/* Copyright 2016 - 2022 Benjamin Vedder benjamin@vedder.se This file is part of the VESC firmware. The VESC firmware is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The VESC firmware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "ch.h" #include "hal.h" #include "terminal.h" #include "mcpwm.h" #include "mcpwm_foc.h" #include "mc_interface.h" #include "commands.h" #include "hw.h" #include "comm_can.h" #include "utils_math.h" #include "utils_sys.h" #include "timeout.h" #include "encoder/encoder.h" #include "app.h" #include "comm_usb.h" #include "comm_usb_serial.h" #include "mempools.h" #include "crc.h" #include "firmware_metadata.h" #include #include #include // Settings #define FAULT_VEC_LEN 25 #define CALLBACK_LEN 40 // Private types typedef struct _terminal_callback_struct { const char *command; const char *help; const char *arg_names; void(*cbf)(int argc, const char **argv); } terminal_callback_struct; // Private variables static volatile fault_data fault_vec[FAULT_VEC_LEN]; static volatile int fault_vec_write = 0; static terminal_callback_struct callbacks[CALLBACK_LEN]; static int callback_write = 0; void terminal_process_string(char *str) { enum { kMaxArgs = 64 }; int argc = 0; char *argv[kMaxArgs]; char *p2 = strtok(str, " "); while (p2 && argc < kMaxArgs) { argv[argc++] = p2; p2 = strtok(0, " "); } if (argc == 0) { commands_printf("No command received\n"); return; } for (int i = 0;i < callback_write;i++) { if (callbacks[i].cbf != 0 && strcmp(argv[0], callbacks[i].command) == 0) { callbacks[i].cbf(argc, (const char**)argv); return; } } if (strcmp(argv[0], "ping") == 0) { commands_printf("pong\n"); } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "last_adc_duration") == 0) { commands_printf("Latest ADC duration: %.4f ms", (double)(mcpwm_get_last_adc_isr_duration() * 1000.0)); commands_printf("Latest injected ADC duration: %.4f ms", (double)(mc_interface_get_last_inj_adc_isr_duration() * 1000.0)); commands_printf("Latest sample ADC duration: %.4f ms\n", (double)(mc_interface_get_last_sample_adc_isr_duration() * 1000.0)); } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "kv") == 0) { commands_printf("Calculated KV: %.2f rpm/volt\n", (double)mcpwm_get_kv_filtered()); } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "mem") == 0) { size_t n, size; n = chHeapStatus(NULL, &size); commands_printf("core free memory : %u bytes", chCoreGetStatusX()); commands_printf("heap fragments : %u", n); commands_printf("heap free total : %u bytes\n", size); } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "threads") == 0) { thread_t *tp; static const char *states[] = {CH_STATE_NAMES}; static systime_t last_check_time = 0; commands_printf(" addr stack prio refs state name motor stackmin time "); commands_printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); tp = chRegFirstThread(); do { int stack_left = utils_check_min_stack_left(tp); commands_printf("%.8lx %.8lx %4lu %4lu %9s %14s %5lu %8d %lu (%.1f %%)", (uint32_t)tp, (uint32_t)tp->p_ctx.r13, (uint32_t)tp->p_prio, (uint32_t)(tp->p_refs - 1), states[tp->p_state], tp->p_name, tp->motor_selected, stack_left, (uint32_t)tp->p_time, (double)(100.0 * (float)tp->p_time / (float)(chVTGetSystemTimeX() - last_check_time))); tp->p_time = 0; tp = chRegNextThread(tp); } while (tp != NULL); last_check_time = chVTGetSystemTimeX(); commands_printf(" "); } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "fault") == 0) { commands_printf("%s\n", mc_interface_fault_to_string(mc_interface_get_fault())); } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "faults") == 0) { if (fault_vec_write == 0) { commands_printf("No faults registered since startup\n"); } else { commands_printf("The following faults were registered since start:\n"); for (int i = 0;i < fault_vec_write;i++) { commands_printf("Fault : %s", mc_interface_fault_to_string(fault_vec[i].fault)); commands_printf("Motor : %d", fault_vec[i].motor); commands_printf("Current : %.1f", (double)fault_vec[i].current); commands_printf("Current filtered : %.1f", (double)fault_vec[i].current_filtered); commands_printf("Voltage : %.2f", (double)fault_vec[i].voltage); #ifdef HW_HAS_GATE_DRIVER_SUPPLY_MONITOR commands_printf("Gate drv voltage : %.2f", (double)fault_vec[i].gate_driver_voltage); #endif commands_printf("Duty : %.3f", (double)fault_vec[i].duty); commands_printf("RPM : %.1f", (double)fault_vec[i].rpm); commands_printf("Tacho : %d", fault_vec[i].tacho); commands_printf("Cycles running : %d", fault_vec[i].cycles_running); commands_printf("TIM duty : %d", (int)((float)fault_vec[i].tim_top * fault_vec[i].duty)); commands_printf("TIM val samp : %d", fault_vec[i].tim_val_samp); commands_printf("TIM current samp : %d", fault_vec[i].tim_current_samp); commands_printf("TIM top : %d", fault_vec[i].tim_top); commands_printf("Comm step : %d", fault_vec[i].comm_step); commands_printf("Temperature : %.2f", (double)fault_vec[i].temperature); #ifdef HW_HAS_DRV8301 if (fault_vec[i].fault == FAULT_CODE_DRV) { commands_printf("DRV8301_FAULTS : %s", drv8301_faults_to_string(fault_vec[i].drv8301_faults)); } #elif defined(HW_HAS_DRV8320S) if (fault_vec[i].fault == FAULT_CODE_DRV) { commands_printf("DRV8320S_FAULTS : %s", drv8320s_faults_to_string(fault_vec[i].drv8301_faults)); } #elif defined(HW_HAS_DRV8323S) if (fault_vec[i].fault == FAULT_CODE_DRV) { commands_printf("DRV8323S_FAULTS : %s", drv8323s_faults_to_string(fault_vec[i].drv8301_faults)); } #endif if (fault_vec[i].info_str != 0) { char f_str[100]; strcpy(f_str, "Info : "); strcpy(f_str + 19, fault_vec[i].info_str); if (fault_vec[i].info_argn == 0) { commands_printf(f_str); } else if (fault_vec[i].info_argn == 1) { commands_printf(f_str, (double)fault_vec[i].info_args[0]); } else if (fault_vec[i].info_argn == 2) { commands_printf(f_str, (double)fault_vec[i].info_args[0], (double)fault_vec[i].info_args[1]); } } commands_printf(" "); } } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "tim") == 0) { chSysLock(); volatile int t1_cnt = TIM1->CNT; volatile int t8_cnt = TIM8->CNT; volatile int t1_cnt2 = TIM1->CNT; volatile int t2_cnt = TIM2->CNT; volatile int dir1 = !!