
704 lines
22 KiB

Copyright 2016 - 2022 Benjamin Vedder
This file is part of the VESC firmware.
The VESC firmware is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
The VESC firmware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "foc_math.h"
#include "utils_math.h"
#include <math.h>
// See
void foc_observer_update(float v_alpha, float v_beta, float i_alpha, float i_beta,
float dt, observer_state *state, float *phase, motor_all_state_t *motor) {
mc_configuration *conf_now = motor->m_conf;
float R = conf_now->foc_motor_r;
float L = conf_now->foc_motor_l;
float lambda = conf_now->foc_motor_flux_linkage;
// Saturation compensation
switch(conf_now->foc_sat_comp_mode) {
// Here we assume that the inductance drops by the same amount as the flux linkage. I have
// no idea if this is a valid or even a reasonable assumption.
if (conf_now->foc_observer_type >= FOC_OBSERVER_ORTEGA_LAMBDA_COMP) {
L = L * (state->lambda_est / lambda);
const float comp_fact = conf_now->foc_sat_comp * (motor->m_motor_state.i_abs_filter / conf_now->l_current_max);
L -= L * comp_fact;
lambda -= lambda * comp_fact;
} break;
if (conf_now->foc_observer_type >= FOC_OBSERVER_ORTEGA_LAMBDA_COMP) {
L = L * (state->lambda_est / lambda);
const float comp_fact = conf_now->foc_sat_comp * (motor->m_motor_state.i_abs_filter / conf_now->l_current_max);
L -= L * comp_fact;
} break;
// Temperature compensation
if (conf_now->foc_temp_comp) {
R = motor->m_res_temp_comp;
float ld_lq_diff = conf_now->foc_motor_ld_lq_diff;
float id = motor->;
float iq = motor->;
// Adjust inductance for saliency.
if (fabsf(id) > 0.1 || fabsf(iq) > 0.1) {
L = L - ld_lq_diff / 2.0 + ld_lq_diff * SQ(iq) / (SQ(id) + SQ(iq));
float L_ia = L * i_alpha;
float L_ib = L * i_beta;
const float R_ia = R * i_alpha;
const float R_ib = R * i_beta;
const float gamma_half = motor->m_gamma_now * 0.5;
switch (conf_now->foc_observer_type) {
float err = SQ(lambda) - (SQ(state->x1 - L_ia) + SQ(state->x2 - L_ib));
// Forcing this term to stay negative helps convergence according to
// and
if (err > 0.0) {
err = 0.0;
float x1_dot = v_alpha - R_ia + gamma_half * (state->x1 - L_ia) * err;
float x2_dot = v_beta - R_ib + gamma_half * (state->x2 - L_ib) * err;
state->x1 += x1_dot * dt;
state->x2 += x2_dot * dt;
} break;
// This function deviates slightly from the BSD 3 clause licence.
// The work here is entirely original to the MESC FOC project, and not based
// on any appnotes, or borrowed from another project. This work is free to
// use, as granted in BSD 3 clause, with the exception that this note must
// be included in where this code is implemented/modified to use your
// variable names, structures containing variables or other minor
// rearrangements in place of the original names I have chosen, and credit
// to David Molony as the original author must be noted.
state->x1 += (v_alpha - R_ia) * dt - L * (i_alpha - state->i_alpha_last);
state->x2 += (v_beta - R_ib) * dt - L * (i_beta - state->i_beta_last);
if (conf_now->foc_observer_type == FOC_OBSERVER_MXLEMMING_LAMBDA_COMP) {
// This is essentially the flux linkage observer from
// with a slight modification. We use the same gain here as it is related to the Ortega-gain,
// but we scale it down as it is not nearly as critical because the flux linkage is mostly DC.
