
918 lines
29 KiB

Copyright 2018 , 2022 Joel Svensson
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
/** \file heap.h */
#ifndef HEAP_H_
#define HEAP_H_
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "lbm_types.h"
#include "symrepr.h"
#include "stack.h"
#include "lbm_memory.h"
#include "lbm_defines.h"
#include "lbm_channel.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
Planning for a more space efficient heap representation.
TODO: Need to find a good reference to read up on this.
- List based heap
- Easy to implement and somewhat efficient
0000 0000 Size Free bits
003F FFFF 4MB 10
007F FFFF 8MB 9
00FF FFFF 16MB 8
01FF FFFF 32MB 7
03FF FFFF 64MB 6 * Kind of heap size I am looking for
07FF FFFF 128MB 5
--- May 9 2021 ---
Actually now I am much more interested in way smaller memories ;)
0000 0000 Size Free bits
0000 0FFF 4KB 20 |
0000 1FFF 8KB 19 |
0000 3FFF 16KB 18 |
0000 7FFF 32KB 17 |
0000 FFFF 64KB 16 |
0001 FFFF 128KB 15 |
0003 FFFF 256KB 14 | - This range is very interesting.
0007 FFFF 512KB 13
000F FFFF 1MB 12
001F FFFF 2MB 11
003F FFFF 4MB 10
007F FFFF 8MB 9
00FF FFFF 16MB 8
01FF FFFF 32MB 7
03FF FFFF 64MB 6
07FF FFFF 128MB 5
Those are the kind of platforms that are fun... so a bunch of
wasted bits in heap pointers if we run on small MCUs.
it is also the case that not all addresses will be used if all "cells" are
of the same size, 8 bytes...
value 0: 0000 0000
value 1: 0000 0008
value 3: 0000 0010
value 4: 0000 0018
Means bits 0,1,2 will always be empty in a valid address.
Cons cells also need to be have room for 2 pointers. So each ted cell from
memory should be 8bytes.
Things that needs to be represented within these bits:
- GC MARK one per cell
- TYPE: type of CAR and type of cons
Types I would want:
- Full 32bit integer. Does not leave room for identification of type
- Float values. Same problem
Free bits in pointers 64MB heap:
31 30 29 28 27 26 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 XX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX X 0 0 0
Information needed for each cell:
Meaning | bits total | bits per car | bits per cdr
GC mark | 2 | 1 | 1 - only one of them will be used (the other is wasted)
Type | 2x | x | x
Ptr/!ptr | 2 | 1 | 1
Types (unboxed):
- Symbols
- 28bit integer ( will need signed shift right functionality )
- 28bit unsigned integer
- Character
If four types is all that should be possible (unboxed). then 2 bits are needed to differentiate.
2 + 1 + 1 = 4 => 28bits for data.
bit 0: ptr/!ptr
bit 1: gc
bit 2-3: type (if not ptr)
bit 3 - 24 ptr (if ptr)
bit 4 - 31 value (if value)
An unboxed value can occupy a car or cdr field in a cons cell.
types (boxed) extra information in pointer to cell can contain information
- 32 bit integer
- 32 bit unsigned integer
- 32 bit float
boxed representation:
[ptr| cdr]
[Value | Aux + GC_MARK]
Kinds of pointers:
- Pointer to cons cell.
- Pointer to unboxed value (fixnums not in a list, I hope this is so rare that it can be removed )
- integer
- unsigned integer
- symbol
- float
- Pointer to boxed value.
- 32 bit integer
- 32 bit unsigned integer
- 32 bit float
- (Maybe something else ? Vectors/strings allocated in memory not occupied by heap?)
- vector of int
- vector of uint
- vector of float
- vector of double
- String
13 pointer"types" -> needs 4 bits
for 64MB heap there are 6 free bits. So with this scheme going to 128MB or 256MB heap
is also possible
a pointer to some off heap vector/string could be represented by
[ptr | cdr]
[full pointer | Aux + GC_MARK]
Aux bits could be used for storing vector size. Up to 30bits should be available there
>> This is problematic. Now the information that something is a vector is split up
>> between 2 cons cells. This means GC needs both of these intact to be able to make
>> proper decision.
