/* * test_pid_auto.cpp * * Created on: Sep 14, 2017 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2018 */ #include "global.h" #include "test_pid_auto.h" #include "pid_auto_tune.h" #include "unit_test_framework.h" #include "cyclic_buffer.h" efitimems_t mockTimeMs = 0; efitimems_t currentTimeMillis(void) { return mockTimeMs; } Logging logging; static float zigZagOffset = 0; #define CYCLE 20 // range of oscillation static float oscRange; /** * output linearly goes from 0 to 100 and back within each 'CYCLE' steps */ static float zigZagValue(int index) { int i = index % CYCLE; if ( i <= CYCLE / 2) { return i * (oscRange / 2 / CYCLE) + zigZagOffset; } else { return (CYCLE - i) * (oscRange / 2 / CYCLE) + zigZagOffset; } } static void testPidAutoZigZagStable() { printf("*************************************************** testPidAutoZigZagStable\r\n"); oscRange = 100; mockTimeMs = 0; PID_AutoTune at; at.SetLookbackSec(5); at.SetControlType(PID_AutoTune::ZIEGLER_NICHOLS_PI); at.sampleTime = 0; // not used in math only used to filter values out assertEqualsM("nLookBack", 20, at.nLookBack); at.outputStart = 50; at.input = zigZagValue(mockTimeMs); at.Runtime(&logging); mockTimeMs++; at.input = zigZagValue(mockTimeMs); at.Runtime(&logging); // assertEqualsLM("min@1", 0, at.absMin); // assertEqualsLM("max@1", 10, at.absMax); assertEqualsM("peakCount", 0, at.peakCount); int startMockMs = mockTimeMs; for (; mockTimeMs <= 10 + startMockMs; mockTimeMs++) { at.input = zigZagValue(mockTimeMs); bool result = at.Runtime(&logging); assertFalseM("should be false#1", result); } // assertEqualsLM("min@11", 0, at.absMin); // assertEqualsLM("max@11", 100, at.absMax); assertEqualsM("peakCount", 0, at.peakCount); for (; mockTimeMs <= 21; mockTimeMs++) { at.input = zigZagValue(mockTimeMs); bool result = at.Runtime(&logging); assertFalseM("should be false#2", result); } assertEqualsM("peakCount@21", 0, at.peakCount); for (; mockTimeMs <= 41; mockTimeMs++) { at.input = zigZagValue(mockTimeMs); bool result = at.Runtime(&logging); assertFalseM("should be false#2_2", result); } assertEqualsM("peakCount@41", 2, at.peakCount); // assertEqualsM("Pu@41", 1, cisnan(at.Pu)); for (; mockTimeMs <= 60; mockTimeMs++) { at.input = zigZagValue(mockTimeMs); bool result = at.Runtime(&logging); assertFalseM("should be false#4", result); } assertEqualsM("peakCount@60", 4, at.peakCount); //assertEqualsM("Pu@60", 0.02, at.Pu); // zigZagOffset = 10; for (; mockTimeMs <= 69; mockTimeMs++) { at.input = zigZagValue(mockTimeMs); bool result = at.Runtime(&logging); assertFalseM("should be false#4", result); } at.input = zigZagValue(mockTimeMs); bool result = at.Runtime(&logging); assertEqualsM("should be true", 1, result); assertEqualsM("testPidAutoZigZagStable::output", 0.0, at.output); assertEqualsM("peakCount@80", 5, at.peakCount); assertEqualsM("ki", 27.7798, at.GetKi()); assertEqualsM("kd", 0.0, at.GetKd()); // todo: test the same code with noisy zig-zag function } static void testPidAutoZigZagGrowingOsc() { printf("*************************************************** testPidAutoZigZagGrowingOsc\r\n"); oscRange = 100; mockTimeMs = 0; PID_AutoTune at; at.SetLookbackSec(5); at.sampleTime = 0; // not used in math only used to filter values out int startMockMs; for (int i =0;i<11;i++) { startMockMs = mockTimeMs; printf("loop=%d %d\r\n", i, startMockMs); for (; mockTimeMs < CYCLE + startMockMs; mockTimeMs++) { at.input = zigZagValue(mockTimeMs); bool result = at.Runtime(&logging); assertFalseM("should be false#4", result); } oscRange *= 1.5; } startMockMs = mockTimeMs; // for (; mockTimeMs < CYCLE + startMockMs; mockTimeMs++) { // printf("loop2=%d\r\n", mockTimeMs); // at.input = zigZagValue(mockTimeMs); // bool result = at.Runtime(&logging); // assertFalseM("should be false#5", result); // } at.input = zigZagValue(mockTimeMs); bool result = at.Runtime(&logging); assertTrueM("should be true#2", result); assertEqualsM("FAiled", FAILED, at.state); assertEqualsM("output Growing", 0.0, at.output); } TEST(pidAutoTune, zeroLine) { mockTimeMs = 0; PID_AutoTune at; at.SetLookbackSec(5); at.sampleTime = 0; // not used in math only used to filter values out int startMockMs; for (int i =0;i<110;i++) { startMockMs = mockTimeMs; printf("loop=%d %d\r\n", i, startMockMs); for (; mockTimeMs < CYCLE + startMockMs; mockTimeMs++) { at.input = 0; bool result = at.Runtime(&logging); assertFalseM("should be false#4", result); } } // nothing happens in this test since we do not allow time play a role } TEST(pidAutoTune, delayLine) { static const int delayBufSize = 8; // we use a small FIFO buf to imitate some "response delay" of our virtual PID-controlled "device" cyclic_buffer delayBuf; delayBuf.clear(); mockTimeMs = 0; PID_AutoTune at; at.SetLookbackSec(5); at.sampleTime = 0; // not used in math only used to filter values out int startMockMs; bool result = false; for (int i = 0; i < 110 && !result; i++) { startMockMs = mockTimeMs; //at.input = delayBuf.get(delayBuf.currentIndex - 1); int numElems = minI(delayBuf.getSize(), delayBuf.getCount()); // our "device" is an averaging delay line at.input = (numElems == 0) ? 0 : (delayBuf.sum(numElems) / delayBuf.getSize()); result = at.Runtime(&logging); // this is how our "device" is controlled by auto-tuner delayBuf.add(at.output); printf("[%d] %d in=%f out=%f\r\n", i, startMockMs, at.input, at.output); mockTimeMs++; } if (result) printf("*** Converged! Got result: P=%f I=%f D=%f\r\n", at.GetKp(), at.GetKi(), at.GetKd()); assertTrueM("should be true#5", result); } void testPidAuto() { printf("*************************************************** testPidAuto\r\n"); testPidAutoZigZagStable(); testPidAutoZigZagGrowingOsc(); }