// When the motor starts to saturate we still want to be able to keep up though, so the gain is
// still high enough to react with some "reasonable" speed.
float err = SQ(state->lambda_est) - (SQ(state->x1) + SQ(state->x2));
state->lambda_est += 0.1 * gamma_half * state->lambda_est * -err * dt;
// Clamp the observed flux linkage (not sure if this is needed)
utils_truncate_number(&(state->lambda_est), lambda * 0.3, lambda * 2.5);
utils_truncate_number_abs(&(state->x1), state->lambda_est);
utils_truncate_number_abs(&(state->x2), state->lambda_est);
} else {
utils_truncate_number_abs(&(state->x1), lambda);
utils_truncate_number_abs(&(state->x2), lambda);
// Set these to 0 to allow using the same atan2-code as for Ortega
L_ia = 0.0;
L_ib = 0.0;
float err = SQ(state->lambda_est) - (SQ(state->x1 - L_ia) + SQ(state->x2 - L_ib));
// FLux linkage observer. See:
state->lambda_est += 0.2 * gamma_half * state->lambda_est * -err * dt;
// Clamp the observed flux linkage (not sure if this is needed)
utils_truncate_number(&(state->lambda_est), lambda * 0.3, lambda * 2.5);
if (err > 0.0) {
err = 0.0;
float x1_dot = v_alpha - R_ia + gamma_half * (state->x1 - L_ia) * err;
float x2_dot = v_beta - R_ib + gamma_half * (state->x2 - L_ib) * err;
state->x1 += x1_dot * dt;
state->x2 += x2_dot * dt;
} break;
state->i_alpha_last = i_alpha;
state->i_beta_last = i_beta;
// Prevent the magnitude from getting too low, as that makes the angle very unstable.
float mag = NORM2_f(state->x1, state->x2);
if (mag < (lambda * 0.5)) {
state->x1 *= 1.1;
state->x2 *= 1.1;
if (phase) {
*phase = utils_fast_atan2(state->x2 - L_ib, state->x1 - L_ia);
void foc_pll_run(float phase, float dt, float *phase_var,
float *speed_var, mc_configuration *conf) {
float delta_theta = phase - *phase_var;
*phase_var += (*speed_var + conf->foc_pll_kp * delta_theta) * dt;
*speed_var += conf->foc_pll_ki * delta_theta * dt;
* @brief svm Space vector modulation. Magnitude must not be larger than sqrt(3)/2, or 0.866 to avoid overmodulation.
* See for a full description.
* @param alpha voltage
* @param beta Park transformed and normalized voltage
* @param PWMFullDutyCycle is the peak value of the PWM counter.
* @param tAout PWM duty cycle phase A (0 = off all of the time, PWMFullDutyCycle = on all of the time)
* @param tBout PWM duty cycle phase B
* @param tCout PWM duty cycle phase C
void foc_svm(float alpha, float beta, uint32_t PWMFullDutyCycle,
uint32_t* tAout, uint32_t* tBout, uint32_t* tCout, uint32_t *svm_sector) {
uint32_t sector;
if (beta >= 0.0f) {
if (alpha >= 0.0f) {
//quadrant I
if (ONE_BY_SQRT3 * beta > alpha) {
sector = 2;
} else {
sector = 1;
} else {
//quadrant II
if (-ONE_BY_SQRT3 * beta > alpha) {
sector = 3;
} else {
sector = 2;
} else {
if (alpha >= 0.0f) {
//quadrant IV5
if (-ONE_BY_SQRT3 * beta > alpha) {
sector = 5;
} else {
sector = 6;
} else {
//quadrant III
if (ONE_BY_SQRT3 * beta > alpha) {
sector = 4;
} else {
sector = 5;
// PWM timings
uint32_t tA, tB, tC;