>> Will try to resolve this by adding some special symbols. But these must be symbols
>> that cannot occur normally in programs. Then an array could be:
[Full pointer | ARRAY_SYM + GC_MARK]
>> Boxed values same treatment as above.
>> TODO: Could this be simpler?
1111 AA00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 : 0xFC00 0000 (AA bits left unused for now, future heap growth?)
#ifndef LBM64
#define LBM_VAL_SHIFT 4
#define LBM_PTR_MASK 0x00000001u
#define LBM_PTR_BIT 0x00000001u
#define LBM_PTR_TYPE_MASK 0xFC000000u
// The address is an index into the const heap.
#define LBM_PTR_TO_CONSTANT_BIT 0x04000000u
#else /* 64 bit Version */
#define LBM_VAL_SHIFT 8
#define LBM_PTR_MASK (lbm_uint)0x1
#define LBM_PTR_BIT (lbm_uint)0x1
#define LBM_PTR_TYPE_MASK (lbm_uint)0xF800000000000000
#define LBM_PTR_TO_CONSTANT_BIT (lbm_uint)0x0400000000000000
typedef enum {
} lbm_flash_status;
/** Struct representing a heap cons-cell.
typedef struct {
lbm_value car;
lbm_value cdr;
} lbm_cons_t;
* Heap state
typedef struct {
lbm_cons_t *heap;
lbm_value freelist; // list of free cons cells.
lbm_stack_t gc_stack;
lbm_uint heap_size; // In number of cells.
lbm_uint heap_bytes; // In bytes.
lbm_uint num_alloc; // Number of cells allocated.
lbm_uint num_alloc_arrays; // Number of arrays allocated.
lbm_uint gc_num; // Number of times gc has been performed.
lbm_uint gc_marked; // Number of cells marked by mark phase.
lbm_uint gc_recovered; // Number of cells recovered by sweep phase.
lbm_uint gc_recovered_arrays;// Number of arrays recovered by sweep.
lbm_uint gc_least_free; // The smallest length of the freelist.
lbm_uint gc_last_free; // Number of elements on the freelist
// after most recent GC.
} lbm_heap_state_t;
extern lbm_heap_state_t lbm_heap_state;
typedef bool (*const_heap_write_fun)(lbm_uint ix, lbm_uint w);
typedef struct {
lbm_uint *heap;
lbm_uint next; // next free index.
lbm_uint size; // in lbm_uint words. (cons-cells = words / 2)
} lbm_const_heap_t;
* The header portion of an array stored in array and symbol memory.
* An array is always a byte array. use the array-extensions for
* storing and reading larger values from arrays.
typedef struct {
lbm_uint size; /// Number of elements
lbm_uint *data; /// pointer to lbm_memory array or C array.
} lbm_array_header_t;
/** Initialize heap storage.
* \param addr Pointer to an array of lbm_cons_t elements. This array must at least be aligned 4.
* \param num_cells Number of lbm_cons_t elements in the array.
* \param gc_stack_storage uint32_t pointer to space to use as "recursion" stack for GC
* \param gc_stack_size Size of the gc_stack in number of words.
* \return 1 on success or 0 for failure.
int lbm_heap_init(lbm_cons_t *addr, lbm_uint num_cells,
lbm_uint *gc_stack_storage, lbm_uint gc_stack_size);
/** Add GC time statistics to heap_stats
* \param dur Duration as reported by the timestamp callback.
void lbm_heap_new_gc_time(lbm_uint dur);
/** Add a new free_list length to the heap_stats.
* Calculates a new freelist length and updates
* the GC statistics.
void lbm_heap_new_freelist_length(void);
/** Check how many lbm_cons_t cells are on the free-list
* \return Number of free lbm_cons_t cells.
lbm_uint lbm_heap_num_free(void);
/** Check how many lbm_cons_t cells are allocated.
* \return Number of lbm_cons_t cells that are currently allocated.
lbm_uint lbm_heap_num_allocated(void);
/** Size of the heap in number of lbm_cons_t cells.
* \return Size of the heap in number of lbm_cons_t cells.
lbm_uint lbm_heap_size(void);
/** Size of the heap in bytes.
* \return Size of heap in bytes.
lbm_uint lbm_heap_size_bytes(void);
/** Allocate an lbm_cons_t cell from the heap.
