
281 lines
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* @file FusionAhrs.c
* @author Seb Madgwick
* @brief The AHRS sensor fusion algorithm to combines gyroscope, accelerometer,
* and magnetometer measurements into a single measurement of orientation
* relative to the Earth (NWU convention).
* The algorithm behaviour is governed by a gain. A low gain will decrease the
* influence of the accelerometer and magnetometer so that the algorithm will
* better reject disturbances causes by translational motion and temporary
* magnetic distortions. However, a low gain will also increase the risk of
* drift due to gyroscope calibration errors. A typical gain value suitable for
* most applications is 0.5.
* The algorithm allows the application to define a minimum and maximum valid
* magnetic field magnitude. The algorithm will ignore magnetic measurements
* that fall outside of this range. This allows the algorithm to reject
* magnetic measurements that do not represent the direction of magnetic North.
* The typical magnitude of the Earth's magnetic field is between 20 uT and
* 70 uT.
* The algorithm can be used without a magnetometer. Measurements of
* orientation obtained using only gyroscope and accelerometer measurements
* can be expected to drift in the yaw component of orientation only. The
* application can reset the drift in yaw by setting the yaw to a specified
* angle at any time.
* The algorithm provides the measurement of orientation as a quaternion. The
* library includes functions for converting this quaternion to a rotation
* matrix and Euler angles.
* The algorithm also provides a measurement of linear acceleration and Earth
* acceleration. Linear acceleration is equal to the accelerometer measurement
* with the 1 g of gravity removed. Earth acceleration is a measurement of
* linear acceleration in the Earth coordinate frame.
// Includes
#include "FusionAhrs.h"
#include <float.h> // FLT_MAX
#include <math.h> // atan2f, cosf, sinf
#include "utils_math.h"
// Definitions
* @brief Initialisation period (in seconds).
// Functions
static float calculateAccConfidence(float acc_confidence_decay, float accMag, float *accMagP);
static float calculateAccConfidence(float acc_confidence_decay, float accMag, float *accMagP) {
// G.K. Egan (C) computes confidence in accelerometers when
// aircraft is being accelerated over and above that due to gravity
float confidence;
accMag = *accMagP * 0.9f + accMag * 0.1f;
*accMagP = accMag;
confidence = 1.0 - (acc_confidence_decay * sqrtf(fabsf(accMag - 1.0f)));
utils_truncate_number(&confidence, 0.0, 1.0);
return confidence;
* @brief Initialises the AHRS algorithm structure.
* @param fusionAhrs AHRS algorithm structure.
* @param gain AHRS algorithm gain.
void FusionAhrsInitialise(FusionAhrs * const fusionAhrs, const float gain, const float acc_conf_decay) {
fusionAhrs->gain = gain;
fusionAhrs->acc_conf_decay = acc_conf_decay;
fusionAhrs->minimumMagneticFieldSquared = 0.0f;
fusionAhrs->maximumMagneticFieldSquared = FLT_MAX;
fusionAhrs->quaternion = FUSION_QUATERNION_IDENTITY;
fusionAhrs->linearAcceleration = FUSION_VECTOR3_ZERO;
* @brief Sets the AHRS algorithm gain. The gain must be equal or greater than
* zero.
* @param gain AHRS algorithm gain.
void FusionAhrsSetGain(FusionAhrs * const fusionAhrs, const float gain) {
fusionAhrs->gain = gain;
void FusionAhrsSetAccConfDecay(FusionAhrs * const fusionAhrs, const float acc_conf_decay) {
fusionAhrs->acc_conf_decay = acc_conf_decay;
* @brief Sets the minimum and maximum valid magnetic field magnitudes in uT.
* @param fusionAhrs AHRS algorithm structure.
* @param minimumMagneticField Minimum valid magnetic field magnitude.
* @param maximumMagneticField Maximum valid magnetic field magnitude.
void FusionAhrsSetMagneticField(FusionAhrs * const fusionAhrs, const float minimumMagneticField, const float maximumMagneticField) {
fusionAhrs->minimumMagneticFieldSquared = minimumMagneticField * minimumMagneticField;
fusionAhrs->maximumMagneticFieldSquared = maximumMagneticField * maximumMagneticField;
* @brief Updates the AHRS algorithm. This function should be called for each
* new gyroscope measurement.
* @param fusionAhrs AHRS algorithm structure.
* @param gyroscope Gyroscope measurement in degrees per second.
