# Makefile for Rootloader project .DEFAULT_GOAL := help WHEREAMI := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) ROOT_DIR := $(realpath $(WHEREAMI)/ ) # Define a recursive wildcard function # C.f. https://stackoverflow.com/a/18258352 rwildcard=$(foreach d,$(wildcard $(1:=/*)),$(call rwildcard,$d,$2) $(filter $(subst *,%,$2),$d)) # Get the raw paths for all *.h files RAW_TARGET_PATHS := $(call rwildcard,$(ROOT_DIR)/hwconf,*.h) # Get the target paths by filtering out any core.h files, then stripping extra whitespace TARGET_PATHS := $(strip $(filter-out %core.h,$(RAW_TARGET_PATHS))) # Strip the paths down to just the names. Do this by first using `notdir` to remove the paths, then the prefix (hw_), then remove the suffix (.h). Finally, sort into lexical order. ALL_BOARD_NAMES := $(sort $(subst .h,,$(subst hw_,,$(filter hw_%, $(notdir $(TARGET_PATHS)))))) # configure some directories that are relative to wherever ROOT_DIR is located TOOLS_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/tools MAKE_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/make BUILD_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/build DL_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/downloads # import macros common to all supported build systems include $(ROOT_DIR)/make/system-id.mk # import macros that are OS specific include $(ROOT_DIR)/make/$(OSFAMILY).mk # include the tools makefile include $(ROOT_DIR)/make/tools.mk # Clean out undesirable variables from the environment and command-line # to remove the chance that they will cause problems with our build define SANITIZE_VAR $(if $(filter-out undefined,$(origin $(1))), $(info *NOTE* Sanitized $(2) variable '$(1)' from $(origin $(1))) MAKEOVERRIDES = $(filter-out $(1)=%,$(MAKEOVERRIDES)) override $(1) := unexport $(1) ) endef # These specific variables can influence gcc in unexpected (and undesirable) ways SANITIZE_GCC_VARS := TMPDIR GCC_EXEC_PREFIX COMPILER_PATH LIBRARY_PATH SANITIZE_GCC_VARS += CFLAGS CPATH C_INCLUDE_PATH CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH OBJC_INCLUDE_PATH DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT SANITIZE_GCC_VARS += ARCHFLAGS $(foreach var, $(SANITIZE_GCC_VARS), $(eval $(call SANITIZE_VAR,$(var),disallowed))) # These specific variables used to be valid but now they make no sense SANITIZE_DEPRECATED_VARS := FOO_BAR $(foreach var, $(SANITIZE_DEPRECATED_VARS), $(eval $(call SANITIZE_VAR,$(var),deprecated))) # Decide on a verbosity level based on the V= parameter export AT := @ ifndef V export V0 := export V1 := $(AT) else ifeq ($(V), 0) export V0 := $(AT) export V1 := $(AT) else ifeq ($(V), 1) endif ############################## # # Help instructions # ############################## .PHONY: help help: @echo @echo " This Makefile is known to work on Linux and Mac in a standard shell environment." @echo @echo " Here is a summary of the available targets:" @echo @echo " [Tool Installers]" @echo " arm_sdk_install - Install the GNU ARM gcc toolchain" @echo " qt_install - Install the all tools for Qt" @echo @echo " [Big Hammer]" @echo " all_fw - Build firmware for all boards" @echo " all_fw_package - Packaage firmware for boards in package list" @echo @echo " [Unit Tests]" @echo " all_ut - Build all unit tests" @echo " all_ut_xml - Run all unit tests and capture all XML output to files" @echo " all_ut_run - Run all unit tests and dump XML output to console" @echo @echo " [Firmware]" @echo " fw - Build