This commit is contained in:
@ -553,109 +553,167 @@ fileVersion = { 20141008 }
; egt1 = S16, "°C",
menu = "&Engine"
subMenu = engineChars, "&Engine Characteristics"
subMenu = lcdScreen, "LCD screen"
subMenu = boardInputs, "&Board inputs"
subMenu = boardInputMode, "Board inputs mode"
subMenu = boardOutputs1, "Board outputs #1"
subMenu = boardOutputs2, "Board outputs #2"
subMenu = injChars, "&injector Characteristicks"
subMenu = injectorsDeadTime, "&Injectors Dead Time"
subMenu = crankingSettings, "&Cranking Settings"
subMenu = ecuStimulator, "ECU stimulator"
menu = "&Sensors"
subMenu = clt_thermistor, "&CLT Thermistor"
subMenu = iat_thermistor, "&IAT Thermistor"
subMenu = mapSettings, "MAP sensor settings"
subMenu = mapSamplingAngleCurve, "Map sampling angle"
subMenu = mapSamplingWindowCurve, "Map sampling window"
subMenu = triggerConfiguration, "&Trigger configuration"
subMenu = egoSettings, "EGO sensor settings"
subMenu = egtSettings, "EGT settings"
menu = "&Settings"
menu = "Engine"
subMenu = engineChars, "Base Engine Settings"
subMenu = triggerConfiguration, "Trigger Configuration"
subMenu = injectionSettings, "Injection Settings"
subMenu = ignitionSettings, "Ignition Settings"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = clt_thermistor, "CLT Thermistor"
subMenu = iat_thermistor, "IAT Thermistor"
subMenu = mapSettings, "MAP Sensor Settings"
subMenu = egoSettings, "EGO Sensor Settings"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = fanSetting, "Fan Settings"
menu = "Tuning"
subMenu = generalSettings, "General"
subMenu = fuelTableTbl, "&Fuel Table", {fuelAlgorithm != 3}
subMenu = ignitionTableTbl, "&Ignition Table"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = cranking, "Cranking"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = fuelTableTbl, "Fuel Table", {fuelAlgorithm != 3}
subMenu = iatFuelCorrCurve, "Intake air temp fuel correction"
subMenu = cltFuelCorrCurve, "Coolant temp fuel correction"
subMenu = veTableTbl, "VE Table", {fuelAlgorithm == 3}
subMenu = afrTableTbl, "Targe AFR Table", {fuelAlgorithm == 3}
subMenu = iatFuelCorrCurve, "I&ntake air temp fuel correction"
subMenu = cltFuelCorrCurve, "C&oolant temp fuel correction"
subMenu = dwellCorrection, "Dwell time correction"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = ignitionTableTbl, "Ignition Table"
menu = "&Tuning"
; subMenu = std_realtime, "&Realtime Display"
; subMenu = std_warmup, "&Warmup Wizard"
subMenu = dwellCorrection, "&Dwell correction"
subMenu = ignitionTableMap, "&Ignition Map"
subMenu = fuelTableMap, "&Fuel Table"
menu = "3D Map Tuning"
; subMenu = std_realtime, "Realtime Display"
; subMenu = std_warmup, "Warmup Wizard"
subMenu = ignitionTableMap, "Ignition Map"
subMenu = fuelTableMap, "Fuel Table"
subMenu = veTableMap, "VE Table"
subMenu = afrTableMap, "Targe AFR Table"
menu = "Board"
subMenu = boardInputs, "Board Inputs"
subMenu = boardOutputs, "Board Outputs"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = connection, "Connection"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = ecuStimulator, "ECU stimulator"
dialog = injChars, "Injector Characteristics"