switch (sector) {
// sector 1-2
case 1: {
// Vector on-times
uint32_t t1 = (alpha - ONE_BY_SQRT3 * beta) * PWMFullDutyCycle;
uint32_t t2 = (TWO_BY_SQRT3 * beta) * PWMFullDutyCycle;
// PWM timings
tA = (PWMFullDutyCycle + t1 + t2) / 2;
tB = tA - t1;
tC = tB - t2;
// sector 2-3
case 2: {
// Vector on-times
uint32_t t2 = (alpha + ONE_BY_SQRT3 * beta) * PWMFullDutyCycle;
uint32_t t3 = (-alpha + ONE_BY_SQRT3 * beta) * PWMFullDutyCycle;
// PWM timings
tB = (PWMFullDutyCycle + t2 + t3) / 2;
tA = tB - t3;
tC = tA - t2;
// sector 3-4
case 3: {
// Vector on-times
uint32_t t3 = (TWO_BY_SQRT3 * beta) * PWMFullDutyCycle;
uint32_t t4 = (-alpha - ONE_BY_SQRT3 * beta) * PWMFullDutyCycle;
// PWM timings
tB = (PWMFullDutyCycle + t3 + t4) / 2;
tC = tB - t3;
tA = tC - t4;
// sector 4-5
case 4: {
// Vector on-times
uint32_t t4 = (-alpha + ONE_BY_SQRT3 * beta) * PWMFullDutyCycle;
uint32_t t5 = (-TWO_BY_SQRT3 * beta) * PWMFullDutyCycle;
// PWM timings
tC = (PWMFullDutyCycle + t4 + t5) / 2;
tB = tC - t5;
tA = tB - t4;
// sector 5-6
case 5: {
// Vector on-times
uint32_t t5 = (-alpha - ONE_BY_SQRT3 * beta) * PWMFullDutyCycle;
uint32_t t6 = (alpha - ONE_BY_SQRT3 * beta) * PWMFullDutyCycle;
// PWM timings
tC = (PWMFullDutyCycle + t5 + t6) / 2;
tA = tC - t5;
tB = tA - t6;
// sector 6-1
case 6: {
// Vector on-times
uint32_t t6 = (-TWO_BY_SQRT3 * beta) * PWMFullDutyCycle;
uint32_t t1 = (alpha + ONE_BY_SQRT3 * beta) * PWMFullDutyCycle;
// PWM timings
tA = (PWMFullDutyCycle + t6 + t1) / 2;
tC = tA - t1;
tB = tC - t6;
*tAout = tA;
*tBout = tB;
*tCout = tC;
*svm_sector = sector;
void foc_run_pid_control_pos(bool index_found, float dt, motor_all_state_t *motor) {
mc_configuration *conf_now = motor->m_conf;
float angle_now = motor->m_pos_pid_now;
float angle_set = motor->m_pos_pid_set;
float p_term;
float d_term;
float d_term_proc;
// PID is off. Return.
if (motor->m_control_mode != CONTROL_MODE_POS) {
motor->m_pos_i_term = 0;
motor->m_pos_prev_error = 0;
motor->m_pos_prev_proc = angle_now;
motor->m_pos_d_filter = 0.0;
motor->m_pos_d_filter_proc = 0.0;
// Compute parameters
float error = utils_angle_difference(angle_set, angle_now);
float error_sign = 1.0;
if (conf_now->m_sensor_port_mode != SENSOR_PORT_MODE_HALL) {
if (conf_now->foc_encoder_inverted) {
error_sign = -1.0;
error *= error_sign;
float kp = conf_now->p_pid_kp;
float ki = conf_now->p_pid_ki;
float kd = conf_now->p_pid_kd;
float kd_proc = conf_now->p_pid_kd_proc;
if (conf_now->p_pid_gain_dec_angle > 0.1) {
float min_error = conf_now->p_pid_gain_dec_angle / conf_now->p_pid_ang_div;
float error_abs = fabs(error);
if (error_abs < min_error) {
float scale = error_abs / min_error;
kp *= scale;
ki *= scale;
kd *= scale;
kd_proc *= scale;
p_term = error * kp;
motor->m_pos_i_term += error * (ki * dt);
// Average DT for the D term when the error does not change. This likely
// happens at low speed when the position resolution is low and several
// control iterations run without position updates.