* @param accelerometer Accelerometer measurement in g.
* @param magnetometer Magnetometer measurement in uT.
* @param samplePeriod Sample period in seconds. This is the difference in time
* between the current and previous gyroscope measurements.
void FusionAhrsUpdate(FusionAhrs * const fusionAhrs, const FusionVector3 gyroscope, const FusionVector3 accelerometer, const FusionVector3 magnetometer, const float samplePeriod) {
#define Q fusionAhrs->quaternion.element // define shorthand label for more readable code
// Calculate feedback error
FusionVector3 halfFeedbackError = FUSION_VECTOR3_ZERO; // scaled by 0.5 to avoid repeated multiplications by 2
do {
// Abandon feedback calculation if accelerometer measurement invalid
if ((accelerometer.axis.x == 0.0f) && (accelerometer.axis.y == 0.0f) && (accelerometer.axis.z == 0.0f)) {
// Calculate direction of gravity assumed by quaternion
const FusionVector3 halfGravity = {
.axis.x = Q.x * Q.z - Q.w * Q.y,
.axis.y = Q.w * Q.x + Q.y * Q.z,
.axis.z = Q.w * Q.w - 0.5f + Q.z * Q.z,
}; // equal to 3rd column of rotation matrix representation scaled by 0.5
// Calculate accelerometer feedback error
halfFeedbackError = FusionVectorCrossProduct(FusionVectorFastNormalise(accelerometer), halfGravity);
// Abandon magnetometer feedback calculation if magnetometer measurement invalid
const float magnetometerMagnitudeSquared = FusionVectorMagnitudeSquared(magnetometer);
if ((magnetometerMagnitudeSquared < fusionAhrs->minimumMagneticFieldSquared) || (magnetometerMagnitudeSquared > fusionAhrs->maximumMagneticFieldSquared)) {
// Compute direction of 'magnetic west' assumed by quaternion
const FusionVector3 halfWest = {
.axis.x = Q.x * Q.y + Q.w * Q.z,
.axis.y = Q.w * Q.w - 0.5f + Q.y * Q.y,
.axis.z = Q.y * Q.z - Q.w * Q.x
}; // equal to 2nd column of rotation matrix representation scaled by 0.5
// Calculate magnetometer feedback error
halfFeedbackError = FusionVectorAdd(halfFeedbackError, FusionVectorCrossProduct(FusionVectorFastNormalise(FusionVectorCrossProduct(accelerometer, magnetometer)), halfWest));
} while (false);
float feedbackGain = fusionAhrs->gain;
float accMag = sqrtf(SQ(accelerometer.axis.x) + SQ(accelerometer.axis.y) + SQ(accelerometer.axis.z));
float accelConfidence = calculateAccConfidence(fusionAhrs->acc_conf_decay, accMag, &fusionAhrs->accMagP);
feedbackGain *= accelConfidence;
// Convert gyroscope to radians per second scaled by 0.5
FusionVector3 halfGyroscope = FusionVectorMultiplyScalar(gyroscope, 0.5f * FusionDegreesToRadians(1.0f));
// Apply feedback to gyroscope
halfGyroscope = FusionVectorAdd(halfGyroscope, FusionVectorMultiplyScalar(halfFeedbackError, feedbackGain));
// Integrate rate of change of quaternion
fusionAhrs->quaternion = FusionQuaternionAdd(fusionAhrs->quaternion, FusionQuaternionMultiplyVector(fusionAhrs->quaternion, FusionVectorMultiplyScalar(halfGyroscope, samplePeriod)));
// Normalise quaternion
fusionAhrs->quaternion = FusionQuaternionFastNormalise(fusionAhrs->quaternion);
// Calculate linear acceleration
const FusionVector3 gravity = {
.axis.x = 2.0f * (Q.x * Q.z - Q.w * Q.y),
.axis.y = 2.0f * (Q.w * Q.x + Q.y * Q.z),
.axis.z = 2.0f * (Q.w * Q.w - 0.5f + Q.z * Q.z),
}; // equal to 3rd column of rotation matrix representation
fusionAhrs->linearAcceleration = FusionVectorSubtract(accelerometer, gravity);
#undef Q // undefine shorthand label
* @brief Updates the AHRS algorithm. This function should be called for each
* new gyroscope measurement.
* @param fusionAhrs AHRS algorithm structure.
* @param gyroscope Gyroscope measurement in degrees per second.
* @param accelerometer Accelerometer measurement in g.
