This commit is contained in:
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; see PAGE_0_SIZE in C source code
; this section was generated automatically by ConfigDefinition.jar based on rusefi_config.txt Sun Mar 18 11:56:18 EDT 2018
; this section was generated automatically by ConfigDefinition.jar based on rusefi_config.txt Wed Mar 21 16:19:02 EDT 2018
pageSize = 20000
page = 1
@ -902,10 +902,6 @@ page = 1
fuelAlgorithm = "See also http://rusefi.com/fuel"
spotDepth = 2 ; 0 = no indicators, 1 = Z only, 2 = XYZ indicators.
cursorDepth = 2 ; Same as spot depth.
@ -984,14 +980,14 @@ fileVersion = { 20171101 }
RPMValue = scalar, U32, 0, "RPM", 1, 0.00000
coolant = scalar, F32, 4, "°C", 1, 0.0
coolant = scalar, F32, 4, "°C", 1, 0.0
coolant = scalar, F32, 4, "°F", {9/5}, 17.77777
coolant = scalar, F32, 4, "°F", {9/5}, 17.77777
intake = scalar, F32, 8, "°C", 1, 0.0
intake = scalar, F32, 8, "°C", 1, 0.0
intake = scalar, F32, 8, "°F", {9/5}, 17.77777
intake = scalar, F32, 8, "°F", {9/5}, 17.77777
TPSValue = scalar, F32, 12, "%", 1, 0
MAFValue = scalar, F32, 16, "V", 1, 0
@ -1040,14 +1036,14 @@ fileVersion = { 20171101 }
ind_hasFatalError=bits, U32, 80, [6:6], "true", "false";
ind_isWarnNow =bits, U32, 80, [7:7], "true", "false";
firmwareTsVersion = scalar,U32, 84, "version_p", 1, 0
egt1 = scalar, S16, 88, "°C", 1, 0
egt2 = scalar, S16, 90, "°C", 1, 0
egt3 = scalar, S16, 92, "°C", 1, 0
egt4 = scalar, S16, 94, "°C", 1, 0
egt5 = scalar, S16, 96, "°C", 1, 0
egt6 = scalar, S16, 98, "°C", 1, 0
egt7 = scalar, S16, 100, "°C", 1, 0
egt8 = scalar, S16, 102, "°C", 1, 0
egt1 = scalar, S16, 88, "°C", 1, 0
egt2 = scalar, S16, 90, "°C", 1, 0
egt3 = scalar, S16, 92, "°C", 1, 0
egt4 = scalar, S16, 94, "°C", 1, 0
egt5 = scalar, S16, 96, "°C", 1, 0
egt6 = scalar, S16, 98, "°C", 1, 0
egt7 = scalar, S16, 100, "°C", 1, 0
egt8 = scalar, S16, 102, "°C", 1, 0
rpmAcceleration = scalar, F32, 104, "dRpm", 1, 0
massAirFlowValue= scalar, F32, 108, "Kg/h", 1, 0
veValue = scalar, F32, 112, "ratio", 1, 0
@ -1186,7 +1182,7 @@ fileVersion = { 20171101 }
yAxis = 0, 180, 10
xBins = map_samplingAngleBins, RPMValue
yBins = map_samplingAngle
gauge = RPMGauge
gauge = MAPGauge
curve = map_samplingWindowCurve, "MAP Sampling Duration"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Window"
@ -1194,7 +1190,7 @@ fileVersion = { 20171101 }
yAxis = 0, 180, 10
xBins = map_samplingWindowBins, RPMValue
yBins = map_samplingWindow
gauge = RPMGauge
gauge = MAPGauge
curve = injectorsDeadTime, "Injector Dead Time by VBatt"
columnLabel = "Voltage", "Dead Time"
@ -1322,7 +1318,7 @@ fileVersion = { 20171101 }
yAxis = -3, 1, 5
xBins = cltFuelCorrBins, coolant
yBins = wueAfrTargetOffset
;gauge = cltGauge
gauge = cltGauge
curve = wueAnalyzer_warmup_curve, "Warmup Enrichment"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Current WUE", "Coolant", "Corrected"
@ -1459,9 +1455,9 @@ fileVersion = { 20171101 }
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "Charge Temp", "°C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "Charge Temp", "°C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "Charge Temp", "°F", -40, 285, 5, 35, 205, 230, 1, 1
tChargeGauge = tCharge, "Charge Temp", "°F", -40, 285, 5, 35, 205, 230, 1, 1
@ -1506,14 +1502,14 @@ gaugeCategory = Debug
gaugeCategory = Sensors
RPMGauge = RPMValue, "Engine Speed", "RPM", 0, 15000, 200, 500, 6000, 6000, 0, 0
CLTGauge = coolant, "Coolant Temp", "°C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
CLTGauge = coolant, "Coolant Temp", "°C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
CLTGauge = coolant, "Coolant Temp", "°F", -40, 285, 5, 35, 205, 230, 1, 1
CLTGauge = coolant, "Coolant Temp", "°F", -40, 285, 5, 35, 205, 230, 1, 1
IATGauge = intake, "Intake Air Temp", "°C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
IATGauge = intake, "Intake Air Temp", "°C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
IATGauge = intake, "Intake Air Temp", "°F", -40, 285, 5, 35, 205, 230, 1, 1
IATGauge = intake, "Intake Air Temp", "°F", -40, 285, 5, 35, 205, 230, 1, 1
TPSGauge = TPSValue, "Throttle Position", "%", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 2, 2
afr1Gauge = AFRValue, "Air:Fuel Ratio 1", "", 10, 19.4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
@ -1746,97 +1742,79 @@ gaugeCategory = Fuel Data
menu = "Engine"
menuDialog = main
menu = "&Base &Engine"
subMenu = engineChars, "Base Engine Settings"
