Auto-generated configs and docs
This commit is contained in:
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
#define GAUGE_NAME_ETB_ERROR "ETB position error"
#define GAUGE_NAME_ETB_TARGET "ETB position target"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FLEX "Flex Ethanol %"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR "fuel: Barometric pressure correction"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR "fuel: Barometric pressure mult"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BASE "fuel: base mass"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CHARGE_TEMP "fuel: Estimated charge temperature"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CLT_CORR "fuel: CLT correction"
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW "Fuel pressure (low)"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_RUNNING "fuel: running"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_ROC "fuel: TPS change"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM "fuel: fuel trim"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM_2 "fuel: fuel trim 2"
@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@
#define show_Frankenso_presets true
#define show_test_presets true
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_51012
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_16528
#define specs_s_size 12
#define spi_device_e_auto_enum 0="SPI_NONE",1="SPI_DEVICE_1",2="SPI_DEVICE_2",3="SPI_DEVICE_3",4="SPI_DEVICE_4"
#define spi_device_e_SPI_DEVICE_1 1
@ -1298,7 +1298,7 @@
#define ts_show_vbatt true
#define ts_show_vr_threshold_2 true
#define ts_show_vr_threshold_all true
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.cypress.snap_51012"
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.cypress.snap_16528"
#define TS_TEST_COMMAND 't'
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
#define GAUGE_NAME_ETB_ERROR "ETB position error"
#define GAUGE_NAME_ETB_TARGET "ETB position target"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FLEX "Flex Ethanol %"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR "fuel: Barometric pressure correction"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR "fuel: Barometric pressure mult"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BASE "fuel: base mass"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CHARGE_TEMP "fuel: Estimated charge temperature"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CLT_CORR "fuel: CLT correction"
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW "Fuel pressure (low)"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_RUNNING "fuel: running"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_ROC "fuel: TPS change"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM "fuel: fuel trim"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM_2 "fuel: fuel trim 2"
@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@
#define show_Frankenso_presets true
#define show_test_presets true
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_25992
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_57948
#define specs_s_size 12
#define spi_device_e_auto_enum 0="SPI_NONE",1="SPI_DEVICE_1",2="SPI_DEVICE_2",3="SPI_DEVICE_3",4="SPI_DEVICE_4"
#define spi_device_e_SPI_DEVICE_1 1
@ -1298,7 +1298,7 @@
#define ts_show_vbatt true
#define ts_show_vr_threshold_2 true
#define ts_show_vr_threshold_all true
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.kin.snap_25992"
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.kin.snap_57948"
#define TS_TEST_COMMAND 't'
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@
#define GAUGE_NAME_ETB_ERROR "ETB position error"
#define GAUGE_NAME_ETB_TARGET "ETB position target"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FLEX "Flex Ethanol %"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR "fuel: Barometric pressure correction"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR "fuel: Barometric pressure mult"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BASE "fuel: base mass"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CHARGE_TEMP "fuel: Estimated charge temperature"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CLT_CORR "fuel: CLT correction"
@ -455,7 +455,7 @@
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW "Fuel pressure (low)"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_RUNNING "fuel: running"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_ROC "fuel: TPS change"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM "fuel: fuel trim"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM_2 "fuel: fuel trim 2"
@ -992,7 +992,7 @@
#define show_Frankenso_presets false
#define show_Proteus_presets false
#define show_test_presets false
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_7838
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_39242
#define specs_s_size 12
#define spi_device_e_auto_enum 0="SPI_NONE",1="SPI_DEVICE_1",2="SPI_DEVICE_2",3="SPI_DEVICE_3",4="SPI_DEVICE_4"
#define spi_device_e_SPI_DEVICE_1 1
@ -1265,7 +1265,7 @@
#define ts_show_vbatt true
#define ts_show_vr_threshold_2 true
#define ts_show_vr_threshold_all true
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.subaru_eg33_f7.snap_7838"
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.subaru_eg33_f7.snap_39242"
#define TS_TEST_COMMAND 't'
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -384,20 +384,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -454,14 +454,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ wallFuelCorrectionGauge = wallFuelCorrection,"fuel: wall correction", "mg", 0.0,
revolutionCounterSinceStartGauge = revolutionCounterSinceStart,"revolutionCounterSinceStart", "", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
deltaTpsGauge = deltaTps,"fuel: TPS change", "ratio", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
canReadCounterGauge = canReadCounter,"canReadCounter", "", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tpsAccelFuelGauge = tpsAccelFuel,"fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", "ms", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 3,3
tpsAccelFuelGauge = tpsAccelFuel,"fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", "ms", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 3,3
ignitionAdvanceGauge = ignitionAdvance,"timing", "deg", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 1,1
sparkDwellValueGauge = sparkDwellValue,"dwell: coil charge time", "ms", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 1,1
coilDutyCycleGauge = coilDutyCycle,"dwell: coil duty cycle", "%", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ wallFuelCorrection("fuel: wall correction", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldT
revolutionCounterSinceStart("revolutionCounterSinceStart", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT16, 70, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, ""),
deltaTps("fuel: TPS change", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT16, 72, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, "ratio"),
canReadCounter("canReadCounter", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT16, 74, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, ""),
tpsAccelFuel("fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT16, 76, 0.0033333333333333335, 0.0, 0.0, "ms"),
tpsAccelFuel("fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT16, 76, 0.0033333333333333335, 0.0, 0.0, "ms"),
ignitionAdvance("timing", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT16, 78, 0.02, 0.0, 0.0, "deg"),
sparkDwellValue("dwell: coil charge time", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT16, 80, 0.0033333333333333335, 0.0, 0.0, "ms"),
coilDutyCycle("dwell: coil duty cycle", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT16, 82, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, "%"),
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ unusedAtTheEnd136("unusedAtTheEnd 136", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.
