diff --git a/firmware/controllers/lua/generated/value_lookup_generated.md b/firmware/controllers/lua/generated/value_lookup_generated.md index f41004f4cf..31e39c7311 100644 --- a/firmware/controllers/lua/generated/value_lookup_generated.md +++ b/firmware/controllers/lua/generated/value_lookup_generated.md @@ -1,3639 +1,1554 @@ -#include "pch.h" -#include "value_lookup.h" -float getConfigValueByName(const char *name) { - int hash = djb2lowerCase(name); - switch(hash) { - case -920133784: - return engineConfiguration->sensorSnifferRpmThreshold; - case -776106289: - return engineConfiguration->launchRpm; - case 1176614802: - return engineConfiguration->rpmHardLimit; - case 46918724: - return engineConfiguration->engineSnifferRpmThreshold; - case -775882810: - return engineConfiguration->multisparkMaxRpm; - case 1569359006: - return engineConfiguration->maxAcRpm; - case 1569361190: - return engineConfiguration->maxAcTps; - case 1569342546: - return engineConfiguration->maxAcClt; - case 402092253: - return engineConfiguration->multisparkMaxSparkingAngle; - case 726613349: - return engineConfiguration->multisparkMaxExtraSparkCount; - case 1542550121: - return engineConfiguration->injector.flow; - case -617915487: - return engineConfiguration->isForcedInduction; - case -1284354759: - return engineConfiguration->useFordRedundantTps; - case 563123475: - return engineConfiguration->isVerboseAuxPid1; - case 1362186948: - return engineConfiguration->overrideTriggerGaps; - case -298185774: - return engineConfiguration->enableFan1WithAc; - case 993282195: - return engineConfiguration->enableFan2WithAc; - case -1132710384: - return engineConfiguration->disableFan1WhenStopped; - case -311454863: - return engineConfiguration->disableFan2WhenStopped; - case -1409016614: - return engineConfiguration->enableTrailingSparks; - case 119246268: - return engineConfiguration->isCJ125Verbose; - case 1627431605: - return engineConfiguration->cj125isUaDivided; - case -1780521945: - return engineConfiguration->cj125isLsu49; - case -1334689362: - return engineConfiguration->etb_use_two_wires; - case 1097520823: - return engineConfiguration->isDoubleSolenoidIdle; - case -1572546086: - return engineConfiguration->useEeprom; - case 291489190: - return engineConfiguration->cj125isUrDivided; - case -264572349: - return engineConfiguration->useCicPidForIdle; - case -1279270887: - return engineConfiguration->useTLE8888_cranking_hack; - case 1156367906: - return engineConfiguration->kickStartCranking; - case -418454384: - return engineConfiguration->useSeparateIdleTablesForCrankingTaper; - case -338157684: - return engineConfiguration->launchControlEnabled; - case -905762494: - return engineConfiguration->rollingLaunchEnabled; - case -933524784: - return engineConfiguration->antiLagEnabled; - case -54973711: - return engineConfiguration->useRunningMathForCranking; - case 1616873838: - return engineConfiguration->displayLogicLevelsInEngineSniffer; - case -647008743: - return engineConfiguration->useTLE8888_stepper; - case 1992465535: - return engineConfiguration->enableMapEstimationTableFallback; - case 671821024: - return engineConfiguration->usescriptTableForCanSniffingFiltering; - case -1073210355: - return engineConfiguration->verboseCan; - case -1528619572: - return engineConfiguration->artificialTestMisfire; - case -1571463185: - return engineConfiguration->issue_294_31; - case 513872736: - return engineConfiguration->tpsMin; - case 513872482: - return engineConfiguration->tpsMax; - case 625338761: - return engineConfiguration->tpsErrorDetectionTooLow; - case -838808073: - return engineConfiguration->tpsErrorDetectionTooHigh; - case -781044761: - return engineConfiguration->cranking.baseFuel; - case -1717336209: - return engineConfiguration->cranking.rpm; - case -589710926: - return engineConfiguration->ignitionDwellForCrankingMs; - case 401321850: - return engineConfiguration->etbRevLimitStart; - case 399466905: - return engineConfiguration->etbRevLimitRange; - case -1307181880: - return engineConfiguration->map.sensor.lowValue; - case -1434278346: - return engineConfiguration->map.sensor.highValue; - case -1832527325: - return engineConfiguration->clt.config.tempC_1; - case -1832527324: - return engineConfiguration->clt.config.tempC_2; - case -1832527323: - return engineConfiguration->clt.config.tempC_3; - case -5328869: - return engineConfiguration->clt.config.resistance_1; - case -5328868: - return engineConfiguration->clt.config.resistance_2; - case -5328867: - return engineConfiguration->clt.config.resistance_3; - case -653172717: - return engineConfiguration->clt.config.bias_resistor; - case -672272162: - return engineConfiguration->iat.config.tempC_1; - case -672272161: - return engineConfiguration->iat.config.tempC_2; - case -672272160: - return engineConfiguration->iat.config.tempC_3; - case -1014418506: - return engineConfiguration->iat.config.resistance_1; - case -1014418505: - return engineConfiguration->iat.config.resistance_2; - case -1014418504: - return engineConfiguration->iat.config.resistance_3; - case 406607630: - return engineConfiguration->iat.config.bias_resistor; - case 1226423210: - return engineConfiguration->launchTimingRetard; - case -1310663509: - return engineConfiguration->hip9011PrescalerAndSDO; - case -1738843157: - return engineConfiguration->knockBandCustom; - case -962678774: - return engineConfiguration->specs.displacement; - case -601272985: - return engineConfiguration->specs.cylindersCount; - case 1425664391: - return engineConfiguration->cylinderBore; - case -1976636992: - return engineConfiguration->boostControlMinRpm; - case -1976634808: - return engineConfiguration->boostControlMinTps; - case -1976642929: - return engineConfiguration->boostControlMinMap; - case 2071041633: - return engineConfiguration->crankingTimingAngle; - case -2079960526: - return engineConfiguration->gapTrackingLengthOverride; - case 1408421157: - return engineConfiguration->maxIdleVss; - case -855687130: - return engineConfiguration->minOilPressureAfterStart; - case -1965056926: - return engineConfiguration->fixedModeTiming; - case -295413160: - return engineConfiguration->globalTriggerAngleOffset; - case 1779689293: - return engineConfiguration->analogInputDividerCoefficient; - case -1311217456: - return engineConfiguration->vbattDividerCoeff; - case -853358747: - return engineConfiguration->fanOnTemperature; - case 4686563: - return engineConfiguration->fanOffTemperature; - case 991724096: - return engineConfiguration->driveWheelRevPerKm; - case 296563315: - return engineConfiguration->canSleepPeriodMs; - case 171869155: - return engineConfiguration->byFirmwareVersion; - case -526236296: - return engineConfiguration->HD44780width; - case -777537519: - return engineConfiguration->HD44780height; - case -1269130308: - return engineConfiguration->idle_derivativeFilterLoss; - case 274318471: - return engineConfiguration->trailingSparkAngle; - case 1212570205: - return engineConfiguration->trigger.customTotalToothCount; - case 387956265: - return engineConfiguration->trigger.customSkippedToothCount; - case 2070727975: - return engineConfiguration->airByRpmTaper; - case -1730107688: - return engineConfiguration->failedMapFallback; - case -1965075262: - return engineConfiguration->boostControlSafeDutyCycle; - case 1371979578: - return engineConfiguration->globalFuelCorrection; - case -244496183: - return engineConfiguration->adcVcc; - case 1958105647: - return engineConfiguration->mapCamDetectionAnglePosition; - case -241663117: - return engineConfiguration->afr.v1; - case 1273287930: - return engineConfiguration->afr.value1; - case -241663116: - return engineConfiguration->afr.v2; - case 1273287931: - return engineConfiguration->afr.value2; - case 1474689568: - return engineConfiguration->baroSensor.lowValue; - case 173166222: - return engineConfiguration->baroSensor.highValue; - case -568903712: - return engineConfiguration->idle.solenoidFrequency; - case 1401746228: - return engineConfiguration->manIdlePosition; - case 1989648303: - return engineConfiguration->knockRetardAggression; - case -938609466: - return engineConfiguration->knockRetardReapplyRate; - case -495855925: - return engineConfiguration->vssFilterReciprocal; - case -213773345: - return engineConfiguration->vssGearRatio; - case -1958312328: - return engineConfiguration->vssToothCount; - case -47286421: - return engineConfiguration->triggerSimulatorFrequency; - case -524949197: - return engineConfiguration->idle_antiwindupFreq; - case 1129109559: - return engineConfiguration->mc33_t_min_boost; - case 1933500210: - return engineConfiguration->acIdleExtraOffset; - case -869432403: - return engineConfiguration->finalGearRatio; - case -2116746650: - return engineConfiguration->tcuInputSpeedSensorTeeth; - case 2097342691: - return engineConfiguration->wastegatePositionMin; - case 2097342437: - return engineConfiguration->wastegatePositionMax; - case -1256791716: - return engineConfiguration->idlePositionMin; - case -1256791970: - return engineConfiguration->idlePositionMax; - case 1467553180: - return engineConfiguration->tunerStudioSerialSpeed; - case 355839382: - return engineConfiguration->compressionRatio; - case -1465119085: - return engineConfiguration->fordInjectorSmallPulseSlope; - case -722238362: - return engineConfiguration->is_enabled_spi_1; - case -722238361: - return engineConfiguration->is_enabled_spi_2; - case -722238360: - return engineConfiguration->is_enabled_spi_3; - case -1603423011: - return engineConfiguration->isSdCardEnabled; - case 2043354390: - return engineConfiguration->rusefiVerbose29b; - case 630961411: - return engineConfiguration->isEngineControlEnabled; - case -2119647784: - return engineConfiguration->isHip9011Enabled; - case -956913549: - return engineConfiguration->isVerboseAlternator; - case -1055678778: - return engineConfiguration->verboseQuad; - case -920116109: - return engineConfiguration->useStepperIdle; - case -2068213709: - return engineConfiguration->enabledStep1Limiter; - case -1037977635: - return engineConfiguration->useTpicAdvancedMode; - case -538782875: - return engineConfiguration->useLcdScreen; - case -1251676000: - return engineConfiguration->verboseTLE8888; - case 1643181024: - return engineConfiguration->enableVerboseCanTx; - case -432676169: - return engineConfiguration->etb1configured; - case -28818575: - return engineConfiguration->isCJ125Enabled; - case 1804769272: - return engineConfiguration->etb2configured; - case -1236202550: - return engineConfiguration->measureMapOnlyInOneCylinder; - case -2104625325: - return engineConfiguration->stepperForceParkingEveryRestart; - case 2048390406: - return engineConfiguration->isFasterEngineSpinUpEnabled; - case 1570088896: - return engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutEnabled; - case -2101952506: - return engineConfiguration->useIacTableForCoasting; - case 957244017: - return engineConfiguration->useNoiselessTriggerDecoder; - case 11736566: - return engineConfiguration->useIdleTimingPidControl; - case -2096650725: - return engineConfiguration->disableEtbWhenEngineStopped; - case -722238359: - return engineConfiguration->is_enabled_spi_4; - case -24313313: - return engineConfiguration->pauseEtbControl; - case 1836072195: - return engineConfiguration->alignEngineSnifferAtTDC; - case -1854539309: - return engineConfiguration->useETBforIdleControl; - case 1064399425: - return engineConfiguration->idleIncrementalPidCic; - case 259909218: - return engineConfiguration->enableAemXSeries; - case 6238478: - return engineConfiguration->verboseCanBaseAddress; - case 1182499943: - return engineConfiguration->mc33_hvolt; - case 596585178: - return engineConfiguration->minimumBoostClosedLoopMap; - case 1549866701: - return engineConfiguration->vehicleWeight; - case 1962548154: - return engineConfiguration->idlePidRpmUpperLimit; - case 119460051: - return engineConfiguration->applyNonlinearBelowPulse; - case 1945443830: - return engineConfiguration->stoichRatioSecondary; - case -786901709: - return engineConfiguration->etbMaximumPosition; - case -773841334: - return engineConfiguration->sdCardLogFrequency; - case -561715997: - return engineConfiguration->mapMinBufferLength; - case 1490213215: - return engineConfiguration->idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold; - case -509113657: - return engineConfiguration->stepperParkingExtraSteps; - case -1312968487: - return engineConfiguration->tps1SecondaryMin; - case -1312968741: - return engineConfiguration->tps1SecondaryMax; - case -47392967: - return engineConfiguration->antiLagRpmTreshold; - case 644409862: - return engineConfiguration->startCrankingDuration; - case -1171325035: - return engineConfiguration->clutchUpPinInverted; - case -675074552: - return engineConfiguration->clutchDownPinInverted; - case 13806936: - return engineConfiguration->useHbridgesToDriveIdleStepper; - case -1074393096: - return engineConfiguration->multisparkEnable; - case -1583589783: - return engineConfiguration->enableLaunchRetard; - case -246028069: - return engineConfiguration->unfinishedenableLaunchBoost; - case 963548365: - return engineConfiguration->unfinishedlaunchDisableBySpeed; - case 245947066: - return engineConfiguration->enableCanVss; - case 1382521617: - return engineConfiguration->enableInnovateLC2; - case 2046602309: - return engineConfiguration->showHumanReadableWarning; - case 1838375282: - return engineConfiguration->stftIgnoreErrorMagnitude; - case -376859614: - return engineConfiguration->vvtBooleanForVerySpecialCases; - case -1724873939: - return engineConfiguration->enableSoftwareKnock; - case 1540420600: - return engineConfiguration->verboseVVTDecoding; - case 1081026348: - return engineConfiguration->invertCamVVTSignal; - case 950993889: - return engineConfiguration->consumeObdSensors; - case 1509355728: - return engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl1; - case 1509355729: - return engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl2; - case 1509355730: - return engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl3; - case 1509355731: - return engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl4; - case 1509355732: - return engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl5; - case 1509355733: - return engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl6; - case 1509355734: - return engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl7; - case 1509355735: - return engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl8; - case 1509355736: - return engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl9; - case -1730868480: - return engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl10; - case -1730868479: - return engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl11; - case -1730868478: - return engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl12; - case 1997663388: - return engineConfiguration->tcuEnabled; - case 1181153770: - return engineConfiguration->canBroadcastUseChannelTwo; - case 839486731: - return engineConfiguration->useRawOutputToDriveIdleStepper; - case -1056203297: - return engineConfiguration->verboseCan2; - case 1421783686: - return engineConfiguration->boostPid.pFactor; - case 971442495: - return engineConfiguration->boostPid.iFactor; - case -1190930054: - return engineConfiguration->boostPid.dFactor; - case 1435801342: - return engineConfiguration->boostPid.offset; - case -945021094: - return engineConfiguration->boostPid.periodMs; - case 777954680: - return