subMenu = triggerConfiguration, "Trigger Configuration"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = analogInputs, "Analog inputs"
subMenu = cltSensor, "CLT Sensor Settings"
subMenu = iatSensor, "IAT Sensor Settings"
subMenu = auxTempSensor1Sensor, "AuxTemp1 Sensor Settings"
subMenu = auxTempSensor2Sensor, "AuxTemp2 Sensor Settings"
subMenu = mapSettings, "MAP Sensor Settings"
subMenu = mafDecodingCurve, "MAF Sensor Settings"
subMenu = egoSettings, "EGO Sensor Settings"
subMenu = narrowToWideOxygenCurve, "Narrow to Wideband approximation"
subMenu = egtInputs, "EGT inputs"
subMenu = oilPressureSensor, "Oil Pressure Sensor Settings"
subMenu = energySystems, "Battery and Alternator Settings"
subMenu = auxPidDialog, "Aux PID"
subMenu = speedSensor, "Speed Sensor Settings"
subMenu = tachSettings, "Tachometer output"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = fanSetting, "Fan Settings"
subMenu = mainRealay, "Main Relay Settings"
subMenu = fuelPump, "Fuel Pump Settings"
subMenu = malfunction, "MIL Settings"
subMenu = hipFunction, "hip9011 Settings (knock decoder) (alpha version)"
subMenu = cj125Function, "CJ125 Settings (wbo decoder)"
subMenu = spiFunction, "SPI Settings"
subMenu = etbDialog, "Electronic Thtottle Body (alpha version)"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = std_realtime, "&Realtime Display", 0
menu = "Injection"
subMenu = injectionSettings, "Injection Settings"
subMenu = injectionDeadTime, "Injector Dead Time"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = fuelTableDialog, "Fuel Table", 0, {fuelAlgorithm != LM_SPEED_DENSITY}
subMenu = veTableDialog, "VE Table", 0, {fuelAlgorithm == LM_SPEED_DENSITY}
subMenu = afrTableTbl, "Target AFR Table", 0, {fuelAlgorithm == LM_SPEED_DENSITY}
subMenu = injPhaseTableTbl, "Injection Phase"
subMenu = injPhaseTableTbl, "Injection Phase Table"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = warmupFuelDialog, "Warmup fuel closed-loop"
subMenu = cltFuelCorrCurve, "Warmup fuel manual Multiplier", 0, {useWarmupPidAfr == 0}
subMenu = warmupTargetAfrCurve, "Warmup fuel auto correction AFR target", 0, {useWarmupPidAfr == 1}
subMenu = cltIdleCurve, "Warmup Idle multiplier"
subMenu = iatFuelCorrCurve, "Intake air temperature fuel Multiplier"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = fuelClosedLoopDialog, "Fuel short-term closed-loop correction"
menu = "Ignition"
subMenu = ignitionSettings, "Ignition Settings"
subMenu = dwellSettings, "Dwell time"
subMenu = ignitionCylExtra, "Ignition Cylinder Extra"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = ignitionTableTbl, "Ignition Advance Table"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = cltTimingCorrCurve, "Warmup timing correction"
subMenu = ignitionIatCorrTableTbl, "Ignition IAT correction Table"
menu = "Tuning"
subMenu = generalSettings, "General"
subMenu = monitoringSettings, "rusEfi Console Settings"
menu = "&Cranking"
subMenu = crankingDialog, "Cranking Settings"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = crankingDialog, "Cranking"
subMenu = crankingCltCurve, "Cranking Coolant Temp Multiplier"
subMenu = crankingCltCurve, "Cranking Coolant Temp Fuel Multiplier"
subMenu = crankingDurationCurve, "Cranking Fuel Duration Multiplier"
subMenu = crankingAdvanceCurve, "Cranking Ignition Advance", 0, {useSeparateAdvanceForCranking == 1}
subMenu = crankingTpsCurve, "Cranking TPS Multiplier"
subMenu = crankingDurationCurve, "Cranking Duration Multiplier"
subMenu = cltCrankingCurve, "Cranking IAC multiplier", 0, {overrideCrankingIacSetting == 1}
subMenu = idleSettings, "Idle Settings"
subMenu = cltIdleRPMCurve, "Idle Target RPM", 0, {idleMode == 0}
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = idleVeCurve, "Idle VE Table", 0, {useSeparateVeForIdle == 1}
subMenu = iatFuelCorrCurve, "Intake air temperature fuel Multiplier"
subMenu = cltCrankingCurve, "Cranking IAC multiplier", 0, {overrideCrankingIacSetting == 1}
menu = "&Idle"
subMenu = idleSettings, "Idle Settings"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = cltIdleRPMCurve, "Idle Target RPM", 0, {idleMode == 0}
subMenu = idleVeCurve, "Idle VE", 0, {useSeparateVeForIdle == 1}
subMenu = idleAdvanceCurve, "Idle Ignition Advance", 0, {useSeparateAdvanceForIdle == 1}
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = cltIdleCurve, "Warmup Idle multiplier"
menu = "&Tuning"
subMenu = AccelEnrich, "Accel/Decel Enrichment/Enleanment"
subMenu = tpsTpsAccelTbl, "TPS/TPS Acceleration Extra Fuel Table"
