
302 lines
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Copyright 2022 Joel Svensson
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_image.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_timer.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <lispbm.h>
#include <lbm_custom_type.h>
typedef struct {
uint32_t sdl_id;
char *name;
lbm_uint sym_id;
} sdl_symbol_t;
sdl_symbol_t lbm_sdl_events[] = {
{0 , "sdl-no-event", 0},
{SDL_QUIT, "sdl-quit-event", 0},
{SDL_KEYDOWN, "sdl-key-down-event", 0},
{SDL_KEYUP, "sdl-key-up-event", 0}
static int register_sdl_event_symbols(void) {
for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(lbm_sdl_events) / sizeof(sdl_symbol_t)); i ++) {
if (!lbm_add_symbol(lbm_sdl_events[i].name, &lbm_sdl_events[i].sym_id))
return 0;
return 1;
static lbm_uint lookup_sdl_event_symbol(uint32_t sdl_event) {
for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(lbm_sdl_events) / sizeof(sdl_symbol_t)); i ++) {
if (sdl_event == lbm_sdl_events[i].sdl_id) {
return lbm_sdl_events[i].sym_id;
return lbm_sdl_events[0].sym_id;
static lbm_value ext_sdl_init(lbm_value *args, lbm_uint argn) {
// TODO init differently depending on args
lbm_value res = lbm_enc_sym(SYM_NIL);
if ((SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) == 0) &&
res = lbm_enc_sym(SYM_TRUE);
return res;
static bool sdl_window_destructor(lbm_uint value) {
return true;
static lbm_value ext_sdl_create_window(lbm_value *args, lbm_uint argn) {
lbm_value res = lbm_enc_sym(SYM_NIL);
if (argn == 3) {
char *title = lbm_dec_str(args[0]);
if (title) {
int32_t w = lbm_dec_as_i32(args[1]);
int32_t h = lbm_dec_as_i32(args[2]);
SDL_Window* win = SDL_CreateWindow(title,
w, h, 0);
if (win && !lbm_custom_type_create((lbm_uint)win, sdl_window_destructor, "SDLWindow", &res)) {
return res;
static bool sdl_renderer_destructor(lbm_uint value) {
return true;
static lbm_value ext_sdl_create_soft_renderer(lbm_value *args, lbm_uint argn) {
lbm_value res = lbm_enc_sym(SYM_NIL);
if (argn == 1 && lbm_type_of(args[0]) == LBM_TYPE_CUSTOM) {
lbm_uint *m = (lbm_uint *)lbm_dec_custom(args[0]);
SDL_Renderer* rend = SDL_CreateRenderer((SDL_Window *)m[CUSTOM_TYPE_VALUE],
if (rend && !lbm_custom_type_create((lbm_uint)rend, sdl_renderer_destructor, "SDLRenderer", &res)) {
return res;
static lbm_value ext_sdl_renderer_set_color(lbm_value *args, lbm_uint argn) {
lbm_value res = lbm_enc_sym(SYM_TRUE);
if (argn == 4 && lbm_type_of(args[0]) == LBM_TYPE_CUSTOM) {
lbm_uint *m = (lbm_uint *)lbm_dec_custom(args[0]);
SDL_Renderer *rend = (SDL_Renderer *)m[CUSTOM_TYPE_VALUE];
uint8_t r = lbm_dec_as_char(args[1]);
uint8_t g = lbm_dec_as_char(args[2]);
uint8_t b = lbm_dec_as_char(args[3]);
/* SDL functions are 0 on success */
if (SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, r, g, b, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE)) {
res = lbm_enc_sym(SYM_NIL);
return res;
static lbm_value ext_sdl_draw_line(lbm_value *args, lbm_uint argn) {
lbm_value res = lbm_enc_sym(SYM_TRUE);
if (argn == 5 && lbm_type_of(args[0]) == LBM_TYPE_CUSTOM) {
lbm_uint *m = (lbm_uint *)lbm_dec_custom(args[0]);
SDL_Renderer *rend = (SDL_Renderer*)m[CUSTOM_TYPE_VALUE];
int32_t x1 = lbm_dec_as_i32(args[1]);
int32_t y1 = lbm_dec_as_i32(args[2]);
int32_t x2 = lbm_dec_as_i32(args[3]);
int32_t y2 = lbm_dec_as_i32(args[4]);
if (SDL_RenderDrawLine(rend, x1, y1, x2, y2)) {
res = lbm_enc_sym(SYM_NIL);
return res;
static lbm_value ext_sdl_draw_point(lbm_value *args, lbm_uint argn) {
lbm_value res = ENC_SYM_EERROR;