firmware for default target" @echo " supported boards are: $(ALL_BOARD_NAMES)" @echo " fw_ - Build firmware for target " @echo " PROJECT= fw - Build firmware for " @echo " fw__clean - Remove firmware for " @echo " fw__flash - Use OpenOCD + SWD/JTAG to write firmware to " @echo @echo " Hint: Add V=1 to your command line to see verbose build output." @echo @echo " Note: All tools will be installed into $(TOOLS_DIR)" @echo " All build output will be placed in $(BUILD_DIR)" @echo $(DL_DIR): $(V1) $(MKDIR) $@ $(TOOLS_DIR): $(V1) $(MKDIR) $@ ############################## # # Build and Upload # ############################## # $(1) = Canonical board name all in lower case (e.g. 100_250) # $(2) = Target hardware directory define FIND_TARGET_C_CODE # Remove `_no_limits` $(eval ROOT_TARGET_NAME = $(subst _no_limits,,$(1))) # Look for `*_core.c` file ifneq ("$(wildcard $(2)/hw_*_core.c)","") # Good luck, there it is! HW_SRC_FILE = $(wildcard $(2)/hw_*_core.c) else # There isn't one, so let's hope for the sister `.c` file HW_SRC_FILE = $(2)/hw_$(ROOT_TARGET_NAME).c endif endef # $(1) = Canonical board name all in lower case (e.g. 100_250) # $(2) = firmware build directory # $(3) = firmware name # $(4) = git branch name # $(5) = git hash (and dirty flag) # $(6) = compiler version define FW_TEMPLATE .PHONY: $(1) fw_$(1) $(1): fw_$(1)_vescfw fw_$(1): fw_$(1)_vescfw fw_$(1)_vescfw: $(eval HW_DIR = $(dir $(filter %/hw_$(1).h, $(TARGET_PATHS)))) # Find the directory for this header file fw_$(1)_vescfw: $(eval HW_SRC_FILE = $(call FIND_TARGET_C_CODE,$(1),$(HW_DIR))) # Find the c code associated to this header file fw_$(1)_vescfw: @echo "********* BUILD: $(1) **********" $(V1) $(MKDIR) $(BUILD_DIR)/$(1) $(V1) $$(MAKE) -f $(MAKE_DIR)/fw.mk \ TCHAIN_PREFIX="$(ARM_SDK_PREFIX)" \ BUILDDIR="$(2)" \ PROJECT="$(3)" \ build_args='-DHW_SOURCE=\"$(HW_SRC_FILE)\" -DHW_HEADER=\"$(HW_DIR)/hw_$(1).h\" -DGIT_BRANCH_NAME=\"$(4)\" -DGIT_COMMIT_HASH=\"$(5)\" -DARM_GCC_VERSION=\"$(6)\"' USE_VERBOSE_COMPILE=no $(1)_flash: fw_$(1)_flash fw_$(1)_flash: fw_$(1)_vescfw fw_$(1)_flash_only $(1)_flash_only: fw_$(1)_flash_only fw_$(1)_flash_only: @echo "********* PROGRAM: $(1) **********" $(V1) openocd -f board/stm32f4discovery.cfg -c "reset_config trst_only combined" -c "program $(2)/$(3).elf verify reset exit" .PHONY: $(1)_clean $(1)_clean: fw_$(1)_clean fw_$(1)_clean: TARGET=fw_$(1) fw_$(1)_clean: OUTDIR=$(BUILD_DIR)/$$(TARGET) fw_$(1)_clean: $(V0) @echo " CLEAN $$@" ifneq ($(OSFAMILY), windows) $(V1) [ ! -d "$(BUILD_DIR)/$(1)" ] || $(RM) -r "$(BUILD_DIR)/$(1)" $(V1) [ ! -d "$(ROOT_DIR)/.dep" ] || $(RM) -r "$(ROOT_DIR)/.dep" else $(V1) powershell -noprofile -command "& {if (Test-Path $(BUILD_DIR)/$(1)) {Remove-Item -Recurse $(BUILD_DIR)/$(1)}}" $(V1) powershell -noprofile -command "& {if (Test-Path $(ROOT_DIR)/.dep) {Remove-Item -Recurse $(ROOT_DIR)/.dep}}" endif endef clear_option_bytes: $(V1) openocd -f board/stm32f4discovery.cfg -c "init" -c "stm32f2x unlock 0" -c "mww 0x40023C08 0x08192A3B; mww 0x40023C08 0x4C5D6E7F; mww 0x40023C14 0x0fffaaed" -c "exit" #program with olimex arm-usb-tiny-h and jtag-swd adapter board. needs openocd>=0.9 upload-olimex: fw $(V1) openocd -f interface/ftdi/olimex-arm-usb-tiny-h.cfg -f interface/ftdi/olimex-arm-jtag-swd.cfg -c "set WORKAREASIZE 0x2000" -f target/stm32f4x.cfg -c "program build/$(PROJECT).elf verify reset" upload-pi: fw $(V1) openocd -f pi_stm32.cfg -c "reset_config trst_only combined" -c "program