field = "Injector Open Time", injectorLag
field = "Injector Flow", injectorFlow
dialog = egtSettings, "EGT Settins"
field = "CS #1", max31855_cs0
field = "CS #2", max31855_cs1
field = "CS #3", max31855_cs2
field = "CS #4", max31855_cs3
field = "CS #5", max31855_cs4
field = "CS #6", max31855_cs5
field = "CS #7", max31855_cs6
field = "CS #8", max31855_cs7
field = "SPI", max31855_SpiDevice
dialog = generalSettings, "General"
field = "analog chart", analogChartMode
; field = "Cranking RPM limit", crankingRpm
dialog = engineChars, "Engine Characteristics"
; Engine->Base Engine Settings
dialog = engineChars, "Base Engine Settings"
; field = "Engine Preset", engineType
field = "Number of Cylinders", nCylinders
field = "Engine Displacement", displacement
field = ""
field = "Firing Order", FiringOrder
field = "trigger type", trigger_type
field = "Ignition Mode", IgnitionMode
field = "RPM Hard Limit", rpmHardLimit
field = "Cranking RPM limit", crankingRpm
field = "Timing Mode", timingMode
field = ""
field = "Global fuel correction", globalFuelCorrection
; field = "RPM Multiplier", rpmMultiplier
;field = "Engine Preset", engineType
; Engine->Trigger configuration
dialog = triggerConfiguration, "Trigger configuration"
field = "Trigger type", trigger_type
field = "globalTriggerOffsetAngle", globalTriggerOffsetAngle
field = "Fuel Algorithm", fuelAlgorithm
field = "timingMode", timingMode
field = "global fuel correction", globalFuelCorrection
field = "#Custom Trigger"
field = "Synchronization Needed?", isSynchronizationNeeded, {trigger_type == 0}
field = "total Tooth Count", totalToothCount, {trigger_type == 0}
field = "skipped Tooth Count", skippedToothCount, {trigger_type == 0}
field = "sync Ratio From", syncRatioFrom, {trigger_type == 0}
field = "sync Ratio To", syncRatioTo, {trigger_type == 0}
field = "use Rise Edge?", useRiseEdge, {trigger_type == 0}
field = "needed Second Trigger Input?", needSecondTriggerInput, {trigger_type == 0}
; Engine->Injection Settings
dialog = injChars, "Injector Settings"
field = "Injector Open Time", injectorLag
field = "Injector Flow", injectorFlow
field = ""
field = ""
field = ""
field = ""
field = ""
field = ""
field = ""
field = ""
field = ""
field = ""
field = ""
dialog = injectionSettings, "Injection Settings", border
panel = injChars, West
panel = injectorsDeadTime, East
; Engine->Ignition Settings
dialog = ignitionSettings, "Ignition Settings"
panel = dwellCorrection, Center
; Engine->CLT Thermistor Settings
dialog = clt_thermistor, "CLT Thermistor Settings"
field = "!Here is three pairs of thermistor temperature and his resistance."
field = "!Typical temperatures is -40°C, 0°C and 100°C"
field = ""
field = "Lowest temperature", clt_t1
field = "Resistance @ LT", clt_r1
field = ""
field = "Middle temperature", clt_t2
field = "Resistance @ MT", clt_r2
field = ""
field = "Highest temperature", clt_t3
field = "Resistance @ HT", clt_r3
field = ""
field = "Bias Resistor Value", clt_bias
field = ""
; Engine->IAT Thermistor Settings
dialog = iat_thermistor, "IAT Thermistor Settings"
field = "!Here is three pairs of thermistor temperature and his resistance."
