example how to run eLua with chibios ==================================== Example how to run eLua with chibios on STM32F4_DISCOVERY. eLua use its own memory management so, my solution is split memory, one part for chibios and second for eLua (refer to STM32F407xG.ld) This demo is based on original ChibiOS/demos/ARMCM4-STM32F407-DISCOVERY-MEMS Quick start ---------------- ``` mkdir -p ~/src/elua_chibios/ cd ~/src/elua_chibios/ git clone https://github.com/ChibiOS/ChibiOS.git git clone https://github.com/linvinus/chibios_with_elua.git cd ~/src/elua_chibios/chibios_with_elua/ext/ git clone https://github.com/elua/elua.git cd ~/src/elua_chibios/chibios_with_elua make ``` upload to STM32F4_DISCOVERY by default elua available on USB serial (ttyACM0 in linux). you may switch to serial driver in halconf.h License ------- Note, ChibiOS licensed under different licenses (Pure GPL3,GPL3 with Exception,Commercial). While eLua licensed under MIT. For more info refer to original sources. http://www.chibios.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=chibios:license http://www.eluaproject.net/overview/license