engineConfiguration->boostPid.minValue; - case -572500550: - return engineConfiguration->boostPid.maxValue; - case -1990709262: - return engineConfiguration->boostPwmFrequency; - case -1743747394: - return engineConfiguration->launchSpeedThreshold; - case 906908772: - return engineConfiguration->launchTimingRpmRange; - case 975838686: - return engineConfiguration->launchFuelAdded; - case -232786835: - return engineConfiguration->launchBoostDuty; - case -163078708: - return engineConfiguration->hardCutRpmRange; - case 983814707: - return engineConfiguration->turbochargerFilter; - case -1340834204: - return engineConfiguration->launchTpsThreshold; - case -1153051360: - return engineConfiguration->launchActivateDelay; - case 1887120139: - return engineConfiguration->stft.maxIdleRegionRpm; - case 1673018859: - return engineConfiguration->stft.maxOverrunLoad; - case -1942479387: - return engineConfiguration->stft.minPowerLoad; - case -1157123369: - return engineConfiguration->stft.deadband; - case -81412933: - return engineConfiguration->stft.minClt; - case -81415311: - return engineConfiguration->stft.minAfr; - case -90543309: - return engineConfiguration->stft.maxAfr; - case 1028902582: - return engineConfiguration->stft.startupDelay; - case 18659930: - return engineConfiguration->tps2SecondaryMin; - case 18659676: - return engineConfiguration->tps2SecondaryMax; - case 825184089: - return engineConfiguration->disablePrimaryUart; - case 1611799720: - return engineConfiguration->fuelClosedLoopCorrectionEnabled; - case -546057276: - return engineConfiguration->isVerboseIAC; - case 885690524: - return engineConfiguration->boardUseTachPullUp; - case -1457484942: - return engineConfiguration->boardUseTempPullUp; - case -1985448683: - return engineConfiguration->yesUnderstandLocking; - case 582390322: - return engineConfiguration->silentTriggerError; - case -1816997974: - return engineConfiguration->useLinearCltSensor; - case -528008450: - return engineConfiguration->canReadEnabled; - case 2104472173: - return engineConfiguration->canWriteEnabled; - case 667504645: - return engineConfiguration->useLinearIatSensor; - case -1470758947: - return engineConfiguration->boardUse2stepPullDown; - case 99110078: - return engineConfiguration->tachPulseDurationAsDutyCycle; - case -1771449111: - return engineConfiguration->isAlternatorControlEnabled; - case -587700301: - return engineConfiguration->invertPrimaryTriggerSignal; - case -1944260329: - return engineConfiguration->invertSecondaryTriggerSignal; - case -794334344: - return engineConfiguration->cutFuelOnHardLimit; - case -1087585075: - return engineConfiguration->cutSparkOnHardLimit; - case -980843809: - return engineConfiguration->launchFuelCutEnable; - case -1829995308: - return engineConfiguration->launchSparkCutEnable; - case 1280316843: - return engineConfiguration->boardUseCrankPullUp; - case 1304425152: - return engineConfiguration->boardUseCamPullDown; - case -94892331: - return engineConfiguration->boardUseCamVrPullUp; - case 1868156805: - return engineConfiguration->boardUseD2PullDown; - case -472498042: - return engineConfiguration->boardUseD3PullDown; - case 1481814407: - return engineConfiguration->boardUseD4PullDown; - case -858840440: - return engineConfiguration->boardUseD5PullDown; - case -487204662: - return engineConfiguration->verboseIsoTp; - case 465982216: - return engineConfiguration->engineSnifferFocusOnInputs; - case -1884116782: - return engineConfiguration->launchActivateInverted; - case 38719415: - return engineConfiguration->twoStroke; - case 1538579992: - return engineConfiguration->skippedWheelOnCam; - case 1664668368: - return engineConfiguration->etbNeutralPosition; - case 1917301199: - return engineConfiguration->isInjectionEnabled; - case -1354884979: - return engineConfiguration->isIgnitionEnabled; - case -1491889938: - return engineConfiguration->isCylinderCleanupEnabled; - case -2018683234: - return engineConfiguration->complexWallModel; - case -1934896346: - return engineConfiguration->alwaysInstantRpm; - case 285726462: - return engineConfiguration->isMapAveragingEnabled; - case -1500666851: - return engineConfiguration->overrideCrankingIacSetting; - case 216872574: - return engineConfiguration->useSeparateAdvanceForIdle; - case -726159643: - return engineConfiguration->isWaveAnalyzerEnabled; - case -1997438905: - return engineConfiguration->useSeparateVeForIdle; - case -325018342: - return engineConfiguration->verboseTriggerSynchDetails; - case -795241238: - return engineConfiguration->isManualSpinningMode; - case -1248413509: - return engineConfiguration->twoWireBatchInjection; - case 454615641: - return engineConfiguration->twoWireBatchIgnition; - case 201676494: - return engineConfiguration->useFixedBaroCorrFromMap; - case 685453869: - return engineConfiguration->useSeparateAdvanceForCranking; - case 1060606307: - return engineConfiguration->useAdvanceCorrectionsForCranking; - case -563973567: - return engineConfiguration->flexCranking; - case -364626778: - return engineConfiguration->useIacPidMultTable; - case -1832431020: - return engineConfiguration->isBoostControlEnabled; - case -954321508: - return engineConfiguration->launchSmoothRetard; - case -1543452424: - return engineConfiguration->isPhaseSyncRequiredForIgnition; - case 939816194: - return engineConfiguration->useCltBasedRpmLimit; - case -389678699: - return engineConfiguration->forceO2Heating; - case 755512282: - return engineConfiguration->invertVvtControlIntake; - case -1331668704: - return engineConfiguration->invertVvtControlExhaust; - case 1486014321: - return engineConfiguration->useBiQuadOnAuxSpeedSensors; - case -105464622: - return engineConfiguration->sdTriggerLog; - case -153724425: - return engineConfiguration->tempBooleanForVerySpecialLogic; - case -1492464952: - return engineConfiguration->engineChartSize; - case -1056007485: - return engineConfiguration->turboSpeedSensorMultiplier; - case 1683471850: - return engineConfiguration->acIdleRpmBump; - case 1322924702: - return engineConfiguration->warningPeriod; - case -339821344: - return engineConfiguration->knockDetectionWindowStart; - case -1562133783: - return engineConfiguration->knockDetectionWindowEnd; - case 1145888170: - return engineConfiguration->idleStepperReactionTime; - case -1077032999: - return engineConfiguration->idleStepperTotalSteps; - case -66405381: - return engineConfiguration->noAccelAfterHardLimitPeriodSecs; - case 1556302698: - return engineConfiguration->mapAveragingSchedulingAtIndex; - case 58931511: - return engineConfiguration->tachPulseDuractionMs; - case -390306941: - return engineConfiguration->wwaeTau; - case -1993968289: - return engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.pFactor; - case 1850657816: - return engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.iFactor; - case -311714733: - return engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.dFactor; - case 1983046327: - return engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.offset; - case -1995686573: - return engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.periodMs; - case -272710799: - return engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.minValue; - case -1623166029: - return engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.maxValue; - case 196797309: - return engineConfiguration->etb.pFactor; - case -253543882: - return engineConfiguration->etb.iFactor; - case 1879050865: - return engineConfiguration->etb.dFactor; - case -423426795: - return engineConfiguration->etb.offset; - case 1580101425: - return engineConfiguration->etb.periodMs; - case -991890097: - return engineConfiguration->etb.minValue; - case 1952621969: - return engineConfiguration->etb.maxValue; - case -174866119: - return engineConfiguration->airTaperRpmRange; - case -224184878: - return engineConfiguration->tps2Min; - case -224185132: - return engineConfiguration->tps2Max; - case -2142425790: - return engineConfiguration->tachPulsePerRev; - case 9388880: - return engineConfiguration->mapErrorDetectionTooLow; - case 309682334: - return engineConfiguration->mapErrorDetectionTooHigh; - case 48235288: - return engineConfiguration->multisparkSparkDuration; - case 617337449: - return engineConfiguration->multisparkDwell; - case -2146434132: - return engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.pFactor; - case 1698191973: - return engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.iFactor; - case -464180576: - return engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.dFactor; - case -103982236: - return engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.offset; - case 1562875200: - return engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.periodMs; - case -1009116322: - return engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.minValue; - case 1935395744: - return engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.maxValue; - case 4130389: - return engineConfiguration->wwaeBeta; - case -2130836456: - return engineConfiguration->throttlePedalUpVoltage; - case 2099527693: - return engineConfiguration->throttlePedalWOTVoltage; - case -664540020: - return engineConfiguration->startUpFuelPumpDuration; - case -528043591: - return engineConfiguration->idlePidRpmDeadZone; - case 1160967565: - return engineConfiguration->targetVBatt; - case -1166743424: - return engineConfiguration->alternatorOffAboveTps; - case 671504531: - return engineConfiguration->afterCrankingIACtaperDuration; - case -2065814304: - return engineConfiguration->iacByTpsTaper; - case -1164331270: - return engineConfiguration->tpsAccelLookback; - case 329016035: - return engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutVssLow; - case -2027523439: - return engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutVssHigh; - case 1286770247: - return engineConfiguration->noFuelTrimAfterDfcoTime; - case 1313479950: - return engineConfiguration->tpsAccelEnrichmentThreshold; - case -2114430012: - return engineConfiguration->totalGearsCount; - case -999870619: - return engineConfiguration->uartConsoleSerialSpeed; - case -965453331: - return engineConfiguration->tpsDecelEnleanmentThreshold; - case 1164012327: - return engineConfiguration->tpsDecelEnleanmentMultiplier; - case 70789688: - return engineConfiguration->slowAdcAlpha; - case 781749924: - return engineConfiguration->auxSerialSpeed; - case -1564912640: - return engineConfiguration->throttlePedalSecondaryUpVoltage; - case -699822859: - return engineConfiguration->throttlePedalSecondaryWOTVoltage; - case 578933872: - return engineConfiguration->mc33_hpfp_i_peak; - case 578657622: - return engineConfiguration->mc33_hpfp_i_hold; - case 944657936: - return engineConfiguration->mc33_hpfp_i_hold_off; - case 663037299: - return engineConfiguration->mc33_hpfp_max_hold; - case 337194154: - return engineConfiguration->stepperDcInvertedPins; - case -631762165: - return engineConfiguration->canOpenBLT; - case -1514354211: - return engineConfiguration->can2OpenBLT; - case 444648859: - return engineConfiguration->injectorFlowAsMassFlow; - case -1655178001: - return engineConfiguration->benchTestOffTime; - case -204721234: - return engineConfiguration->benchTestCount; - case -1992436143: - return engineConfiguration->benchTestOnTime; - case -1992945039: - return engineConfiguration->boostCutPressure; - case -1359134883: - return engineConfiguration->fixedTiming; - case -137390524: - return engineConfiguration->mapLowValueVoltage; - case -1084262094: - return engineConfiguration->mapHighValueVoltage; - case 280323355: - return engineConfiguration->egoValueShift; - case -224532684: - return engineConfiguration->crankingIACposition; - case -557658095: - return engineConfiguration->tChargeMinRpmMinTps; - case -566786093: - return engineConfiguration->tChargeMinRpmMaxTps; - case -599338669: - return engineConfiguration->tChargeMaxRpmMinTps; - case -608466667: - return engineConfiguration->tChargeMaxRpmMaxTps; - case 1397079021: - return engineConfiguration->fan1ExtraIdle; - case 799798215: - return engineConfiguration->alternatorPwmFrequency; - case 1464880398: - return engineConfiguration->fan2ExtraIdle; - case 1506446058: - return engineConfiguration->primingDelay; - case -395416807: - return engineConfiguration->fuelReferencePressure; - case -1297058729: - return engineConfiguration->postCrankingFactor; - case 1183263609: - return engineConfiguration->postCrankingDurationSec; - case -1104834801: - return engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor1.config.tempC_1; - case -1104834800: - return engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor1.config.tempC_2; - case -1104834799: - return engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor1.config.tempC_3; - case 629168263: - return engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor1.config.resistance_1; - case 629168264: - return engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor1.config.resistance_2; - case 629168265: - return engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor1.config.resistance_3; - case -1189603841: - return engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor1.config.bias_resistor; - case -900025104: - return engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor2.config.tempC_1; - case -900025103: - return engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor2.config.tempC_2; - case -900025102: - return engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor2.config.tempC_3; - case 1988973320: - return engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor2.config.resistance_1; - case 1988973321: - return engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor2.config.resistance_2; - case 1988973322: - return engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor2.config.resistance_3; - case 734290080: - return engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor2.config.bias_resistor; - case -430252676: - return engineConfiguration->knockSamplingDuration; - case 2016887022: - return engineConfiguration->etbFreq; - case 1746193407: - return engineConfiguration->etbWastegatePid.pFactor; - case 1295852216: - return engineConfiguration->etbWastegatePid.iFactor; - case -866520333: - return engineConfiguration->etbWastegatePid.dFactor; - case 794879319: - return engineConfiguration->etbWastegatePid.offset; - case 1170565107: - return engineConfiguration->etbWastegatePid.periodMs; - case -1401426415: - return engineConfiguration->etbWastegatePid.minValue; - case 1543085651: - return engineConfiguration->etbWastegatePid.maxValue; - case -1147263902: - return engineConfiguration->stepperMinDutyCycle; - case -1188944476: - return engineConfiguration->stepperMaxDutyCycle; - case -1562952959: - return engineConfiguration->idlePidActivationTime; - case -613392361: - return engineConfiguration->oilPressure.v1; - case -505257058: - return engineConfiguration->oilPressure.value1; - case -613392360: - return engineConfiguration->oilPressure.v2; - case -505257057: - return engineConfiguration->oilPressure.value2; - case 871106583: - return engineConfiguration->fan2OnTemperature; - case 1077467605: - return engineConfiguration->fan2OffTemperature; - case 383307083: - return engineConfiguration->auxFrequencyFilter; - case 1470846937: - return engineConfiguration->vvtControlMinRpm; - case -904771683: - return engineConfiguration->launchFuelAdderPercent; - case 1057701663: - return engineConfiguration->etbJamTimeout; - case -86185846: - return engineConfiguration->etbExpAverageLength; - case -275312941: - return engineConfiguration->etbDutyThreshold; - case 1272017572: - return engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutRpmHigh; - case 168701078: - return engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutRpmLow; - case -1494035092: - return engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutTps; - case -1494053736: - return engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutClt; - case 1414346958: - return engineConfiguration->pidExtraForLowRpm; - case -1494043213: - return engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutMap; - case 2032707103: - return engineConfiguration->highPressureFuel.v1; - case -1898025562: - return engineConfiguration->highPressureFuel.value1; - case 2032707104: - return engineConfiguration->highPressureFuel.v2; - case -1898025561: - return engineConfiguration->highPressureFuel.value2; - case -474791503: - return engineConfiguration->lowPressureFuel.v1; - case 764445240: - return engineConfiguration->lowPressureFuel.value1; - case -474791502: - return engineConfiguration->lowPressureFuel.v2; - case 764445241: - return engineConfiguration->lowPressureFuel.value2; - case 2115625312: - return engineConfiguration->tChargeAirCoefMin; - case 2115625058: - return engineConfiguration->tChargeAirCoefMax; - case 1590125629: - return engineConfiguration->tChargeAirFlowMax; - case -1128797750: - return engineConfiguration->tChargeAirIncrLimit; - case 670644444: - return engineConfiguration->tChargeAirDecrLimit; - case 929810608: - return engineConfiguration->hip9011Gain; - case -1725192476: - return engineConfiguration->etb_iTermMin; - case -1725192730: - return engineConfiguration->etb_iTermMax; - case -1411996731: - return engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.pFactor; - case -1862337922: - return engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.iFactor; - case 270256825: - return engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.dFactor; - case -2033984419: - return engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.offset; - case 29505657: - return engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.periodMs; - case 1752481431: - return engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.minValue; - case 402026201: - return engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.maxValue; - case 481957934: - return engineConfiguration->etbRocExpAverageLength; - case 1117566701: - return engineConfiguration->tpsAccelFractionPeriod; - case 68539114: - return engineConfiguration->tpsAccelFractionDivisor; - case -1742418701: - return engineConfiguration->idlerpmpid_iTermMin; - case 1762426578: - return engineConfiguration->stoichRatioPrimary; - case -1742418955: - return engineConfiguration->idlerpmpid_iTermMax; - case -54532767: - return engineConfiguration->etbIdleThrottleRange; - case 1455224910: - return engineConfiguration->triggerCompCenterVolt; - case -25671212: - return engineConfiguration->triggerCompHystMin; - case -25671466: - return engineConfiguration->triggerCompHystMax; - case -953183719: - return engineConfiguration->triggerCompSensorSatRpm; - case 2018252734: - return engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid2.pFactor; - case 1567911543: - return engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid2.iFactor; - case -594461006: - return engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid2.dFactor; - case 1844327734: - return engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid2.offset; - case 1558588306: - return engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid2.periodMs; - case -1013403216: - return engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid2.minValue; - case 1931108850: - return engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid2.maxValue; - case -371707639: - return engineConfiguration->mc33_i_boost; - case 379679459: - return engineConfiguration->mc33_i_peak; - case 379403209: - return engineConfiguration->mc33_i_hold; - case -486240071: - return engineConfiguration->mc33_t_max_boost; - case -893360504: - return engineConfiguration->mc33_t_peak_off; - case -893354748: - return engineConfiguration->mc33_t_peak_tot; - case 1281862911: - return engineConfiguration->mc33_t_bypass; - case -2086522258: - return engineConfiguration->mc33_t_hold_off; - case -2086516502: - return engineConfiguration->mc33_t_hold_tot; - case -2070332548: - return engineConfiguration->maxCamPhaseResolveRpm; - case 1676700208: - return engineConfiguration->dfcoDelay; - case 483010008: - return engineConfiguration->acDelay; - case -1032938305: - return engineConfiguration->fordInjectorSmallPulseBreakPoint; - case -929987018: - return engineConfiguration->etbJamIntegratorLimit; - case -1256141959: - return engineConfiguration->hpfpCamLobes; - case 1145081382: - return engineConfiguration->hpfpPeakPos; - case 1494394654: - return engineConfiguration->hpfpMinAngle; - case 334494733: - return engineConfiguration->hpfpPumpVolume; - case -81483444: - return engineConfiguration->hpfpActivationAngle; - case -413489794: - return engineConfiguration->issFilterReciprocal; - case 436500704: - return engineConfiguration->hpfpPidP; - case 436500697: - return engineConfiguration->hpfpPidI; - case 1025426144: - return engineConfiguration->hpfpTargetDecay; - case 288250022: - return engineConfiguration->vvtActivationDelayMs; - case -1415669996: - return engineConfiguration->auxLinear1.v1; - case -65154789: - return engineConfiguration->auxLinear1.value1; - case -1415669995: - return engineConfiguration->auxLinear1.v2; - case -65154788: - return engineConfiguration->auxLinear1.value2; - case -1415634059: - return engineConfiguration->auxLinear2.v1; - case -396384772: - return engineConfiguration->auxLinear2.value1; - case -1415634058: - return engineConfiguration->auxLinear2.v2; - case -396384771: - return engineConfiguration->auxLinear2.value2; - case -1855700175: - return engineConfiguration->etbMinimumPosition; - case -243078627: - return engineConfiguration->tuneHidingKey; - case -1743759953: - return engineConfiguration->etbDutyShutdownThreshold; - case 1532957848: - return engineConfiguration->ALSMinRPM; - case 1523829850: - return engineConfiguration->ALSMaxRPM; - case 1830002033: - return engineConfiguration->alsMaxDuration; - case 1532941388: - return engineConfiguration->ALSMinCLT; - case 1523813390: - return engineConfiguration->ALSMaxCLT; - case -1118241790: - return engineConfiguration->alsMinTimeBetween; - case -731677323: - return engineConfiguration->alsEtbPosition; - case 220143119: - return engineConfiguration->ALSTimingRetard; - case -2021435668: - return engineConfiguration->ALSIdleAdd; - case 1232469673: - return engineConfiguration->ALSEtbAdd; - case -1404414917: - return engineConfiguration->ALSSkipRatio; - case 612659807: - return engineConfiguration->ALSMaxDriverThrottleIntent; - } - return EFI_ERROR_CODE; -} -void setConfigValueByName(const char *name, float value) { - int hash = djb2lowerCase(name); - switch(hash) { - case -920133784: - { - engineConfiguration->sensorSnifferRpmThreshold = (int)value; - return; - } - case -776106289: - { - engineConfiguration->launchRpm = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1176614802: - { - engineConfiguration->rpmHardLimit = (int)value; - return; - } - case 46918724: - { - engineConfiguration->engineSnifferRpmThreshold = (int)value; - return; - } - case -775882810: - { - engineConfiguration->multisparkMaxRpm = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1569359006: - { - engineConfiguration->maxAcRpm = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1569361190: - { - engineConfiguration->maxAcTps = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1569342546: - { - engineConfiguration->maxAcClt = (int)value; - return; - } - case 402092253: - { - engineConfiguration->multisparkMaxSparkingAngle = (int)value; - return; - } - case 726613349: - { - engineConfiguration->multisparkMaxExtraSparkCount = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1542550121: - { - engineConfiguration->injector.flow = value; - return; - } - case -617915487: - { - engineConfiguration->isForcedInduction = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1284354759: - { - engineConfiguration->useFordRedundantTps = (int)value; - return; - } - case 563123475: - { - engineConfiguration->isVerboseAuxPid1 = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1362186948: - { - engineConfiguration->overrideTriggerGaps = (int)value; - return; - } - case -298185774: - { - engineConfiguration->enableFan1WithAc = (int)value; - return; - } - case 993282195: - { - engineConfiguration->enableFan2WithAc = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1132710384: - { - engineConfiguration->disableFan1WhenStopped = (int)value; - return; - } - case -311454863: - { - engineConfiguration->disableFan2WhenStopped = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1409016614: - { - engineConfiguration->enableTrailingSparks = (int)value; - return; - } - case 119246268: - { - engineConfiguration->isCJ125Verbose = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1627431605: - { - engineConfiguration->cj125isUaDivided = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1780521945: - { - engineConfiguration->cj125isLsu49 = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1334689362: - { - engineConfiguration->etb_use_two_wires = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1097520823: - { - engineConfiguration->isDoubleSolenoidIdle = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1572546086: - { - engineConfiguration->useEeprom = (int)value; - return; - } - case 291489190: - { - engineConfiguration->cj125isUrDivided = (int)value; - return; - } - case -264572349: - { - engineConfiguration->useCicPidForIdle = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1279270887: - { - engineConfiguration->useTLE8888_cranking_hack = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1156367906: - { - engineConfiguration->kickStartCranking = (int)value; - return; - } - case -418454384: - { - engineConfiguration->useSeparateIdleTablesForCrankingTaper = (int)value; - return; - } - case -338157684: - { - engineConfiguration->launchControlEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case -905762494: - { - engineConfiguration->rollingLaunchEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case -933524784: - { - engineConfiguration->antiLagEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case -54973711: - { - engineConfiguration->useRunningMathForCranking = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1616873838: - { - engineConfiguration->displayLogicLevelsInEngineSniffer = (int)value; - return; - } - case -647008743: - { - engineConfiguration->useTLE8888_stepper = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1992465535: - { - engineConfiguration->enableMapEstimationTableFallback = (int)value; - return; - } - case 671821024: - { - engineConfiguration->usescriptTableForCanSniffingFiltering = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1073210355: - { - engineConfiguration->verboseCan = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1528619572: - { - engineConfiguration->artificialTestMisfire = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1571463185: - { - engineConfiguration->issue_294_31 = (int)value; - return; - } - case 513872736: - { - engineConfiguration->tpsMin = (int)value; - return; - } - case 513872482: - { - engineConfiguration->tpsMax = (int)value; - return; - } - case 625338761: - { - engineConfiguration->tpsErrorDetectionTooLow = (int)value; - return; - } - case -838808073: - { - engineConfiguration->tpsErrorDetectionTooHigh = (int)value; - return; - } - case -781044761: - { - engineConfiguration->cranking.baseFuel = value; - return; - } - case -1717336209: - { - engineConfiguration->cranking.rpm = (int)value; - return; - } - case -589710926: - { - engineConfiguration->ignitionDwellForCrankingMs = value; - return; - } - case 401321850: - { - engineConfiguration->etbRevLimitStart = (int)value; - return; - } - case 399466905: - { - engineConfiguration->etbRevLimitRange = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1307181880: - { - engineConfiguration->map.sensor.lowValue = value; - return; - } - case -1434278346: - { - engineConfiguration->map.sensor.highValue = value; - return; - } - case -1832527325: - { - engineConfiguration->clt.config.tempC_1 = value; - return; - } - case -1832527324: - { - engineConfiguration->clt.config.tempC_2 = value; - return; - } - case -1832527323: - { - engineConfiguration->clt.config.tempC_3 = value; - return; - } - case -5328869: - { - engineConfiguration->clt.config.resistance_1 = value; - return; - } - case -5328868: - { - engineConfiguration->clt.config.resistance_2 = value; - return; - } - case -5328867: - { - engineConfiguration->clt.config.resistance_3 = value; - return; - } - case -653172717: - { - engineConfiguration->clt.config.bias_resistor = value; - return; - } - case -672272162: - { - engineConfiguration->iat.config.tempC_1 = value; - return; - } - case -672272161: - { - engineConfiguration->iat.config.tempC_2 = value; - return; - } - case -672272160: - { - engineConfiguration->iat.config.tempC_3 = value; - return; - } - case -1014418506: - { - engineConfiguration->iat.config.resistance_1 = value; - return; - } - case -1014418505: - { - engineConfiguration->iat.config.resistance_2 = value; - return; - } - case -1014418504: - { - engineConfiguration->iat.config.resistance_3 = value; - return; - } - case 406607630: - { - engineConfiguration->iat.config.bias_resistor = value; - return; - } - case 1226423210: - { - engineConfiguration->launchTimingRetard = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1310663509: - { - engineConfiguration->hip9011PrescalerAndSDO = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1738843157: - { - engineConfiguration->knockBandCustom = value; - return; - } - case -962678774: - { - engineConfiguration->specs.displacement = value; - return; - } - case -601272985: - { - engineConfiguration->specs.cylindersCount = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1425664391: - { - engineConfiguration->cylinderBore = value; - return; - } - case -1976636992: - { - engineConfiguration->boostControlMinRpm = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1976634808: - { - engineConfiguration->boostControlMinTps = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1976642929: - { - engineConfiguration->boostControlMinMap = (int)value; - return; - } - case 2071041633: - { - engineConfiguration->crankingTimingAngle = value; - return; - } - case -2079960526: - { - engineConfiguration->gapTrackingLengthOverride = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1408421157: - { - engineConfiguration->maxIdleVss = (int)value; - return; - } - case -855687130: - { - engineConfiguration->minOilPressureAfterStart = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1965056926: - { - engineConfiguration->fixedModeTiming = value; - return; - } - case -295413160: - { - engineConfiguration->globalTriggerAngleOffset = value; - return; - } - case 1779689293: - { - engineConfiguration->analogInputDividerCoefficient = value; - return; - } - case -1311217456: - { - engineConfiguration->vbattDividerCoeff = value; - return; - } - case -853358747: - { - engineConfiguration->fanOnTemperature = value; - return; - } - case 4686563: - { - engineConfiguration->fanOffTemperature = value; - return; - } - case 991724096: - { - engineConfiguration->driveWheelRevPerKm = value; - return; - } - case 296563315: - { - engineConfiguration->canSleepPeriodMs = (int)value; - return; - } - case 171869155: - { - engineConfiguration->byFirmwareVersion = (int)value; - return; - } - case -526236296: - { - engineConfiguration->HD44780width = (int)value; - return; - } - case -777537519: - { - engineConfiguration->HD44780height = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1269130308: - { - engineConfiguration->idle_derivativeFilterLoss = value; - return; - } - case 274318471: - { - engineConfiguration->trailingSparkAngle = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1212570205: - { - engineConfiguration->trigger.customTotalToothCount = (int)value; - return; - } - case 387956265: - { - engineConfiguration->trigger.customSkippedToothCount = (int)value; - return; - } - case 2070727975: - { - engineConfiguration->airByRpmTaper = value; - return; - } - case -1730107688: - { - engineConfiguration->failedMapFallback = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1965075262: - { - engineConfiguration->boostControlSafeDutyCycle = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1371979578: - { - engineConfiguration->globalFuelCorrection = value; - return; - } - case -244496183: - { - engineConfiguration->adcVcc = value; - return; - } - case 1958105647: - { - engineConfiguration->mapCamDetectionAnglePosition = value; - return; - } - case -241663117: - { - engineConfiguration->afr.v1 = value; - return; - } - case 1273287930: - { - engineConfiguration->afr.value1 = value; - return; - } - case -241663116: - { - engineConfiguration->afr.v2 = value; - return; - } - case 1273287931: - { - engineConfiguration->afr.value2 = value; - return; - } - case 1474689568: - { - engineConfiguration->baroSensor.lowValue = value; - return; - } - case 173166222: - { - engineConfiguration->baroSensor.highValue = value; - return; - } - case -568903712: - { - engineConfiguration->idle.solenoidFrequency = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1401746228: - { - engineConfiguration->manIdlePosition = value; - return; - } - case 1989648303: - { - engineConfiguration->knockRetardAggression = (int)value; - return; - } - case -938609466: - { - engineConfiguration->knockRetardReapplyRate = (int)value; - return; - } - case -495855925: - { - engineConfiguration->vssFilterReciprocal = (int)value; - return; - } - case -213773345: - { - engineConfiguration->vssGearRatio = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1958312328: - { - engineConfiguration->vssToothCount = (int)value; - return; - } - case -47286421: - { - engineConfiguration->triggerSimulatorFrequency = (int)value; - return; - } - case -524949197: - { - engineConfiguration->idle_antiwindupFreq = value; - return; - } - case 1129109559: - { - engineConfiguration->mc33_t_min_boost = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1933500210: - { - engineConfiguration->acIdleExtraOffset = (int)value; - return; - } - case -869432403: - { - engineConfiguration->finalGearRatio = (int)value; - return; - } - case -2116746650: - { - engineConfiguration->tcuInputSpeedSensorTeeth = (int)value; - return; - } - case 2097342691: - { - engineConfiguration->wastegatePositionMin = (int)value; - return; - } - case 2097342437: - { - engineConfiguration->wastegatePositionMax = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1256791716: - { - engineConfiguration->idlePositionMin = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1256791970: - { - engineConfiguration->idlePositionMax = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1467553180: - { - engineConfiguration->tunerStudioSerialSpeed = (int)value; - return; - } - case 355839382: - { - engineConfiguration->compressionRatio = value; - return; - } - case -1465119085: - { - engineConfiguration->fordInjectorSmallPulseSlope = (int)value; - return; - } - case -722238362: - { - engineConfiguration->is_enabled_spi_1 = (int)value; - return; - } - case -722238361: - { - engineConfiguration->is_enabled_spi_2 = (int)value; - return; - } - case -722238360: - { - engineConfiguration->is_enabled_spi_3 = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1603423011: - { - engineConfiguration->isSdCardEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case 2043354390: - { - engineConfiguration->rusefiVerbose29b = (int)value; - return; - } - case 630961411: - { - engineConfiguration->isEngineControlEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case -2119647784: - { - engineConfiguration->isHip9011Enabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case -956913549: - { - engineConfiguration->isVerboseAlternator = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1055678778: - { - engineConfiguration->verboseQuad = (int)value; - return; - } - case -920116109: - { - engineConfiguration->useStepperIdle = (int)value; - return; - } - case -2068213709: - { - engineConfiguration->enabledStep1Limiter = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1037977635: - { - engineConfiguration->useTpicAdvancedMode = (int)value; - return; - } - case -538782875: - { - engineConfiguration->useLcdScreen = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1251676000: - { - engineConfiguration->verboseTLE8888 = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1643181024: - { - engineConfiguration->enableVerboseCanTx = (int)value; - return; - } - case -432676169: - { - engineConfiguration->etb1configured = (int)value; - return; - } - case -28818575: - { - engineConfiguration->isCJ125Enabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1804769272: - { - engineConfiguration->etb2configured = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1236202550: - { - engineConfiguration->measureMapOnlyInOneCylinder = (int)value; - return; - } - case -2104625325: - { - engineConfiguration->stepperForceParkingEveryRestart = (int)value; - return; - } - case 2048390406: - { - engineConfiguration->isFasterEngineSpinUpEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1570088896: - { - engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case -2101952506: - { - engineConfiguration->useIacTableForCoasting = (int)value; - return; - } - case 957244017: - { - engineConfiguration->useNoiselessTriggerDecoder = (int)value; - return; - } - case 11736566: - { - engineConfiguration->useIdleTimingPidControl = (int)value; - return; - } - case -2096650725: - { - engineConfiguration->disableEtbWhenEngineStopped = (int)value; - return; - } - case -722238359: - { - engineConfiguration->is_enabled_spi_4 = (int)value; - return; - } - case -24313313: - { - engineConfiguration->pauseEtbControl = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1836072195: - { - engineConfiguration->alignEngineSnifferAtTDC = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1854539309: - { - engineConfiguration->useETBforIdleControl = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1064399425: - { - engineConfiguration->idleIncrementalPidCic = (int)value; - return; - } - case 259909218: - { - engineConfiguration->enableAemXSeries = (int)value; - return; - } - case 6238478: - { - engineConfiguration->verboseCanBaseAddress = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1182499943: - { - engineConfiguration->mc33_hvolt = (int)value; - return; - } - case 596585178: - { - engineConfiguration->minimumBoostClosedLoopMap = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1549866701: - { - engineConfiguration->vehicleWeight = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1962548154: - { - engineConfiguration->idlePidRpmUpperLimit = (int)value; - return; - } - case 119460051: - { - engineConfiguration->applyNonlinearBelowPulse = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1945443830: - { - engineConfiguration->stoichRatioSecondary = (int)value; - return; - } - case -786901709: - { - engineConfiguration->etbMaximumPosition = (int)value; - return; - } - case -773841334: - { - engineConfiguration->sdCardLogFrequency = (int)value; - return; - } - case -561715997: - { - engineConfiguration->mapMinBufferLength = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1490213215: - { - engineConfiguration->idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold = (int)value; - return; - } - case -509113657: - { - engineConfiguration->stepperParkingExtraSteps = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1312968487: - { - engineConfiguration->tps1SecondaryMin = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1312968741: - { - engineConfiguration->tps1SecondaryMax = (int)value; - return; - } - case -47392967: - { - engineConfiguration->antiLagRpmTreshold = (int)value; - return; - } - case 644409862: - { - engineConfiguration->startCrankingDuration = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1171325035: - { - engineConfiguration->clutchUpPinInverted = (int)value; - return; - } - case -675074552: - { - engineConfiguration->clutchDownPinInverted = (int)value; - return; - } - case 13806936: - { - engineConfiguration->useHbridgesToDriveIdleStepper = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1074393096: - { - engineConfiguration->multisparkEnable = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1583589783: - { - engineConfiguration->enableLaunchRetard = (int)value; - return; - } - case -246028069: - { - engineConfiguration->unfinishedenableLaunchBoost = (int)value; - return; - } - case 963548365: - { - engineConfiguration->unfinishedlaunchDisableBySpeed = (int)value; - return; - } - case 245947066: - { - engineConfiguration->enableCanVss = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1382521617: - { - engineConfiguration->enableInnovateLC2 = (int)value; - return; - } - case 2046602309: - { - engineConfiguration->showHumanReadableWarning = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1838375282: - { - engineConfiguration->stftIgnoreErrorMagnitude = (int)value; - return; - } - case -376859614: - { - engineConfiguration->vvtBooleanForVerySpecialCases = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1724873939: - { - engineConfiguration->enableSoftwareKnock = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1540420600: - { - engineConfiguration->verboseVVTDecoding = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1081026348: - { - engineConfiguration->invertCamVVTSignal = (int)value; - return; - } - case 950993889: - { - engineConfiguration->consumeObdSensors = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1509355728: - { - engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl1 = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1509355729: - { - engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl2 = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1509355730: - { - engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl3 = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1509355731: - { - engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl4 = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1509355732: - { - engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl5 = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1509355733: - { - engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl6 = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1509355734: - { - engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl7 = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1509355735: - { - engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl8 = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1509355736: - { - engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl9 = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1730868480: - { - engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl10 = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1730868479: - { - engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl11 = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1730868478: - { - engineConfiguration->knockBankCyl12 = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1997663388: - { - engineConfiguration->tcuEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1181153770: - { - engineConfiguration->canBroadcastUseChannelTwo = (int)value; - return; - } - case 839486731: - { - engineConfiguration->useRawOutputToDriveIdleStepper = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1056203297: - { - engineConfiguration->verboseCan2 = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1421783686: - { - engineConfiguration->boostPid.pFactor = value; - return; - } - case 971442495: - { - engineConfiguration->boostPid.iFactor = value; - return; - } - case -1190930054: - { - engineConfiguration->boostPid.dFactor = value; - return; - } - case 1435801342: - { - engineConfiguration->boostPid.offset = (int)value; - return; - } - case -945021094: - { - engineConfiguration->boostPid.periodMs = (int)value; - return; - } - case 777954680: - { - engineConfiguration->boostPid.minValue = (int)value; - return; - } - case -572500550: - { - engineConfiguration->boostPid.maxValue = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1990709262: - { - engineConfiguration->boostPwmFrequency = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1743747394: - { - engineConfiguration->launchSpeedThreshold = (int)value; - return; - } - case 906908772: - { - engineConfiguration->launchTimingRpmRange = (int)value; - return; - } - case 975838686: - { - engineConfiguration->launchFuelAdded = (int)value; - return; - } - case -232786835: - { - engineConfiguration->launchBoostDuty = (int)value; - return; - } - case -163078708: - { - engineConfiguration->hardCutRpmRange = (int)value; - return; - } - case 983814707: - { - engineConfiguration->turbochargerFilter = value; - return; - } - case -1340834204: - { - engineConfiguration->launchTpsThreshold = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1153051360: - { - engineConfiguration->launchActivateDelay = value; - return; - } - case 1887120139: - { - engineConfiguration->stft.maxIdleRegionRpm = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1673018859: - { - engineConfiguration->stft.maxOverrunLoad = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1942479387: - { - engineConfiguration->stft.minPowerLoad = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1157123369: - { - engineConfiguration->stft.deadband = (int)value; - return; - } - case -81412933: - { - engineConfiguration->stft.minClt = (int)value; - return; - } - case -81415311: - { - engineConfiguration->stft.minAfr = (int)value; - return; - } - case -90543309: - { - engineConfiguration->stft.maxAfr = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1028902582: - { - engineConfiguration->stft.startupDelay = (int)value; - return; - } - case 18659930: - { - engineConfiguration->tps2SecondaryMin = (int)value; - return; - } - case 18659676: - { - engineConfiguration->tps2SecondaryMax = (int)value; - return; - } - case 825184089: - { - engineConfiguration->disablePrimaryUart = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1611799720: - { - engineConfiguration->fuelClosedLoopCorrectionEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case -546057276: - { - engineConfiguration->isVerboseIAC = (int)value; - return; - } - case 885690524: - { - engineConfiguration->boardUseTachPullUp = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1457484942: - { - engineConfiguration->boardUseTempPullUp = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1985448683: - { - engineConfiguration->yesUnderstandLocking = (int)value; - return; - } - case 582390322: - { - engineConfiguration->silentTriggerError = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1816997974: - { - engineConfiguration->useLinearCltSensor = (int)value; - return; - } - case -528008450: - { - engineConfiguration->canReadEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case 2104472173: - { - engineConfiguration->canWriteEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case 667504645: - { - engineConfiguration->useLinearIatSensor = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1470758947: - { - engineConfiguration->boardUse2stepPullDown = (int)value; - return; - } - case 99110078: - { - engineConfiguration->tachPulseDurationAsDutyCycle = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1771449111: - { - engineConfiguration->isAlternatorControlEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case -587700301: - { - engineConfiguration->invertPrimaryTriggerSignal = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1944260329: - { - engineConfiguration->invertSecondaryTriggerSignal = (int)value; - return; - } - case -794334344: - { - engineConfiguration->cutFuelOnHardLimit = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1087585075: - { - engineConfiguration->cutSparkOnHardLimit = (int)value; - return; - } - case -980843809: - { - engineConfiguration->launchFuelCutEnable = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1829995308: - { - engineConfiguration->launchSparkCutEnable = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1280316843: - { - engineConfiguration->boardUseCrankPullUp = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1304425152: - { - engineConfiguration->boardUseCamPullDown = (int)value; - return; - } - case -94892331: - { - engineConfiguration->boardUseCamVrPullUp = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1868156805: - { - engineConfiguration->boardUseD2PullDown = (int)value; - return; - } - case -472498042: - { - engineConfiguration->boardUseD3PullDown = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1481814407: - { - engineConfiguration->boardUseD4PullDown = (int)value; - return; - } - case -858840440: - { - engineConfiguration->boardUseD5PullDown = (int)value; - return; - } - case -487204662: - { - engineConfiguration->verboseIsoTp = (int)value; - return; - } - case 465982216: - { - engineConfiguration->engineSnifferFocusOnInputs = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1884116782: - { - engineConfiguration->launchActivateInverted = (int)value; - return; - } - case 38719415: - { - engineConfiguration->twoStroke = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1538579992: - { - engineConfiguration->skippedWheelOnCam = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1664668368: - { - engineConfiguration->etbNeutralPosition = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1917301199: - { - engineConfiguration->isInjectionEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1354884979: - { - engineConfiguration->isIgnitionEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1491889938: - { - engineConfiguration->isCylinderCleanupEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case -2018683234: - { - engineConfiguration->complexWallModel = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1934896346: - { - engineConfiguration->alwaysInstantRpm = (int)value; - return; - } - case 285726462: - { - engineConfiguration->isMapAveragingEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1500666851: - { - engineConfiguration->overrideCrankingIacSetting = (int)value; - return; - } - case 216872574: - { - engineConfiguration->useSeparateAdvanceForIdle = (int)value; - return; - } - case -726159643: - { - engineConfiguration->isWaveAnalyzerEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1997438905: - { - engineConfiguration->useSeparateVeForIdle = (int)value; - return; - } - case -325018342: - { - engineConfiguration->verboseTriggerSynchDetails = (int)value; - return; - } - case -795241238: - { - engineConfiguration->isManualSpinningMode = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1248413509: - { - engineConfiguration->twoWireBatchInjection = (int)value; - return; - } - case 454615641: - { - engineConfiguration->twoWireBatchIgnition = (int)value; - return; - } - case 201676494: - { - engineConfiguration->useFixedBaroCorrFromMap = (int)value; - return; - } - case 685453869: - { - engineConfiguration->useSeparateAdvanceForCranking = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1060606307: - { - engineConfiguration->useAdvanceCorrectionsForCranking = (int)value; - return; - } - case -563973567: - { - engineConfiguration->flexCranking = (int)value; - return; - } - case -364626778: - { - engineConfiguration->useIacPidMultTable = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1832431020: - { - engineConfiguration->isBoostControlEnabled = (int)value; - return; - } - case -954321508: - { - engineConfiguration->launchSmoothRetard = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1543452424: - { - engineConfiguration->isPhaseSyncRequiredForIgnition = (int)value; - return; - } - case 939816194: - { - engineConfiguration->useCltBasedRpmLimit = (int)value; - return; - } - case -389678699: - { - engineConfiguration->forceO2Heating = (int)value; - return; - } - case 755512282: - { - engineConfiguration->invertVvtControlIntake = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1331668704: - { - engineConfiguration->invertVvtControlExhaust = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1486014321: - { - engineConfiguration->useBiQuadOnAuxSpeedSensors = (int)value; - return; - } - case -105464622: - { - engineConfiguration->sdTriggerLog = (int)value; - return; - } - case -153724425: - { - engineConfiguration->tempBooleanForVerySpecialLogic = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1492464952: - { - engineConfiguration->engineChartSize = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1056007485: - { - engineConfiguration->turboSpeedSensorMultiplier = value; - return; - } - case 1683471850: - { - engineConfiguration->acIdleRpmBump = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1322924702: - { - engineConfiguration->warningPeriod = (int)value; - return; - } - case -339821344: - { - engineConfiguration->knockDetectionWindowStart = value; - return; - } - case -1562133783: - { - engineConfiguration->knockDetectionWindowEnd = value; - return; - } - case 1145888170: - { - engineConfiguration->idleStepperReactionTime = value; - return; - } - case -1077032999: - { - engineConfiguration->idleStepperTotalSteps = (int)value; - return; - } - case -66405381: - { - engineConfiguration->noAccelAfterHardLimitPeriodSecs = value; - return; - } - case 1556302698: - { - engineConfiguration->mapAveragingSchedulingAtIndex = (int)value; - return; - } - case 58931511: - { - engineConfiguration->tachPulseDuractionMs = value; - return; - } - case -390306941: - { - engineConfiguration->wwaeTau = value; - return; - } - case -1993968289: - { - engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.pFactor = value; - return; - } - case 1850657816: - { - engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.iFactor = value; - return; - } - case -311714733: - { - engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.dFactor = value; - return; - } - case 1983046327: - { - engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.offset = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1995686573: - { - engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.periodMs = (int)value; - return; - } - case -272710799: - { - engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.minValue = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1623166029: - { - engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.maxValue = (int)value; - return; - } - case 196797309: - { - engineConfiguration->etb.pFactor = value; - return; - } - case -253543882: - { - engineConfiguration->etb.iFactor = value; - return; - } - case 1879050865: - { - engineConfiguration->etb.dFactor = value; - return; - } - case -423426795: - { - engineConfiguration->etb.offset = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1580101425: - { - engineConfiguration->etb.periodMs = (int)value; - return; - } - case -991890097: - { - engineConfiguration->etb.minValue = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1952621969: - { - engineConfiguration->etb.maxValue = (int)value; - return; - } - case -174866119: - { - engineConfiguration->airTaperRpmRange = (int)value; - return; - } - case -224184878: - { - engineConfiguration->tps2Min = (int)value; - return; - } - case -224185132: - { - engineConfiguration->tps2Max = (int)value; - return; - } - case -2142425790: - { - engineConfiguration->tachPulsePerRev = (int)value; - return; - } - case 9388880: - { - engineConfiguration->mapErrorDetectionTooLow = value; - return; - } - case 309682334: - { - engineConfiguration->mapErrorDetectionTooHigh = value; - return; - } - case 48235288: - { - engineConfiguration->multisparkSparkDuration = (int)value; - return; - } - case 617337449: - { - engineConfiguration->multisparkDwell = (int)value; - return; - } - case -2146434132: - { - engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.pFactor = value; - return; - } - case 1698191973: - { - engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.iFactor = value; - return; - } - case -464180576: - { - engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.dFactor = value; - return; - } - case -103982236: - { - engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.offset = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1562875200: - { - engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.periodMs = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1009116322: - { - engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.minValue = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1935395744: - { - engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.maxValue = (int)value; - return; - } - case 4130389: - { - engineConfiguration->wwaeBeta = value; - return; - } - case -2130836456: - { - engineConfiguration->throttlePedalUpVoltage = value; - return; - } - case 2099527693: - { - engineConfiguration->throttlePedalWOTVoltage = value; - return; - } - case -664540020: - { - engineConfiguration->startUpFuelPumpDuration = (int)value; - return; - } - case -528043591: - { - engineConfiguration->idlePidRpmDeadZone = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1160967565: - { - engineConfiguration->targetVBatt = value; - return; - } - case -1166743424: - { - engineConfiguration->alternatorOffAboveTps = value; - return; - } - case 671504531: - { - engineConfiguration->afterCrankingIACtaperDuration = (int)value; - return; - } - case -2065814304: - { - engineConfiguration->iacByTpsTaper = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1164331270: - { - engineConfiguration->tpsAccelLookback = (int)value; - return; - } - case 329016035: - { - engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutVssLow = (int)value; - return; - } - case -2027523439: - { - engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutVssHigh = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1286770247: - { - engineConfiguration->noFuelTrimAfterDfcoTime = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1313479950: - { - engineConfiguration->tpsAccelEnrichmentThreshold = value; - return; - } - case -2114430012: - { - engineConfiguration->totalGearsCount = (int)value; - return; - } - case -999870619: - { - engineConfiguration->uartConsoleSerialSpeed = (int)value; - return; - } - case -965453331: - { - engineConfiguration->tpsDecelEnleanmentThreshold = value; - return; - } - case 1164012327: - { - engineConfiguration->tpsDecelEnleanmentMultiplier = value; - return; - } - case 70789688: - { - engineConfiguration->slowAdcAlpha = value; - return; - } - case 781749924: - { - engineConfiguration->auxSerialSpeed = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1564912640: - { - engineConfiguration->throttlePedalSecondaryUpVoltage = value; - return; - } - case -699822859: - { - engineConfiguration->throttlePedalSecondaryWOTVoltage = value; - return; - } - case 578933872: - { - engineConfiguration->mc33_hpfp_i_peak = (int)value; - return; - } - case 578657622: - { - engineConfiguration->mc33_hpfp_i_hold = (int)value; - return; - } - case 944657936: - { - engineConfiguration->mc33_hpfp_i_hold_off = (int)value; - return; - } - case 663037299: - { - engineConfiguration->mc33_hpfp_max_hold = (int)value; - return; - } - case 337194154: - { - engineConfiguration->stepperDcInvertedPins = (int)value; - return; - } - case -631762165: - { - engineConfiguration->canOpenBLT = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1514354211: - { - engineConfiguration->can2OpenBLT = (int)value; - return; - } - case 444648859: - { - engineConfiguration->injectorFlowAsMassFlow = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1655178001: - { - engineConfiguration->benchTestOffTime = (int)value; - return; - } - case -204721234: - { - engineConfiguration->benchTestCount = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1992436143: - { - engineConfiguration->benchTestOnTime = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1992945039: - { - engineConfiguration->boostCutPressure = value; - return; - } - case -1359134883: - { - engineConfiguration->fixedTiming = value; - return; - } - case -137390524: - { - engineConfiguration->mapLowValueVoltage = value; - return; - } - case -1084262094: - { - engineConfiguration->mapHighValueVoltage = value; - return; - } - case 280323355: - { - engineConfiguration->egoValueShift = value; - return; - } - case -224532684: - { - engineConfiguration->crankingIACposition = (int)value; - return; - } - case -557658095: - { - engineConfiguration->tChargeMinRpmMinTps = value; - return; - } - case -566786093: - { - engineConfiguration->tChargeMinRpmMaxTps = value; - return; - } - case -599338669: - { - engineConfiguration->tChargeMaxRpmMinTps = value; - return; - } - case -608466667: - { - engineConfiguration->tChargeMaxRpmMaxTps = value; - return; - } - case 1397079021: - { - engineConfiguration->fan1ExtraIdle = (int)value; - return; - } - case 799798215: - { - engineConfiguration->alternatorPwmFrequency = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1464880398: - { - engineConfiguration->fan2ExtraIdle = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1506446058: - { - engineConfiguration->primingDelay = (int)value; - return; - } - case -395416807: - { - engineConfiguration->fuelReferencePressure = value; - return; - } - case -1297058729: - { - engineConfiguration->postCrankingFactor = value; - return; - } - case 1183263609: - { - engineConfiguration->postCrankingDurationSec = value; - return; - } - case -1104834801: - { - engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor1.config.tempC_1 = value; - return; - } - case -1104834800: - { - engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor1.config.tempC_2 = value; - return; - } - case -1104834799: - { - engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor1.config.tempC_3 = value; - return; - } - case 629168263: - { - engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor1.config.resistance_1 = value; - return; - } - case 629168264: - { - engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor1.config.resistance_2 = value; - return; - } - case 629168265: - { - engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor1.config.resistance_3 = value; - return; - } - case -1189603841: - { - engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor1.config.bias_resistor = value; - return; - } - case -900025104: - { - engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor2.config.tempC_1 = value; - return; - } - case -900025103: - { - engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor2.config.tempC_2 = value; - return; - } - case -900025102: - { - engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor2.config.tempC_3 = value; - return; - } - case 1988973320: - { - engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor2.config.resistance_1 = value; - return; - } - case 1988973321: - { - engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor2.config.resistance_2 = value; - return; - } - case 1988973322: - { - engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor2.config.resistance_3 = value; - return; - } - case 734290080: - { - engineConfiguration->auxTempSensor2.config.bias_resistor = value; - return; - } - case -430252676: - { - engineConfiguration->knockSamplingDuration = (int)value; - return; - } - case 2016887022: - { - engineConfiguration->etbFreq = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1746193407: - { - engineConfiguration->etbWastegatePid.pFactor = value; - return; - } - case 1295852216: - { - engineConfiguration->etbWastegatePid.iFactor = value; - return; - } - case -866520333: - { - engineConfiguration->etbWastegatePid.dFactor = value; - return; - } - case 794879319: - { - engineConfiguration->etbWastegatePid.offset = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1170565107: - { - engineConfiguration->etbWastegatePid.periodMs = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1401426415: - { - engineConfiguration->etbWastegatePid.minValue = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1543085651: - { - engineConfiguration->etbWastegatePid.maxValue = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1147263902: - { - engineConfiguration->stepperMinDutyCycle = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1188944476: - { - engineConfiguration->stepperMaxDutyCycle = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1562952959: - { - engineConfiguration->idlePidActivationTime = value; - return; - } - case -613392361: - { - engineConfiguration->oilPressure.v1 = value; - return; - } - case -505257058: - { - engineConfiguration->oilPressure.value1 = value; - return; - } - case -613392360: - { - engineConfiguration->oilPressure.v2 = value; - return; - } - case -505257057: - { - engineConfiguration->oilPressure.value2 = value; - return; - } - case 871106583: - { - engineConfiguration->fan2OnTemperature = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1077467605: - { - engineConfiguration->fan2OffTemperature = (int)value; - return; - } - case 383307083: - { - engineConfiguration->auxFrequencyFilter = value; - return; - } - case 1470846937: - { - engineConfiguration->vvtControlMinRpm = (int)value; - return; - } - case -904771683: - { - engineConfiguration->launchFuelAdderPercent = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1057701663: - { - engineConfiguration->etbJamTimeout = (int)value; - return; - } - case -86185846: - { - engineConfiguration->etbExpAverageLength = (int)value; - return; - } - case -275312941: - { - engineConfiguration->etbDutyThreshold = value; - return; - } - case 1272017572: - { - engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutRpmHigh = (int)value; - return; - } - case 168701078: - { - engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutRpmLow = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1494035092: - { - engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutTps = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1494053736: - { - engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutClt = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1414346958: - { - engineConfiguration->pidExtraForLowRpm = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1494043213: - { - engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutMap = (int)value; - return; - } - case 2032707103: - { - engineConfiguration->highPressureFuel.v1 = value; - return; - } - case -1898025562: - { - engineConfiguration->highPressureFuel.value1 = value; - return; - } - case 2032707104: - { - engineConfiguration->highPressureFuel.v2 = value; - return; - } - case -1898025561: - { - engineConfiguration->highPressureFuel.value2 = value; - return; - } - case -474791503: - { - engineConfiguration->lowPressureFuel.v1 = value; - return; - } - case 764445240: - { - engineConfiguration->lowPressureFuel.value1 = value; - return; - } - case -474791502: - { - engineConfiguration->lowPressureFuel.v2 = value; - return; - } - case 764445241: - { - engineConfiguration->lowPressureFuel.value2 = value; - return; - } - case 2115625312: - { - engineConfiguration->tChargeAirCoefMin = value; - return; - } - case 2115625058: - { - engineConfiguration->tChargeAirCoefMax = value; - return; - } - case 1590125629: - { - engineConfiguration->tChargeAirFlowMax = value; - return; - } - case -1128797750: - { - engineConfiguration->tChargeAirIncrLimit = value; - return; - } - case 670644444: - { - engineConfiguration->tChargeAirDecrLimit = value; - return; - } - case 929810608: - { - engineConfiguration->hip9011Gain = value; - return; - } - case -1725192476: - { - engineConfiguration->etb_iTermMin = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1725192730: - { - engineConfiguration->etb_iTermMax = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1411996731: - { - engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.pFactor = value; - return; - } - case -1862337922: - { - engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.iFactor = value; - return; - } - case 270256825: - { - engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.dFactor = value; - return; - } - case -2033984419: - { - engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.offset = (int)value; - return; - } - case 29505657: - { - engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.periodMs = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1752481431: - { - engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.minValue = (int)value; - return; - } - case 402026201: - { - engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.maxValue = (int)value; - return; - } - case 481957934: - { - engineConfiguration->etbRocExpAverageLength = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1117566701: - { - engineConfiguration->tpsAccelFractionPeriod = (int)value; - return; - } - case 68539114: - { - engineConfiguration->tpsAccelFractionDivisor = value; - return; - } - case -1742418701: - { - engineConfiguration->idlerpmpid_iTermMin = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1762426578: - { - engineConfiguration->stoichRatioPrimary = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1742418955: - { - engineConfiguration->idlerpmpid_iTermMax = (int)value; - return; - } - case -54532767: - { - engineConfiguration->etbIdleThrottleRange = value; - return; - } - case 1455224910: - { - engineConfiguration->triggerCompCenterVolt = (int)value; - return; - } - case -25671212: - { - engineConfiguration->triggerCompHystMin = (int)value; - return; - } - case -25671466: - { - engineConfiguration->triggerCompHystMax = (int)value; - return; - } - case -953183719: - { - engineConfiguration->triggerCompSensorSatRpm = (int)value; - return; - } - case 2018252734: - { - engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid2.pFactor = value; - return; - } - case 1567911543: - { - engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid2.iFactor = value; - return; - } - case -594461006: - { - engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid2.dFactor = value; - return; - } - case 1844327734: - { - engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid2.offset = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1558588306: - { - engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid2.periodMs = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1013403216: - { - engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid2.minValue = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1931108850: - { - engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid2.maxValue = (int)value; - return; - } - case -371707639: - { - engineConfiguration->mc33_i_boost = (int)value; - return; - } - case 379679459: - { - engineConfiguration->mc33_i_peak = (int)value; - return; - } - case 379403209: - { - engineConfiguration->mc33_i_hold = (int)value; - return; - } - case -486240071: - { - engineConfiguration->mc33_t_max_boost = (int)value; - return; - } - case -893360504: - { - engineConfiguration->mc33_t_peak_off = (int)value; - return; - } - case -893354748: - { - engineConfiguration->mc33_t_peak_tot = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1281862911: - { - engineConfiguration->mc33_t_bypass = (int)value; - return; - } - case -2086522258: - { - engineConfiguration->mc33_t_hold_off = (int)value; - return; - } - case -2086516502: - { - engineConfiguration->mc33_t_hold_tot = (int)value; - return; - } - case -2070332548: - { - engineConfiguration->maxCamPhaseResolveRpm = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1676700208: - { - engineConfiguration->dfcoDelay = (int)value; - return; - } - case 483010008: - { - engineConfiguration->acDelay = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1032938305: - { - engineConfiguration->fordInjectorSmallPulseBreakPoint = (int)value; - return; - } - case -929987018: - { - engineConfiguration->etbJamIntegratorLimit = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1256141959: - { - engineConfiguration->hpfpCamLobes = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1145081382: - { - engineConfiguration->hpfpPeakPos = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1494394654: - { - engineConfiguration->hpfpMinAngle = (int)value; - return; - } - case 334494733: - { - engineConfiguration->hpfpPumpVolume = (int)value; - return; - } - case -81483444: - { - engineConfiguration->hpfpActivationAngle = (int)value; - return; - } - case -413489794: - { - engineConfiguration->issFilterReciprocal = (int)value; - return; - } - case 436500704: - { - engineConfiguration->hpfpPidP = (int)value; - return; - } - case 436500697: - { - engineConfiguration->hpfpPidI = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1025426144: - { - engineConfiguration->hpfpTargetDecay = (int)value; - return; - } - case 288250022: - { - engineConfiguration->vvtActivationDelayMs = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1415669996: - { - engineConfiguration->auxLinear1.v1 = value; - return; - } - case -65154789: - { - engineConfiguration->auxLinear1.value1 = value; - return; - } - case -1415669995: - { - engineConfiguration->auxLinear1.v2 = value; - return; - } - case -65154788: - { - engineConfiguration->auxLinear1.value2 = value; - return; - } - case -1415634059: - { - engineConfiguration->auxLinear2.v1 = value; - return; - } - case -396384772: - { - engineConfiguration->auxLinear2.value1 = value; - return; - } - case -1415634058: - { - engineConfiguration->auxLinear2.v2 = value; - return; - } - case -396384771: - { - engineConfiguration->auxLinear2.value2 = value; - return; - } - case -1855700175: - { - engineConfiguration->etbMinimumPosition = value; - return; - } - case -243078627: - { - engineConfiguration->tuneHidingKey = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1743759953: - { - engineConfiguration->etbDutyShutdownThreshold = value; - return; - } - case 1532957848: - { - engineConfiguration->ALSMinRPM = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1523829850: - { - engineConfiguration->ALSMaxRPM = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1830002033: - { - engineConfiguration->alsMaxDuration = value; - return; - } - case 1532941388: - { - engineConfiguration->ALSMinCLT = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1523813390: - { - engineConfiguration->ALSMaxCLT = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1118241790: - { - engineConfiguration->alsMinTimeBetween = (int)value; - return; - } - case -731677323: - { - engineConfiguration->alsEtbPosition = (int)value; - return; - } - case 220143119: - { - engineConfiguration->ALSTimingRetard = (int)value; - return; - } - case -2021435668: - { - engineConfiguration->ALSIdleAdd = (int)value; - return; - } - case 1232469673: - { - engineConfiguration->ALSEtbAdd = (int)value; - return; - } - case -1404414917: - { - engineConfiguration->ALSSkipRatio = (int)value; - return; - } - case 612659807: - { - engineConfiguration->ALSMaxDriverThrottleIntent = (int)value; - return; - } - } -} +### sensorSnifferRpmThreshold +Disable sensor sniffer above this rpm + +### launchRpm +A secondary Rev limit engaged by the driver to help launch the vehicle faster + +### rpmHardLimit +set rpm_hard_limit X + +### engineSnifferRpmThreshold +Engine sniffer would be disabled above this rpm\nset engineSnifferRpmThreshold X + +### multisparkMaxRpm +Disable multispark above this engine speed. + +### maxAcRpm +Above this RPM, disable AC. Set to 0 to disable check. + +### maxAcTps +Above this TPS, disable AC. Set to 0 to disable check. + +### maxAcClt +Above this CLT, disable AC to prevent overheating the engine. Set to 0 to disable check. + +### multisparkMaxSparkingAngle +This parameter sets the latest that the last multispark can occur after the main ignition event. For example, if the ignition timing is 30 degrees BTDC, and this parameter is set to 45, no multispark will ever be fired after 15 degrees ATDC. + +### multisparkMaxExtraSparkCount +Configures the maximum number of extra sparks to fire (does not include main spark) + +### injector.flow +This is your injector flow at the fuel pressure used in the vehicle. cc/min, cubic centimetre per minute\nBy the way, g/s = 0.125997881 * (lb/hr)\ng/s = 0.125997881 * (cc/min)/10.5\ng/s = 0.0119997981 * cc/min + +### isForcedInduction +Does the vehicle have a turbo or supercharger? + +### useFordRedundantTps +On Ford vehicles one of the sensors is not linear on the full range, i.e. in the specific range of the positions we effectively have only one sensor. + +### isVerboseAuxPid1 + + +### overrideTriggerGaps + + +### enableFan1WithAc +Turn on this fan when AC is on. + +### enableFan2WithAc +Turn on this fan when AC is on. + +### disableFan1WhenStopped +Inhibit operation of this fan while the engine is not running. + +### disableFan2WhenStopped +Inhibit operation of this fan while the engine is not running. + +### enableTrailingSparks +Enable secondary spark outputs that fire after the primary (rotaries, twin plug engines). + +### isCJ125Verbose +enable cj125verbose/disable cj125verbose + +### cj125isUaDivided +Is your UA CJ125 output wired to MCU via resistor divider? Ua can go over 3.3v but only at lambda >3, i.e very lean AFR above 44.1\nWhen exposed to free air and 17x gain, Ua will be 4.17 volt + +### cj125isLsu49 + + +### etb_use_two_wires +TLE7209 uses two-wire mode. TLE9201 and VNH2SP30 do NOT use two wire mode. + +### isDoubleSolenoidIdle +Subaru/BMW style where default valve position is somewhere in the middle. First solenoid opens it more while second can close it more than default position. + +### useEeprom + + +### cj125isUrDivided +Is your UR CJ125 output wired to MCU via resistor divider?