* \param type A type that can be encoded onto the cell (most often LBM_PTR_TYPE_CONS).
* \param car Value to write into car position of allocated cell.
* \param cdr Value to write into cdr position of allocated cell.
* \return An lbm_value referring to a cons_cell or enc_sym(SYM_MERROR) in case the heap is full.
lbm_value lbm_heap_allocate_cell(lbm_type type, lbm_value car, lbm_value cdr);
/** Allocate a list of n heap-cells.
* \param n The number of heap-cells to allocate.
* \return A list of heap-cells of Memory error if unable to allocate.
lbm_value lbm_heap_allocate_list(lbm_uint n);
/** Allocate a list of n heap-cells and initialize the values.
* \pram ls The result list is passed through this ptr.
* \param n The length of list to allocate.
* \param valist The values in a va_list to initialize the list with.
* \return True of False depending on success of allocation.
lbm_value lbm_heap_allocate_list_init_va(unsigned int n, va_list valist);
/** Allocate a list of n heap-cells and initialize the values.
* \param n The length of list to allocate.
* \param ... The values to initialize the list with.
* \return allocated list or error symbol.
lbm_value lbm_heap_allocate_list_init(unsigned int n, ...);
/** Decode an lbm_value representing a string into a C string
* \param val Value
* \return allocated list or error symbol
char *lbm_dec_str(lbm_value val);
/** Decode an lbm_value representing a char channel into an lbm_char_channel_t pointer.
* \param val Value
* \return A pointer to an lbm_char_channel_t or NULL if the value does not encode a channel.
lbm_char_channel_t *lbm_dec_channel(lbm_value val);
/** Decode an lbm_value representing a custom type into a lbm_uint value.
* \param val Value.
* \return The custom type payload.
lbm_uint lbm_dec_custom(lbm_value val);
/** Decode a numerical value as if it is char
* \param val Value to decode
* \return The value encoded in val casted to a char. Returns 0 if val does not encode a number.
char lbm_dec_as_char(lbm_value a);
/** Decode a numerical value as if it is unsigned
* \param val Value to decode
* \return The value encoded in val casted to an unsigned int. Returns 0 if val does not encode a number.
uint32_t lbm_dec_as_u32(lbm_value val);
/** Decode a numerical value as a signed integer.
* \param val Value to decode
* \return The value encoded in val casted to a signed int. Returns 0 if val does not encode a number.
int32_t lbm_dec_as_i32(lbm_value val);
/** Decode a numerical value as a float.
* \param val Value to decode.
* \return The value encoded in val casted to a float. Returns 0 if val does not encode a number.
float lbm_dec_as_float(lbm_value val);
/** Decode a numerical value as if it is a 64bit unsigned
* \param val Value to decode
* \return The value encoded in val casted to an unsigned int. Returns 0 if val does not encode a number.
uint64_t lbm_dec_as_u64(lbm_value val);
/** Decode a numerical value as a 64bit signed integer.
* \param val Value to decode
* \return The value encoded in val casted to a signed int. Returns 0 if val does not encode a number.
int64_t lbm_dec_as_i64(lbm_value val);
/** Decode a numerical value as a float.
* \param val Value to decode.
* \return The value encoded in val casted to a float. Returns 0 if val does not encode a number.
double lbm_dec_as_double(lbm_value val);
lbm_uint lbm_dec_raw(lbm_value v);
/** Allocates an lbm_cons_t cell from the heap and populates it.
* \param car The value to put in the car field of the allocated lbm_cons_t.
* \param cdr The value to put in the cdr field of the allocated lbm_cons_t.
* \return A value referencing the lbm_cons_t or enc_sym(SYM_MERROR) if heap is full.
lbm_value lbm_cons(lbm_value car, lbm_value cdr);
/** Accesses the car field of an lbm_cons_t.
* \param cons Value
* \return The car field of the lbm_cons_t if cons is a reference to a heap cell.
* If cons is nil, the return value is nil. If the value
* is not cons or nil, the return value is enc_sym(SYM_TERROR) for type error.
lbm_value lbm_car(lbm_value cons);
/** Accesses the car field the car field of an lbm_cons_t.