subMenu = mapAccelTaper, "Engine Load Acceleration Enrichment Taper"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = fuelClosedLoopDialog, "Fuel short-term closed-loop correction"
subMenu = AccelEnrich, "Accel/Decel Enrichment/Enleanment"
subMenu = tpsTpsAccelTbl, "TPS/TPS Acceleration Extra Fuel"
subMenu = baroCorrTbl, "Baro Correction Table", 0, {fuelAlgorithm == LM_SPEED_DENSITY}
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = idleAdvanceCurve, "Idle Ignition Advance Table", 0, {useSeparateAdvanceForIdle == 1}
subMenu = crankingAdvanceCurve, "Cranking Ignition Advance Table", 0, {useSeparateAdvanceForCranking == 1}
subMenu = ignitionIatCorrTableTbl, "Ignition Intake Air Temp correction"
subMenu = baroCorrTbl, "Baro Correction", 0, {fuelAlgorithm == LM_SPEED_DENSITY}
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = std_realtime, "&Realtime Display", 0
subMenu = tChargeSettings, "tCharge Settings"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = smLaunchControl, "Launch Control"
menu = "3D Map Tuning"
; subMenu = std_realtime, "Realtime Display"
; subMenu = std_warmup, "Warmup Wizard"
subMenu = fuelTableELMap, "Fuel Table", 0, {fuelAlgorithm != 3}
subMenu = veTableDialog3D, "VE Table", 0, {fuelAlgorithm == 3}
subMenu = afrTableMap, "Target AFR Table", 0, {fuelAlgorithm == 3}
subMenu = injPhaseTableMap, "Injection Phase"
subMenu = ignitionTableMap, "Ignition Table"
subMenu = ignitionIatCorrTableMap, "Ignition Intake Air Temp correction"
menu = "Racing Features"
subMenu = smLaunchControl, "Launch Control NOT WORKING"
subMenu = std_separator
menu = "Board"
subMenu = fsioInputsDialog, "FSIO inputs"
menuDialog = main
menu = "&FSIO"
subMenu = fsioInputsDialog, "FSIO inputs"
subMenu = auxPidDialog, "Aux PID"
subMenu = fsioOutputsDialog, "FSIO outputs"
subMenu = fsioTable1Tbl, "FSIO Table #1"
subMenu = fsioTable2Tbl, "FSIO Table #2"
@ -1847,12 +1825,44 @@ gaugeCategory = Fuel Data
subMenu = fsioCurve2, "FSIO Curve #2"
subMenu = fsioCurve3, "FSIO Curve #3"
subMenu = fsioCurve4, "FSIO Curve #4"
menuDialog = main
menu = "&Sensors"
subMenu = cltSensor, "CLT Sensor Settings"
subMenu = iatSensor, "IAT Sensor Settings"
subMenu = auxTempSensor1Sensor, "AuxTemp1 Sensor Settings"
subMenu = auxTempSensor2Sensor, "AuxTemp2 Sensor Settings"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = mapSettings, "MAP Sensor Settings"
subMenu = mafDecodingCurve, "MAF Sensor Settings"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = egoSettings, "EGO Sensor Settings"
subMenu = narrowToWideOxygenCurve, "Narrow to Wideband approximation"
subMenu = cj125Function, "CJ125 Settings (wbo decoder)"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = hipFunction, "HIP9011 Settings (knock sensor) (alpha version)"
subMenu = speedSensor, "Vehicle Speed Sensor Settings"
subMenu = oilPressureSensor, "Oil Pressure Sensor Settings"
menuDialog = main
menu = "&Controller"
subMenu = sensorInputs, "Sensor Inputs"
subMenu = analogInputSettings, "Analog Input Settings"
subMenu = egtInputs, "EGT Inputs"
subMenu = tachSettings, "Tachometer output"
subMenu = idlehw, "Idle Valve Hardware"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = injectorOutputSettings, "Injector Outputs"
subMenu = ignitionOutputSettings, "Ignition Outputs"
subMenu = deviceOutputSettings, "Actuator Outputs"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = joystickPanel, "Joystick"
subMenu = ecuStimulator, "ECU stimulator"
subMenu = spiFunction, "SPI Settings"
subMenu = monitoringSettings, "rusEfi Console Settings"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = connection, "Connection"
subMenu = joystickPanel, "Joystick"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = ioTest, "I-O Test"
subMenu = ecuStimulator, "ECU stimulator"
subMenu = allPins, "Full pinout"
@ -1943,13 +1953,13 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = "maxRPM minTPS", tChargeMaxRpmMinTps
field = "maxRPM maxTPS", tChargeMaxRpmMaxTps
dialog = baseInjection, "Injection"
dialog = baseInjection, "General"
field = "Enabled", isInjectionEnabled
field = "Mode", injectionMode, {isInjectionEnabled == 1}
field = "#Batch injection with individual wiring"
field = "Two wire batch", twoWireBatchInjection, {isInjectionEnabled == 1 && injectionMode == 2}
dialog = baseIgnition, "Ignition"
dialog = ignitionSettings, "Ignition Settings"
field = "Enabled", isIgnitionEnabled
field = "Mode", ignitionMode, {isIgnitionEnabled == 1}
field = "#Wasted spark with individual coils"