field = "!Typical temperatures is -40°C, 0°C and 100°C"
field = ""
field = "Lowest temperature", iat_t1
field = "Resistance @ LT", iat_r1
field = ""
field = "Middle temperature", iat_t2
field = "Resistance @ MT", iat_r2
field = ""
field = "Highest temperature", iat_t3
field = "Resistance @ HT", iat_r3
field = ""
field = "Bias Resistor Value", iat_bias
field = ""
; Engine->MAP Sensor Settings
dialog = mapSensor, "Sensor Settings", xAxis
field = "Map type", mapSensorType
field = "MAP at minimum voltage", mapMin, { mapSensorType == 0}
field = "MAP at maximum voltage", mapMax, { mapSensorType == 0}
dialog = mapCurves, "", border
panel = mapSamplingAngleCurve, West
panel = mapSamplingWindowCurve, East
dialog = mapSettings, "MAP Sensor Settings", border
panel = mapSensor, South
panel = mapCurves, North
; Engine->EGO Sensor Settings
dialog = egoSettings, "EGO Sensor Settings"
field = "low voltage", afr_v1
field = "low value", afr_value1
field = "high voltage", afr_v2
field = "high value", afr_value2
; Engine->Fan Settings
dialog = fanSetting, "Fan Settings"
field = "Fan On Temperature", FanONTemperature
field = "Fan Off Temperature", FanOffTemperature
field = "Can Read Enabled", CanReadEnabled
field = "Can Write Enabled", CanWriteEnabled
; field = "Can Nbc Type", CanNbcType
field = "Can Sleep Period", CanSleepPeriod
; field = "rpm Multiplier", rpmMultiplier
field = "log format", logFormat
field = "injection", isInjectionEnabled
field = "ignition", isIgnitionEnabled
field = "SdCard", isSdCardEnabled
dialog = lcdScreen, "LCD screen"
field = "display Mode", displayMode
field = "height", HD44780height
field = "width", HD44780width
field = "RS pin", HD44780_rs
field = "E pin", HD44780_e
field = "D4 pin", HD44780_db4
field = "D5 pin", HD44780_db5
field = "D6 pin", HD44780_db6
field = "D7 pin", HD44780_db7
field = "gps RX", gps_rx_pin
field = "gps TX", gps_tx_pin
; Board->Board inputs
dialog = triggerInputs, "Trigger inputs", xAxis
field = "Primary input channel", triggerInputPin0
field = "Secondary channel", triggerInputPin1
dialog = boardInputs, "Board inputs"
dialog = analogInputs, "Analog inputs"
field = "Analog Input Divider Coefficient", analogInputDividerCoefficient
field = "Battery Input Divider Coefficient", VBattDividerCoefficient
field = "TPS ADC input", tpsAdcInput
@ -667,7 +725,7 @@ fileVersion = { 20141008 }
field = "vBatt ADC input", vbattAdcInput
field = "AFR ADC input", afrAdcInput
dialog = boardInputMode, "Board inputs Mode"
dialog = analogInputMode, "Analog input mode"
field = "ADC on PA0", adcModePA0
field = "ADC on PA1", adcModePA1
field = "ADC on PA2", adcModePA2
@ -685,44 +743,36 @@ fileVersion = { 20141008 }
field = "ADC on PC4", adcModePC4
field = "ADC on PC5", adcModePC5
dialog = ecuStimulator, "ECU stimulator"
field = "digipot spi", digitalPotentiometerSpiDevice
field = "digipot CS #0", digitalPotentiometerChipSelect0
field = "digipot CS #1", digitalPotentiometerChipSelect1
field = "digipot CS #2", digitalPotentiometerChipSelect2
field = "digipot CS #3", digitalPotentiometerChipSelect3
dialog = egtInputs, "EGT inputs"
field = "SPI", max31855_SpiDevice
field = "CS #1", max31855_cs0
field = "CS #2", max31855_cs1
field = "CS #3", max31855_cs2
field = "CS #4", max31855_cs3
field = "CS #5", max31855_cs4
field = "CS #6", max31855_cs5
field = "CS #7", max31855_cs6
field = "CS #8", max31855_cs7
dialog = boardOutputs1, "Board properties #1"
dialog = boardInputLeft, "", border
panel = analogInputs, North
panel = egtInputs, South
dialog = boardInputDown, "", border
panel = boardInputLeft, West
panel = analogInputMode, East
dialog = boardInputs, "", border
panel = triggerInputs, North
panel = boardInputDown, South
; Board->Board Outputs
dialog = injectionOutputs, "Injector Output"
field = "injection Pin Mode", injectionPinMode
field = "Injection Pin 1", injectionPin1
field = "Injection Pin 2", injectionPin2, {nCylinders > 1}
field = "Injection Pin 3", injectionPin3, {nCylinders > 2}
field = "Injection Pin 4", injectionPin4, {nCylinders > 3}
field = "injection Pin Mode", injectionPinMode
field = "Ignition Pin 1", ignitionPin1
field = "Ignition Pin 2", ignitionPin2, {IgnitionMode != 0 && nCylinders > 1}
field = "Ignition Pin 3", ignitionPin3, {IgnitionMode != 0 && nCylinders > 2}
field = "Ignition Pin 4", ignitionPin4, {IgnitionMode != 0 && nCylinders > 3}
field = "ignition Pin Mode", ignitionPinMode
field = "Fuel Pump Pin", fuelPumpPin
field = "Fuel Pump Pin Mode", fuelPumpPinMode
field = "Idle Valve Pin", idleValvePin
field = "Idle Valve Pin Mode", idleValvePinMode
field = "Idle Frequency", idleSolenoidFreq
field = "Fan pin", fanPin
field = "Fan pin", fanPin
field = "O2 heater pin", o2heaterPin
dialog = boardOutputs2, "Board properties #2"
field = "malfunctionIndicatorPin", malfunctionIndicatorPin
field = "malfunctionIndicatorPinMode", malfunctionIndicatorPinMode
field = "Injection Pin 5 ", injectionPin5, {nCylinders > 4}
field = "Injection Pin 6 ", injectionPin6, {nCylinders > 5}
field = "Injection Pin 7 ", injectionPin7, {nCylinders > 6}
@ -732,50 +782,107 @@ fileVersion = { 20141008 }
field = "Injection Pin 11 ", injectionPin11, {nCylinders > 10}
field = "Injection Pin 12 ", injectionPin12, {nCylinders > 11}
dialog = clt_thermistor, "CLT Thermistor Settings"
field = "Here is three pairs of thermistor temperature and his resistance."