(TIM1->CR1 & (1 << 4)); volatile int dir8 = !!(TIM8->CR1 & (1 << 4)); chSysUnlock(); int duty1 = TIM1->CCR1; int duty2 = TIM1->CCR2; int duty3 = TIM1->CCR3; int top = TIM1->ARR; int voltage_samp = TIM8->CCR1; int current1_samp = TIM1->CCR4; int current2_samp = TIM8->CCR2; commands_printf("Tim1 CNT: %i", t1_cnt); commands_printf("Tim8 CNT: %i", t8_cnt); commands_printf("Tim2 CNT: %i", t2_cnt); commands_printf("Amount off CNT: %i",top - (2*t8_cnt + t1_cnt + t1_cnt2)/2); commands_printf("Duty cycle1: %u", duty1); commands_printf("Duty cycle2: %u", duty2); commands_printf("Duty cycle3: %u", duty3); commands_printf("Top: %u", top); commands_printf("Dir1: %u", dir1); commands_printf("Dir8: %u", dir8); commands_printf("Voltage sample: %u", voltage_samp); commands_printf("Current 1 sample: %u", current1_samp); commands_printf("Current 2 sample: %u\n", current2_samp); } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "volt") == 0) { commands_printf("Input voltage: %.2f\n", (double)mc_interface_get_input_voltage_filtered()); #ifdef HW_HAS_GATE_DRIVER_SUPPLY_MONITOR commands_printf("Gate driver power supply output voltage: %.2f\n", (double)GET_GATE_DRIVER_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE()); #endif } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "param_detect") == 0) { // Use COMM_MODE_DELAY and try to figure out the motor parameters. if (argc == 4) { float current = -1.0; float min_rpm = -1.0; float low_duty = -1.0; sscanf(argv[1], "%f", ¤t); sscanf(argv[2], "%f", &min_rpm); sscanf(argv[3], "%f", &low_duty); if (current > 0.0 && current < mc_interface_get_configuration()->l_current_max && min_rpm > 10.0 && min_rpm < 3000.0 && low_duty > 0.02 && low_duty < 0.8) { float cycle_integrator; float coupling_k; int8_t hall_table[8]; int hall_res; if (conf_general_detect_motor_param(current, min_rpm, low_duty, &cycle_integrator, &coupling_k, hall_table, &hall_res)) { commands_printf("Cycle integrator limit: %.2f", (double)cycle_integrator); commands_printf("Coupling factor: %.2f", (double)coupling_k); if (hall_res == 0) { commands_printf("Detected hall sensor table:"); commands_printf("%i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i\n", hall_table[0], hall_table[1], hall_table[2], hall_table[3], hall_table[4], hall_table[5], hall_table[6], hall_table[7]); } else if (hall_res == -1) { commands_printf("Hall sensor detection failed:"); commands_printf("%i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i\n", hall_table[0], hall_table[1], hall_table[2], hall_table[3], hall_table[4], hall_table[5], hall_table[6], hall_table[7]); } else if (hall_res == -2) { commands_printf("WS2811 enabled. Hall sensors cannot be used.\n"); } else if (hall_res == -3) { commands_printf("Encoder enabled. Hall sensors cannot be used.\n"); } } else { commands_printf("Detection failed. Try again with different parameters.\n"); } } else { commands_printf("Invalid argument(s).\n"); } } else { commands_printf("This command requires three arguments.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "rpm_dep") == 0) { mc_rpm_dep_struct rpm_dep = mcpwm_get_rpm_dep(); commands_printf("Cycle int limit: %.2f", (double)rpm_dep.cycle_int_limit); commands_printf("Cycle int limit running: %.2f", (double)rpm_dep.cycle_int_limit_running); commands_printf("Cycle int limit max: %.2f\n", (double)rpm_dep.cycle_int_limit_max); } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "can_devs") == 0) { commands_printf("CAN devices seen on the bus the past second:\n"); for (int i = 0;i < CAN_STATUS_MSGS_TO_STORE;i++) { can_status_msg *msg = comm_can_get_status_msg_index(i); if (msg->id >= 0 && UTILS_AGE_S(msg->rx_time) < 5.0) { commands_printf("MSG1 ID : %i", msg->id); commands_printf("RX Time : %i", msg->rx_time); commands_printf("Age (s) : %.4f", (double)UTILS_AGE_S(msg->rx_time)); commands_printf("RPM : %.2f", (double)msg->rpm); commands_printf("Current : %.2f", (double)msg->current); commands_printf("Duty : %.2f\n", (double)msg->duty); } can_status_msg_2 *msg2 = comm_can_get_status_msg_2_index(i); if (msg2->id >= 0 && UTILS_AGE_S(msg2->rx_time) < 5.0) { commands_printf("MSG2 ID : %i", msg2->id); commands_printf("RX Time : %i", msg2->rx_time); commands_printf("Age (s) : %.4f", (double)UTILS_AGE_S(msg2->rx_time)); commands_printf("Ah : %.2f", (double)msg2->amp_hours); commands_printf("Ah Charged : %.2f\n", (double)msg2->amp_hours_charged); } can_status_msg_3 *msg3 = comm_can_get_status_msg_3_index(i); if (msg3->id >= 0 && UTILS_AGE_S(msg3->rx_time) < 5.0) { commands_printf("MSG3 ID : %i", msg3->id); commands_printf("RX Time : %i", msg3->rx_time); commands_printf("Age (s) : %.4f", (double)UTILS_AGE_S(msg3->rx_time)); commands_printf("Wh : %.2f", (double)msg3->watt_hours); commands_printf("Wh Charged : %.2f\n", (double)msg3->watt_hours_charged); } can_status_msg_4 *msg4 = comm_can_get_status_msg_4_index(i); if (msg4->id >= 0 && UTILS_AGE_S(msg4->rx_time) < 5.0) { commands_printf("MSG4 ID : %i", msg4->id); commands_printf("RX Time : %i", msg4->rx_time); commands_printf("Age (s) : %.4f", (double)UTILS_AGE_S(msg4->rx_time)); commands_printf("Current In : %.2f", (double)msg4->current_in); commands_printf("Temp FET : %.2f", (double)msg4->temp_fet); commands_printf("Temp Motor : %.2f", (double)msg4->temp_motor); commands_printf("PID pos : %.2f\n", (double)msg4->pid_pos_now); } can_status_msg_5 *msg5 = comm_can_get_status_msg_5_index(i); if (msg5->id >= 0 && UTILS_AGE_S(msg5->rx_time) < 5.0) { commands_printf("MSG5 ID : %i", msg5->id); commands_printf("RX Time : %i", msg5->rx_time); commands_printf("Age (s) : %.4f", (double)UTILS_AGE_S(msg5->rx_time)); commands_printf("Tacho : %d", msg5->tacho_value); commands_printf("V In : %.2f\n", (double)msg5->v_in); } can_status_msg_6 *msg6 = comm_can_get_status_msg_6_index(i); if (msg6->id >= 0 && UTILS_AGE_S(msg6->rx_time) < 5.0) { commands_printf("MSG6 ID : %i", msg6->id); commands_printf("RX Time : %i", msg6->rx_time); commands_printf("Age (s) : %.4f", (double)UTILS_AGE_S(msg6->rx_time)); commands_printf("ADC 1-3 : %.3f V, %.3f V, %.3f V", (double)msg6->adc_1, (double)msg6->adc_2, (double)msg6->adc_3); commands_printf("PPM : %.2f\n", (double)msg6->ppm); } io_board_adc_values *io_adc = comm_can_get_io_board_adc_1_4_index(i); if (io_adc->id >= 0 && UTILS_AGE_S(io_adc->rx_time) < 5.0) { commands_printf("IO Board ADC 1_4"); commands_printf("ID : %i", io_adc->id); commands_printf("RX Time : %i", io_adc->rx_time); commands_printf("Age (milliseconds) : %.2f", (double)(UTILS_AGE_S(io_adc->rx_time) * 1000.0)); commands_printf("ADC : %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", (double)io_adc->adc_voltages[0], (double)io_adc->adc_voltages[1], (double)io_adc->adc_voltages[2], (double)io_adc->adc_voltages[3]); } io_adc = comm_can_get_io_board_adc_5_8_index(i); if (io_adc->id >= 0 && UTILS_AGE_S(io_adc->rx_time) < 5.0) { commands_printf("IO Board ADC 5_8"); commands_printf("ID : %i", io_adc->id); commands_printf("RX Time : %i", io_adc->rx_time); commands_printf("Age (milliseconds) : %.2f", (double)(UTILS_AGE_S(io_adc->rx_time) * 1000.0)); commands_printf("ADC : %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", (double)io_adc->adc_voltages[0], (double)io_adc->adc_voltages[1], (double)io_adc->adc_voltages[2], (double)io_adc->adc_voltages[3]); } io_board_digial_inputs *io_in = comm_can_get_io_board_digital_in_index(i); if (io_in->id >= 0 && UTILS_AGE_S(io_in->rx_time) < 5.0) { commands_printf("IO Board Inputs"); commands_printf("ID : %i", io_in->id); commands_printf("RX Time : %i", io_in->rx_time); commands_printf("Age (milliseconds) : %.2f", (double)(UTILS_AGE_S(io_in->rx_time) * 1000.0)); commands_printf("IN : %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu\n", (io_in->inputs >> 0) & 1, (io_in->inputs >> 1) & 1, (io_in->inputs >> 2) & 1, (io_in->inputs >> 3) & 1, (io_in->inputs >> 4) & 1, (io_in->inputs >> 5) & 1, (io_in->inputs >> 6) & 1, (io_in->inputs >> 7) & 1); } } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "foc_encoder_detect") == 0) { if (argc == 2) { float current = -1.0; sscanf(argv[1], "%f", ¤t); mc_configuration *mcconf = mempools_alloc_mcconf(); *mcconf = *mc_interface_get_configuration(); if (current > 0.0 && current <= mcconf->l_current_max) { if (encoder_is_configured()) { mc_motor_type type_old = mcconf->motor_type; mcconf->motor_type = MOTOR_TYPE_FOC; mc_interface_set_configuration(mcconf); float offset = 0.0; float ratio = 0.0; bool inverted = false; mcpwm_foc_encoder_detect(current, true, &offset, &ratio, &inverted); mcconf->motor_type = type_old; mc_interface_set_configuration(mcconf); commands_printf("Offset : %.2f", (double)offset); commands_printf("Ratio : %.2f", (double)ratio); commands_printf("Inverted : %s\n", inverted ? "true" : "false"); } else { commands_printf("Encoder not enabled.\n"); } } else { commands_printf("Invalid argument(s).\n"); } mempools_free_mcconf(mcconf); } else { commands_printf("This command requires one argument.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "measure_res") == 0) { if (argc == 2) { float current = -1.0; sscanf(argv[1], "%f", ¤t); mc_configuration *mcconf = mempools_alloc_mcconf(); *mcconf = *mc_interface_get_configuration(); mc_configuration *mcconf_old = mempools_alloc_mcconf(); *mcconf_old = *mc_interface_get_configuration(); if (current > 0.0 && current <= mcconf->l_current_max) { mcconf->motor_type = MOTOR_TYPE_FOC; mc_interface_set_configuration(mcconf); commands_printf("Resistance: %.6f ohm\n", (double)mcpwm_foc_measure_resistance(current, 2000, true)); mc_interface_set_configuration(mcconf_old); } else { commands_printf("Invalid argument(s).\n"); } mempools_free_mcconf(mcconf); mempools_free_mcconf(mcconf_old); } else { commands_printf("This command requires one argument.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "measure_ind") == 0) { if (argc == 2) { float duty = -1.0; sscanf(argv[1], "%f", &duty); if (duty > 0.0 && duty < 0.9) { mc_configuration *mcconf = mempools_alloc_mcconf(); *mcconf = *mc_interface_get_configuration(); mc_configuration *mcconf_old = mempools_alloc_mcconf(); *mcconf_old = *mc_interface_get_configuration(); mcconf->motor_type = MOTOR_TYPE_FOC; mc_interface_set_configuration(mcconf); float curr, ld_lq_diff; float ind = mcpwm_foc_measure_inductance(duty, 400, &curr, &ld_lq_diff); commands_printf("Inductance: %.2f uH, ld_lq_diff: %.2f uH (%.2f A)\n", (double)ind, (double)ld_lq_diff, (double)curr); mc_interface_set_configuration(mcconf_old); mempools_free_mcconf(mcconf); mempools_free_mcconf(mcconf_old); } else { commands_printf("Invalid argument(s).\n"); } } else { commands_printf("This command requires one argument.