* \param cons Value
* \return The car of car field or nil.
lbm_value lbm_caar(lbm_value c);
/** Accesses the car of the cdr of an cons cell
* \param c Value
* \return the cdr field or type error.
lbm_value lbm_cadr(lbm_value c);
/** Accesses the cdr field of an lbm_cons_t.
* \param cons Value
* \return The cdr field of the lbm_cons_t if cons is a reference to a heap cell.
* If cons is nil, the return value is nil. If the value
* if not cons or nil, the return value is enc_sym(SYM_TERROR) for type error.
lbm_value lbm_cdr(lbm_value cons);
/** Accesses the cdr of an cdr field of an lbm_cons_t.
* \param cons Value
* \return The cdr of the cdr field of the lbm_cons_t if cons is a reference to a heap cell.
* If cons is nil, the return value is nil. If the value
* if not cons or nil, the return value is enc_sym(SYM_TERROR) for type error.
lbm_value lbm_cddr(lbm_value c);
/** Update the value stored in the car field of a heap cell.
* \param c Value referring to a heap cell.
* \param v Value to replace the car field with.
* \return 1 on success and 0 if the c value does not refer to a heap cell.
int lbm_set_car(lbm_value c, lbm_value v);
/** Update the value stored in the cdr field of a heap cell.
* \param c Value referring to a heap cell.
* \param v Value to replace the cdr field with.
* \return 1 on success and 0 if the c value does not refer to a heap cell.
int lbm_set_cdr(lbm_value c, lbm_value v);
/** Update the value stored in the car and cdr fields of a heap cell.
* \param c Value referring to a heap cell.
* \param car_val Value to replace the car field with.
* \param cdr_val Value to replace the cdr field with.
* \return 1 on success and 0 if the c value does not refer to a heap cell.
int lbm_set_car_and_cdr(lbm_value c, lbm_value car_val, lbm_value cdr_val);
// List functions
/** Calculate the length of a proper list
* \warning This is a dangerous function that should be used carefully. Cyclic structures on the heap
* may lead to the function not terminating.
* \param c A list
* \return The length of the list. Unless the value is a cyclic structure on the heap, this function will terminate.
lbm_uint lbm_list_length(lbm_value c);
/** Calculate the length of a proper list and evaluate a predicate for each element.
* \warning This is a dangerous function that should be used carefully. Cyclic structures on the heap
* may lead to the function not terminating.
* \param c A list
* \param pres Boolean result of predicate, false if predicate is false for any of the elements in the list, otherwise true.
* \param pred Predicate to evaluate for each element of the list.
unsigned int lbm_list_length_pred(lbm_value c, bool *pres, bool (*pred)(lbm_value));
/** Reverse a proper list
* \warning This is a dangerous function that should be used carefully. Cyclic structures on the heap
* may lead to the function not terminating.
* \param list A list
* \return The list reversed or enc_sym(SYM_MERROR) if heap is full.
lbm_value lbm_list_reverse(lbm_value list);
/** Reverse a proper list destroying the original.
* \warning This is a dangerous function that should be used carefully. Cyclic structures on the heap
* may lead to the function not terminating.
* \param list A list
* \return The list reversed
lbm_value lbm_list_destructive_reverse(lbm_value list);
/** Copy a list
* \warning This is a dangerous function that should be used carefully. Cyclic structures on the heap
* may lead to the function not terminating.
* \param m Number of elements to copy or -1 for all.
* \param list A list.
* \return Reversed list or enc_sym(SYM_MERROR) if heap is full.
lbm_value lbm_list_copy(int m, lbm_value list);
/** A destructive append of two lists
* \param list1 A list
* \param list2 A list
* \return list1 with list2 appended at the end.
lbm_value lbm_list_append(lbm_value list1, lbm_value list2);
/** Drop values from the head of a list.
* \param n Number of values to drop.
* \param ls List to drop values from.
* \return The list with the n first elements removed.
lbm_value lbm_list_drop(unsigned int n, lbm_value ls);
// State and statistics
/** Get a copy of the heap statistics structure.
* \param A pointer to an lbm_heap_state_t to populate
* with the current statistics.
void lbm_get_heap_state(lbm_heap_state_t *);
// Garbage collection
/** Increment the counter that is counting the number of times GC ran
void lbm_gc_state_inc(void);
/** Set the freelist to NIL. Means that no memory will be available
* until after a garbage collection.
void lbm_nil_freelist(void);
/** Mark all heap cells that are on the free-list.