@ -1958,17 +1968,13 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = "#Use fixed timing while validating with a timing gun"
field = "Fixed Timinig", fixedTiming, {isIgnitionEnabled == 1 && timingMode == 1}
; Engine->Base Engine Settings
dialog = engineChars, "Base Engine Settings"
dialog = baseEngineConfig, "Engine Configuration"
; field = "Engine Preset", engineType
field = "Number of Cylinders", cylindersCount
field = "Engine Displacement", displacement
field = "debug fields", debugMode
field = ""
field = "Firing Order", firingOrder
panel = baseInjection
panel = baseIgnition
; Engine->Trigger configuration
dialog = triggerConfiguration_settings, "Settings Trigger"
@ -1983,13 +1989,6 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = "skipped Tooth Count", trigger_customSkippedToothCount, {trigger_type == 0}
dialog = triggerConfiguration_IO, "Settings I/O"
field = "!ECU reboot needed to apply pin assignment"
field = "#Cam is primary if you have cam sensor"
field = "Primary input channel", triggerInputPins1
field = "Invert Primary", invertPrimaryTriggerSignal
field = "Secondary channel", triggerInputPins2, { trigger_type != 0 && trigger_type != 8 && trigger_type != 9 && trigger_type != 18 && trigger_type != 20}
field = "Invert Secondary", invertSecondaryTriggerSignal, { trigger_type != 0 && trigger_type != 8 && trigger_type != 9 && trigger_type != 18 && trigger_type != 20}
field = "Cam Sync/VVT input", camInput
field = "VVT mode", vvtMode, {trigger_type != 80}
field = "VVT use rise front", vvtCamSensorUseRise, {trigger_type != 80}
field = "VVT position display offset", vvtOffset
@ -2010,7 +2009,7 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = "!phase offset is usually not needed"
field = "phase offset", extraInjectionOffset
dialog = injIO, "Injector Output", yAxis
dialog = injectorOutputSettings, "Injector Outputs", yAxis
field = "!ECU reboot needed to apply these settings"
field = "injection Pin Mode", injectionPinMode
field = "Injection Pin 1", injectionPins1
@ -2026,15 +2025,14 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = "Injection Pin 11 ", injectionPins11, {cylindersCount > 10}
field = "Injection Pin 12 ", injectionPins12, {cylindersCount > 11}
dialog = injectorSetting, "", yAxis
panel = injChars, North
panel = injIO, East
dialog = injectionSettings, ""
panel = baseInjection
panel = injChars
dialog = injectionSettings, "", xAxis
panel = injectorSetting, West
dialog = injectionDeadTime, "", yAxis
panel = injectorsDeadTime, East
dialog = ignitionCylExtra, "Ignition Cyliner Extra"
dialog = ignitionCylExtra, "Ignition Cylinder Extra"
field = "Extra cyl #1", timing_offset_cylinder1
field = "Extra cyl #2", timing_offset_cylinder2, {cylindersCount > 1}
field = "Extra cyl #3", timing_offset_cylinder3, {cylindersCount > 2}
@ -2068,15 +2066,16 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = "Dizzy out Pin", dizzySparkOutputPin
field = "Dizzy out Pin Mode", dizzySparkOutputPinMode
dialog = ignitionSettings, "", xAxis
panel = ignitionOutputs, West
panel = dwellCorrection, Center
panel = ignitionCylExtra, East
dialog = ignitionOutputSettings, "", xAxis
panel = ignitionOutputs
; Engine->Aux1 Thermistor Settings
dialog = auxTempSensor1_thermistor, "aux1 Thermistor Settings"
field = "!Here is three pairs of thermistor temperature and his resistance."
field = "!Typical temperatures is -40°C, 0°C and 100°C"
dialog = dwellSettings, "", yAxis
panel = dwellCorrection, Center
; Sensors->AUX1 Thermistor Sensor Setting
dialog = auxTempSensor1Sensor, "aux1 Thermistor Settings"
field = "#Here is three pairs of thermistor temperature and his resistance."
field = "#Typical temperatures is -40°C, 0°C and 100°C"
field = ""
field = "Lowest temperature", auxTempSensor1_tempC_1
field = "Resistance @ LT", auxTempSensor1_resistance_1
@ -2086,17 +2085,11 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = ""
field = "Highest temperature", auxTempSensor1_tempC_3
field = "Resistance @ HT", auxTempSensor1_resistance_3
dialog = auxTempSensor1Sensor_IO, "auxTempSensor1 Sensor I/O"
field = "auxTempSensor1 ADC input", auxTempSensor1_adcChannel
field = "Bias Resistor Value", auxTempSensor1_bias_resistor
dialog = auxTempSensor1Sensor, "", yAxis
panel = auxTempSensor1_thermistor, North
panel = auxTempSensor1Sensor_IO, South
; Engine->Aux2 Thermistor Settings
dialog = auxTempSensor2_thermistor, "aux1 Thermistor Settings"
field = "!Here is three pairs of thermistor temperature and his resistance."