field = "Typical temperatures is -40°C, 0°C and 100°C"
field = ""
field = "Lowest temperature", clt_t1
field = "Resistance @ LT", clt_r1
field = ""
field = "Middle temperature", clt_t2
field = "Resistance @ MT", clt_r2
field = ""
field = "Highest temperature", clt_t3
field = "Resistance @ HT", clt_r3
field = ""
field = "Bias Resistor Value", clt_bias
field = ""
dialog = ignitionOutputs, "Ignition Outputs"
field = "Ignition Pin Mode", ignitionPinMode
field = "Ignition Pin 1", ignitionPin1
field = "Ignition Pin 2", ignitionPin2, {IgnitionMode != 0 && nCylinders > 1}
field = "Ignition Pin 3", ignitionPin3, {IgnitionMode != 0 && nCylinders > 2}
field = "Ignition Pin 4", ignitionPin4, {IgnitionMode != 0 && nCylinders > 3}
dialog = iat_thermistor, "IAT Thermistor Settings"
field = "Here is three pairs of thermistor temperature and his resistance."
field = "Typical temperatures is -40°C, 0°C and 100°C"
dialog = otherOutputs, "Board outputs"
field = "Fuel Pump Pin Mode", fuelPumpPinMode
field = "Fuel Pump Pin", fuelPumpPin
field = ""
field = "Temperature 1", iat_t1
field = "Resistance 1", iat_r1
field = "Idle Valve Pin Mode", idleValvePinMode
field = "Idle Valve Pin", idleValvePin
field = "Idle Frequency", idleSolenoidFreq
field = ""
field = "Temperature 2", iat_t2
field = "Resistance 2", iat_r2
field = "Fan Pin Mode", fanPinMode
field = "Fan Pin", fanPin
field = ""
field = "Temperature 3", iat_t3
field = "Resistance 3", iat_r3
field = ""
field = "Bias Resistor Value", iat_bias
field = "O2 heater pin", o2heaterPin
field = ""
field = "MIL Pin Mode", malfunctionIndicatorPinMode
field = "MIL Pin", malfunctionIndicatorPin
dialog = mapSettings, "MAP Sensor Settings"
field = "Map type", mapSensorType
field = "MAP at minimum voltage", mapMin, { mapSensorType == 0}
field = "MAP at maximum voltage", mapMax, { mapSensorType == 0}
dialog = boardOutputRight, "", border
panel = ignitionOutputs, North
panel = otherOutputs, South
dialog = egoSettings, "EGO Sensor Settings"
field = "low voltage", afr_v1
field = "low value", afr_value1
field = "high voltage", afr_v2
field = "high value", afr_value2
dialog = boardOutputs, "", border
panel = injectionOutputs, East
panel = boardOutputRight, West
dialog = crankingSettings, "Cranking Settings"
; Board->Connection
dialog = canBus, "CAN Bus"
field = "Can Read Enabled", CanReadEnabled
field = "Can Write Enabled", CanWriteEnabled
; field = "Can Nbc Type", CanNbcType
field = "Can Sleep Period", CanSleepPeriod
dialog = sdCard, "SD Card Logger"
field = "SdCard", isSdCardEnabled
field = "log format", logFormat
dialog = gpsReceiver, "GPS Receiver"
field = "gps RX", gps_rx_pin
field = "gps TX", gps_tx_pin
dialog = lcdScreen, "LCD screen"
field = "display Mode", displayMode
field = "height", HD44780height
field = "width", HD44780width
field = "RS pin", HD44780_rs
field = "E pin", HD44780_e
field = "D4 pin", HD44780_db4
field = "D5 pin", HD44780_db5
field = "D6 pin", HD44780_db6
field = "D7 pin", HD44780_db7
dialog = connectRight, "", border
panel = canBus, North