unusedAtTheEnd137("unusedAtTheEnd 137", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT8, 764, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, ""),
unusedAtTheEnd138("unusedAtTheEnd 138", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT8, 765, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, ""),
alignmentFill_at_766("need 4 byte alignment", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT8, 766, 1.0, -20.0, 100.0, "units"),
m_knockRetard("Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 768, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
m_knockRetard("Knock Degrees retarded\nlarger number = more retard", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 768, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
m_knockThreshold("m_knockThreshold", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 772, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
m_knockCount("m_knockCount", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 776, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
m_maximumRetard("m_maximumRetard", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 780, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ targetLambda("targetLambda", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 824, 1
stoichiometricRatio("stoichiometricRatio", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 828, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
targetAFR("targetAFR", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 832, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
sdTcharge_coff("sdTcharge_coff", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 836, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
sdAirMassInOneCylinder("Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 840, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
sdAirMassInOneCylinder("SD cylinder mass\nSpeed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 840, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
retardThresholdRpm("retardThresholdRpm", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 848, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
luaTargetAdd("luaTargetAdd", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 860, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
luaTargetMult("luaTargetMult", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 864, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
@ -418,11 +418,11 @@ tpsVoltageMCU("tpsVoltageMCU", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 936,
tpsVoltageBoard("tpsVoltageBoard", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 940, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
currentBaroCorrectedVE("currentBaroCorrectedVE", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 944, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
injectorFlowCorrection("injectorFlowCorrection", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 948, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
baroCorrection("fuel: Barometric pressure correction", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 952, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
baroCorrection("fuel: Barometric pressure mult", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 952, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
cranking("cranking", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 956, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
running("running", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 976, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
sparkDwell("ignition dwell duration in ms\nSee also dwellAngle", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1000, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
dwellAngle("ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle\nNAN if engine is stopped\nSee also sparkDwell", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1004, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
dwellAngle("ignition dwell duration\nas crankshaft angle\nNAN if engine is stopped\nSee also sparkDwell", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1004, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
cltTimingCorrection("cltTimingCorrection", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT16, 1008, 0.01, -20.0, 20.0, "deg"),
timingIatCorrection("timingIatCorrection", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT16, 1010, 0.01, -20.0, 20.0, "deg"),
timingPidCorrection("timingPidCorrection", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT16, 1012, 0.01, -20.0, 20.0, "deg"),
@ -470,16 +470,16 @@ triggerStateIndex("triggerStateIndex", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.I
vvtCounter("vvtCounter", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT8, 1169, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
camResyncCounter("camResyncCounter", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT8, 1170, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
vvtStateIndex("vvtStateIndex", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT8, 1171, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
wallFuelCorrection("fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1176, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
wallFuel("Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1180, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
wallFuelCorrection("fuel wallwetting injection time\n correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1176, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
wallFuel("Fuel on the wall\nin ms of injector open time for each injector.", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1180, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
idleState("idleState", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1184, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
currentIdlePosition("idle: current position\nthat's current position with CLT and IAT corrections", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1188, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
baseIdlePosition("idle: base value\ncurrent position without adjustments (iacByTpsTaper, afterCrankingIACtaperDuration)", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1192, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
iacByTpsTaper("idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1196, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
throttlePedalUpState("true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal\ntodo: better name for this field?", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1200, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
iacByTpsTaper("idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1196, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
throttlePedalUpState("idle: throttlePedalUpState\ntrue in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal\ntodo: better name for this field?", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1200, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
targetRpmByClt("idle: target by CLT", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1208, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
targetRpmAcBump("idle: A/C bump", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1212, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
iacByRpmTaper("idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1216, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