// TODO: Are there problems with this approach?
motor->m_pos_dt_int += dt;
if (error == motor->m_pos_prev_error) {
d_term = 0.0;
} else {
d_term = (error - motor->m_pos_prev_error) * (kd / motor->m_pos_dt_int);
motor->m_pos_dt_int = 0.0;
// Filter D
UTILS_LP_FAST(motor->m_pos_d_filter, d_term, conf_now->p_pid_kd_filter);
d_term = motor->m_pos_d_filter;
// Process D term
motor->m_pos_dt_int_proc += dt;
if (angle_now == motor->m_pos_prev_proc) {
d_term_proc = 0.0;
} else {
d_term_proc = -utils_angle_difference(angle_now, motor->m_pos_prev_proc) * error_sign * (kd_proc / motor->m_pos_dt_int_proc);
motor->m_pos_dt_int_proc = 0.0;
// Filter D process
UTILS_LP_FAST(motor->m_pos_d_filter_proc, d_term_proc, conf_now->p_pid_kd_filter);
d_term_proc = motor->m_pos_d_filter_proc;
// I-term wind-up protection
float p_tmp = p_term;
utils_truncate_number_abs(&p_tmp, 1.0);
utils_truncate_number_abs((float*)&motor->m_pos_i_term, 1.0 - fabsf(p_tmp));
// Store previous error
motor->m_pos_prev_error = error;
motor->m_pos_prev_proc = angle_now;
// Calculate output
float output = p_term + motor->m_pos_i_term + d_term + d_term_proc;
utils_truncate_number(&output, -1.0, 1.0);
if (conf_now->m_sensor_port_mode != SENSOR_PORT_MODE_HALL) {
if (index_found) {
motor->m_iq_set = output * conf_now->l_current_max * conf_now->l_current_max_scale;;
} else {
// Rotate the motor with 40 % power until the encoder index is found.
motor->m_iq_set = 0.4 * conf_now->l_current_max * conf_now->l_current_max_scale;;
} else {
motor->m_iq_set = output * conf_now->l_current_max * conf_now->l_current_max_scale;;
void foc_run_pid_control_speed(float dt, motor_all_state_t *motor) {
mc_configuration *conf_now = motor->m_conf;
float p_term;
float d_term;
// PID is off. Return.
if (motor->m_control_mode != CONTROL_MODE_SPEED) {
motor->m_speed_i_term = 0.0;
motor->m_speed_prev_error = 0.0;
motor->m_speed_d_filter = 0.0;
if (conf_now->s_pid_ramp_erpms_s > 0.0) {
utils_step_towards((float*)&motor->m_speed_pid_set_rpm, motor->m_speed_command_rpm, conf_now->s_pid_ramp_erpms_s * dt);
float rpm = 0.0;
switch (conf_now->s_pid_speed_source) {
rpm = RADPS2RPM_f(motor->m_pll_speed);
rpm = RADPS2RPM_f(motor->m_speed_est_fast);
rpm = RADPS2RPM_f(motor->m_speed_est_faster);
float error = motor->m_speed_pid_set_rpm - rpm;
// Too low RPM set. Reset state, release motor and return.
if (fabsf(motor->m_speed_pid_set_rpm) < conf_now->s_pid_min_erpm) {
motor->m_speed_i_term = 0.0;
motor->m_speed_prev_error = error;
motor->m_iq_set = 0.0;
// Compute parameters
p_term = error * conf_now->s_pid_kp * (1.0 / 20.0);
d_term = (error - motor->m_speed_prev_error) * (conf_now->s_pid_kd / dt) * (1.0 / 20.0);
// Filter D
UTILS_LP_FAST(motor->m_speed_d_filter, d_term, conf_now->s_pid_kd_filter);
d_term = motor->m_speed_d_filter;
// Store previous error
motor->m_speed_prev_error = error;
// Calculate output
float output = p_term + motor->m_speed_i_term + d_term;
utils_truncate_number_abs(&output, 1.0);
// Integrator windup protection
motor->m_speed_i_term += error * conf_now->s_pid_ki * dt * (1.0 / 20.0);
utils_truncate_number_abs(&motor->m_speed_i_term, 1.0);
if (conf_now->s_pid_ki < 1e-9) {
motor->m_speed_i_term = 0.0;
// Optionally disable braking
if (!conf_now->s_pid_allow_braking) {
if (rpm > 20.0 && output < 0.0) {
output = 0.0;
if (rpm < -20.0 && output > 0.0) {
output = 0.0;