* \return 1 on success or 0 if the free-list is corrupted.
int lbm_gc_mark_freelist(void);
/** Mark heap cells reachable from the lbm_value v.
* \return 1 on success and 0 if the stack used internally is full.
int lbm_gc_mark_phase(void);
/** Performs lbm_gc_mark_phase on all the values of an array.
* \param data Array of roots to traverse from.
* \param n Number of elements in roots-array.
* \return 1 on success or 0 for failure.
int lbm_gc_mark_aux(lbm_uint *data, lbm_uint n);
/** Sweep up all non marked heap cells and place them on the free list.
* \return 1
int lbm_gc_sweep_phase(void);
// Array functionality
/** Allocate an array in symbols and arrays memory (lispbm_memory.h)
* and create a heap cell that refers to this array.
* \param res The resulting lbm_value is returned through this argument.
* \param size Array size in number of 32 bit words.
* \param type The type information to encode onto the heap cell.
* \return 1 for success of 0 for failure.
int lbm_heap_allocate_array(lbm_value *res, lbm_uint size);
/** Convert a C array into an lbm array. If the C array is allocated in LBM MEMORY
* the lifetime of the array will be managed by GC.
* \param res lbm_value result pointer for storage of the result array.
* \param data C array.
* \param type The type tag to assign to the resulting LBM array.
* \param num_elt Number of elements in the array.
* \return 1 for success and 0 for failure.
int lbm_lift_array(lbm_value *value, char *data, lbm_uint num_elt);
/** Get the size of an array value.
* \param arr lbm_value array to get size of.
* \return -1 for failure or length of array.
lbm_int lbm_heap_array_get_size(lbm_value arr);
/** Get a pointer to the data of an array.
* \param arr lbm_value array to get pointer from.
* \return NULL or valid pointer.
uint8_t *lbm_heap_array_get_data(lbm_value arr);
/** Explicitly free an array.
* This function needs to be used with care and knowledge.
* \param arr Array value.
int lbm_heap_explicit_free_array(lbm_value arr);
/** Query the size in bytes of an lbm_type.
* \param t Type
* \return Size in bytes of type or 0 if the type represents a composite.
lbm_uint lbm_size_of(lbm_type t);
int lbm_const_heap_init(const_heap_write_fun w_fun,
lbm_const_heap_t *heap,
lbm_uint *addr,
lbm_uint num_words);
lbm_flash_status lbm_allocate_const_cell(lbm_value *res);
lbm_flash_status lbm_write_const_raw(lbm_uint *data, lbm_uint n, lbm_uint *res);
lbm_flash_status write_const_cdr(lbm_value cell, lbm_value val);
lbm_flash_status write_const_car(lbm_value cell, lbm_value val);
lbm_uint lbm_flash_memory_usage(void);
/** Query the type information of a value.
* \param x Value to check the type of.
* \return The type information.
static inline lbm_type lbm_type_of(lbm_value x) {
return (x & LBM_PTR_MASK) ? (x & LBM_PTR_TYPE_MASK) : (x & LBM_VAL_TYPE_MASK);
// type-of check that is safe in functional code
static inline lbm_type lbm_type_of_functional(lbm_value x) {
return (x & LBM_PTR_MASK) ?
static inline lbm_value lbm_enc_cons_ptr(lbm_uint x) {
static inline lbm_uint lbm_dec_ptr(lbm_value p) {
extern lbm_cons_t *lbm_heaps[2];
static inline lbm_uint lbm_dec_cons_cell_ptr(lbm_value p) {
return lbm_dec_ptr(p) >> h;
static inline lbm_cons_t *lbm_dec_heap(lbm_value p) {
return lbm_heaps[h];
static inline lbm_value lbm_set_ptr_type(lbm_value p, lbm_type t) {
return ((LBM_PTR_VAL_MASK & p) | t | LBM_PTR_BIT);
static inline lbm_value lbm_enc_sym(lbm_uint s) {
static inline lbm_value lbm_enc_i(lbm_int x) {
return ((lbm_uint)x << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_I;
static inline lbm_value lbm_enc_u(lbm_uint x) {
return (x << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U;
/** Encode 32 bit integer into an lbm_value.