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "measure_linkage") == 0) { if (argc == 5) { float current = -1.0; float duty = -1.0; float min_erpm = -1.0; float res = -1.0; sscanf(argv[1], "%f", ¤t); sscanf(argv[2], "%f", &duty); sscanf(argv[3], "%f", &min_erpm); sscanf(argv[4], "%f", &res); if (current > 0.0 && current <= mc_interface_get_configuration()->l_current_max && min_erpm > 0.0 && duty > 0.02 && res >= 0.0) { float linkage; conf_general_measure_flux_linkage(current, duty, min_erpm, res, &linkage); commands_printf("Flux linkage: %.7f\n", (double)linkage); } else { commands_printf("Invalid argument(s).\n"); } } else { commands_printf("This command requires four arguments.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "measure_res_ind") == 0) { mc_configuration *mcconf = mempools_alloc_mcconf(); *mcconf = *mc_interface_get_configuration(); mc_configuration *mcconf_old = mempools_alloc_mcconf(); *mcconf_old = *mc_interface_get_configuration(); mcconf->motor_type = MOTOR_TYPE_FOC; mc_interface_set_configuration(mcconf); float res = 0.0; float ind = 0.0; float ld_lq_diff = 0.0; if (mcpwm_foc_measure_res_ind(&res, &ind, &ld_lq_diff)) { commands_printf("Resistance: %.6f ohm", (double)res); commands_printf("Inductance: %.2f uH (Lq-Ld: %.2f uH)\n", (double)ind, (double)ld_lq_diff); } else { commands_printf("Error measuring resistance or inductance\n"); } mc_interface_set_configuration(mcconf_old); mempools_free_mcconf(mcconf); mempools_free_mcconf(mcconf_old); } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "measure_linkage_foc") == 0) { if (argc == 2) { float duty = -1.0; sscanf(argv[1], "%f", &duty); if (duty > 0.0) { mc_configuration *mcconf = mempools_alloc_mcconf(); *mcconf = *mc_interface_get_configuration(); mc_configuration *mcconf_old = mempools_alloc_mcconf(); *mcconf_old = *mc_interface_get_configuration(); mcconf->motor_type = MOTOR_TYPE_FOC; mc_interface_set_configuration(mcconf); // Disable timeout systime_t tout = timeout_get_timeout_msec(); float tout_c = timeout_get_brake_current(); KILL_SW_MODE tout_ksw = timeout_get_kill_sw_mode(); timeout_reset(); timeout_configure(60000, 0.0, KILL_SW_MODE_DISABLED); for (int i = 0;i < 100;i++) { mc_interface_set_duty(((float)i / 100.0) * duty); chThdSleepMilliseconds(20); } float vq_avg = 0.0; float rpm_avg = 0.0; float samples = 0.0; float iq_avg = 0.0; for (int i = 0;i < 1000;i++) { vq_avg += mcpwm_foc_get_vq(); rpm_avg += mc_interface_get_rpm(); iq_avg += mc_interface_get_tot_current_directional(); samples += 1.0; chThdSleepMilliseconds(1); } mc_interface_release_motor(); mc_interface_wait_for_motor_release(1.0); mc_interface_set_configuration(mcconf_old); mempools_free_mcconf(mcconf); mempools_free_mcconf(mcconf_old); // Enable timeout timeout_configure(tout, tout_c, tout_ksw); vq_avg /= samples; rpm_avg /= samples; iq_avg /= samples; float linkage = (vq_avg - mcconf->foc_motor_r * iq_avg) / RPM2RADPS_f(rpm_avg); commands_printf("Flux linkage: %.7f\n", (double)linkage); } else { commands_printf("Invalid argument(s).\n"); } } else { commands_printf("This command requires one argument.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "measure_linkage_openloop") == 0) { if (argc == 6) { float current = -1.0; float duty = -1.0; float erpm_per_sec = -1.0; float res = -1.0; float ind = -1.0; sscanf(argv[1], "%f", ¤t); sscanf(argv[2], "%f", &duty); sscanf(argv[3], "%f", &erpm_per_sec); sscanf(argv[4], "%f", &res); sscanf(argv[5], "%f", &ind); if (current > 0.0 && current <= mc_interface_get_configuration()->l_current_max && erpm_per_sec > 0.0 && duty > 0.02 && res >= 0.0 && ind >= 0.0) { float linkage, linkage_undriven, undriven_samples; commands_printf("Measuring flux linkage..."); conf_general_measure_flux_linkage_openloop(current, duty, erpm_per_sec, res, ind, &linkage, &linkage_undriven, &undriven_samples); commands_printf( "Flux linkage : %.7f\n" "Flux Linkage (undriven) : %.7f\n" "Undriven samples : %.1f\n", (double)linkage, (double)linkage_undriven, (double)undriven_samples); } else { commands_printf("Invalid argument(s).\n"); } } else { commands_printf("This command requires five arguments.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "foc_state") == 0) { mcpwm_foc_print_state(); commands_printf(" "); } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "foc_dc_cal") == 0) { commands_printf("Performing DC offset calibration..."); int res = mcpwm_foc_dc_cal(true); if (res >= 0) { conf_general_store_mc_configuration((mc_configuration*)mc_interface_get_configuration(), mc_interface_get_motor_thread() == 2); commands_printf("Done!\n"); } else { commands_printf("DC Cal Failed: %d\n", res); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "hw_status") == 0) { commands_printf("Firmware: %d.%d", FW_VERSION_MAJOR, FW_VERSION_MINOR); #ifdef HW_NAME commands_printf("Hardware: %s", HW_NAME); #endif commands_printf("UUID: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X", STM32_UUID_8[0], STM32_UUID_8[1], STM32_UUID_8[2], STM32_UUID_8[3], STM32_UUID_8[4], STM32_UUID_8[5], STM32_UUID_8[6], STM32_UUID_8[7], STM32_UUID_8[8], STM32_UUID_8[9], STM32_UUID_8[10], STM32_UUID_8[11]); commands_printf("Permanent NRF found: %s", conf_general_permanent_nrf_found ? "Yes" : "No"); commands_printf("Odometer : %llu m", mc_interface_get_odometer()); commands_printf("Runtime : %llu s", g_backup.runtime); float curr0_offset; float curr1_offset; float curr2_offset; mcpwm_foc_get_current_offsets(&curr0_offset, &curr1_offset, &curr2_offset, mc_interface_get_motor_thread() == 2); commands_printf("FOC Current Offsets: %.2f %.2f %.2f", (double)curr0_offset, (double)curr1_offset, (double)curr2_offset); float v0_offset; float v1_offset; float v2_offset; mcpwm_foc_get_voltage_offsets(&v0_offset, &v1_offset, &v2_offset, mc_interface_get_motor_thread() == 2); commands_printf("FOC Voltage Offsets: %.4f %.4f %.4f", (double)v0_offset, (double)v1_offset, (double)v2_offset); mcpwm_foc_get_voltage_offsets_undriven(&v0_offset, &v1_offset, &v2_offset, mc_interface_get_motor_thread() == 2); commands_printf("FOC Voltage Offsets Undriven: %.4f %.4f %.4f", (double)v0_offset, (double)v1_offset, (double)v2_offset); #ifdef COMM_USE_USB commands_printf("USB config events: %d", comm_usb_serial_configured_cnt()); commands_printf("USB write timeouts: %u", comm_usb_get_write_timeout_cnt()); #else commands_printf("USB not enabled on hardware."); #endif commands_printf("Mempool mcconf now: %d highest: %d (max %d)", mempools_mcconf_allocated_num(), mempools_mcconf_highest(), MEMPOOLS_MCCONF_NUM - 1); commands_printf("Mempool appconf now: %d highest: %d (max %d)", mempools_appconf_allocated_num(), mempools_appconf_highest(), MEMPOOLS_APPCONF_NUM - 1); commands_printf(" "); } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "foc_openloop") == 0) { if (argc == 3) { float current = -1.0; float erpm = -1.0; sscanf(argv[1], "%f", ¤t); sscanf(argv[2], "%f", &erpm); if (current >= 0.0 && erpm >= 0.0) { timeout_reset(); mcpwm_foc_set_openloop(current, erpm); } else { commands_printf("Invalid argument(s).\n"); } } else { commands_printf("This command requires two arguments.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "foc_openloop_duty") == 0) { if (argc == 3) { float duty = -1.0; float erpm = -1.0; sscanf(argv[1], "%f", &duty); sscanf(argv[2], "%f", &erpm); if (duty >= 0.0 && erpm >= 0.0) { timeout_reset(); mcpwm_foc_set_openloop_duty(duty, erpm); } else { commands_printf("Invalid argument(s).\n"); } } else { commands_printf("This command requires two arguments.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "nrf_ext_set_enabled") == 0) { if (argc == 2) { int enabled = -1; sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &enabled); if (enabled >= 0) { uint8_t buffer[2]; buffer[0] = COMM_EXT_NRF_SET_ENABLED; buffer[1] = enabled; commands_send_packet_nrf(buffer, 2); } else { commands_printf("Invalid argument(s).\n"); } } else { commands_printf("This command requires one argument.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "foc_sensors_detect_apply") == 0) { if (argc == 2) { float current = -1.0; sscanf(argv[1], "%f", ¤t); if (current > 0.0 && current <= mc_interface_get_configuration()->l_current_max) { int res = conf_general_autodetect_apply_sensors_foc(current, true, true); if (res == 0) { commands_printf("No sensors found, using sensorless mode.\n"); } else if (res == 1) { commands_printf("Found hall sensors, using them.\n"); } else if (res == 2) { commands_printf("Found AS5047 encoder, using it.\n"); } else { commands_printf("Detection error: %d\n", res); } } else { commands_printf("Invalid argument(s).\n"); } } else { commands_printf("This command requires one argument.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "rotor_lock_openloop") == 0) { if (argc == 4) { float current = -1.0; float time = -1.0; float angle = -1.0; sscanf(argv[1], "%f", ¤t); sscanf(argv[2], "%f", &time); sscanf(argv[3], "%f", &angle); if (fabsf(current) <= mc_interface_get_configuration()->l_current_max && angle >= 0.0 && angle <= 360.0) { if (time <= 1e-6) { timeout_reset(); mcpwm_foc_set_openloop_phase(current, angle); commands_printf("OK\n"); } else { int print_div = 0; for (float t = 0.0;t < time;t += 0.002) { timeout_reset(); mcpwm_foc_set_openloop_phase(current, angle); chThdSleepMilliseconds(2); print_div++; if (print_div >= 200) { print_div = 0; commands_printf("T left: %.2f s", (double)(time - t)); } } mc_interface_set_current(0.0); commands_printf("Done\n"); } } else { commands_printf("Invalid argument(s).\n"); } } else { commands_printf("This command requires three arguments.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "foc_detect_apply_all") == 0) { if (argc == 2) { float max_power_loss = -1.0; sscanf(argv[1], "%f", &max_power_loss); if (max_power_loss > 0.0) { int motor_thread_old = mc_interface_get_motor_thread(); commands_printf("Running detection..."); int res = conf_general_detect_apply_all_foc(max_power_loss, true, true); commands_printf("Res: %d", res); mc_interface_select_motor_thread(1); if (res >= 0) { commands_printf("Detection finished and applied. Results:"); const volatile mc_configuration *mcconf = mc_interface_get_configuration(); #ifdef HW_HAS_DUAL_MOTORS commands_printf("\nMOTOR 1\n"); #endif commands_printf("Motor Current : %.1f A", (double)(mcconf->l_current_max)); commands_printf("Motor R : %.2f mOhm", (double)(mcconf->foc_motor_r * 1e3)); commands_printf("Motor L : %.2f uH", (double)(mcconf->foc_motor_l * 1e6)); commands_printf("Motor Flux Linkage : %.3f mWb", (double)(mcconf->foc_motor_flux_linkage * 1e3)); commands_printf("Temp Comp : %s", mcconf->foc_temp_comp ? "true" : "false"); if (mcconf->foc_temp_comp) { commands_printf("Temp Comp Base Temp : %.1f degC", (double)mcconf->foc_temp_comp_base_temp); } if (mcconf->foc_sensor_mode == FOC_SENSOR_MODE_SENSORLESS) { commands_printf("No sensors found, using sensorless mode.\n"); } else if (mcconf->foc_sensor_mode == FOC_SENSOR_MODE_HALL) { commands_printf("Found hall sensors, using them.\n"); } else if (mcconf->foc_sensor_mode == FOC_SENSOR_MODE_ENCODER) { commands_printf("Found AS5047 encoder, using it.