iacByRpmTaper("idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1216, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
luaAdd("idle: Lua Adder", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1220, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
baseDwell("baseDwell", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1224, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
dwellVoltageCorrection("dwellVoltageCorrection", SensorCategory.SENSOR_INPUTS, FieldType.INT, 1228, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, ""),
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ static constexpr LogField fields[] = {
{engine->outputChannels.revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", "", 0},
{engine->outputChannels.deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", "ratio", 0},
{engine->outputChannels.canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", "", 0},
{engine->outputChannels.tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", "ms", 3},
{engine->outputChannels.tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", "ms", 3},
{engine->outputChannels.ignitionAdvance, "timing", "deg", 1},
{engine->outputChannels.sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", "ms", 1},
{engine->outputChannels.coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", "%", 0},
@ -265,20 +265,20 @@ static constexpr LogField fields[] = {
{engine->engineState.tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.cranking.baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.cranking.baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.cranking.coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking.coolantTemperatureCoefficient", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.cranking.tpsCoefficient, "cranking.tpsCoefficient", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.cranking.durationCoefficient, "cranking.durationCoefficient", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.cranking.fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.cranking.fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.running.postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running.postCrankingFuelCorrection", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.running.intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.running.coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.running.timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running.timeSinceCrankingInSecs", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.running.baseFuel, "running.baseFuel", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.running.fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.running.fuel, "Fuel: actual", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", "", 0},
{engine->engineState.cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", "deg", 2},
{engine->engineState.timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", "deg", 2},
{engine->engineState.timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", "deg", 2},
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/actuators/idle_state.txt Sun Oct 30 21:54:10 UTC 2022
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/actuators/idle_state.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
// by class com.rusefi.output.CHeaderConsumer
// begin
#pragma once
@ -22,17 +22,19 @@ struct idle_state_s {
percent_t baseIdlePosition = (percent_t)0;
* idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle
* idle: iacByTpsTaper portion
* offset 12
percent_t iacByTpsTaper = (percent_t)0;
* idle: throttlePedalUpState
* true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal
* todo: better name for this field?
* offset 16
int throttlePedalUpState = (int)0;
* idle: mightResetPid
* The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.
* The throttle pedal can be pressed for a long time, making the PID data obsolete (thus the reset is required).
* We set 'mightResetPid' to true only if PID was actually used (i.e. idlePid.getOutput() was called) to save some CPU resources.
@ -152,7 +154,7 @@ struct idle_state_s {
int targetRpmAcBump = (int)0;
* idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle
* idle: iacByRpmTaper portion
* offset 32
percent_t iacByRpmTaper = (percent_t)0;
@ -165,4 +167,4 @@ struct idle_state_s {
static_assert(sizeof(idle_state_s) == 40);
// end
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/actuators/idle_state.txt Sun Oct 30 21:54:10 UTC 2022
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/actuators/idle_state.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/engine_state.txt Fri Oct 28 08:35:47 UTC 2022
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/engine_state.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
// by class com.rusefi.output.CHeaderConsumer
// begin
#pragma once
@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ static_assert(sizeof(speed_density_s) == 12);
// start of cranking_fuel_s
struct cranking_fuel_s {
* Fuel: base duration
* Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.
* Deprecated. Please use '1'.
* TODO: maybe account for injector flow?
@ -153,7 +154,8 @@ struct cranking_fuel_s {
float durationCoefficient = (float)0;
* Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.
* Fuel: Actual injection
* duration based on all coefficients.
* offset 16
floatms_t fuel = (floatms_t)0;
@ -185,6 +187,7 @@ struct running_fuel_s {
floatms_t baseFuel = (floatms_t)0;
* Fuel: actual
* Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.
* Without injector lag.
* @see baseFuel
@ -253,7 +256,8 @@ struct engine_state_s {
floatms_t sparkDwell = (floatms_t)0;
* ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle
* ignition dwell duration
* as crankshaft angle
* NAN if engine is stopped
* See also sparkDwell
* offset 104
@ -425,4 +429,4 @@ struct engine_state_s {
static_assert(sizeof(engine_state_s) == 152);
// end
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/engine_state.txt Fri Oct 28 08:35:47 UTC 2022
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/engine_state.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/fuel/fuel_computer.txt Sat Sep 03 07:08:26 EDT 2022
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/fuel/fuel_computer.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
// by class com.rusefi.output.CHeaderConsumer
// begin
#pragma once
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ struct fuel_computer_s {
float sdTcharge_coff = (float)0;
* SD cylinder mass
* Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams
* offset 20
@ -130,4 +131,4 @@ struct fuel_computer_s {
static_assert(sizeof(fuel_computer_s) == 28);
// end
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/fuel/fuel_computer.txt Sat Sep 03 07:08:26 EDT 2022
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/fuel/fuel_computer.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/wall_fuel_state.txt Mon Apr 18 21:50:18 UTC 2022
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/wall_fuel_state.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
// by class com.rusefi.output.CHeaderConsumer
// begin
#pragma once
@ -6,12 +6,14 @@
// start of wall_fuel_state_s
struct wall_fuel_state_s {
* fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle
* fuel wallwetting injection time
* correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle
* offset 0
float wallFuelCorrection = (float)0;
* Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.