* \param x Value to encode.
* \return result encoded value.
extern lbm_value lbm_enc_i32(int32_t x);
/** Encode 32 bit unsigned integer into an lbm_value.
* \param x Value to encode.
* \return result encoded value.
extern lbm_value lbm_enc_u32(uint32_t x);
/** Encode a float into an lbm_value.
* \param x float value to encode.
* \return result encoded value.
extern lbm_value lbm_enc_float(lbm_float x);
/** Encode a 64 bit integer into an lbm_value.
* \param x 64 bit integer to encode.
* \return result encoded value.
extern lbm_value lbm_enc_i64(int64_t x);
/** Encode a 64 bit unsigned integer into an lbm_value.
* \param x 64 bit unsigned integer to encode.
* \return result encoded value.
extern lbm_value lbm_enc_u64(uint64_t x);
/** Encode a double into an lbm_value.
* \param x double to encode.
* \return result encoded value.
extern lbm_value lbm_enc_double(double x);
static inline lbm_value lbm_enc_char(char x) {
return ((lbm_uint)x << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_CHAR;
static inline lbm_int lbm_dec_i(lbm_value x) {
return (lbm_int)x >> LBM_VAL_SHIFT;
static inline lbm_uint lbm_dec_u(lbm_value x) {
return x >> LBM_VAL_SHIFT;
static inline char lbm_dec_char(lbm_value x) {
return (char)(x >> LBM_VAL_SHIFT);
static inline lbm_uint lbm_dec_sym(lbm_value x) {
return x >> LBM_VAL_SHIFT;
/** Decode an lbm_value representing a float.
* \param x Value to decode.
* \return decoded float.
extern float lbm_dec_float(lbm_value x);
/** Decode an lbm_value representing a double.
* \param x Value to decode.
* \return decoded float.
extern double lbm_dec_double(lbm_value x);
static inline uint32_t lbm_dec_u32(lbm_value x) {
#ifndef LBM64
return (uint32_t)lbm_car(x);
return (uint32_t)(x >> LBM_VAL_SHIFT);
/** Decode an lbm_value representing a 64 bit unsigned integer.
* \param x Value to decode.
* \return decoded uint64_t.
extern uint64_t lbm_dec_u64(lbm_value x);
static inline int32_t lbm_dec_i32(lbm_value x) {
#ifndef LBM64
return (int32_t)lbm_car(x);
return (int32_t)(x >> LBM_VAL_SHIFT);
/** Decode an lbm_value representing a 64 bit integert.
* \param x Value to decode.
* \return decoded int64_t.
extern int64_t lbm_dec_i64(lbm_value x);
static inline bool lbm_is_ptr(lbm_value x) {
return (x & LBM_PTR_MASK);
static inline bool lbm_is_cons_rw(lbm_value x) {
return (lbm_type_of(x) == LBM_TYPE_CONS);
static inline bool lbm_is_cons(lbm_value x) {
lbm_type t = lbm_type_of(x);
return (t == LBM_TYPE_CONS ||
/** Check if a value represents a number
* \param x Value to check.
* \return true is x represents a number and false otherwise.
extern bool lbm_is_number(lbm_value x);
/** Check if value is an array that can be READ
* \param x Value to check.
* \return true if x represents a readable array and false otherwise.
