package com.rusefi.can.analysis; import com.rusefi.can.CANPacket; import com.rusefi.can.Launcher; import com.rusefi.can.reader.CANLineReader; import com.rusefi.can.reader.dbc.DbcFile; import com.rusefi.can.reader.dbc.DbcPacket; import com.rusefi.util.FolderUtil; import*; import java.util.*; public class ByteRateOfChangeReports { /** * sweet baby O(n^2) */ public static void compareEachReportAgainstAllOthers(String reportDestinationFolder, List reports, CanMetaDataContext context) throws IOException { DbcFile dbc = null; if (Launcher.dbcFileName != null) { dbc = DbcFile.readFromFile(Launcher.dbcFileName); } for (int i = 0; i < reports.size(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < reports.size(); j++) compareTwoReports(dbc, reportDestinationFolder, reports.get(i), reports.get(j), context); } } private static void compareTwoReports(DbcFile dbc, String reportDestinationFolder, ByteRateOfChange.TraceReport traceReport1, ByteRateOfChange.TraceReport traceReport2, CanMetaDataContext context) throws FileNotFoundException { Set allKeys = new TreeSet<>(); allKeys.addAll(traceReport1.getStatistics().keySet()); allKeys.addAll(traceReport2.getStatistics().keySet()); String comparingFolder = reportDestinationFolder + File.separator + "comparison"; new File(comparingFolder).mkdirs(); String outputFileName = comparingFolder + File.separator + traceReport1.getSimpleFileName() + "-vs-" + traceReport2.getSimpleFileName() + ".txt"; PrintWriter report = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(outputFileName)); report.println("Comparing unique value count per byte " + traceReport1.getSummary() + " and " + traceReport2.getSummary()); List differences = new ArrayList<>(); report.println("******************** Sorted by key ********************"); for (ByteRateOfChange.ByteId id : allKeys) { if (context.counterBytes.contains(id)) { // skipping byte with a known counter continue; } String prefix = ""; if (dbc != null) { DbcPacket packet = dbc.packets.get(id.sid); if (packet != null) { prefix = packet.getName() + " "; } } if (id.getByteIndex() == 7 && context.withChecksum.contains(id.sid)) { // skipping known checksum byte continue; } ByteRateOfChange.ByteStatistics s1 = traceReport1.getStatistics().computeIfAbsent(id, ByteRateOfChange.ByteStatistics::new); ByteRateOfChange.ByteStatistics s2 = traceReport2.getStatistics().computeIfAbsent(id, ByteRateOfChange.ByteStatistics::new); if (s1.getUniqueValuesCount() != s2.getUniqueValuesCount()) { String msg = prefix + id + ": count=" + s1.getUniqueValuesCount() + " vs " + s2.getUniqueValuesCount(); int deltaCount = Math.abs(s1.getUniqueValuesCount() - s2.getUniqueValuesCount()); differences.add(new ByteVariationDifference(deltaCount, msg)); report.println(msg + " delta=" + deltaCount + " / transitions=" + s1.totalTransitions + " vs " + s2.totalTransitions); } else { HashSet diff = s1.getUniqueValues(); diff.removeAll(s2.getUniqueValues()); if (!diff.isEmpty()) { report.println(prefix + id + " different sets " + s1.getUniqueValues() + " vs " + s2.getUniqueValues()); } else { // same number of unique values, same set of values if (s1.totalTransitions != s2.totalTransitions) { report.println(prefix + id + " total number of transitions " + s1.totalTransitions + "/" + s2.totalTransitions); } } } } report.println("******************** Sorted by delta count ********************"); differences.sort((o1, o2) -> o2.deltaCount - o1.deltaCount); for (ByteVariationDifference difference : differences) report.println(difference.msg); report.println(differences.size() + " total differences"); report.println(); report.println(); report.println(); report.println(); report.close(); } public static String createOutputFolder(String inputFolderName) { String reportDestinationFolder = inputFolderName + File.separator + "processed"; new File(reportDestinationFolder).mkdirs(); return reportDestinationFolder; } public static void scanInputFolder(String inputFolderName, String fileNameSuffix) throws IOException { String reportDestinationFolder = createOutputFolder(inputFolderName); CanMetaDataContext context =; List reports = new ArrayList<>(); FolderUtil.handleFolder(inputFolderName, (simpleFileName, fullInputFileName) -> { if (Launcher.fileNameFilter != null && !simpleFileName.contains(Launcher.fileNameFilter)) return; List logFileContent = CANLineReader.getReader().readFile(fullInputFileName); PerSidDump.handle(reportDestinationFolder, simpleFileName, logFileContent); // at the moment we overwrite counter detection report after we process each file CounterScanner.scanForCounters(reportDestinationFolder, simpleFileName, logFileContent); ChecksumScanner.scanForChecksums(reportDestinationFolder, simpleFileName, logFileContent); CanToMegaLogViewer.createMegaLogViewer(reportDestinationFolder, logFileContent, simpleFileName); PacketRatio.write(reportDestinationFolder, logFileContent, simpleFileName); ByteRateOfChange.TraceReport report = ByteRateOfChange.process(reportDestinationFolder, simpleFileName, logFileContent); + "-ByteRateOfChange.txt"); reports.add(report); }, fileNameSuffix); System.out.println("Processing " + reports.size() + " report(s)"); compareEachReportAgainstAllOthers(reportDestinationFolder, reports, context); } static class ByteVariationDifference { private final int deltaCount; private final String msg; public ByteVariationDifference(int deltaCount, String msg) { this.deltaCount = deltaCount; this.msg = msg; } } }