* Fuel on the wall
* in ms of injector open time for each injector.
* offset 4
floatms_t wallFuel = (floatms_t)0;
@ -19,4 +21,4 @@ struct wall_fuel_state_s {
static_assert(sizeof(wall_fuel_state_s) == 8);
// end
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/wall_fuel_state.txt Mon Apr 18 21:50:18 UTC 2022
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/wall_fuel_state.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/engine_cycle/knock_controller.txt Tue Aug 30 06:01:23 UTC 2022
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/engine_cycle/knock_controller.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
// by class com.rusefi.output.CHeaderConsumer
// begin
#pragma once
@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
// start of knock_controller_s
struct knock_controller_s {
* Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard
* Knock Degrees retarded
* larger number = more retard
* offset 0
angle_t m_knockRetard = (angle_t)0;
@ -26,4 +27,4 @@ struct knock_controller_s {
static_assert(sizeof(knock_controller_s) == 16);
// end
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/engine_cycle/knock_controller.txt Tue Aug 30 06:01:23 UTC 2022
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/engine_cycle/knock_controller.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
#define GAUGE_NAME_ETB_ERROR "ETB position error"
#define GAUGE_NAME_ETB_TARGET "ETB position target"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FLEX "Flex Ethanol %"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR "fuel: Barometric pressure correction"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR "fuel: Barometric pressure mult"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BASE "fuel: base mass"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CHARGE_TEMP "fuel: Estimated charge temperature"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CLT_CORR "fuel: CLT correction"
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW "Fuel pressure (low)"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_RUNNING "fuel: running"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_ROC "fuel: TPS change"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM "fuel: fuel trim"
#define GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM_2 "fuel: fuel trim 2"
@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@
#define show_Frankenso_presets true
#define show_test_presets true
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_51012
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_16528
#define specs_s_size 12
#define spi_device_e_auto_enum 0="SPI_NONE",1="SPI_DEVICE_1",2="SPI_DEVICE_2",3="SPI_DEVICE_3",4="SPI_DEVICE_4"
#define spi_device_e_SPI_DEVICE_1 1
@ -1298,7 +1298,7 @@
#define ts_show_vbatt true
#define ts_show_vr_threshold_2 true
#define ts_show_vr_threshold_all true
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.all.snap_51012"
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.all.snap_16528"
#define TS_TEST_COMMAND 't'
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_53003
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.48way.snap_53003"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_18655
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.48way.snap_18655"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_51012
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.all.snap_51012"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_16528
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.all.snap_16528"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_23080
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.alphax-2chan.snap_23080"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_56828
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.alphax-2chan.snap_56828"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_1227
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.alphax-4chan.snap_1227"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_33567
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.alphax-4chan.snap_33567"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_12899
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.atlas.snap_12899"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_46519
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.atlas.snap_46519"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_38589
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.core8.snap_38589"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_4457
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.core8.snap_4457"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on hellen_cypress_gen_config.bat by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_51012
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.cypress.snap_51012"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_16528
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.cypress.snap_16528"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_51012
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.f407-discovery.snap_51012"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_16528
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.f407-discovery.snap_16528"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_51012
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.f429-discovery.snap_51012"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_16528
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.f429-discovery.snap_16528"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_15232
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.frankenso_na6.snap_15232"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_48212
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.frankenso_na6.snap_48212"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_49771
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.harley81.snap_49771"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_17855
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.harley81.snap_17855"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_18245
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen-gm-e67.snap_18245"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_49297
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen-gm-e67.snap_49297"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_63112
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen-nb1.snap_63112"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_29020
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen-nb1.snap_29020"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_32686
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen121nissan.snap_32686"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_63610
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen121nissan.snap_63610"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_1086
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen121vag.snap_1086"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_33770
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen121vag.snap_33770"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_47743
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen128.snap_47743"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_15787
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen128.snap_15787"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_29036
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen154hyundai.snap_29036"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_63160
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen154hyundai.snap_63160"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_51663
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen72.snap_51663"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_19995
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen72.snap_19995"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_8014
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen81.snap_8014"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_39066
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen81.snap_39066"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_54408
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen88bmw.snap_54408"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_21340
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen88bmw.snap_21340"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_30323
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellenNA6.snap_30323"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_61863
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellenNA6.snap_61863"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_30380
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellenNA8_96.snap_30380"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_61816
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellenNA8_96.snap_61816"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on kinetis_gen_config.bat by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_25992
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.kin.snap_25992"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_57948
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.kin.snap_57948"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_41028