* @param samplePeriod Sample period in seconds. This is the difference in time
* between the current and previous gyroscope measurements.
void FusionAhrsUpdateWithoutMagnetometer(FusionAhrs * const fusionAhrs, const FusionVector3 gyroscope, const FusionVector3 accelerometer, const float samplePeriod) {
FusionAhrsUpdate(fusionAhrs, gyroscope, accelerometer, FUSION_VECTOR3_ZERO, samplePeriod);
* @brief Gets the quaternion describing the sensor relative to the Earth.
* @param fusionAhrs AHRS algorithm structure.
* @return Quaternion describing the sensor relative to the Earth.
FusionQuaternion FusionAhrsGetQuaternion(const FusionAhrs * const fusionAhrs) {
return FusionQuaternionConjugate(fusionAhrs->quaternion);
* @brief Gets the linear acceleration measurement equal to the accelerometer
* measurement with the 1 g of gravity removed.
* @param fusionAhrs AHRS algorithm structure.
* @return Linear acceleration measurement.
FusionVector3 FusionAhrsGetLinearAcceleration(const FusionAhrs * const fusionAhrs) {
return fusionAhrs->linearAcceleration;
* @brief Gets the Earth acceleration measurement equal to linear acceleration
* in the Earth coordinate frame.
* @param fusionAhrs AHRS algorithm structure.
* @return Earth acceleration measurement.
FusionVector3 FusionAhrsGetEarthAcceleration(const FusionAhrs * const fusionAhrs) {
#define Q fusionAhrs->quaternion.element // define shorthand labels for more readable code
#define A fusionAhrs->linearAcceleration.axis
const float qwqw = Q.w * Q.w; // calculate common terms to avoid repeated operations
const float qwqx = Q.w * Q.x;
const float qwqy = Q.w * Q.y;
const float qwqz = Q.w * Q.z;
const float qxqy = Q.x * Q.y;
const float qxqz = Q.x * Q.z;
const float qyqz = Q.y * Q.z;
const FusionVector3 earthAcceleration = {
.axis.x = 2.0f * ((qwqw - 0.5f + Q.x * Q.x) * A.x + (qxqy - qwqz) * A.y + (qxqz + qwqy) * A.z),
.axis.y = 2.0f * ((qxqy + qwqz) * A.x + (qwqw - 0.5f + Q.y * Q.y) * A.y + (qyqz - qwqx) * A.z),
.axis.z = 2.0f * ((qxqz - qwqy) * A.x + (qyqz + qwqx) * A.y + (qwqw - 0.5f + Q.z * Q.z) * A.z),
}; // transpose of a rotation matrix representation of the quaternion multiplied with the linear acceleration
return earthAcceleration;
#undef Q // undefine shorthand label
#undef A
* @brief Reinitialise the AHRS algorithm.
* @param fusionAhrs AHRS algorithm structure.
void FusionAhrsReinitialise(FusionAhrs * const fusionAhrs) {
fusionAhrs->quaternion = FUSION_QUATERNION_IDENTITY;
fusionAhrs->linearAcceleration = FUSION_VECTOR3_ZERO;
* @brief Sets the yaw component of the orientation measurement provided by the
* AHRS algorithm. This function can be used to reset drift in yaw when the
* AHRS algorithm is being used without a magnetometer.
* @param fusionAhrs AHRS algorithm structure.
* @param yaw Yaw angle in degrees.
void FusionAhrsSetYaw(FusionAhrs * const fusionAhrs, const float yaw) {
#define Q fusionAhrs->quaternion.element // define shorthand label for more readable code
fusionAhrs->quaternion = FusionQuaternionNormalise(fusionAhrs->quaternion); // quaternion must be normalised accurately (approximation not sufficient)
const float inverseYaw = atan2f(Q.x * Q.y + Q.w * Q.z, Q.w * Q.w - 0.5f + Q.x * Q.x); // Euler angle of conjugate
const float halfInverseYawMinusOffset = 0.5f * (inverseYaw - FusionDegreesToRadians(yaw));
const FusionQuaternion inverseYawQuaternion = {
.element.w = cosf(halfInverseYawMinusOffset),
.element.x = 0.0f,
.element.y = 0.0f,
.element.z = -1.0f * sinf(halfInverseYawMinusOffset),
fusionAhrs->quaternion = FusionQuaternionMultiply(inverseYawQuaternion, fusionAhrs->quaternion);
#undef Q // undefine shorthand label
// End of file