field = "!Typical temperatures is -40°C, 0°C and 100°C"
; Sensors->AUX2 Thermistor Sensor Setting
dialog = auxTempSensor2Sensor, "aux2 Thermistor Settings"
field = "#Here is three pairs of thermistor temperature and his resistance."
field = "#Typical temperatures is -40°C, 0°C and 100°C"
field = ""
field = "Lowest temperature", auxTempSensor2_tempC_1
field = "Resistance @ LT", auxTempSensor2_resistance_1
@ -2106,13 +2099,49 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = ""
field = "Highest temperature", auxTempSensor2_tempC_3
field = "Resistance @ HT", auxTempSensor2_resistance_3
dialog = auxTempSensor2Sensor_IO, "auxTempSensor2 Sensor I/O"
field = "auxTempSensor2 ADC input", auxTempSensor2_adcChannel
field = "Bias Resistor Value", auxTempSensor2_bias_resistor
dialog = auxTempSensor2Sensor, "", yAxis
panel = auxTempSensor2_thermistor, North
panel = auxTempSensor2Sensor_IO, South
; Sensor Inputs
dialog = otherSensorInputs, "Other Sensor Inputs"
field = "aux1 TempSensor ADC input", auxTempSensor1_adcChannel
field = "aux1 Bias Resistor Value", auxTempSensor1_bias_resistor
field = "aux2 TempSensor ADC input", auxTempSensor2_adcChannel
field = "aux2 Bias Resistor Value", auxTempSensor2_bias_resistor
field = "Accelerator position sensor", pedalPositionChannel
field = "Oil Pressure ADC input", oilPressure_hwChannel
field = "fuelLevelSensor", fuelLevelSensor
field = "Baro ADC input", baroSensor_hwChannel
field = "Flex Fuel", flexFuelSensor
field = "Vehicle speed sensor", vehicleSpeedSensorInputPin
field = "clutchDownPin", clutchDownPin
field = "clutchUpPin", clutchUpPin
field = "brakePedalPin", brakePedalPin
dialog = mainSensorInputs, "Main Sensor Inputs"
field = "MAP ADC input", map_sensor_hwChannel, {hasFrequencyReportingMapSensor == 0}
field = "MAP Freq", frequencyReportingMapInputPin, {hasFrequencyReportingMapSensor == 1}
field = "MAF ADC input", mafAdcChannel
field = "CLT ADC input", clt_adcChannel
field = "CLT Bias Resistor Value", clt_bias_resistor
field = "IAT ADC input", iat_adcChannel
field = "IAT Bias Resistor Value", iat_bias_resistor
field = "AFR ADC input", afr_hwChannel
field = "vBatt ADC input", vbattAdcChannel
field = "Throttle position sensor", tpsAdcChannel
dialog = triggerInputs, "Trigger Inputs"
field = "!ECU reboot needed to apply these settings"
field = "#Cam is primary if you have cam sensor"
field = "Primary channel", triggerInputPins1
field = "Invert Primary", invertPrimaryTriggerSignal
field = "Secondary channel", triggerInputPins2, { trigger_type != 0 && trigger_type != 8 && trigger_type != 9 && trigger_type != 18 && trigger_type != 20}
field = "Invert Secondary", invertSecondaryTriggerSignal, { trigger_type != 0 && trigger_type != 8 && trigger_type != 9 && trigger_type != 18 && trigger_type != 20}
field = "Cam Sync/VVT input", camInput
dialog = sensorInputs, "", xAxis
panel = triggerInputs, West
panel = mainSensorInputs, Center
panel = otherSensorInputs, East
dialog = allPins1
field = "MAP ADC input", map_sensor_hwChannel
@ -2149,19 +2178,23 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = "Idle Stepper Step", idle_stepperStepPin
field = "Idle Stepper Enable", stepperEnablePin
field = "Fuel Pump Pin", fuelPumpPin
field = "Fuel Pump Pin Mode", fuelPumpPinMode
field = "ETB Dir #1", etbDirectionPin1
field = "ETB Dir #2", etbDirectionPin2
field = "ETB Control #1", etbControlPin1
field = "ETB Control #2", etbControlPin2
field = "SD CS Pin", sdCardCsPin
field = "Check Engine Pin", malfunctionIndicatorPin
field = "Check Engine Pin Mode", malfunctionIndicatorPinMode
field = "Aux Pin #1", auxPidPins1
field = "Aux Pin #2", auxPidPins2
field = "Aux Pin #3", auxPidPins3
field = "Aux Pin #4", auxPidPins4
field = "test557pin", test557pin
field = "Fan Pin", fanPin
field = "Fan Pin Mode", fanPinMode
field = "Main Relay Pin", mainRelayPin
field = "Main Relay Mode", mainRelayPinMode
dialog = allPins3
field = "Injection Pin 1", injectionPins1
@ -2233,11 +2266,10 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
panel = allPins1_2
panel = allPins3_4
; Engine->CLT Thermistor Settings
dialog = clt_thermistor, "CLT Thermistor Settings"
field = "!Here is three pairs of thermistor temperature and his resistance."