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.mre_f4.snap_41028"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_10128
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.mre_f4.snap_10128"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_41028
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.mre_f7.snap_41028"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_10128
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.mre_f7.snap_10128"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_7842
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.prometheus_405.snap_7842"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_39286
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.prometheus_405.snap_39286"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_7842
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.prometheus_469.snap_7842"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_39286
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.prometheus_469.snap_39286"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_50
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_f4.snap_50"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_34790
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_f4.snap_34790"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_50
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_f7.snap_50"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_34790
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_f7.snap_34790"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_50
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_h7.snap_50"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_34790
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_h7.snap_34790"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on config/boards/subaru_eg33/config/ by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_7838
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.subaru_eg33_f7.snap_7838"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_39242
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.subaru_eg33_f7.snap_39242"
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_2320
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.tdg-pdm8.snap_2320"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH snap_36548
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI 2022.11.01.tdg-pdm8.snap_36548"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.all.snap_51012"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.all.snap_16528"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.all.snap_51012" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.all.snap_16528" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:52:11 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:43 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.48way.snap_53003"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.48way.snap_18655"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.48way.snap_53003" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.48way.snap_18655" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:50 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:26 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.alphax-2chan.snap_23080"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.alphax-2chan.snap_56828"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.alphax-2chan.snap_23080" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.alphax-2chan.snap_56828" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:17 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:59 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.alphax-4chan.snap_1227"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.alphax-4chan.snap_33567"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.alphax-4chan.snap_1227" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.alphax-4chan.snap_33567" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:19 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:01 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.atlas.snap_12899"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.atlas.snap_46519"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.atlas.snap_12899" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.atlas.snap_46519" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:52:07 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:40 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.core8.snap_38589"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.core8.snap_4457"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.core8.snap_38589" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.core8.snap_4457" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:48 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:24 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.cypress.snap_51012"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.cypress.snap_16528"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.cypress.snap_51012" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.cypress.snap_16528" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on hellen_cypress_gen_config.bat integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:13 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on hellen_cypress_gen_config.bat integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:56 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.f407-discovery.snap_51012"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.f407-discovery.snap_16528"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.f407-discovery.snap_51012" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.f407-discovery.snap_16528" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:52:04 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:37 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.f429-discovery.snap_51012"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.f429-discovery.snap_16528"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.f429-discovery.snap_51012" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.f429-discovery.snap_16528" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:52:05 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:38 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.frankenso_na6.snap_15232"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.frankenso_na6.snap_48212"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.frankenso_na6.snap_15232" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.frankenso_na6.snap_48212" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:52 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:28 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.harley81.snap_49771"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.harley81.snap_17855"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.harley81.snap_49771" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.harley81.snap_17855" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:21 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:02 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen-gm-e67.snap_18245"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen-gm-e67.snap_49297"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen-gm-e67.snap_18245" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen-gm-e67.snap_49297" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:38 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:16 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen-nb1.snap_63112"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen-nb1.snap_29020"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen-nb1.snap_63112" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen-nb1.snap_29020" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:37 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:15 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen121nissan.snap_32686"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen121nissan.snap_63610"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen121nissan.snap_32686" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen121nissan.snap_63610" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:27 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:07 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen121vag.snap_1086"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen121vag.snap_33770"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen121vag.snap_1086" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen121vag.snap_33770" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:25 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:05 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen128.snap_47743"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen128.snap_15787"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen128.snap_47743" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen128.snap_15787" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:23 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:04 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen154hyundai.snap_29036"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen154hyundai.snap_63160"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen154hyundai.snap_29036" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen154hyundai.snap_63160" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:29 