/* Copyright 2016 Benjamin Vedder benjamin@vedder.se This file is part of the VESC firmware. The VESC firmware is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The VESC firmware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef MCCONF_STEN_H_ #define MCCONF_STEN_H_ /* * HW: 4.10 */ /* * Parameters */ #define MCCONF_DEFAULT_MOTOR_TYPE MOTOR_TYPE_BLDC #define MCCONF_L_CURRENT_MAX 35.0 // Current limit in Amperes (Upper) #define MCCONF_L_CURRENT_MIN -30.0 // Current limit in Amperes (Lower) #define MCCONF_L_MAX_ABS_CURRENT 130.0 // The maximum absolute current above which a fault is generated #define MCCONF_L_SLOW_ABS_OVERCURRENT 1 // Use the filtered (and hence slower) current for the overcurrent fault detection #define MCCONF_L_IN_CURRENT_MAX 25.0 // Input current limit in Amperes (Upper) #define MCCONF_L_IN_CURRENT_MIN -20.0 // Input current limit in Amperes (Lower) #define MCCONF_L_RPM_MAX 80000.0 // The motor speed limit (Upper) #define MCCONF_L_RPM_MIN -80000.0 // The motor speed limit (Lower) #define MCCONF_L_MIN_VOLTAGE 10.0 // Minimum input voltage #define MCCONF_L_MAX_VOLTAGE 57.0 // Maximum input voltage #define MCCONF_CC_STARTUP_BOOST_DUTY 0.03 // The lowest duty cycle to use in current control mode (has to be > MCPWM_MIN_DUTY_CYCLE) #define MCCONF_L_RPM_LIMIT_NEG_TORQUE 0 // Use negative torque to limit the RPM #define MCCONF_L_CURR_MAX_RPM_FBRAKE 1500 // Maximum electrical RPM to use full brake at #define MCCONF_L_BATTERY_CUT_START 41.0 // Start limiting the positive current at this voltage #define MCCONF_L_BATTERY_CUT_END 39.0 // Limit the positive current completely at this voltage // Sensorless settings #define MCCONF_SENSOR_MODE SENSOR_MODE_SENSORLESS // Sensor mode #define MCCONF_SL_MIN_RPM 250 // Auto-commutate below this RPM #define MCCONF_SL_MIN_ERPM_CYCLE_INT_LIMIT 1100.0 // Minimum RPM to calculate the BEMF coupling from #define MCCONF_SL_CYCLE_INT_LIMIT 80.0 // Flux integrator limit 0 ERPM #define MCCONF_SL_PHASE_ADVANCE_AT_BR 0.8 // Flux integrator limit percentage at MCPWM_CYCLE_INT_START_RPM_BR ERPM #define MCCONF_SL_BEMF_COUPLING_K 750.0 // Input voltage to bemf coupling constant // FOC settings #define MCCONF_FOC_CURRENT_KP 0.03 #define MCCONF_FOC_CURRENT_KI 50.0 #define MCCONF_FOC_F_SW 20000.0 #define MCCONF_FOC_MOTOR_L 0.000007 #define MCCONF_FOC_MOTOR_R 0.015 #define MCCONF_FOC_MOTOR_FLUX_LINKAGE 0.00245 #define MCCONF_FOC_OBSERVER_GAIN 9e7 #define MCCONF_FOC_OPENLOOP_RPM 600.0 #define MCCONF_FOC_SL_OPENLOOP_HYST 0.5 #define MCCONF_FOC_SL_OPENLOOP_TIME 0.5 // Speed PID parameters #define MCCONF_S_PID_KP 0.0001 // Proportional gain #define MCCONF_S_PID_KI 0.002 // Integral gain #define MCCONF_S_PID_KD 0.0 // Derivative gain #define MCCONF_S_PID_MIN_RPM 1200.0 // Minimum allowed RPM #endif /* MCCONF_STEN_H_ */