panel = sdCard, Center
panel = gpsReceiver, South
dialog = connection, "", border
panel = lcdScreen, East
panel = connectRight, West
; Board->ECU stimulator
dialog = ecuStimulator, "ECU stimulator"
field = "digipot spi", digitalPotentiometerSpiDevice
field = "digipot CS #0", digitalPotentiometerChipSelect0
field = "digipot CS #1", digitalPotentiometerChipSelect1
field = "digipot CS #2", digitalPotentiometerChipSelect2
field = "digipot CS #3", digitalPotentiometerChipSelect3
field = ""
field = "trigger stimulator pin #1", triggerSimulatorPin0
field = "trigger stimulator pin #2", triggerSimulatorPin1
field = "trigger stimulator pin #3", triggerSimulatorPin2
field = ""
field = "Logic input channel 1", logicAnalyzerPin0
field = "Logic input channel 2", logicAnalyzerPin1
field = "Logic input channel 3", logicAnalyzerPin2
field = "Logic input channel 4", logicAnalyzerPin3
field = ""
field = "digital chart size", digitalChartSize
; Tuning->General
dialog = generalSettings, "General"
field = "RPM Hard Limit", rpmHardLimit
field = ""
field = "Fuel Algorithm", fuelAlgorithm
field = ""
field = "analog chart", analogChartMode
field = "#System ON/OFF"
field = "CylinderCleanup", isCylinderCleanupEnabled
field = "Injection", isInjectionEnabled
field = "Ignition", isIgnitionEnabled
; Tuning->Cranking
dialog = cranking, "Cranking"
field = "Cranking RPM limit", crankingRpm
field = ""
field = "Minimum temp point", CrankingCoolantTempMin
field = "Pulse Width at Minimum temp point", CrankingMinTempPW
field = ""
@ -784,30 +891,3 @@ fileVersion = { 20141008 }
field = ""
field = "Charge Angle", crankingChargeAngle
field = "Advance during cranking", crankingTimingAngle
dialog = triggerConfiguration, "Trigger configuration"
field = "Primary input channel", triggerInputPin0
field = "Secondary channel", triggerInputPin1
field = "Synchronization Needed?", isSynchronizationNeeded, {trigger_type == 0}
field = "total Tooth Count", totalToothCount, {trigger_type == 0}
field = "skipped Tooth Count", skippedToothCount, {trigger_type == 0}
field = "sync Ratio From", syncRatioFrom, {trigger_type == 0}
field = "sync Ratio To", syncRatioTo, {trigger_type == 0}
field = "use Rise Edge?", useRiseEdge, {trigger_type == 0}
field = "needed Second Trigger Input?", needSecondTriggerInput, {trigger_type == 0}
field = "trigger stimulator pin #1", triggerSimulatorPin0
field = "trigger stimulator pin #2", triggerSimulatorPin1
field = "trigger stimulator pin #3", triggerSimulatorPin2
field = "Logic input channel 1", logicAnalyzerPin0
field = "Logic input channel 2", logicAnalyzerPin1
field = "Logic input channel 3", logicAnalyzerPin2
field = "Logic input channel 4", logicAnalyzerPin3
field = "digital chart size", digitalChartSize
dialog = crankingFuel, "Cranking Fuel"
field = "Minimum temp point", CrankingCoolantTempMin
field = "Pulse Width at Minimum temp point", CrankingMinTempPW
field = ""
field = "Maximum temp point", CrankingCoolantTempMax
field = "Pulse Width at Maximum temp point", CrankingMaxTempPW
Reference in New Issue