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:08 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen72.snap_51663"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen72.snap_19995"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen72.snap_51663" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen72.snap_19995" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:33 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:12 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen81.snap_8014"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen81.snap_39066"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen81.snap_8014" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen81.snap_39066" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:34 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:13 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen88bmw.snap_54408"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen88bmw.snap_21340"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen88bmw.snap_54408" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellen88bmw.snap_21340" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:31 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:10 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellenNA6.snap_30323"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellenNA6.snap_61863"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellenNA6.snap_30323" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellenNA6.snap_61863" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:41 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:18 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellenNA8_96.snap_30380"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellenNA8_96.snap_61816"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellenNA8_96.snap_30380" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.hellenNA8_96.snap_61816" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:42 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:20 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.kin.snap_25992"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.kin.snap_57948"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.kin.snap_25992" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.kin.snap_57948" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on kinetis_gen_config.bat integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:11 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on kinetis_gen_config.bat integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:54 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.mre_f4.snap_41028"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.mre_f4.snap_10128"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.mre_f4.snap_41028" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.mre_f4.snap_10128" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:46 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:23 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.mre_f7.snap_41028"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.mre_f7.snap_10128"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.mre_f7.snap_41028" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.mre_f7.snap_10128" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:44 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:21 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.prometheus_405.snap_7842"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.prometheus_405.snap_39286"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.prometheus_405.snap_7842" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.prometheus_405.snap_39286" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:56 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:31 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.prometheus_469.snap_7842"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.prometheus_469.snap_39286"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.prometheus_469.snap_7842" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.prometheus_469.snap_39286" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:54 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:29 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_f4.snap_50"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_f4.snap_34790"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_f4.snap_50" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_f4.snap_34790" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:52:00 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:34 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_f7.snap_50"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_f7.snap_34790"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_f7.snap_50" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_f7.snap_34790" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:58 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:32 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_h7.snap_50"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_h7.snap_34790"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_h7.snap_50" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.proteus_h7.snap_34790" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:52:02 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:35 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.subaru_eg33_f7.snap_7838"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.subaru_eg33_f7.snap_39242"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.subaru_eg33_f7.snap_7838" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.subaru_eg33_f7.snap_39242" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on config/boards/subaru_eg33/config/ integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:51:15 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on config/boards/subaru_eg33/config/ integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:57 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.tdg-pdm8.snap_2320"
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.tdg-pdm8.snap_36548"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.tdg-pdm8.snap_2320" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.tdg-pdm8.snap_36548" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:52:09 UTC 2022
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:41 UTC 2022
pageSize = 22800
page = 1
@ -4434,7 +4434,7 @@ gaugeCategory = Fueling
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
fuelCutReasonGauge = fuelCutReason,"Fuel Cut Code", "code", 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0,0
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "fuel: Estimated charge temperature", "C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure correction", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
baroCorrectionGauge = baroCorrection,"fuel: Barometric pressure mult", "ratio", 0.5, 1.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1.3, 1.4, 1, 1
crankingFuelGauge = crankingFuelMs, "fuel: cranking", "mg", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 3, 1
iatCorrectionGauge = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
cltCorrectionGauge = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", "mult", 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 2
@ -4704,7 +4704,7 @@ entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d"
entry = deltaTps, "fuel: TPS change", float, "%.3f"
entry = canReadCounter, "canReadCounter", int, "%d"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsAccelFuel, "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = ignitionAdvance, "timing", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwellValue, "dwell: coil charge time", float, "%.3f"
entry = coilDutyCycle, "dwell: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f"
@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ entry = luaGauges1, "luaGauges 1", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaGauges2, "luaGauges 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f"
entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF sensor 2", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Degrees retarded: larger number = more retard", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock Degrees retarded", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockThreshold, "m_knockThreshold", float, "%.3f"
entry = m_knockCount, "m_knockCount", int, "%d"
entry = m_maximumRetard, "m_maximumRetard", float, "%.3f"
@ -4966,7 +4966,7 @@ entry = targetLambda, "targetLambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = stoichiometricRatio, "stoichiometricRatio", float, "%.3f"
entry = targetAFR, "targetAFR", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "SD cylinder mass", float, "%.3f"
entry = sdIsTChargeAirModel, "sdIsTChargeAirModel", int, "%d"
entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d"
entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d"
@ -5030,20 +5030,20 @@ entry = tpsVoltageMCU, "tpsVoltageMCU", float, "%.3f"
entry = tpsVoltageBoard, "tpsVoltageBoard", float, "%.3f"
entry = currentBaroCorrectedVE, "currentBaroCorrectedVE", float, "%.3f"