motor->m_iq_set = output * conf_now->lo_current_max * conf_now->l_current_max_scale;
float foc_correct_encoder(float obs_angle, float enc_angle, float speed,
float sl_erpm, motor_all_state_t *motor) {
float rpm_abs = fabsf(RADPS2RPM_f(speed));
// Hysteresis 5 % of total speed
float hyst = sl_erpm * 0.05;
if (motor->m_using_encoder) {
if (rpm_abs > (sl_erpm + hyst)) {
motor->m_using_encoder = false;
} else {
if (rpm_abs < (sl_erpm- hyst)) {
motor->m_using_encoder = true;
return motor->m_using_encoder ? enc_angle : obs_angle;
float foc_correct_hall(float angle, float dt, motor_all_state_t *motor, int hall_val) {
mc_configuration *conf_now = motor->m_conf;
motor->m_hall_dt_diff_now += dt;
float rad_per_sec = motor->m_speed_est_fast_corrected;
float rpm_abs = fabsf(RADPS2RPM_f(motor->m_pll_speed));
float rpm_abs_hall = fabsf(RADPS2RPM_f(rad_per_sec));
motor->m_using_hall = rpm_abs < conf_now->foc_sl_erpm;
float angle_old = angle;
int ang_hall_int = conf_now->foc_hall_table[hall_val];
// Only override the observer if the hall sensor value is valid.
if (ang_hall_int < 201) {
// Scale to the circle and convert to radians
float ang_hall_now = ((float)ang_hall_int / 200.0) * 2.0 * M_PI;
if (motor->m_ang_hall_int_prev < 0) {
// Previous angle not valid
motor->m_ang_hall_int_prev = ang_hall_int;
motor->m_ang_hall = ang_hall_now;
} else if (ang_hall_int != motor->m_ang_hall_int_prev) {
int diff = ang_hall_int - motor->m_ang_hall_int_prev;
if (diff > 100) {
diff -= 200;
} else if (diff < -100) {
diff += 200;
motor->m_hall_dt_diff_last = motor->m_hall_dt_diff_now;
motor->m_hall_dt_diff_now = 0.0;
// A transition was just made. The angle is in the middle of the new and old angle.
int ang_avg = motor->m_ang_hall_int_prev + diff / 2;
ang_avg %= 200;
// Scale to the circle and convert to radians
motor->m_ang_hall = ((float)ang_avg / 200.0) * 2.0 * M_PI;
motor->m_ang_hall_int_prev = ang_hall_int;
if (RADPS2RPM_f((M_PI / 3.0) / fmaxf(motor->m_hall_dt_diff_now, motor->m_hall_dt_diff_last))
< conf_now->foc_hall_interp_erpm) {
// Don't interpolate on very low speed, just use the closest hall sensor. The reason is that we might
// get stuck at 60 degrees off if a direction change happens between two steps.
motor->m_ang_hall = ang_hall_now;
} else {
// Interpolate
float diff = utils_angle_difference_rad(motor->m_ang_hall, ang_hall_now);
if (fabsf(diff) < ((2.0 * M_PI) / 12.0) || SIGN(diff) != SIGN(rad_per_sec)) {
// Do interpolation
motor->m_ang_hall += rad_per_sec * dt;
} else {
// We are too far away with the interpolation
motor->m_ang_hall -= diff * 0.01;
// Limit hall sensor rate of change. This will reduce current spikes in the current controllers when the angle estimation
// changes fast.
float angle_step = (fmaxf(rpm_abs_hall, conf_now->foc_hall_interp_erpm) / 60.0) * 2.0 * M_PI * dt * 1.4;
float angle_diff = utils_angle_difference_rad(motor->m_ang_hall, motor->m_ang_hall_rate_limited);
if (fabsf(angle_diff) < angle_step) {
motor->m_ang_hall_rate_limited = motor->m_ang_hall;
} else {
motor->m_ang_hall_rate_limited += angle_step * SIGN(angle_diff);
if (motor->m_using_hall) {
angle = motor->m_ang_hall_rate_limited;
} else {
// Invalid hall reading. Don't update angle.
motor->m_ang_hall_int_prev = -1;
// Also allow open loop in order to behave like normal sensorless
// operation. Then the motor works even if the hall sensor cable
// gets disconnected (when the sensor spacing is 120 degrees).