field = "!Typical temperatures is -40°C, 0°C and 100°C"
; Sensors->CLT Sensor Settings
dialog = clt_thermistor, "CLT Sensor Settings"
field = "#Here is three pairs of thermistor temperature and his resistance."
field = "#Typical temperatures is -40°C, 0°C and 100°C"
field = ""
field = "Lowest temperature", clt_tempC_1
field = "Resistance @ LT", clt_resistance_1
@ -2247,18 +2279,17 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = ""
field = "Highest temperature", clt_tempC_3
field = "Resistance @ HT", clt_resistance_3
field = "Is linear?", useLinearCltSensor
dialog = cltSensor_IO, "CLT Sensor I/O"
field = "CLT ADC input", clt_adcChannel
field = "Bias Resistor Value", clt_bias_resistor
dialog = cltSensor, "", yAxis
panel = clt_thermistor, North
panel = cltSensor_IO, South
field = ""
field = "Linear characteristic", useLinearCltSensor
; Engine->IAT Thermistor Settings
dialog = iat_thermistor, "IAT Thermistor Settings"
field = "!Here is three pairs of thermistor temperature and his resistance."
field = "!Typical temperatures is -40°C, 0°C and 100°C"
dialog = cltSensor, "", xAxis
panel = clt_thermistor
gauge = CLTGauge
; Sensors->IAT Sensor Settings
dialog = iat_thermistor, "IAT Sensor Settings"
field = "#Here is three pairs of thermistor temperature and his resistance."
field = "#Typical temperatures is -40°C, 0°C and 100°C"
field = ""
field = "Lowest temperature", iat_tempC_1
field = "Resistance @ LT", iat_resistance_1
@ -2268,29 +2299,27 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = ""
field = "Highest temperature", iat_tempC_3
field = "Resistance @ HT", iat_resistance_3
dialog = iatSensor_IO, "IAT Sensor I/O"
field = "IAT ADC input", iat_adcChannel
field = "Bias Resistor Value", iat_bias_resistor
field = "Is linear?", useLinearIatSensor
dialog = iatSensor, "", yAxis
panel = iat_thermistor, North
panel = iatSensor_IO, South
field = ""
field = "Linear characteristic", useLinearIatSensor
dialog = iatSensor, "", xAxis
panel = iat_thermistor
gauge = IATGauge
; Sensors->Oil Pressure Sensor Settings
dialog = oilp_settings, "Oil Pressure Sensor Settings"
field = "low voltage", oilPressure_v1
field = "low pressure", oilPressure_value1
field = "high voltage", oilPressure_v2
field = "high pressure", oilPressure_value2
dialog = oilp_IO, "Oil Pressure Sensor I/O"
field = "Oil Pressure ADC input", oilPressure_hwChannel
dialog = oilPressureSensor, "", yAxis
panel = oilp_settings, North
panel = oilp_IO, South
; Engine->MAP Sensor Settings
dialog = mapSensorVDlg, "Voltage Sensor Settings", xAxis
field = "MAP ADC input", map_sensor_hwChannel, {hasFrequencyReportingMapSensor == 0}
field = "Map type", map_sensor_type, {hasFrequencyReportingMapSensor == 0}
dialog = oilPressureSensor, "", xAxis
panel = oilp_settings
gauge = OilPressGauge
; Sensors->MAP Sensor Settings
dialog = mapSensorVDlg, "Voltage Sensor Settings", yAxis
field = "MAP type", map_sensor_type, {hasFrequencyReportingMapSensor == 0}
field = "MAP value low point", map_sensor_lowValue, { map_sensor_type == 0 && hasFrequencyReportingMapSensor == 0}
field = "MAP voltage low point", mapLowValueVoltage, { map_sensor_type == 0 && hasFrequencyReportingMapSensor == 0}
field = "MAP value high point", map_sensor_highValue, { map_sensor_type == 0 && hasFrequencyReportingMapSensor == 0}
@ -2298,32 +2327,27 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = "Use minimal value of", mapMinBufferLength
field = "Measure Map Only In One Cylinder", measureMapOnlyInOneCylinder
dialog = mapSensorFDlg, "Frequency Sensor Settings", xAxis
field = "pin", frequencyReportingMapInputPin, {hasFrequencyReportingMapSensor == 1}
dialog = mapSensorFDlg, "Frequency Sensor Settings", yAxis
field = "0 kPa freq", mapFrequency0Kpa, {hasFrequencyReportingMapSensor == 1}
field = "100 kpa freq", mapFrequency100Kpa, {hasFrequencyReportingMapSensor == 1}
dialog = mapCurves, "", border
panel = map_samplingAngleCurve, West
panel = map_samplingWindowCurve, East
dialog = mapSwitch, "MAP input type"
field = "frequency-based MAP", hasFrequencyReportingMapSensor
dialog = mapVandF, "V and F"
panel = mapSensorVDlg, North
panel = mapSensorFDlg, South
dialog = mapSwitchAndSettings, "", yAxis
panel = mapSwitch
panel = mapSensorVDlg
panel = mapSensorFDlg
dialog = mapSwitchAndSettings, "Switch and Settings"
field = "!ECU reboot needed to apply pin assignment"
panel = mapSwitch, North
panel = mapVandF, South
dialog = mapCurves, "", yAxis
panel = map_samplingAngleCurve
panel = map_samplingWindowCurve
dialog = mapSettings, "MAP Sensor Settings", border
panel = mapCurves, North
panel = mapSwitchAndSettings, South
dialog = mapSettings, "", xAxis
panel = mapCurves
panel = mapSwitchAndSettings
; Engine->EGO Sensor Settings
; Sensors->EGO Sensor Settings
dialog = egoSettings_sensor, "EGO Sensor Settings"
field = "Type", afr_type
; todo: only use these values for custom!