\n"); } else { commands_printf("Detection error: %d\n", res); } #ifdef HW_HAS_DUAL_MOTORS mc_interface_select_motor_thread(2); mcconf = mc_interface_get_configuration(); commands_printf("\nMOTOR 2\n"); commands_printf("Motor Current : %.1f A", (double)(mcconf->l_current_max)); commands_printf("Motor R : %.2f mOhm", (double)(mcconf->foc_motor_r * 1e3)); commands_printf("Motor L : %.2f uH", (double)(mcconf->foc_motor_l * 1e6)); commands_printf("Motor Flux Linkage : %.3f mWb", (double)(mcconf->foc_motor_flux_linkage * 1e3)); commands_printf("Temp Comp : %s", mcconf->foc_temp_comp ? "true" : "false"); if (mcconf->foc_sensor_mode == FOC_SENSOR_MODE_SENSORLESS) { commands_printf("No sensors found, using sensorless mode.\n"); } else if (mcconf->foc_sensor_mode == FOC_SENSOR_MODE_HALL) { commands_printf("Found hall sensors, using them.\n"); } else if (mcconf->foc_sensor_mode == FOC_SENSOR_MODE_ENCODER) { commands_printf("Found AS5047 encoder, using it.\n"); } else { commands_printf("Detection error: %d\n", res); } #endif } else { if (res == -10) { commands_printf("Could not measure flux linkage."); } else if (res == -11) { commands_printf("Fault code occurred during detection."); } commands_printf("Detection failed.\n"); } mc_interface_select_motor_thread(motor_thread_old); } else { commands_printf("Invalid argument(s).\n"); } } else { commands_printf("This command requires one argument.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "can_scan") == 0) { bool found = false; for (int i = 0;i < 254;i++) { HW_TYPE hw_type; if (comm_can_ping(i, &hw_type)) { commands_printf("Found %s with ID: %d", utils_hw_type_to_string(hw_type), i); found = true; } } if (found) { commands_printf("Done\n"); } else { commands_printf("No CAN devices found\n"); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "foc_detect_apply_all_can") == 0) { if (argc == 2) { float max_power_loss = -1.0; sscanf(argv[1], "%f", &max_power_loss); if (max_power_loss > 0.0) { commands_printf("Running detection..."); int res = conf_general_detect_apply_all_foc_can(true, max_power_loss, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); commands_printf("Res: %d", res); if (res >= 0) { commands_printf("Detection finished and applied. Results:"); #ifdef HW_HAS_DUAL_MOTORS commands_printf("\nMOTOR 1\n"); #endif const volatile mc_configuration *mcconf = mc_interface_get_configuration(); commands_printf("Motor Current : %.1f A", (double)(mcconf->l_current_max)); commands_printf("Motor R : %.2f mOhm", (double)(mcconf->foc_motor_r * 1e3)); commands_printf("Motor L : %.2f microH", (double)(mcconf->foc_motor_l * 1e6)); commands_printf("Motor Flux Linkage : %.3f mWb", (double)(mcconf->foc_motor_flux_linkage * 1e3)); commands_printf("Temp Comp : %s", mcconf->foc_temp_comp ? "true" : "false"); if (mcconf->foc_temp_comp) { commands_printf("Temp Comp Base Temp : %.1f degC", (double)mcconf->foc_temp_comp_base_temp); } if (mcconf->foc_sensor_mode == FOC_SENSOR_MODE_SENSORLESS) { commands_printf("No sensors found, using sensorless mode.\n"); } else if (mcconf->foc_sensor_mode == FOC_SENSOR_MODE_HALL) { commands_printf("Found hall sensors, using them.\n"); } else if (mcconf->foc_sensor_mode == FOC_SENSOR_MODE_ENCODER) { commands_printf("Found AS5047 encoder, using it.\n"); } else { commands_printf("Detection error: %d\n", res); } #ifdef HW_HAS_DUAL_MOTORS mc_interface_select_motor_thread(2); mcconf = mc_interface_get_configuration(); commands_printf("\nMOTOR 2\n"); commands_printf("Motor Current : %.1f A", (double)(mcconf->l_current_max)); commands_printf("Motor R : %.2f mOhm", (double)(mcconf->foc_motor_r * 1e3)); commands_printf("Motor L : %.2f microH", (double)(mcconf->foc_motor_l * 1e6)); commands_printf("Motor Flux Linkage : %.3f mWb", (double)(mcconf->foc_motor_flux_linkage * 1e3)); commands_printf("Temp Comp : %s", mcconf->foc_temp_comp ? "true" : "false"); if (mcconf->foc_sensor_mode == FOC_SENSOR_MODE_SENSORLESS) { commands_printf("No sensors found, using sensorless mode.\n"); } else if (mcconf->foc_sensor_mode == FOC_SENSOR_MODE_HALL) { commands_printf("Found hall sensors, using them.\n"); } else if (mcconf->foc_sensor_mode == FOC_SENSOR_MODE_ENCODER) { commands_printf("Found AS5047 encoder, using it.\n"); } else { commands_printf("Detection error: %d\n", res); } commands_printf("\nNote that this is only printing values of motors 1"); commands_printf("and 2 of the currently connected unit, other motors"); commands_printf("may have been detected, but won't be printed here"); #endif } else { if (res == -10) { commands_printf("Could not measure flux linkage."); } else if (res == -11) { commands_printf("Fault code occurred during detection."); } commands_printf("Detection failed.\n"); } } else { commands_printf("Invalid argument(s).\n"); } } else { commands_printf("This command requires one argument.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "uptime") == 0) { commands_printf("Uptime: %.2f s\n", (double)chVTGetSystemTimeX() / (double)CH_CFG_ST_FREQUENCY); } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "hall_analyze") == 0) { if (argc == 2) { float current = -1.0; sscanf(argv[1], "%f", ¤t); if (current > 0.0 && current <= mc_interface_get_configuration()->l_current_max) { commands_printf("Starting hall sensor analysis...