000.0 // Frequency of the RPM measurement timer #define MCPWM_CMD_STOP_TIME 0 // Ignore commands for this duration in msec after a stop has been sent #define MCPWM_DETECT_STOP_TIME 500 // Ignore commands for this duration in msec after a detect command // Speed PID parameters #define MCPWM_PID_TIME_K 0.001 // Pid controller sample time in seconds #endif /* MC_PWM_H_ */