entry = injectorFlowCorrection, "injectorFlowCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Duration of injection, in ms. During cranking we do not account for injector flow, so if you change injectors you would need to change settings.", float, "%.3f"
entry = baroCorrection, "fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_baseFuel, "Fuel: base duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "cranking_coolantTemperatureCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_tpsCoefficient, "cranking_tpsCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_durationCoefficient, "cranking_durationCoefficient", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Actual injection duration based on all above coefficients.", float, "%.3f"
entry = cranking_fuel, "Fuel: Actual injection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "running_postCrankingFuelCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_baseFuel, "running_baseFuel", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Actual injection duration with CLT, IAT and TPS acceleration corrections per cycle, as squirt duration.", float, "%.3f"
entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: actual", float, "%.3f"
entry = sparkDwell, "ignition dwell duration in ms", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration as crankshaft angle", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellAngle, "ignition dwell duration", float, "%.3f"
entry = cltTimingCorrection, "cltTimingCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingIatCorrection, "timingIatCorrection", float, "%.3f"
entry = timingPidCorrection, "timingPidCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -5100,14 +5100,14 @@ entry = vvtCounter, "vvtCounter", int, "%d"
entry = camResyncCounter, "camResyncCounter", int, "%d"
entry = vvtStateIndex, "vvtStateIndex", int, "%d"
entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "m_hasSynchronizedPhase", int, "%d"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel injection time correction to account for wall wetting effect for current cycle", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Amount of fuel on the wall, in ms of injector open time for each injector.", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f"
entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d"
entry = currentIdlePosition, "idle: current position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.", int, "%d"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = mustResetPid, "idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ entry = isVerboseIAC, "isVerboseIAC", int, "%d"
entry = isIdleCoasting, "idle: coasting", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmByClt, "idle: target by CLT", int, "%d"
entry = targetRpmAcBump, "idle: A/C bump", int, "%d"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion of idle", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseDwell, "baseDwell", float, "%.3f"
entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "dwellVoltageCorrection", float, "%.3f"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package com.rusefi.config.generated;
// this file was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/actuators/ac_control.txt Wed Oct 26 20:53:56 UTC 2022
// this file was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/actuators/ac_control.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
// by class com.rusefi.output.FileJavaFieldsConsumer
import com.rusefi.config.*;
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public class AcControl {
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_ETB_ERROR = "ETB position error";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_ETB_TARGET = "ETB position target";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FLEX = "Flex Ethanol %";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR = "fuel: Barometric pressure correction";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR = "fuel: Barometric pressure mult";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BASE = "fuel: base mass";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CHARGE_TEMP = "fuel: Estimated charge temperature";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CLT_CORR = "fuel: CLT correction";
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public class AcControl {
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW = "Fuel pressure (low)";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW_UNITS = "kPa";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_RUNNING = "fuel: running";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA = "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA = "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_ROC = "fuel: TPS change";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM = "fuel: fuel trim";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM_2 = "fuel: fuel trim 2";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package com.rusefi.config.generated;
// this file was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/actuators/boost_control.txt Wed Oct 26 20:53:56 UTC 2022
// this file was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/actuators/boost_control.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
// by class com.rusefi.output.FileJavaFieldsConsumer
import com.rusefi.config.*;
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public class BoostControl {
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_ETB_ERROR = "ETB position error";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_ETB_TARGET = "ETB position target";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FLEX = "Flex Ethanol %";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR = "fuel: Barometric pressure correction";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR = "fuel: Barometric pressure mult";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BASE = "fuel: base mass";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CHARGE_TEMP = "fuel: Estimated charge temperature";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CLT_CORR = "fuel: CLT correction";
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public class BoostControl {
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW = "Fuel pressure (low)";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW_UNITS = "kPa";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_RUNNING = "fuel: running";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA = "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA = "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_ROC = "fuel: TPS change";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM = "fuel: fuel trim";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM_2 = "fuel: fuel trim 2";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package com.rusefi.config.generated;
// this file was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/engine_state.txt Wed Oct 26 20:53:56 UTC 2022
// this file was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/engine_state.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
// by class com.rusefi.output.FileJavaFieldsConsumer
import com.rusefi.config.*;
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public class EngineState {
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_ETB_ERROR = "ETB position error";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_ETB_TARGET = "ETB position target";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FLEX = "Flex Ethanol %";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR = "fuel: Barometric pressure correction";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR = "fuel: Barometric pressure mult";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BASE = "fuel: base mass";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CHARGE_TEMP = "fuel: Estimated charge temperature";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CLT_CORR = "fuel: CLT correction";
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public class EngineState {
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW = "Fuel pressure (low)";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW_UNITS = "kPa";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_RUNNING = "fuel: running";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA = "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA = "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_ROC = "fuel: TPS change";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM = "fuel: fuel trim";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM_2 = "fuel: fuel trim 2";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package com.rusefi.config.generated;
// this file was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 14:52:15 UTC 2022
// this file was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on integration/rusefi_config.txt Tue Nov 01 21:00:45 UTC 2022
// by class com.rusefi.output.FileJavaFieldsConsumer
import com.rusefi.config.*;
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ public class Fields {