\n"); mc_interface_lock(); mc_configuration *mcconf = mempools_alloc_mcconf(); *mcconf = *mc_interface_get_configuration(); mc_motor_type motor_type_old = mcconf->motor_type; mcconf->motor_type = MOTOR_TYPE_FOC; mc_interface_set_configuration(mcconf); commands_init_plot("Angle", "Hall Sensor State"); commands_plot_add_graph("Hall 1"); commands_plot_add_graph("Hall 2"); commands_plot_add_graph("Hall 3"); commands_plot_add_graph("Combined"); float phase = 0.0; for (int i = 0;i < 1000;i++) { timeout_reset(); mcpwm_foc_set_openloop_phase((float)i * current / 1000.0, phase); chThdSleepMilliseconds(1); } bool is_second_motor = mc_interface_get_motor_thread() == 2; int hall_last = utils_read_hall(is_second_motor, mcconf->m_hall_extra_samples); float transitions[7] = {0.0}; int states[8] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}; int transition_index = 0; for (int i = 0;i < 720;i++) { int hall = utils_read_hall(is_second_motor, mcconf->m_hall_extra_samples); if (hall_last != hall) { if (transition_index < 7) { transitions[transition_index++] = phase; } for (int j = 0;j < 8;j++) { if (states[j] == hall || states[j] == -1) { states[j] = hall; break; } } } hall_last = hall; // Notice that the plots are offset slightly in Y, to make it easier to see them. commands_plot_set_graph(0); commands_send_plot_points(phase, (float)(hall & 1) * 1.02); commands_plot_set_graph(1); commands_send_plot_points(phase, (float)((hall >> 1) & 1) * 1.04); commands_plot_set_graph(2); commands_send_plot_points(phase, (float)((hall >> 2) & 1) * 1.06); commands_plot_set_graph(3); commands_send_plot_points(phase, (float)hall); phase += 1.0; timeout_reset(); mcpwm_foc_set_openloop_phase(current, phase); chThdSleepMilliseconds(20); } mc_interface_lock_override_once(); mc_interface_release_motor(); mc_interface_wait_for_motor_release(1.0); mcconf->motor_type = motor_type_old; mc_interface_set_configuration(mcconf); mempools_free_mcconf(mcconf); mc_interface_unlock(); int state_num = 0; for (int i = 0;i < 8;i++) { if (states[i] != -1) { state_num++; } } if (state_num == 6) { commands_printf("Found 6 different states. This seems correct.\n"); } else { commands_printf("Found %d different states. Something is most likely wrong...\n", state_num); } float min = 900.0; float max = 0.0; for (int i = 0;i < 6;i++) { float diff = fabsf(utils_angle_difference(transitions[i], transitions[i + 1])); commands_printf("Hall diff %d: %.1f degrees", i + 1, (double)diff); if (diff < min) { min = diff; } if (diff > max) { max = diff; } } float deviation = (max - min) / 2.0; if (deviation < 5) { commands_printf("Maximum deviation: %.2f degrees. This is good alignment.\n", (double)deviation); } else if ((max - min) < 10) { commands_printf("Maximum deviation: %.2f degrees. This is OK, but not great alignment.\n", (double)deviation); } else if ((max - min) < 15) { commands_printf("Maximum deviation: %.2f degrees. This is bad, but probably usable alignment.\n", (double)deviation); } else { commands_printf("Maximum deviation: %.2f degrees. The hall sensors are significantly misaligned. This has " "to be fixed for proper operation.\n", (double)(max - min)); } commands_printf("Done. Go to the Realtime Data > Experiment page to see the plot.\n"); } else { commands_printf("Invalid argument(s).\n"); } } else { commands_printf("This command requires one argument.\n"); } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "crc") == 0) { unsigned mc_crc0 = mc_interface_get_configuration()->crc; unsigned mc_crc1 = mc_interface_calc_crc(NULL, false); unsigned app_crc0 = app_get_configuration()->crc; unsigned app_crc1 = app_calc_crc(NULL); commands_printf("MC CFG crc: 0x%04X (stored) 0x%04X (recalc)", mc_crc0, mc_crc1); commands_printf("APP CFG crc: 0x%04X (stored) 0x%04X (recalc)", app_crc0, app_crc1); commands_printf("Discrepancy is expected due to run-time recalculation of config params.\n"); } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "drv_reset_faults") == 0) { HW_RESET_DRV_FAULTS(); } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "update_pid_pos_offset") == 0) { if (argc == 3) { float angle_now = -500.0; int store = false; sscanf(argv[1], "%f", &angle_now); sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &store); if (angle_now > -360.0 && angle_now < 360.0) { mc_interface_update_pid_pos_offset(angle_now, store); commands_printf("OK\n"); } else { commands_printf("Invalid arguments\n"); } } } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "fwinfo") == 0) { commands_printf("GIT Branch: %s", GIT_BRANCH_NAME); commands_printf("GIT Hash : %s", GIT_COMMIT_HASH); commands_printf("Compiler : %s\n", ARM_GCC_VERSION); } // The help command else if (strcmp(argv[0], "help") == 0) { commands_printf("Valid commands are:"); commands_printf("help"); commands_printf(" Show this help"); commands_printf("ping"); commands_printf(" Print pong here to see if the reply works"); commands_printf("last_adc_duration"); commands_printf(" The time the latest ADC interrupt consumed"); commands_printf("kv"); commands_printf(" The calculated kv of the motor"); commands_printf("mem"); commands_printf(" Show memory usage"); commands_printf("threads"); commands_printf(" List all threads"); commands_printf("fault"); commands_printf(" Prints the current fault code"); commands_printf("faults"); commands_printf(" Prints all stored fault codes and conditions when they arrived"); commands_printf("tim"); commands_printf(" Prints tim1 and tim8 settings"); commands_printf("volt"); commands_printf(" Prints different voltages"); commands_printf("param_detect [current] [min_rpm] [low_duty]"); commands_printf(" Spin up the motor in COMM_MODE_DELAY and compute its parameters."); commands_printf(" This test should be performed without load on the motor."); commands_printf(" Example: param_detect 5.0 600 0.06"); commands_printf("rpm_dep"); commands_printf(" Prints some rpm-dep values"); commands_printf("can_devs"); commands_printf(" Prints all CAN devices seen on the bus the past