static inline bool lbm_is_array_r(lbm_value x) {
lbm_type t = lbm_type_of(x);
static inline bool lbm_is_array_rw(lbm_value x) {
return( (lbm_type_of(x) == LBM_TYPE_ARRAY) && !(x & LBM_PTR_TO_CONSTANT_BIT));
static inline bool lbm_is_channel(lbm_value x) {
return (lbm_type_of(x) == LBM_TYPE_CHANNEL &&
lbm_type_of(lbm_cdr(x)) == LBM_TYPE_SYMBOL &&
lbm_dec_sym(lbm_cdr(x)) == SYM_CHANNEL_TYPE);
static inline bool lbm_is_char(lbm_value x) {
return (lbm_type_of(x) == LBM_TYPE_CHAR);
static inline bool lbm_is_special(lbm_value symrep) {
return ((lbm_type_of(symrep) == LBM_TYPE_SYMBOL) &&
(lbm_dec_sym(symrep) < SPECIAL_SYMBOLS_END));
static inline bool lbm_is_closure(lbm_value exp) {
return ((lbm_is_cons(exp)) &&
(lbm_type_of(lbm_car(exp)) == LBM_TYPE_SYMBOL) &&
(lbm_dec_sym(lbm_car(exp)) == SYM_CLOSURE));
static inline bool lbm_is_continuation(lbm_value exp) {
return ((lbm_type_of(exp) == LBM_TYPE_CONS) &&
(lbm_type_of(lbm_car(exp)) == LBM_TYPE_SYMBOL) &&
(lbm_dec_sym(lbm_car(exp)) == SYM_CONT));
static inline bool lbm_is_macro(lbm_value exp) {
return ((lbm_type_of(exp) == LBM_TYPE_CONS) &&
(lbm_type_of(lbm_car(exp)) == LBM_TYPE_SYMBOL) &&
(lbm_dec_sym(lbm_car(exp)) == SYM_MACRO));
static inline bool lbm_is_match_binder(lbm_value exp) {
return (lbm_is_cons(exp) &&
(lbm_type_of(lbm_car(exp)) == LBM_TYPE_SYMBOL) &&
((lbm_dec_sym(lbm_car(exp)) == SYM_MATCH_ANY)));
static inline bool lbm_is_comma_qualified_symbol(lbm_value exp) {
return (lbm_is_cons(exp) &&
(lbm_type_of(lbm_car(exp)) == LBM_TYPE_SYMBOL) &&
(lbm_dec_sym(lbm_car(exp)) == SYM_COMMA) &&
(lbm_type_of(lbm_car(lbm_cdr(exp))) == LBM_TYPE_SYMBOL));
static inline bool lbm_is_symbol(lbm_value exp) {
return (lbm_type_of(exp) == LBM_TYPE_SYMBOL);
static inline bool lbm_is_symbol_nil(lbm_value exp) {
return (lbm_is_symbol(exp) && lbm_dec_sym(exp) == SYM_NIL);
static inline bool lbm_is_symbol_true(lbm_value exp) {
return (lbm_is_symbol(exp) && lbm_dec_sym(exp) == SYM_TRUE);
static inline bool lbm_is_symbol_eval(lbm_value exp) {
return (lbm_is_symbol(exp) && lbm_dec_sym(exp) == SYM_EVAL);
static inline bool lbm_is_symbol_merror(lbm_value exp) {
return (lbm_is_symbol(exp) && lbm_dec_sym(exp) == SYM_MERROR);
static inline bool lbm_is_list(lbm_value x) {
return (lbm_is_cons(x) || lbm_is_symbol_nil(x));
static inline bool lbm_is_list_rw(lbm_value x) {
return (lbm_is_cons_rw(x) || lbm_is_symbol_nil(x));
static inline bool lbm_is_quoted_list(lbm_value x) {
return (lbm_is_cons(x) &&
lbm_is_symbol(lbm_car(x)) &&
(lbm_dec_sym(lbm_car(x)) == SYM_QUOTE) &&
lbm_is_cons(lbm_cdr(x)) &&
#ifndef LBM64
/* all error signaling symbols are in the range 0x20 - 0x2F */
static inline bool lbm_is_error(lbm_value v){
return (lbm_type_of(v) == LBM_TYPE_SYMBOL &&
((lbm_dec_sym(v) & ERROR_SYMBOL_MASK) == 0x20));
// ref_cell: returns a reference to the cell addressed by bits 3 - 26
// Assumes user has checked that is_ptr was set
static inline lbm_cons_t* lbm_ref_cell(lbm_value addr) {
return &lbm_dec_heap(addr)[lbm_dec_cons_cell_ptr(addr)];
//return &lbm_heap_state.heap[lbm_dec_ptr(addr)];
// lbm_uint a = lbm_heaps[0];
// lbm_uint b = lbm_heaps[1];
// lbm_uint i = (addr & LBM_PTR_TO_CONSTANT_BIT) >> LBM_PTR_TO_CONSTANT_SHIFT) - 1;
// lbm_uint h = (a & i) | (b & ~i);
#ifdef __cplusplus