if (argn == 3 && lbm_type_of(args[0]) == LBM_TYPE_CUSTOM) {
lbm_uint *m = (lbm_uint *)lbm_dec_custom(args[0]);
SDL_Renderer *rend = (SDL_Renderer*)m[CUSTOM_TYPE_VALUE];
int32_t x1 = lbm_dec_as_i32(args[1]);
int32_t y1 = lbm_dec_as_i32(args[2]);
if (SDL_RenderDrawPoint(rend, x1, y1)) {
res = ENC_SYM_NIL;
return res;
static lbm_value ext_sdl_clear(lbm_value *args, lbm_uint argn) {
lbm_value res = lbm_enc_sym(SYM_TRUE);
if (argn == 1 && lbm_type_of(args[0]) == LBM_TYPE_CUSTOM) {
lbm_uint *m = (lbm_uint *)lbm_dec_custom(args[0]);
SDL_Renderer *rend = (SDL_Renderer*)m[CUSTOM_TYPE_VALUE];
if (SDL_RenderClear(rend)) {
res = lbm_enc_sym(SYM_NIL);
return res;
static lbm_value ext_sdl_present(lbm_value *args, lbm_uint argn) {
lbm_value res = lbm_enc_sym(SYM_TRUE);
if (argn == 1 && lbm_type_of(args[0]) == LBM_TYPE_CUSTOM) {
lbm_uint *m = (lbm_uint *)lbm_dec_custom(args[0]);
SDL_Renderer *rend = (SDL_Renderer*)m[CUSTOM_TYPE_VALUE];
return res;
static lbm_value ext_sdl_poll_event(lbm_value *args, lbm_uint argn) {
SDL_Event event;
if (SDL_PollEvent(&event) == 0)
return lbm_enc_sym(lookup_sdl_event_symbol(0));
return lbm_enc_sym(lookup_sdl_event_symbol(event.type));
// Images and Textures
static bool sdl_texture_destructor(lbm_uint value) {
return true;
static lbm_value ext_sdl_load_texture(lbm_value *args, lbm_uint argn) {
lbm_value res = lbm_enc_sym(SYM_NIL);
if (argn == 2 &&
(lbm_type_of(args[0]) == LBM_TYPE_CUSTOM) &&
(lbm_type_of(args[1]) == LBM_TYPE_ARRAY)) {
lbm_uint *m = (lbm_uint *)lbm_dec_custom(args[0]);
SDL_Renderer *rend = (SDL_Renderer*)m[CUSTOM_TYPE_VALUE];
char *filename = lbm_dec_str(args[1]);
if (rend &&
filename) {
SDL_Texture *texture = IMG_LoadTexture(rend, filename);
if (texture &&
!lbm_custom_type_create((lbm_uint)texture, sdl_texture_destructor, "SDLTexture", &res))
return res;
static lbm_value ext_sdl_blit(lbm_value *args, lbm_uint argn) {
lbm_value res = lbm_enc_sym(SYM_NIL);
if (argn == 6 &&
(lbm_type_of(args[0]) == LBM_TYPE_CUSTOM) &&
(lbm_type_of(args[1]) == LBM_TYPE_CUSTOM) &&
lbm_is_number(args[2]) && lbm_is_number(args[3]) &&
lbm_is_number(args[4]) && lbm_is_number(args[5])) {
int32_t x = lbm_dec_as_i32(args[2]);
int32_t y = lbm_dec_as_i32(args[3]);
int32_t w = lbm_dec_as_i32(args[4]);
int32_t h = lbm_dec_as_i32(args[5]);
lbm_uint *m = (lbm_uint *)lbm_dec_custom(args[0]);
SDL_Renderer *rend = (SDL_Renderer*)m[CUSTOM_TYPE_VALUE];
lbm_uint *t = (lbm_uint *)lbm_dec_custom(args[1]);
SDL_Texture *texture = (SDL_Texture*)t[CUSTOM_TYPE_VALUE];
if (rend && texture) {
SDL_Rect dest = { x, y, w, h };
SDL_RenderCopy(rend, texture, NULL, &dest);
res = lbm_enc_sym(SYM_TRUE);
return res;
// Active LBM SDL extensions
bool lbm_sdl_init(void) {
bool res = true;
res = res && lbm_add_extension("sdl-init", ext_sdl_init);
res = res && lbm_add_extension("sdl-create-window",ext_sdl_create_window);
res = res && lbm_add_extension("sdl-create-soft-renderer", ext_sdl_create_soft_renderer);
res = res && lbm_add_extension("sdl-renderer-set-color", ext_sdl_renderer_set_color);
res = res && lbm_add_extension("sdl-draw-point", ext_sdl_draw_point);
res = res && lbm_add_extension("sdl-draw-line", ext_sdl_draw_line);
res = res && lbm_add_extension("sdl-clear", ext_sdl_clear);
res = res && lbm_add_extension("sdl-present", ext_sdl_present);
res = res && lbm_add_extension("sdl-poll-event", ext_sdl_poll_event);
res = res && lbm_add_extension("sdl-load-texture", ext_sdl_load_texture);
res = res && lbm_add_extension("sdl-blit", ext_sdl_blit);
return res;