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_ETB_ERROR = "ETB position error";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_ETB_TARGET = "ETB position target";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FLEX = "Flex Ethanol %";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR = "fuel: Barometric pressure correction";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR = "fuel: Barometric pressure mult";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BASE = "fuel: base mass";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CHARGE_TEMP = "fuel: Estimated charge temperature";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CLT_CORR = "fuel: CLT correction";
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ public class Fields {
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW = "Fuel pressure (low)";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW_UNITS = "kPa";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_RUNNING = "fuel: running";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA = "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA = "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_ROC = "fuel: TPS change";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM = "fuel: fuel trim";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM_2 = "fuel: fuel trim 2";
@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ public class Fields {
public static final int TS_RESPONSE_UNDERRUN = 0x80;
public static final int TS_RESPONSE_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND = 0x83;
public static final char TS_SET_LOGGER_SWITCH = 'l';
public static final String TS_SIGNATURE = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.all.snap_51012";
public static final String TS_SIGNATURE = "rusEFI 2022.11.01.all.snap_16528";
public static final char TS_SINGLE_WRITE_COMMAND = 'W';
public static final char TS_TEST_COMMAND = 't';
public static final int TS_TOTAL_OUTPUT_SIZE = 1280;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package com.rusefi.config.generated;
// this file was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/fuel/fuel_computer.txt Wed Oct 26 20:53:55 UTC 2022
// this file was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/fuel/fuel_computer.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
// by class com.rusefi.output.FileJavaFieldsConsumer
import com.rusefi.config.*;
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public class FuelComputer {
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_ETB_ERROR = "ETB position error";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_ETB_TARGET = "ETB position target";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FLEX = "Flex Ethanol %";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR = "fuel: Barometric pressure correction";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR = "fuel: Barometric pressure mult";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BASE = "fuel: base mass";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CHARGE_TEMP = "fuel: Estimated charge temperature";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CLT_CORR = "fuel: CLT correction";
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public class FuelComputer {
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW = "Fuel pressure (low)";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW_UNITS = "kPa";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_RUNNING = "fuel: running";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA = "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA = "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_ROC = "fuel: TPS change";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM = "fuel: fuel trim";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM_2 = "fuel: fuel trim 2";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package com.rusefi.config.generated;
// this file was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/trigger/trigger_state.txt Wed Oct 26 20:53:56 UTC 2022
// this file was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/trigger/trigger_state.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
// by class com.rusefi.output.FileJavaFieldsConsumer
import com.rusefi.config.*;
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public class TriggerState {
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_ETB_ERROR = "ETB position error";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_ETB_TARGET = "ETB position target";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FLEX = "Flex Ethanol %";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR = "fuel: Barometric pressure correction";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR = "fuel: Barometric pressure mult";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BASE = "fuel: base mass";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CHARGE_TEMP = "fuel: Estimated charge temperature";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CLT_CORR = "fuel: CLT correction";
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public class TriggerState {
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW = "Fuel pressure (low)";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW_UNITS = "kPa";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_RUNNING = "fuel: running";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA = "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA = "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_ROC = "fuel: TPS change";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM = "fuel: fuel trim";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM_2 = "fuel: fuel trim 2";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package com.rusefi.config.generated;
// this file was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/trigger/trigger_state_primary.txt Wed Oct 26 20:53:56 UTC 2022
// this file was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/trigger/trigger_state_primary.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
// by class com.rusefi.output.FileJavaFieldsConsumer
import com.rusefi.config.*;
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public class TriggerStatePrimary {
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_ETB_ERROR = "ETB position error";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_ETB_TARGET = "ETB position target";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FLEX = "Flex Ethanol %";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR = "fuel: Barometric pressure correction";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR = "fuel: Barometric pressure mult";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BASE = "fuel: base mass";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CHARGE_TEMP = "fuel: Estimated charge temperature";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CLT_CORR = "fuel: CLT correction";
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public class TriggerStatePrimary {
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW = "Fuel pressure (low)";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW_UNITS = "kPa";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_RUNNING = "fuel: running";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA = "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA = "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_ROC = "fuel: TPS change";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM = "fuel: fuel trim";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM_2 = "fuel: fuel trim 2";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package com.rusefi.config.generated;
// this file was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) console/binary/output_channels.txt Wed Oct 26 20:53:55 UTC 2022
// this file was generated automatically by rusEFI tool ConfigDefinition.jar based on (unknown script) console/binary/output_channels.txt Tue Nov 01 20:59:53 UTC 2022
// by class com.rusefi.output.FileJavaFieldsConsumer
import com.rusefi.config.*;
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public class TsOutputs {
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_ETB_ERROR = "ETB position error";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_ETB_TARGET = "ETB position target";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FLEX = "Flex Ethanol %";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR = "fuel: Barometric pressure correction";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BARO_CORR = "fuel: Barometric pressure mult";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_BASE = "fuel: base mass";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CHARGE_TEMP = "fuel: Estimated charge temperature";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CLT_CORR = "fuel: CLT correction";
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public class TsOutputs {
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW = "Fuel pressure (low)";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW_UNITS = "kPa";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_RUNNING = "fuel: running";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA = "fuel: TPS acceleration extra fuel ms";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA = "fuel: TPS acceleration add fuel ms";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_ROC = "fuel: TPS change";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM = "fuel: fuel trim";
public static final String GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TRIM_2 = "fuel: fuel trim 2";
Reference in New Issue