@ -2358,73 +2382,68 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = "Idle Solenoid Frequency", idle_solenoidFrequency, !useStepperIdle
dialog = idleStepper, "Stepper"
field = "Idle Stepper Step", idle_stepperStepPin, useStepperIdle
field = "Idle Stepper Dir", idle_stepperDirectionPin, useStepperIdle
field = "Idle Stepper Enable", stepperEnablePin, useStepperIdle
field = "Idle Stepper Enable mode", stepperEnablePinMode, useStepperIdle
field = "Idle Stepper Step Pin", idle_stepperStepPin, useStepperIdle
field = "Idle Stepper Dir Pin", idle_stepperDirectionPin, useStepperIdle
field = "Idle Stepper Enable Pin", stepperEnablePin, useStepperIdle
field = "Idle Stepper Enable Pin Mode", stepperEnablePinMode, useStepperIdle
field = "Stepper reaction time", idleStepperReactionTime, useStepperIdle
field = "Stepper total steps", idleStepperTotalSteps, useStepperIdle
field = "Stepper parking extra steps, %", stepperParkingExtraSteps, useStepperIdle
field = "Force parking every restart", stepperForceParkingEveryRestart, useStepperIdle
dialog = idleHwType, "Idle Valve Hardware", border
field = "use stepper", useStepperIdle
panel = idleSolenoid, West
panel = idleStepper, East
dialog = idlePidSettings, "PID control"
dialog = idlehw, "", yAxis
field = "!ECU reboot needed to apply these settings"
field = "Use Stepper", useStepperIdle
panel = idleHwType
dialog = idlePidSettings, "PID IAC Control"
field = "#See Idle Target RPM Curve"
field = "P-factor", idleRpmPid_pFactor
field = "I-factor", idleRpmPid_iFactor
field = "D-factor", idleRpmPid_dFactor
field = "Offset", idleRpmPid_offset
field = "Min", idleRpmPid_minValue
field = "Max", idleRpmPid_maxValue
field = "period", idleRpmPid_period
field = "RPM dead zone to deactivate IAC pid", idlePidRpmDeadZone, { idleMode == 0}
field = "RPM upper limit to deactivate IAC pid",idlePidRpmUpperLimit, { idleMode == 0}
dialog = idleSettings, "", yAxis
field = "!Automatic Mode is now Beta Version"
field = "Idle control mode", idleMode
field = "Use separate Advance Table for idle", useSeparateAdvanceForIdle
field = "Idle IAC control mode", idleMode
field = "Use separate Ignition Table for idle", useSeparateAdvanceForIdle
field = "Use separate VE Table for idle", useSeparateVeForIdle
field = "Cranking Idle Air", crankingIACposition
field = "TPS deactivation threshold", idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold
field = "#See Idle Target RPM Curve"
panel = idlePidSettings, { idleMode == 0}
field = "period", idleRpmPid_period
field = "RPM dead zone to deactivate IAC pid", idlePidRpmDeadZone, { idleMode == 0}
field = "RPM upper limit to deactivate IAC pid",idlePidRpmUpperLimit, { idleMode == 0}
field = "iacByTpsTaper", iacByTpsTaper;
field = "Extra IAC if Throttle Pressed", iacByTpsTaper;
field = "verbose", isVerboseIAC
slider = "Manual Idle Position", manIdlePosition, horizontal
field = ""
panel = idleHwType
field = "#See Warmup idle multiplier"
slider = "Manual IAC Position", manIdlePosition, horizontal
; Engine->Fan Settings
dialog = fanSetting, "Fan Settings"
field = "Fan On Temperature", fanOnTemperature
field = "Fan Off Temperature", fanOffTemperature
field = ""
; Controller->Actuator Outputs
dialog = deviceOutputSettings, "Actuator Outputs"
field = "!ECU reboot needed to apply these settings"
field = "Fan Pin Mode", fanPinMode
field = "Fan Pin", fanPin
; Engine->Main Relay Settings
dialog = mainRealay, "Main Relay Settings"
field = "!ECU reboot needed to apply these settings"
field = "Main Relay Mode", mainRelayPinMode
field = "Main Relay Pin", mainRelayPin
; Engine->Fuel Pump Settings
dialog = fuelPump, "Fuel Pump Settings"
field = "!ECU reboot needed to apply these settings"
field = "Fuel Pump Pin Mode", fuelPumpPinMode
field = "Fuel Pump Pin", fuelPumpPin
field = "Check Engine Pin Mode", malfunctionIndicatorPinMode
field = "Check Engine Pin", malfunctionIndicatorPin
; Engine->MIL Settings
dialog = malfunction, "Check Engine Settings"
field = "!ECU reboot needed to apply these settings"
field = "Check Engine Pin Mode", malfunctionIndicatorPinMode
field = "Check Engine Pin", malfunctionIndicatorPin
field = "Warning Period", warningPeriod
; Engine->hip9011 Settings