build/$(PROJECT).elf verify reset exit" upload-pi-remote: fw $(V1) ./upload_remote_pi build/$(PROJECT).elf ted 22 debug-start: $(V1) openocd -f stm32-bv_openocd.cfg size: build/$(PROJECT).elf @$(SZ) $< # Generate the targets for whatever boards are in each list FW_TARGETS := $(addprefix fw_, $(ALL_BOARD_NAMES)) .PHONY: all_fw all_fw_clean all_fw: $(addsuffix _vescfw, $(FW_TARGETS)) all_fw_clean: $(addsuffix _clean, $(FW_TARGETS)) # Expand the firmware rules $(foreach board, $(ALL_BOARD_NAMES), $(eval $(call FW_TEMPLATE,$(board),$(BUILD_DIR)/$(board),$(board),$(GIT_BRANCH_NAME),$(GIT_COMMIT_HASH)$(GIT_DIRTY_LABEL),$(ARM_GCC_VERSION)))) ############################## # # Packaging # ############################## .PHONY: all_fw_package all_fw_package: all_fw all_fw_package_clean $(V0) @echo " PACKAGE $(ROOT_DIR)/package/*" # Place all firmware files into `./package` directory $(V1) $(PYTHON) package_firmware.py # Find all the leftover object and lst files $(eval BUILD_CRUFT := $(call rwildcard,$(ROOT_DIR)/build,*.lst *.o)) # Delete the cruft files, so as not to unnecessarily consume GB of space ifneq ($(OSFAMILY), windows) $(V1) $(RM) $(BUILD_CRUFT) else $(V1) powershell -noprofile -command "& {Remove-Item $(BUILD_CRUFT)}" endif .PHONY: all_fw_package_clean all_fw_package_clean: $(V0) @echo " CLEAN $(ROOT_DIR)/package/*" ifneq ($(OSFAMILY), windows) $(V1) [ ! -d "$(ROOT_DIR)/package/" ] || $(RM) -rf $(ROOT_DIR)/package/* else $(V1) powershell -noprofile -command "& {if (Test-Path $(ROOT_DIR)/package/*) {Remove-Item -Recurse $(ROOT_DIR)/package/*}}" endif ############################## # # Unit Tests # ############################## ALL_UNITTESTS := utils_math UT_OUT_DIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/unit_tests $(UT_OUT_DIR): $(V1) $(MKDIR) $@ .PHONY: all_ut all_ut: $(addsuffix _elf, $(addprefix ut_, $(ALL_UNITTESTS))) $(ALL_PYTHON_UNITTESTS) .PHONY: all_ut_xml all_ut_xml: $(addsuffix _xml, $(addprefix ut_, $(ALL_UNITTESTS))) .PHONY: all_ut_run all_ut_run: $(addsuffix _run, $(addprefix ut_, $(ALL_UNITTESTS))) $(ALL_PYTHON_UNITTESTS) .PHONY: all_ut_gcov all_ut_gcov: | $(addsuffix _gcov, $(addprefix ut_, $(ALL_UNITTESTS))) .PHONY: all_ut_clean all_ut_clean: $(V0) @echo " CLEAN $@" $(V1) [ ! -d "$(UT_OUT_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -r "$(UT_OUT_DIR)" # $(1) = Unit test name define UT_TEMPLATE .PHONY: ut_$(1) ut_$(1): ut_$(1)_run ut_$(1)_gcov: | ut_$(1)_xml ut_$(1)_%: TARGET=$(1) ut_$(1)_%: OUTDIR=$(UT_OUT_DIR)/$$(TARGET) ut_$(1)_%: UT_ROOT_DIR=$(ROOT_DIR)/tests/$(1) ut_$(1)_%: $$(UT_OUT_DIR) $(V1) $(MKDIR) $(UT_OUT_DIR)/$(1) $(V1) cd $$(UT_ROOT_DIR) && \ $$(MAKE) -r --no-print-directory \ BUILD_TYPE=ut \ TCHAIN_PREFIX="" \ REMOVE_CMD="$(RM)" \ \ MAKE_INC_DIR=$(MAKE_INC_DIR) \ ROOT_DIR=$(ROOT_DIR) \ TARGET=$$(TARGET) \ OUTDIR=$$(OUTDIR) \ \ GTEST_DIR=$(GTEST_DIR) \ \ $$* .PHONY: ut_$(1)_clean ut_$(1)_clean: TARGET=$(1) ut_$(1)_clean: OUTDIR=$(UT_OUT_DIR)/$$(TARGET) ut_$(1)_clean: $(V0) @echo " CLEAN $(1)" $(V1) [ ! -d "$$(OUTDIR)" ] || $(RM) -r "$$(OUTDIR)" endef # Expand the unittest rules $(foreach ut, $(ALL_UNITTESTS), $(eval $(call UT_TEMPLATE,$(ut)))) # Disable parallel make when the all_ut_run target is requested otherwise the TAP/XML # output is interleaved with the rest of the make output. ifneq ($(strip $(filter all_ut_run,$(MAKECMDGOALS))),) .NOTPARALLEL: $(info *NOTE* Parallel make disabled by all_ut_run target so we have sane console output) endif