\nLooks like 3v range should be enough, divider generally not needed. + +### useCicPidForIdle +Switch between Industrial and Cic PID implementation + +### useTLE8888_cranking_hack + + +### kickStartCranking + + +### useSeparateIdleTablesForCrankingTaper +This uses separate ignition timing and VE tables not only for idle conditions, also during the postcranking-to-idle taper transition (See also afterCrankingIACtaperDuration). + +### launchControlEnabled + + +### rollingLaunchEnabled + + +### antiLagEnabled + + +### useRunningMathForCranking +For cranking either use the specified fixed base fuel mass, or use the normal running math (VE table). + +### displayLogicLevelsInEngineSniffer +Shall we display real life signal or just the part consumed by trigger decoder.\nApplies to both trigger and cam/vvt input.\n\nenable logic_level_trigger + +### useTLE8888_stepper + + +### enableMapEstimationTableFallback +If enabled, the MAP estimate table will be used if the MAP sensor fails to estimate manifold pressure based on RPM and TPS. + +### usescriptTableForCanSniffingFiltering + + +### verboseCan +Print incoming and outgoing first bus CAN messages in rusEFI console + +### artificialTestMisfire +Experimental setting that will cause a misfire\nDO NOT ENABLE. + +### issue_294_31 + + +### tpsMin +Closed throttle, 1 volt = 200 units.\nSee also tps1_1AdcChannel\nset tps_min X + +### tpsMax +Full throttle.\nSee also tps1_1AdcChannel\nset tps_max X + +### tpsErrorDetectionTooLow +TPS error detection: what throttle % is unrealistically low?\nAlso used for accelerator pedal error detection if so equiped. + +### tpsErrorDetectionTooHigh +TPS error detection: what throttle % is unrealistically high?\nAlso used for accelerator pedal error detection if so equiped. + +### cranking.baseFuel +Base mass of the per-cylinder fuel injected during cranking. This is then modified by the multipliers for CLT, IAT, TPS ect, to give the final cranking pulse width.\nA reasonable starting point is 60mg per liter per cylinder.\nex: 2 liter 4 cyl = 500cc/cyl, so 30mg cranking fuel. + +### cranking.rpm +This sets the RPM limit below which the ECU will use cranking fuel and ignition logic, typically this is around 350-450rpm. \nset cranking_rpm X + +### ignitionDwellForCrankingMs +Dwell duration while cranking + +### etbRevLimitStart +Once engine speed passes this value, start reducing ETB angle. + +### etbRevLimitRange +This far above 'Soft limiter start', fully close the throttle. At the bottom of the range, throttle control is normal. At the top of the range, the throttle is fully closed. + +### map.sensor.lowValue +kPa value at low volts + +### map.sensor.highValue +kPa value at high volts + +### clt.config.tempC_1 +these values are in Celcius + +### clt.config.tempC_2 + + +### clt.config.tempC_3 + + +### clt.config.resistance_1 + + +### clt.config.resistance_2 + + +### clt.config.resistance_3 + + +### clt.config.bias_resistor +Pull-up resistor value on your board + +### iat.config.tempC_1 +these values are in Celcius + +### iat.config.tempC_2 + + +### iat.config.tempC_3 + + +### iat.config.resistance_1 + + +### iat.config.resistance_2 + + +### iat.config.resistance_3 + + +### iat.config.bias_resistor +Pull-up resistor value on your board + +### launchTimingRetard + + +### hip9011PrescalerAndSDO +value '6' for 8MHz hw osc\nread hip9011 datasheet for details\ntodo split into two bit fields + +### knockBandCustom +We calculate knock band based of cylinderBore\n Use this to override - kHz knock band override + +### specs.displacement +Engine volume/capacity, in litres\nsee also cylindersCount + +### specs.cylindersCount +Number of cylinder the engine has. + +### cylinderBore +Cylinder diameter in mm. + +### boostControlMinRpm +Minimum RPM to enable boost control. Use this to avoid solenoid noise at idle, and help spool in some cases. + +### boostControlMinTps +Minimum TPS to enable boost control. Use this to avoid solenoid noise at idle, and help spool in some cases. + +### boostControlMinMap +Minimum MAP to enable boost control. Use this to avoid solenoid noise at idle, and help spool in some cases. + +### crankingTimingAngle +Ignition advance angle used during engine cranking, 5-10 degrees will work as a base setting for most engines.\nThere is tapering towards running timing advance\nset cranking_timing_angle X + +### gapTrackingLengthOverride +How many consecutive gap rations have to match expected ranges for sync to happen + +### maxIdleVss +Above this speed, disable closed loop idle control. Set to 0 to disable (allow closed loop idle at any speed). + +### minOilPressureAfterStart +Expected oil pressure after starting the engine. If oil pressure does not reach this level within 5 seconds of engine start, fuel will be cut. Set to 0 to disable and always allow starting. + +### fixedModeTiming +This value is the ignition timing used when in 'fixed timing' mode, i.e. constant timing\nThis mode is useful when adjusting distributor location. + +### globalTriggerAngleOffset +Angle between Top Dead Center (TDC) and the first trigger event.\nPositive value in case of synchnization point before TDC and negative in case of synchnization point after TDC\n.Knowing this angle allows us to control timing and other angles in reference to TDC.\nset global_trigger_offset_angle X + +### analogInputDividerCoefficient +Ratio/coefficient of input voltage dividers on your PCB. For example, use '2' if your board divides 5v into 2.5v. Use '1.66' if your board divides 5v into 3v. + +### vbattDividerCoeff +This is the ratio of the resistors for the battery voltage, measure the voltage at the battery and then adjust this number until the gauge matches the reading. + +### fanOnTemperature +Cooling fan turn-on temperature threshold, in Celsius + +### fanOffTemperature +Cooling fan turn-off temperature threshold, in Celsius + +### driveWheelRevPerKm +Number of revolutions per kilometer for the wheels your vehicle speed sensor is connected to. Use an online calculator to determine this based on your tire size. + +### canSleepPeriodMs +CANbus thread period in ms + +### byFirmwareVersion + + +### HD44780width + + +### HD44780height + + +### idle_derivativeFilterLoss +0.1 is a good default value + +### trailingSparkAngle +just a temporary solution + +### trigger.customTotalToothCount + + +### trigger.customSkippedToothCount + + +### airByRpmTaper +Extra air taper amount + +### failedMapFallback +Single value to be used in event of a failed MAP sensor \nThis value is only used for speed density fueling calculations. + +### boostControlSafeDutyCycle +Duty cycle to use in case of a sensor failure. This duty cycle should produce the minimum possible amount of boost. This duty is also used in case any of the minimum RPM/TPS/MAP conditions are not met. + +### globalFuelCorrection +set global_fuel_correction X + +### adcVcc + + +### mapCamDetectionAnglePosition + + +### afr.v1 + + +### afr.value1 + + +### afr.v2 + + +### afr.value2 + + +### baroSensor.lowValue +kPa value at low volts + +### baroSensor.highValue +kPa value at high volts + +### idle.solenoidFrequency + + +### manIdlePosition +Value between 0 and 100 used in Manual mode + +### knockRetardAggression +Ignition timing to remove when a knock event occurs. + +### knockRetardReapplyRate +After a knock event, reapply timing at this rate. + +### vssFilterReciprocal +Set this so your vehicle speed signal is responsive, but not noisy. Larger value give smoother but slower response. + +### vssGearRatio +Number of turns of your vehicle speed sensor per turn of the wheels. For example if your sensor is on the transmission output, enter your axle/differential ratio. If you are using a hub-mounted sensor, enter a value of 1.0. + +### vssToothCount +Number of pulses output per revolution of the shaft where your VSS is mounted. For example, GM applications of the T56 output 17 pulses per revolution of the transmission output shaft. + +### triggerSimulatorFrequency +Same RPM is used for two ways of producing simulated RPM. See also triggerSimulatorPins (with wires)\nSee also directSelfStimulation (no wires, bypassing input hardware)\nrpm X\nTODO: rename to triggerSimulatorRpm + +### idle_antiwindupFreq +0.1 is a good default value + +### mc33_t_min_boost +Minimum allowed time for the boost phase. If the boost target current is reached before this time elapses, it is assumed that the injector has failed short circuit. + +### acIdleExtraOffset +Additional idle % while A/C is active + +### finalGearRatio +Ratio between the wheels and your transmission output. + +### tcuInputSpeedSensorTeeth +null + +### wastegatePositionMin +Voltage when the wastegate is closed.\nYou probably don't have one of these! + +### wastegatePositionMax +Voltage when the wastegate is fully open.\nYou probably don't have one of these!\n1 volt = 1000 units + +### idlePositionMin +Voltage when the idle valve is closed.\nYou probably don't have one of these! + +### idlePositionMax +Voltage when the idle valve is open.\nYou probably don't have one of these!\n1 volt = 1000 units + +### tunerStudioSerialSpeed +Secondary TTL channel baud rate + +### compressionRatio +Just for reference really, not taken into account by any logic at this point + +### fordInjectorSmallPulseSlope + + +### is_enabled_spi_1 + + +### is_enabled_spi_2 + + +### is_enabled_spi_3 + + +### isSdCardEnabled +enable sd/disable sd + +### rusefiVerbose29b +Use 11 bit (standard) or 29 bit (extended) IDs for rusEFI verbose CAN format. + +### isEngineControlEnabled + + +### isHip9011Enabled + + +### isVerboseAlternator + + +### verboseQuad + + +### useStepperIdle +This setting should only be used if you have a stepper motor idle valve and a stepper motor driver installed. + +### enabledStep1Limiter + + +### useTpicAdvancedMode + + +### useLcdScreen + + +### verboseTLE8888 + + +### enableVerboseCanTx +CAN broadcast using custom rusEFI protocol\nenable can_broadcast/disable can_broadcast + +### etb1configured + + +### isCJ125Enabled +enable cj125/disable cj125 + +### etb2configured + + +### measureMapOnlyInOneCylinder +Useful for individual intakes + +### stepperForceParkingEveryRestart + + +### isFasterEngineSpinUpEnabled +If enabled, try to fire the engine before a full engine cycle has been completed using RPM estimated from the last 90 degrees of engine rotation. As soon as the trigger syncs plus 90 degrees rotation, fuel and ignition events will occur. If disabled, worst case may require up to 4 full crank rotations before any events are scheduled. + +### coastingFuelCutEnabled +This setting disables fuel injection while the engine is in overrun, this is useful as a fuel saving measure and to prevent back firing. + +### useIacTableForCoasting +Override the IAC position during overrun conditions to help reduce engine breaking, this can be helpful for large engines in light weight cars or engines that have trouble returning to idle. + +### useNoiselessTriggerDecoder + + +### useIdleTimingPidControl + + +### disableEtbWhenEngineStopped +Allows disabling the ETB when the engine is stopped. You may not like the power draw or PWM noise from the motor, so this lets you turn it off until it's necessary. + +### is_enabled_spi_4 + + +### pauseEtbControl +Disable the electronic throttle motor and DC idle motor for testing.\nThis mode is for testing ETB/DC idle position sensors, etc without actually driving the throttle. + +### alignEngineSnifferAtTDC + + +### useETBforIdleControl +This setting allows the ETB to act as the idle air control valve and move to regulate the airflow at idle. + +### idleIncrementalPidCic + + +### enableAemXSeries +AEM X-Series or rusEFI Wideband + +### verboseCanBaseAddress + + +### mc33_hvolt + + +### minimumBoostClosedLoopMap +Minimum MAP before closed loop boost is enabled. Use to prevent misbehavior upon entering boost. + +### vehicleWeight + + +### idlePidRpmUpperLimit +How far above idle speed do we consider idling?\nFor example, if target = 800, this param = 200, then anything below 1000 RPM is considered idle. + +### applyNonlinearBelowPulse +Apply nonlinearity correction below a pulse of this duration. Pulses longer than this duration will receive no adjustment. + +### stoichRatioSecondary +Stoichiometric ratio for your secondary fuel. This value is used when the Flex Fuel sensor indicates E100, typically 9.0 + +### etbMaximumPosition +Maximum allowed ETB position. Some throttles go past fully open, so this allows you to limit it to fully open. + +### sdCardLogFrequency +Rate the ECU will log to the SD card, in hz (log lines per second). + +### mapMinBufferLength +This many MAP samples are used to estimate the current MAP. This many samples are considered, and the minimum taken. Recommended value is 1 for single-throttle engines, and your number of cylinders for individual throttle bodies. + +### idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold +Below this throttle position, the engine is considered idling. If you have an electronic throttle, this checks accelerator pedal position instead of throttle position, and should be set to 1-2%. + +### stepperParkingExtraSteps + + +### tps1SecondaryMin + + +### tps1SecondaryMax + + +### antiLagRpmTreshold + + +### startCrankingDuration +Maximum time to crank starter when start/stop button is pressed + +### clutchUpPinInverted + + +### clutchDownPinInverted + + +### useHbridgesToDriveIdleStepper +If enabled we use two H-bridges to drive stepper idle air valve + +### multisparkEnable + + +### enableLaunchRetard + + +### unfinishedenableLaunchBoost + + +### unfinishedlaunchDisableBySpeed + + +### enableCanVss +Read VSS from OEM CAN bus according to selected CAN vehicle configuration. + +### enableInnovateLC2 + + +### showHumanReadableWarning + + +### stftIgnoreErrorMagnitude +If enabled, adjust at a constant rate instead of a rate proportional to the current lambda error. This mode may be easier to tune, and more tolerant of sensor noise. Use of this mode is required if you have a narrowband O2 sensor. + +### vvtBooleanForVerySpecialCases + + +### enableSoftwareKnock + + +### verboseVVTDecoding +Verbose info in console below engineSnifferRpmThreshold\nenable vvt_details + +### invertCamVVTSignal +get invertCamVVTSignal + +### consumeObdSensors +This property is useful if using rusEFI as TCM or BCM only\nenable consumeObdSensors + +### knockBankCyl1 + + +### knockBankCyl2 + + +### knockBankCyl3 + + +### knockBankCyl4 + + +### knockBankCyl5 + + +### knockBankCyl6 + + +### knockBankCyl7 + + +### knockBankCyl8 + + +### knockBankCyl9 + + +### knockBankCyl10 + + +### knockBankCyl11 + + +### knockBankCyl12 + + +### tcuEnabled + + +### canBroadcastUseChannelTwo + + +### useRawOutputToDriveIdleStepper +If enabled we use four Push-Pull outputs to directly drive stepper idle air valve coilss + +### verboseCan2 +Print incoming and outgoing second bus CAN messages in rusEFI console + +### boostPid.pFactor + + +### boostPid.iFactor + + +### boostPid.dFactor + + +### boostPid.offset +Linear addition to PID logic + +### boostPid.periodMs +PID dTime + +### boostPid.minValue +Output Min Duty Cycle + +### boostPid.maxValue +Output Max Duty Cycle + +### boostPwmFrequency + + +### launchSpeedThreshold +Disabled above this speed + +### launchTimingRpmRange +Range from Launch RPM for Timing Retard to activate + +### launchFuelAdded +Extra Fuel Added + +### launchBoostDuty +Duty Cycle for the Boost Solenoid + +### hardCutRpmRange +Range from Launch RPM to activate Hard Cut + +### turbochargerFilter +null + +### launchTpsThreshold + + +### launchActivateDelay + + +### stft.maxIdleRegionRpm +Below this RPM, the idle region is active + +### stft.maxOverrunLoad +Below this engine load, the overrun region is active + +### stft.minPowerLoad +Above this engine load, the power region is active + +### stft.deadband +When close to correct AFR, pause correction. This can improve stability by not changing the adjustment if the error is extremely small, but is not required. + +### stft.minClt +Below this temperature, correction is disabled. + +### stft.minAfr +Below this AFR, correction is paused + +### stft.maxAfr +Above this AFR, correction is paused + +### stft.startupDelay +Delay after starting the engine before beginning closed loop correction. + +### tps2SecondaryMin + + +### tps2SecondaryMax + + +### disablePrimaryUart + + +### fuelClosedLoopCorrectionEnabled +Enables lambda sensor closed loop feedback for fuelling. + +### isVerboseIAC +Print details into rusEFI console\nenable verbose_idle + +### boardUseTachPullUp + + +### boardUseTempPullUp + + +### yesUnderstandLocking + + +### silentTriggerError +Sometimes we have a performance issue while printing error + +### useLinearCltSensor + + +### canReadEnabled +enable can_read/disable can_read + +### canWriteEnabled +enable can_write/disable can_write + +### useLinearIatSensor + + +### boardUse2stepPullDown + + +### tachPulseDurationAsDutyCycle +Treat milliseconds value as duty cycle value, i.e. 0.5ms would become 50% + +### isAlternatorControlEnabled +This enables smart alternator control and activates the extra alternator settings. + +### invertPrimaryTriggerSignal +This setting flips the signal from the primary engine speed sensor. + +### invertSecondaryTriggerSignal +This setting flips the signal from the secondary engine speed sensor. + +### cutFuelOnHardLimit + + +### cutSparkOnHardLimit +Be careful enabling this: some engines are known to self-disassemble their valvetrain with a spark cut. Fuel cut is much safer. + +### launchFuelCutEnable + + +### launchSparkCutEnable +This is the Cut Mode normally used + +### boardUseCrankPullUp + + +### boardUseCamPullDown + + +### boardUseCamVrPullUp + + +### boardUseD2PullDown + + +### boardUseD3PullDown + + +### boardUseD4PullDown + + +### boardUseD5PullDown + + +### verboseIsoTp + + +### engineSnifferFocusOnInputs + + +### launchActivateInverted + + +### twoStroke + + +### skippedWheelOnCam +Where is your primary skipped wheel located? + +### etbNeutralPosition +Expected neutral position + +### isInjectionEnabled +Enable fuel injection - This is default off for new projects as a safety feature, set to "true" to enable fuel injection and further injector settings. + +### isIgnitionEnabled +Enable ignition - This is default off for new projects as a safety feature, set to "true" to enable ignition and further ignition settings. + +### isCylinderCleanupEnabled +When enabled if TPS is held above 95% no fuel is injected while cranking to clear excess fuel from the cylinders. + +### complexWallModel +Should we use tables to vary tau/beta based on CLT/MAP, or just with fixed values? + +### alwaysInstantRpm + + +### isMapAveragingEnabled + + +### overrideCrankingIacSetting +If enabled, use separate temperature multiplier table for cranking idle position.\nIf disabled, use normal running multiplier table applied to the cranking base position. + +### useSeparateAdvanceForIdle +This activates a separate ignition timing table for idle conditions, this can help idle stability by using ignition retard and advance either side of the desired idle speed. Extra retard at low idle speeds will prevent stalling and extra advance at high idle speeds can help reduce engine power and slow the idle speed. + +### isWaveAnalyzerEnabled + + +### useSeparateVeForIdle +This activates a separate fuel table for Idle, this allows fine tuning of the idle fuelling. + +### verboseTriggerSynchDetails +Verbose info in console below engineSnifferRpmThreshold\nenable trigger_details + +### isManualSpinningMode +Usually if we have no trigger events that means engine is stopped\nUnless we are troubleshooting and spinning the engine by hand - this case a longer\ndelay is needed + +### twoWireBatchInjection +This is needed if your coils are individually wired and you wish to use batch injection.\nenable two_wire_batch_injection + +### twoWireBatchIgnition +This is needed if your coils are individually wired (COP) and you wish to use batch ignition (Wasted Spark). + +### useFixedBaroCorrFromMap + + +### useSeparateAdvanceForCranking +In Constant mode, timing is automatically tapered to running as RPM increases.\nIn Table mode, the "Cranking ignition advance" table is used directly. + +### useAdvanceCorrectionsForCranking +This enables the various ignition corrections during cranking (IAT, CLT, FSIO and PID idle).\nYou probably don't need this. + +### flexCranking +Enable a second cranking table to use for E100 flex fuel, interpolating between the two based on flex fuel sensor. + +### useIacPidMultTable +This flag allows to use a special 'PID Multiplier' table (0.0-1.0) to compensate for nonlinear nature of IAC-RPM controller + +### isBoostControlEnabled + + +### launchSmoothRetard +Interpolates the Ignition Retard from 0 to 100% within the RPM Range + +### isPhaseSyncRequiredForIgnition +Some engines are OK running semi-random sequential while other engine require phase synchronization + +### useCltBasedRpmLimit +If enabled, use a curve for RPM limit (based on coolant temperature) instead of a constant value. + +### forceO2Heating +If enabled, don't wait for engine start to heat O2 sensors. WARNING: this will reduce the life of your sensor, as condensation in the exhaust from a cold start can crack the sensing element. + +### invertVvtControlIntake +If increased VVT duty cycle increases the indicated VVT angle, set this to 'advance'. If it decreases, set this to 'retard'. Most intake cams use 'advance', and most exhaust cams use 'retard'. + +### invertVvtControlExhaust +If increased VVT duty cycle increases the indicated VVT angle, set this to 'advance'. If it decreases, set this to 'retard'. Most intake cams use 'advance', and most exhaust cams use 'retard'. + +### useBiQuadOnAuxSpeedSensors + + +### sdTriggerLog +'Trigger' mode will write a high speed log of trigger events (warning: uses lots of space!). 'Normal' mode will write a standard MLG of sensors, engine function, etc. similar to the one captured in TunerStudio. + +### tempBooleanForVerySpecialLogic + + +### engineChartSize + + +### turboSpeedSensorMultiplier + + +### acIdleRpmBump +Extra idle target speed when A/C is enabled. Some cars need the extra speed to keep the AC efficient while idling. + +### warningPeriod +set warningPeriod X + +### knockDetectionWindowStart + + +### knockDetectionWindowEnd + + +### idleStepperReactionTime + + +### idleStepperTotalSteps + + +### noAccelAfterHardLimitPeriodSecs +TODO: finish this #413 + +### mapAveragingSchedulingAtIndex +At what trigger index should some MAP-related math be executed? This is a performance trick to reduce load on synchronization trigger callback. + +### tachPulseDuractionMs +Duration in ms or duty cycle depending on selected mode + +### wwaeTau +Length of time the deposited wall fuel takes to dissipate after the start of acceleration. + +### alternatorControl.pFactor + + +### alternatorControl.iFactor + + +### alternatorControl.dFactor + + +### alternatorControl.offset +Linear addition to PID logic + +### alternatorControl.periodMs +PID dTime + +### alternatorControl.minValue +Output Min Duty Cycle + +### alternatorControl.maxValue +Output Max Duty Cycle + +### etb.pFactor + + +### etb.iFactor + + +### etb.dFactor + + +### etb.offset +Linear addition to PID logic + +### etb.periodMs +PID dTime + +### etb.minValue +Output Min Duty Cycle + +### etb.maxValue +Output Max Duty Cycle + +### airTaperRpmRange +RPM range above upper limit for extra air taper,"RPM", 1, 0, 0, 1500, 0 + +### tps2Min +Closed throttle#2. todo: extract these two fields into a structure\nSee also tps2_1AdcChannel\nset tps2_min X + +### tps2Max +Full throttle#2. tpsMax value as 10 bit ADC value. Not Voltage!\nSee also tps1_1AdcChannel\nset tps2_max X + +### tachPulsePerRev + + +### mapErrorDetectionTooLow +kPa value which is too low to be true + +### mapErrorDetectionTooHigh +kPa value which is too high to be true + +### multisparkSparkDuration +How long to wait for the spark to fire before recharging the coil for another spark. + +### multisparkDwell +This sets the dwell time for subsequent sparks. The main spark's dwell is set by the dwell table. + +### idleRpmPid.pFactor + + +### idleRpmPid.iFactor + + +### idleRpmPid.dFactor + + +### idleRpmPid.offset +Linear addition to PID logic + +### idleRpmPid.periodMs +PID dTime + +### idleRpmPid.minValue +Output Min Duty Cycle + +### idleRpmPid.maxValue +Output Max Duty Cycle + +### wwaeBeta +0 = No fuel settling on port walls 1 = All the fuel settling on port walls setting this to 0 disables the wall wetting enrichment. + +### throttlePedalUpVoltage + + +### throttlePedalWOTVoltage +Pedal in the floor + +### startUpFuelPumpDuration +on IGN voltage detection turn fuel pump on to build fuel pressure + +### idlePidRpmDeadZone +If the RPM closer to target than this value, disable closed loop idle correction to prevent oscillation + +### targetVBatt +This is the target battery voltage the alternator PID control will attempt to maintain + +### alternatorOffAboveTps +Turns off alternator output above specified TPS, enabling this reduced parasitic drag on the engine at full load. + +### afterCrankingIACtaperDuration +This is the duration in cycles that the IAC will take to reach its normal idle position, it can be used to hold the idle higher for a few seconds after cranking to improve startup. + +### iacByTpsTaper +Extra IAC, in percent between 0 and 100, tapered between zero and idle deactivation TPS value + +### tpsAccelLookback +How long to look back for TPS-based acceleration enrichment. Increasing this time will trigger enrichment for longer when a throttle position change occurs. + +### coastingFuelCutVssLow +Below this speed, disable DFCO. Use this to prevent jerkiness from fuel enable/disable in low gears. + +### coastingFuelCutVssHigh +Above this speed, allow DFCO. Use this to prevent jerkiness from fuel enable/disable in low gears. + +### noFuelTrimAfterDfcoTime +Pause closed loop fueling after deceleration fuel cut occurs. Set this to a little longer than however long is required for normal fueling behavior to resume after fuel cut. + +### tpsAccelEnrichmentThreshold +Maximum change delta of TPS percentage over the 'length'. Actual TPS change has to be above this value in order for TPS/TPS acceleration to kick in. + +### totalGearsCount + + +### uartConsoleSerialSpeed +Band rate for primary TTL + +### tpsDecelEnleanmentThreshold +For decel we simply multiply delta of TPS and tFor decel we do not use table?! + +### tpsDecelEnleanmentMultiplier +Magic multiplier, we multiply delta of TPS and get fuel squirt duration + +### slowAdcAlpha +ExpAverage alpha coefficient + +### auxSerialSpeed + + +### throttlePedalSecondaryUpVoltage + + +### throttlePedalSecondaryWOTVoltage +Pedal in the floor + +### mc33_hpfp_i_peak + + +### mc33_hpfp_i_hold + + +### mc33_hpfp_i_hold_off +How long to deactivate power when hold current is reached before applying power again + +### mc33_hpfp_max_hold +Maximum amount of time the solenoid can be active before assuming a programming error + +### stepperDcInvertedPins +Enable if DC-motor driver (H-bridge) inverts the signals (eg. RZ7899 on Hellen boards) + +### canOpenBLT +Allow OpenBLT on Primary CAN + +### can2OpenBLT +Allow OpenBLT on Secondary CAN + +### injectorFlowAsMassFlow +Select whether to configure injector flow in volumetric flow (defualt, cc/min) or mass flow (g/s). + +### benchTestOffTime +Time between bench test pulses + +### benchTestCount +How many test bench pulses do you want + +### benchTestOnTime +Length of each of the test pulses + +### boostCutPressure +MAP value above which fuel is cut in case of overboost.\nSet to 0 to disable overboost cut. + +### fixedTiming +Fixed timing, useful for TDC testing + +### mapLowValueVoltage +MAP voltage for low point + +### mapHighValueVoltage +MAP voltage for low point + +### egoValueShift +EGO value correction + +### crankingIACposition +This is the IAC position during cranking, some engines start better if given more air during cranking to improve cylinder filling. + +### tChargeMinRpmMinTps + + +### tChargeMinRpmMaxTps + + +### tChargeMaxRpmMinTps + + +### tChargeMaxRpmMaxTps + + +### fan1ExtraIdle +Additional idle % when fan #1 is active + +### alternatorPwmFrequency + + +### fan2ExtraIdle +Additional idle % when fan #2 is active + +### primingDelay +Delay to allow fuel pressure to build before firing the priming pulse. + +### fuelReferencePressure +This is the pressure at which your injector flow is known.\nFor example if your injectors flow 400cc/min at 3.5 bar, enter 350kpa here. + +### postCrankingFactor +Fuel multiplier (enrichment) immediately after engine start + +### postCrankingDurationSec +Time over which to taper out after start enrichment + +### auxTempSensor1.config.tempC_1 +these values are in Celcius + +### auxTempSensor1.config.tempC_2 + + +### auxTempSensor1.config.tempC_3 + + +### auxTempSensor1.config.resistance_1 + + +### auxTempSensor1.config.resistance_2 + + +### auxTempSensor1.config.resistance_3 + + +### auxTempSensor1.config.bias_resistor +Pull-up resistor value on your board + +### auxTempSensor2.config.tempC_1 +these values are in Celcius + +### auxTempSensor2.config.tempC_2 + + +### auxTempSensor2.config.tempC_3 + + +### auxTempSensor2.config.resistance_1 + + +### auxTempSensor2.config.resistance_2 + + +### auxTempSensor2.config.resistance_3 + + +### auxTempSensor2.config.bias_resistor +Pull-up resistor value on your board + +### knockSamplingDuration + + +### etbFreq + + +### etbWastegatePid.pFactor + + +### etbWastegatePid.iFactor + + +### etbWastegatePid.dFactor + + +### etbWastegatePid.offset +Linear addition to PID logic + +### etbWastegatePid.periodMs +PID dTime + +### etbWastegatePid.minValue +Output Min Duty Cycle + +### etbWastegatePid.maxValue +Output Max Duty Cycle + +### stepperMinDutyCycle +Use to limit the current when the stepper motor is idle, not moving (100% = no limit) + +### stepperMaxDutyCycle +Use to limit the max.current through the stepper motor (100% = no limit) + +### idlePidActivationTime + + +### oilPressure.v1 + + +### oilPressure.value1 + + +### oilPressure.v2 + + +### oilPressure.value2 + + +### fan2OnTemperature +Cooling fan turn-on temperature threshold, in Celsius + +### fan2OffTemperature +Cooling fan turn-off temperature threshold, in Celsius + +### auxFrequencyFilter +null + +### vvtControlMinRpm + + +### launchFuelAdderPercent +null + +### etbJamTimeout +Time required to detect a stuck throttle. + +### etbExpAverageLength +By the way ETB PID runs at 500hz, length in 1/500 of second here. + +### etbDutyThreshold +null + +### coastingFuelCutRpmHigh +This sets the RPM above which fuel cut is active. + +### coastingFuelCutRpmLow +This sets the RPM below which fuel cut is deactivated, this prevents jerking or issues transitioning to idle + +### coastingFuelCutTps +Throttle position below which fuel cut is active. With an electronic throttle enabled, this checks against pedal position. + +### coastingFuelCutClt +Fuel cutoff is disabled when the engine is cold. + +### pidExtraForLowRpm +Increases PID reaction for RPM