second"); commands_printf("foc_encoder_detect [current]"); commands_printf(" Run the motor at 1Hz on open loop and compute encoder settings"); commands_printf("measure_res [current]"); commands_printf(" Lock the motor with a current and calculate its resistance"); commands_printf("measure_ind [duty]"); commands_printf(" Send short voltage pulses, measure the current and calculate the motor inductance"); commands_printf("measure_linkage [current] [duty] [min_erpm] [motor_res]"); commands_printf(" Run the motor in BLDC delay mode and measure the flux linkage"); commands_printf(" example measure_linkage 5 0.5 700 0.076"); commands_printf(" tip: measure the resistance with measure_res first"); commands_printf("measure_res_ind"); commands_printf(" Measure the motor resistance and inductance with an incremental adaptive algorithm."); commands_printf("measure_linkage_foc [duty]"); commands_printf(" Run the motor with FOC and measure the flux linkage."); commands_printf("measure_linkage_openloop [current] [duty] [erpm_per_sec] [motor_res] [motor_ind]"); commands_printf(" Run the motor in openloop FOC and measure the flux linkage"); commands_printf(" example measure_linkage_openloop 5 0.5 1000 0.076 0.000015"); commands_printf(" tip: measure the resistance with measure_res first"); commands_printf("foc_state"); commands_printf(" Print some FOC state variables."); commands_printf("foc_dc_cal"); commands_printf(" Calibrate current and voltage DC offsets."); commands_printf("hw_status"); commands_printf(" Print some hardware status information."); commands_printf("foc_openloop [current] [erpm]"); commands_printf(" Create an open loop rotating current vector."); commands_printf("foc_openloop_duty [duty] [erpm]"); commands_printf(" Create an open loop rotating voltage vector."); commands_printf("nrf_ext_set_enabled [enabled]"); commands_printf(" Enable or disable external NRF51822."); commands_printf("foc_sensors_detect_apply [current]"); commands_printf(" Automatically detect FOC sensors, and apply settings on success."); commands_printf("rotor_lock_openloop [current_A] [time_S] [angle_DEG]"); commands_printf(" Lock the motor with a current for a given time. Time 0 means forever, or"); commands_printf(" or until the heartbeat packets stop."); commands_printf("foc_detect_apply_all [max_power_loss_W]"); commands_printf(" Detect and apply all motor settings, based on maximum resistive motor power losses."); commands_printf("can_scan"); commands_printf(" Scan CAN-bus using ping commands, and print all devices that are found."); commands_printf("foc_detect_apply_all_can [max_power_loss_W]"); commands_printf(" Detect and apply all motor settings, based on maximum resistive motor power losses. Also"); commands_printf(" initiates detection in all VESCs found on the CAN-bus."); commands_printf("uptime"); commands_printf(" Prints how many seconds have passed since boot."); commands_printf("hall_analyze [current]"); commands_printf(" Rotate motor in open loop and analyze hall sensors."); commands_printf("crc"); commands_printf(" Print CRC values."); commands_printf("drv_reset_faults"); commands_printf(" Reset gate driver faults (if possible)."); commands_printf("update_pid_pos_offset [angle_now] [store]"); commands_printf(" Update position PID offset."); commands_printf("fwinfo"); commands_printf(" Print detailed firmware info."); for (int i = 0;i < callback_write;i++) { if (callbacks[i].cbf == 0) { continue; } if (callbacks[i].arg_names) { commands_printf("%s %s", callbacks[i].command, callbacks[i].arg_names); } else { commands_printf(callbacks[i].command); } if (callbacks[i].help) { commands_printf(" %s", callbacks[i].help); } else { commands_printf(" There is no help available for this command."); } } commands_printf(" "); } else { commands_printf("Invalid command: %s\n" "type help to list all available commands\n", argv[0]); } } void terminal_add_fault_data(fault_data *data) { fault_vec[fault_vec_write++] = *data; if (fault_vec_write >= FAULT_VEC_LEN) { fault_vec_write = 0; } } mc_fault_code terminal_get_first_fault(void) { if (fault_vec_write == 0) { return FAULT_CODE_NONE; } else { return fault_vec[0].fault; } } /** * Register a custom command callback to the terminal. If the command * is already registered the old command callback will be replaced. * * @param command * The command name. * * @param help * A help text for the command. Can be NULL. * * @param arg_names * The argument names for the command, e.g. [arg_a] [arg_b] * Can be NULL. * * @param cbf * The callback function for the command. */ void terminal_register_command_callback( const char* command, const char *help, const char *arg_names, void(*cbf)(int argc, const char **argv)) { int callback_num = callback_write; for (int i = 0;i < callback_write;i++) { // First check the address in case the same callback is registered more than once. if (callbacks[i].command == command) { callback_num = i; break; } // Check by string comparison. if (strcmp(callbacks[i].command, command) == 0) { callback_num = i; break; } // Check if the callback is empty (unregistered) if (callbacks[i].cbf == 0) { callback_num = i; break; } } callbacks[callback_num].command = command; callbacks[callback_num].help = help; callbacks[callback_num].arg_names = arg_names; callbacks[callback_num].cbf = cbf; if (callback_num == callback_write) { callback_write++; if (callback_write >= CALLBACK_LEN) { callback_write = 0; } } } void terminal_unregister_callback(void(*cbf)(int argc, const char **argv)) { for (int i = 0;i < callback_write;i++) { if (callbacks[i].cbf == cbf) { callbacks[i].cbf = 0; } } }