@ -2550,21 +2569,17 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
panel = batteryDialog
panel = alternator
; Engine->Speed Sensor
dialog = speedSensor, "Speed Sensor Settings"
field = "Input pin", vehicleSpeedSensorInputPin
; Sensors->Vehicle Speed Sensor Setting
dialog = speedSensor, "Speed Sensor Settings", xAxis
field = "revolution to speed mult", vehicleSpeedCoef
gauge = VSSGauge
; Engine->Other inputs
dialog = analogInputs, "Analog inputs"
dialog = analogInputSettings, "Analog Input Settings"
field = "!ECU reboot needed to apply these settings"
field = "TPS ADC input", tpsAdcChannel
field = "TPS low value detection threshold", tpsErrorDetectionTooLow
field = "TPS high value detection threshold", tpsErrorDetectionTooHigh
field = "!todo: move MAF channel to maf curve dialog"
field = "MAF ADC input", mafAdcChannel
field = "Baro ADC input", baroSensor_hwChannel
field = "Flex Fuel", flexFuelSensor
field = "Use fixed baro corr from MAP", useFixedBaroCorrFromMap
field = "Analog divider", analogInputDividerCoefficient
field = "Use BiQuad averaging", useBiQuadAnalogFiltering
@ -2646,9 +2661,6 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = "Engine Sniffer", isEngineChartEnabled
field = " Threshold", engineSnifferRpmThreshold
; Tuning->General
dialog = generalSettings, "General"
field = "http://rusefi.com/support"
field = "RPM Hard Limit", rpmHardLimit
@ -2664,13 +2676,22 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = "comm status pin", communicationPin
field = "running status", runningPin
; Engine->Base Engine Settings
dialog = engineChars, "Base Engine Settings"
panel = baseEngineConfig
panel = generalSettings
dialog = crankingFuel, "Fuel"
field = "Injection Mode", crankingInjectionMode
field = "Base Fuel Pulse Width", cranking_baseFuel
dialog = crankingIAC, "IAC"
field = "Cranking IAC position", crankingIACposition
field = "After cranking IAC taper duration", afterCrankingIACtaperDuration
field = "Override IAC Multiplier for Cranking", overrideCrankingIacSetting
dialog = crankingIgnition, "Ignition"
field = "Advance", crankingTimingAngle
field = "Advance", crankingTimingAngle, {useSeparateAdvanceForCranking == 0}
field = "Use separate Advance Table for cranking", useSeparateAdvanceForCranking
field = "Use Advance Corrections for cranking", useAdvanceCorrectionsForCranking
field = "Use fixed Dwell?", useConstantDwellDuringCranking
@ -2687,20 +2708,17 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = "Falloff temperature", primeInjFalloffTemperature
; Tuning->Cranking
dialog = crankingDialog, "Cranking"
; Cranking->Cranking Settings
dialog = crankingDialog, "Cranking Settings"
field = "Cranking RPM limit", cranking_rpm
panel = crankingFuel
panel = crankingIgnition
field = "Cranking Idle Air", crankingIACposition
panel = crankingIAC
panel = crankingFuel
panel = primingFuelPulsePanel
panel = postCrankingEnrichment
field = ""
field = ""
field = "enable Cylinder Cleanup", isCylinderCleanupEnabled
field = "Override IAC Multiplier for Cranking", overrideCrankingIacSetting
field = "Startup fuel pump prime", startUpFuelPumpDuration
field = "After cranking IAC taper duration", afterCrankingIACtaperDuration
field = ""
field = "Enable faster engine spin-up", isFasterEngineSpinUpEnabled
@ -2828,20 +2846,19 @@ cmd_stop_engine = "w\x00\x99\x00\x00"
field = "ADC #3", fsioAdc3
field = "ADC #4", fsioAdc4
dialog = veTableDialogNorth
field = "Volumetric Efficiency is used to calculate fuel in Speed Density mode"
field = "http://rusefi.com/fuel"
help = veTableDialogHelp, "Volumetric Efficiency"
text = "Volumetric Efficiency is used to calculate fuel in Speed Density mode"
webHelp = "http://rusefi.com/fuel"
dialog = veTableDialog, "VE Table"
panel = veTableDialogNorth, North
dialog = veTableDialog
topicHelp = "veTableDialogHelp"
panel = veTableTbl, South
dialog = veTableDialog3D, "VE Table"
panel = veTableDialogNorth, North
topicHelp = "veTableDialogHelp"
panel = veTableMap, South
dialog = etbDialog, "Electronic Thtottle Body (alpha)"
field = "pedal Position Channel", pedalPositionChannel
field = "verbose", isVerboseETB
field = "Throttle Pedal Up", throttlePedalUpVoltage
field = "Throttle Pedal Wide Open", throttlePedalWOTVoltage
Reference in New Issue