if (motor->m_phase_observer_override && motor->m_state == MC_STATE_RUNNING) {
angle = motor->m_phase_now_observer_override;
// Map output angle between hall angle and observer angle in transition region to make
// a smooth transition.
if (angle_old != angle) {
float weight_hall = utils_map(rpm_abs, conf_now->foc_sl_erpm_start, conf_now->foc_sl_erpm, 1.0, 0.0);
utils_truncate_number(&weight_hall, 0.0, 1.0);
angle = utils_interpolate_angles_rad(angle, angle_old, weight_hall);
return angle;
void foc_run_fw(motor_all_state_t *motor, float dt) {
if (motor->m_conf->foc_fw_current_max < fmaxf(motor->m_conf->cc_min_current, 0.001)) {
// Field Weakening
// FW is used in the current and speed control modes. If a different mode is used
// this code also runs if field weakening was active before. This allows
// changing control mode even while in field weakening.
if (motor->m_state == MC_STATE_RUNNING &&
(motor->m_control_mode == CONTROL_MODE_CURRENT ||
motor->m_control_mode == CONTROL_MODE_CURRENT_BRAKE ||
motor->m_control_mode == CONTROL_MODE_SPEED ||
motor->m_i_fw_set > motor->m_conf->cc_min_current)) {
float fw_current_now = 0.0;
float duty_abs = motor->m_duty_abs_filtered;
if (motor->m_conf->foc_fw_duty_start < 0.99 &&
duty_abs > motor->m_conf->foc_fw_duty_start * motor->m_conf->l_max_duty) {
fw_current_now = utils_map(duty_abs,
motor->m_conf->foc_fw_duty_start * motor->m_conf->l_max_duty,
0.0, motor->m_conf->foc_fw_current_max);
// m_current_off_delay is used to not stop the modulation too soon after leaving FW. If axis decoupling
// is not working properly an oscillation can occur on the modulation when changing the current
// fast, which can make the estimated duty cycle drop below the FW threshold long enough to stop
// modulation. When that happens the body diodes in the MOSFETs can see a lot of current and unexpected
// braking happens. Therefore the modulation is left on for some time after leaving FW to give the
// oscillation a chance to decay while the MOSFETs are still driven.
motor->m_current_off_delay = 1.0;
if (motor->m_conf->foc_fw_ramp_time < dt) {
motor->m_i_fw_set = fw_current_now;
} else {
utils_step_towards((float*)&motor->m_i_fw_set, fw_current_now,
(dt / motor->m_conf->foc_fw_ramp_time) * motor->m_conf->foc_fw_current_max);
void foc_hfi_adjust_angle(float ang_err, motor_all_state_t *motor, float dt) {
mc_configuration *conf = motor->m_conf;
// TODO: Check if ratio between these is sane or introduce separate gains
const float gain_int = 4000.0 * conf->foc_hfi_gain;
const float gain_int2 = 10.0 * conf->foc_hfi_gain;
motor->m_hfi.double_integrator += ang_err * gain_int2;
utils_truncate_number_abs(&motor->m_hfi.double_integrator, fabsf(motor->m_speed_est_fast));
motor->m_hfi.angle -= dt * (gain_int * ang_err + motor->m_hfi.double_integrator);
motor->m_hfi.ready = true;
void foc_precalc_values(motor_all_state_t *motor) {
const mc_configuration *conf_now = motor->m_conf;
motor->p_lq = conf_now->foc_motor_l + conf_now->foc_motor_ld_lq_diff * 0.5;
motor->p_ld = conf_now->foc_motor_l - conf_now->foc_motor_ld_lq_diff * 0.5;
motor->p_inv_ld_lq = (1.0 / motor->p_lq - 1.0 / motor->p_ld);
motor->p_v2_v3_inv_avg_half = (0.5 / motor->p_lq + 0.5 / motor->p_ld) * 0.9; // With the 0.9 we undo the adjustment from the detection
motor->m_observer_state.lambda_est = conf_now->foc_motor_flux_linkage;